140 Acadiensis Bibliography/Bibliographie Recent Publications Relating to the History of the Atlantic Region Editor: Eric L. Swanick, Contributors: Marian Burnett, New Brunswick. Newfoundland. Shirley B. Elliott, Nova Scotia. Frank L. Pigot, Prince Edward Island. See also: Atlantic Advocate ATLANTIC PROVINCES (This material considers two or more of the Atlantic provinces.) Abella, Irving and David Millar, eds. The Canadian worker in the twentieth century. Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1978. 310 p. — contains sections on Cape Breton and Newfoundland as well as Atlantic Canada in general. Acheson, T. W. "The national policy and the industrialization of the maritimes, 1880 - 1910." In The Canadian city — essays in urban history/edited by Gilbert A. Stelter and Alan F. J. Artibise. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1977. pp. 93 - 124. L'Action nationale, juin, 1978. LAcadie aux acadiens. Montréal, 1978. pp. 789 - 900. ill. (L'Action nationale vol. 67, no. 10). Atlantic Provinces Literature Colloquium. Papers. Saint John, Atlantic Canada Institute, 1977. 126 p. Bailey, A. G. "Retrospective thoughts of an ethnohistorian." Historical Papers (1977), pp. 14 - 29. Battiste, Marie. "Cultural transmission and survival in contemporary Micmac society." Indian Historian 10 (Autumn, 1977), pp. 2 - 13. Brault, Pierre. L'Acadie et son église. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Ed. Mille Roches, 1977. 95 p. Brown, Desmond H. "Foundations of British policy in the Acadian expulsion: a dis­ cussion of land tenure and the oath of allegiance." Dalhousie Review 57 (Winter, 1977/78), pp. 709 - 725. Brown, Murray G. and Robert D. Foster. Atlantic region migration study, a descrip­ tive analysis of years 1967 - 1973. Halifax, Government Studies Programme, Dalhousie University, 1977. 243 p. Chaussade, Jean. "La pêche au homard dans les provinces maritimes." La Société historique acadienne. Cahiers 9 (mars, 1978), pp. 22 - 34. Acadiensis 141 Chute, Janet E. A comparative study of the bark, bone, wood and hide items made by the historic Micmac, Montagnais/Nascapi and Beothuck Indians. M. A. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1977. 391/. ill. (Canadian theses on micro- fische; no. 31388). Coldwell, Joyce-lone H. Treasure stories and beliefs in Atlantic Canada. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1977. Cyr, Jacqueline. "Le costume traditionnel en Acadie." La Revue de l'université de Moncton 10 (sept., 19771, pp. 99 - 105. ill. Davis. Jan Malcolm. "Consideration in the investigation, analysis and planning of the central areas of maritime cities." In Issues in regional/urban development of Atlantic Canada/edited by Neil B. Ridler. Saint John, University of New Bruns­ wick at Saint John, 1978. pp. 129 - 136. Davis, M. Gary. 'The bureaucracy as friction on industrial development projects." In Issues in regional/urban development of Atlantic Canada/edited by Neil B. Ridler. Saint John, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, 1978. pp. 51 - 58. Deveau, Alphonse. "Les relations entre la France et 1'Acadie après la conquête." Revue de l'université Sainte-Anne (1978), pp. 3 - 6. Doyle. Kevin A. Fenianism in North America: a problem in Anglo-Canadian relations I860- 70. M.A. thesis, Dalhousie University, 1975 (cl977). 145/. (Canadian theses on microfiche; no. 28872). Dubay. Guy. "Le fait franco-américain." Le Brayon 6 (janv./mars, 1978), pp. 10 - 14. Feit, Paula C. "National parks as a development tool in Atlantic Canada; a review of some basic questions." In Issues in regional/urban development of Atlantic Canada/edited by Neil B. Ridler. Saint John, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, 1978. pp. 67 - 77. Fingard, Judith. "The relief of the unemployed: the poor in Saint John, Halifax, and St. John's, 1815 -1860." In The Canadian city — essays in urban history/edited by Gilbert A. Stelter and Alan F. J. Artibise. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1977. pp. 341 - 367. Finn, Gilbert. "Acadie 1977." Vie française 31 (juin/juillet/août, 1977), pp. 138 - 145. Forbes, Ernest R. "Never the twain did meet: prairie-maritime relations, 1910 - 27." Canadian Historical Review 59 (Mar., 1978), pp. 18 - 37. Frisch, Jack A. Cognatic kinship organization among the northeast Algonkians. Halifax, Dept. of Anthropology, St. Mary's University, 1977. 61 p. (Occasional papers in anthropology, no. 2). Gallant, Patrice. Les Acadiens de Saint-Pierre & Miquelon à La Rochelle, 1767 à 1768 et 1778 à 1785: notes de l'abbé Patrice Gallant/'éditées par Stephen A. White. Moncton, Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1977. [76] f. (Sources documentaires sur la généalogie acadienne, no. 1) Geiger, John O. "A scholar meets John Bull: Edward Everett as United States minister to England, 1841 -1845." New England Quarterly 49 (Dec., 1976), pp. 577 - 595. 142 Acadiensis Genest, Jean. "Aujourd'hui rAcadie." L'Action nationale 67 (fév., 1978), pp. 462 - 468. Griffiths, N. E. S. "Petitions of Acadian exiles, 1755 - 1785: a neglected source." Social History 11 (May, 1978). pp. 215 - 223. Guitard, Roben. "Le déclin de la Compagnie de la Pêche sédentaire en Acadie." La Société historique acadienne. Cahiers 9 (mars, 1978), pp. 5 - 21. Holm, Ernest H. S. The Council of Maritime Premiers: the process of political in­ tegration in the Canadian maritimes. Ph.D. thesis, Tufts University, 1977. 173 p. Lacey, Laurie. "Npisun I my medicine] : the Micmac Indian approach to health and maintenance of well-being." Culture et tradition 2 (1977), pp. 13 - 19. Landry, Albert. "La famille Landry en Amérique." La Société historique Nicolas- Denys. Revue d'histoire 5 (août-déc, 1977), pp. 3 - 12. Leefe, John. The Atlantic privateers, their story 1749 -1815. Halifax, Petheric Press, 1978. 57 p. ill. Maillet, Antoine. "L'identité culturelle de l'Acadie vue à travers sa littérature." Revue des parlementaires de langue française no. 29 (oct., 1977), pp. 22 - 30. ill. Miller, Virginia P. "Aboriginal Micmac population; a review of the evidence." Ethnohistory 23 (Spring, 1976), pp. 117 - 127. Moss, Richard H. Some differential effects of Canadian monetary policy upon the Atlantic region. Ph.D. thesis. Dalhousie University, 1976 [cl977J. 164/. (Canadian theses on microfiche; no. 28927) Pelletier, Gaby. "From animal skins to polyester: four hundred years of Micmac and Maliseet clothing styles and ornamentation." Journal of the New Brunswick Museum (1978), pp. 118 - 130. ill. Peterson, Roger. "Transportation and development in Atlantic Canada." In Issues in regional/urban development of Atlantic Canada/edited by Neil B. Ridler. Saint John, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, 1978. pp. 59 - 65. Reid, John G. Acadia. Maine and New Scotland: marginal colonies in the seventeenth century. Ph.D. thesis, University of New Brunswick, 1976. 2 v. (608/.) ill. (Cana­ dian theses on microfiche; no. 30453) Slattery, Brian. "French claims in North America, 1500 - 59." Canadian. Historical Review 59 (June, 1978), pp. 139 - 169. Swan, Conrad. Canada, symbols of sovereignty: an investigation of the arms and seals borne and used from the earliest times to the present in connection with public authority in and over Canada, along with consideration of some con­ nected flags. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, cl977. 272 p. ill. Taylor, John M. "Fenian raids against Canada." American History Illustrated 13 (Aug., 1978), pp. 32 - 39. ill. Vincent, Thomas B., ed. Narrative verse satire in maritime Canada 1779 • 1814. Ottawa, Tecumseh Press, 1978. 194 p. Williams, Colin H. "Ethnic perceptions of Acadia." Cahiers de géographie de Québec Acadiensis 143 21 (sept.-déc, 1977), pp. 243 - 268. ül. White. Stephen W. "A checklist of woodworking tool manufacturers in New Bruns­ wick and Nova Scotia." Early American Industries Assoc. The Chronicle 30 (Sept., 1977), pp. 47- 51. ill. NEW BRUNSWICK Allen, Patricia et Christopher Turnbull. "Fouilles archéologiques. Iles de Miscou, Lamèque. Taylor et Pokesudie." La Société historique Nicolas-Denys. Revue d'histoire 5 (août-déc, 1977), pp. 13 - 30. ill. Baird, William Thomas. Seventy years of New Brunswick life: autobiographical sketches. Saint John, Press of G. E. Day, 1890. 358 p. ill. Reprinted by St. Annes Point Press (Box 691, Fredericton). Baker, William M. "An Irish-Canadian journalist-politician and Catholicism: Timothy Anglin of the Saint John Freeman" Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Study Sessions (1977), pp. 5 - 24. Barnett, Cleadie B. A brief history of the Fredericton Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, [s./.: s.n.. 1977?) 33 p. Bell, David. The confederation issue in Charlotte County, New Brunswick. M.A. thesis. Queen's University, 1976. 198 I. ill. (Canadian theses on microfiche; no. 30101) Belliveau. John E. Running far in: the story of Shediac. Windsor. Lancelot Press, 1977. 262 p. ill. Chaison. Gary N. and Edward D. Maher. "Labour and business in New Brunswick: an oral history I report]." Bulletin of the Committee on Canadian Labour History no. 5 (Spring, 1978), pp. 12 - 18. Chevrier. Cécile. Les défricheurs d'eau. Caraquet, Village historique acadien, 1978. 71 p. ill. (Publication, no. 1) Cormier, Clément. L'université de Moncton:- historique. Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1975. 404 p. ill. Cotter, John L. "Premier établissement français en Acadie - Sainte-Croix." Dossiers de l'archéologie 27 (mars/avril, 1978), pp. 60-71. Daigle, Euclide. Petite histoire d'une grande idée: Assomption, compagnie mutuelle d'assurance-vie, 1903 -1978. Moncton, 1978. 177 p. DeGrâce, Eloi. "Monseigneur Stanislas-J. Doucet, p.d." Le Brayon 6 (janv./mars, 1978), pp. 6 - 9. — des lettres de Doucet. "Des photos historiques." La Société historique Nicolas-Denys. Revue d'histoire 5 (août-déc, 1977), pp. 31 - 39. ill. Dupuis, Noel. "Les archives provinciales et les sources en histoire du Madawaska." Le Brayon 6 (janv./mars, 1978), pp. 15 - 19. ill. 144 Acadiensis Gallant, Susan. "Moncton historical analysis." Arts Atlantic 1 (Summer/Fall. 1978), pp. 32 - 35. ill. Garland, Robert. 'Government centralization in New Brunswick." In Issues in regional/urban development of Atlantic Canada/edited by Neil B. Ridler. Saint John, University of New Brunswick at Saint John, 1978.
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