Arxiv:2008.06508V2 [Hep-Ph] 28 Oct 2020 Very Low Energy Particles Exactly Cancel [1–4]

Arxiv:2008.06508V2 [Hep-Ph] 28 Oct 2020 Very Low Energy Particles Exactly Cancel [1–4]

Covariantizing Phase Space Andrew J. Larkoski1, ∗ and Tom Melia2, y 1Physics Department, Reed College, Portland, OR 97202, USA 2Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), UTIAS, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan We covariantize calculations over the manifold of phase space, establishing Stokes' theorem for differential cross sections and providing new definitions of familiar observable properties like infrared and collinear safety. Through the introduction of explicit coordinates and a metric we show phase space is isomorphic to the product space of a simplex and a hypersphere, and we identify geometric phenomena that occur when its dimensions are large. These results have implications for fixed order subtraction schemes, machine learning in particle physics and high-multiplicity heavy ion collisions. Relativistic N-body phase space is the manifold on tant for applications of machine learning in particle which essentially all calculations in a perturbative quan- physics [7{11]. The space in which the data input to tum field theory take place. S-matrix elements are func- the machine lives can be used to optimize its architec- tions that live on the phase space manifold and can ex- ture, as exploited in convolutional or recurrent neural hibit divergences on degenerate subspaces. Experiments networks, and a neural network equivariant under the extrapolate smooth probability distributions from dis- Lorentz group has recently been constructed [12]. Re- crete, finite data of particles' momenta. The first step cent work has shown that phase space in four dimensions of any Monte Carlo for fixed-order calculation or par- is a Stiefel manifold modulo the little group [13, 14], see ton shower simulation involves the sampling of points on also [15]. Optimization and machine learning on Stiefel phase space. In each of these cases, phase space itself is manifolds is well-explored in other fields, particularly for often treated as the background on which the calculations pattern recognition, e.g. [16{22]. take place, with little focus on its intrinsic geometry. We introduce explicit global coordinates that enable In this Letter, we present a covariant description of the construction of a metric and other quantities on phase phase space and elucidate some of its novel geometric space, providing essential input and new ways of orga- properties. Our aim is to demonstrate that a deeper un- nizing data to machine learning applications. Another derstanding of phase space can enable the identification promising application of explicit metrics on phase space is of restrictions on differentiable functions that can live on to provide natural distance measures that can act as reg- it, bring new interpretations of fundamental quantities ularization observables; such observables are employed like differential cross sections, and broaden the questions in techniques [23{36] to isolate soft and collinear diver- that can be asked of particle physics data. gences in modern efforts to push calculations in pertur- bation theory to high orders in QCD. We establish the application of Stokes' theorem to dif- We also establish geometric phenomena that occur on ferential cross sections, viewing observables as provid- the phase space manifold when particle multiplicity is ing foliations of the phase space manifold. This sheds large, and derive new geometric test statistics in this new light on the criteria of infrared and collinear (IRC) limit. Specifically, the `curse of dimensionality' forces safety and additivity of an observable. These proper- the phase space volume to concentrate at the boundaries ties play a special role in massless gauge theories in four of phase space|we show in our explicit coordinate sys- dimensions|only through the calculation of IRC safe tem that this implies lightcone momenta of particles are observables do divergences from unresolved collinear or squeezed to the boundaries of a simplex. Such high di- arXiv:2008.06508v2 [hep-ph] 28 Oct 2020 very low energy particles exactly cancel [1{4]. Making a mensional geometry has a natural application in heavy mathematically rigorous statement of precisely how IRC ion physics, where multiplicities are large. safety constrains observables is known to have problems Let Π denote the phase space manifold of dimension D. [5]. Much of the challenge is related to the technical fact Anticipating a covariant description, we introduce local that real and virtual divergences only need to strictly coordinates xi and metric g on Π, and write the phase p cancel in the exact soft and/or collinear limit, but a space measure in terms of the metric as dDx g. We lack of a smoothness can render perturbative predictions consider an integral of a function M(x) over phase space, pathological slightly away from these limits. Neverthe- restricted to a hypersurface Σ, defined by h(x) = O, via less, some progress has been made by either restricting a δ-function, to a smaller class of observables or exploiting smoothness Z p properties of the space of collections of particles equipped F (O) = dDx g M(x) δ (O − h(x)) : (1) with a metric [6]. We make a conjecture for a definition Π of IRC safety based on the validity of Stokes' theorem. If M(x) is a squared S-matrix element, then F (O) is Establishing the phase space manifold is also impor- interpreted as a differential cross section for O, as de- <latexit sha1_base64="lkU4FGZd8YlefSex9/6LgxAGfV0=">AAAB73icbVBNSwMxEJ2tX7V+VT16CRbBU9ktFT0WvXisaD+gXUo2zbahSXZNskJZ+ie8eFDEq3/Hm//GdLsHbX0w8Hhvhpl5QcyZNq777RTW1jc2t4rbpZ3dvf2D8uFRW0eJIrRFIh6pboA15UzSlmGG026sKBYBp51gcjP3O09UaRbJBzONqS/wSLKQEWys1O3fs5HAg9qgXHGrbga0SrycVCBHc1D+6g8jkggqDeFY657nxsZPsTKMcDor9RNNY0wmeER7lkosqPbT7N4ZOrPKEIWRsiUNytTfEykWWk9FYDsFNmO97M3F/7xeYsIrP2UyTgyVZLEoTDgyEZo/j4ZMUWL41BJMFLO3IjLGChNjIyrZELzll1dJu1b16tWLu3qlcZ3HUYQTOIVz8OASGnALTWgBAQ7P8ApvzqPz4rw7H4vWgpPPHMMfOJ8/mKGPsA==</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="stkaudQD0h62aiewQx95TTWX3YE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEJyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKosegF29GMA9IljA76U3GzGOZmRXCkn/w4kERr/6PN//GSbIHTSxoKKq66e6KEs6M9f1vr7Cyura+UdwsbW3v7O6V9w+aRqWaQoMqrnQ7IgY4k9CwzHJoJxqIiDi0otHN1G89gTZMyQc7TiAUZCBZzCixTmp27wQMSK9c8av+DHiZBDmpoBz1Xvmr21c0FSAt5cSYTuAnNsyItoxymJS6qYGE0BEZQMdRSQSYMJtdO8EnTunjWGlX0uKZ+nsiI8KYsYhcpyB2aBa9qfif10ltfBVmTCapBUnni+KUY6vw9HXcZxqo5WNHCNXM3YrpkGhCrQuo5EIIFl9eJs2zanBevbg/r9Su8ziK6Agdo1MUoEtUQ7eojhqIokf0jF7Rm6e8F+/d+5i3Frx85hD9gff5A2HJjwM=</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="MH0aWEUFf1Md9Zp2aMn6pvC+xuM=">AAAB73icbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKosegF48RzQOSJcxOZpMh81hnZoWw5Ce8eFDEq7/jzb9xkuxBEwsaiqpuuruihDNjff/bK6ysrq1vFDdLW9s7u3vl/YOmUakmtEEUV7odYUM5k7RhmeW0nWiKRcRpKxrdTP3WE9WGKflgxwkNBR5IFjOCrZPa3Xs2ELgX9MoVv+rPgJZJkJMK5Kj3yl/dviKpoNISjo3pBH5iwwxrywink1I3NTTBZIQHtOOoxIKaMJvdO0EnTumjWGlX0qKZ+nsiw8KYsYhcp8B2aBa9qfif10ltfBVmTCappZLMF8UpR1ah6fOozzQllo8dwUQzdysiQ6wxsS6ikgshWHx5mTTPqsF59eLuvFK7zuMowhEcwykEcAk1uIU6NIAAh2d4hTfv0Xvx3r2PeWvBy2cO4Q+8zx+XHY+v</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="G+FdZaNTw67lv3dFv1XpTxvYbsg=">AAAB6nicbVBNS8NAEJ3Ur1q/qh69LBbBU0mkoseiF48V7Qe0oWy2m3bpZhN2J0IJ/QlePCji1V/kzX/jts1BWx8MPN6bYWZekEhh0HW/ncLa+sbmVnG7tLO7t39QPjxqmTjVjDdZLGPdCajhUijeRIGSdxLNaRRI3g7GtzO//cS1EbF6xEnC/YgOlQgFo2ilh15D9MsVt+rOQVaJl5MK5Gj0y1+9QczSiCtkkhrT9dwE/YxqFEzyaamXGp5QNqZD3rVU0YgbP5ufOiVnVhmQMNa2FJK5+nsio5ExkyiwnRHFkVn2ZuJ/XjfF8NrPhEpS5IotFoWpJBiT2d9kIDRnKCeWUKaFvZWwEdWUoU2nZEPwll9eJa2LqlerXt7XKvWbPI4inMApnIMHV1CHO2hAExgM4Rle4c2Rzovz7nwsWgtOPnMMf+B8/gAhtY21</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="AJhe7SKacwHoHkEClsePl15/tH0=">AAAB83icbVDLSgMxFL1TX7W+qi7dBIvgqsxIiy6LblxWsA/oDCWTZtrQTCYkGaEM/Q03LhRx68+482/MtLPQ1gMXDufcm9x7QsmZNq777ZQ2Nre2d8q7lb39g8Oj6vFJVyepIrRDEp6ofog15UzQjmGG075UFMchp71wepf7vSeqNEvEo5lJGsR4LFjECDZW8n2JlWGYI7/NhtWaW3cXQOvEK0gNCrSH1S9/lJA0psIQjrUeeK40QZa/SDidV/xUU4nJFI/pwFKBY6qDbLHzHF1YZYSiRNkSBi3U3xMZjrWexaHtjLGZ6FUvF//zBqmJboKMCZkaKsjyoyjlyCQoDwCNmKLE8JklmChmd0VkghUmxsZUsSF4qyevk+5V3WvUmw+NWuu2iKMMZ3AOl+DBNbTgHtrQAQISnuEV3pzUeXHenY9la8kpZk7hD5zPH7KHkXg=</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="lkU4FGZd8YlefSex9/6LgxAGfV0=">AAAB73icbVBNSwMxEJ2tX7V+VT16CRbBU9ktFT0WvXisaD+gXUo2zbahSXZNskJZ+ie8eFDEq3/Hm//GdLsHbX0w8Hhvhpl5QcyZNq777RTW1jc2t4rbpZ3dvf2D8uFRW0eJIrRFIh6pboA15UzSlmGG026sKBYBp51gcjP3O09UaRbJBzONqS/wSLKQEWys1O3fs5HAg9qgXHGrbga0SrycVCBHc1D+6g8jkggqDeFY657nxsZPsTKMcDor9RNNY0wmeER7lkosqPbT7N4ZOrPKEIWRsiUNytTfEykWWk9FYDsFNmO97M3F/7xeYsIrP2UyTgyVZLEoTDgyEZo/j4ZMUWL41BJMFLO3IjLGChNjIyrZELzll1dJu1b16tWLu3qlcZ3HUYQTOIVz8OASGnALTWgBAQ7P8ApvzqPz4rw7H4vWgpPPHMMfOJ8/mKGPsA==</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="stkaudQD0h62aiewQx95TTWX3YE=">AAAB7XicbVDLSgNBEJyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKosegF29GMA9IljA76U3GzGOZmRXCkn/w4kERr/6PN//GSbIHTSxoKKq66e6KEs6M9f1vr7Cyura+UdwsbW3v7O6V9w+aRqWaQoMqrnQ7IgY4k9CwzHJoJxqIiDi0otHN1G89gTZMyQc7TiAUZCBZzCixTmp27wQMSK9c8av+DHiZBDmpoBz1Xvmr21c0FSAt5cSYTuAnNsyItoxymJS6qYGE0BEZQMdRSQSYMJtdO8EnTunjWGlX0uKZ+nsiI8KYsYhcpyB2aBa9qfif10ltfBVmTCapBUnni+KUY6vw9HXcZxqo5WNHCNXM3YrpkGhCrQuo5EIIFl9eJs2zanBevbg/r9Su8ziK6Agdo1MUoEtUQ7eojhqIokf0jF7Rm6e8F+/d+5i3Frx85hD9gff5A2HJjwM=</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="MH0aWEUFf1Md9Zp2aMn6pvC+xuM=">AAAB73icbVDLSgNBEOyNrxhfUY9eBoPgKeyKosegF48RzQOSJcxOZpMh81hnZoWw5Ce8eFDEq7/jzb9xkuxBEwsaiqpuuruihDNjff/bK6ysrq1vFDdLW9s7u3vl/YOmUakmtEEUV7odYUM5k7RhmeW0nWiKRcRpKxrdTP3WE9WGKflgxwkNBR5IFjOCrZPa3Xs2ELgX9MoVv+rPgJZJkJMK5Kj3yl/dviKpoNISjo3pBH5iwwxrywink1I3NTTBZIQHtOOoxIKaMJvdO0EnTumjWGlX0qKZ+nsiw8KYsYhcp8B2aBa9qfif10ltfBVmTCappZLMF8UpR1ah6fOozzQllo8dwUQzdysiQ6wxsS6ikgshWHx5mTTPqsF59eLuvFK7zuMowhEcwykEcAk1uIU6NIAAh2d4hTfv0Xvx3r2PeWvBy2cO4Q+8zx+XHY+v</latexit> <latexit sha1_base64="AJhe7SKacwHoHkEClsePl15/tH0=">AAAB83icbVDLSgMxFL1TX7W+qi7dBIvgqsxIiy6LblxWsA/oDCWTZtrQTCYkGaEM/Q03LhRx68+482/MtLPQ1gMXDufcm9x7QsmZNq777ZQ2Nre2d8q7lb39g8Oj6vFJVyepIrRDEp6ofog15UzQjmGG075UFMchp71wepf7vSeqNEvEo5lJGsR4LFjECDZW8n2JlWGYI7/NhtWaW3cXQOvEK0gNCrSH1S9/lJA0psIQjrUeeK40QZa/SDidV/xUU4nJFI/pwFKBY6qDbLHzHF1YZYSiRNkSBi3U3xMZjrWexaHtjLGZ6FUvF//zBqmJboKMCZkaKsjyoyjlyCQoDwCNmKLE8JklmChmd0VkghUmxsZUsSF4qyevk+5V3WvUmw+NWuu2iKMMZ3AOl+DBNbTgHtrQAQISnuEV3pzUeXHenY9la8kpZk7hD5zPH7KHkXg=</latexit>

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