Oct. - Nov. - Dec. 2001 - Volume 44, Number 4 AS WE RAISE OUR TRIBUTES IN SONG, Harmony WE BECOME ONE VOICE Foundation Report Page 4 Dixie District Hall of Fame Page 6 President’s Report Page 8 A Special Thanks Page 10 Chorus Spotlight Page 12 DLHW Report Page 14 Fall Contest Scores Page 18 OUR VOICES Contest Photos WILL NEVER BE Page 20 STILLED New Officer Reports Page 23 See Page 3 DIXIE DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TEAM President VP Contest & Judging Young Men In Harmony Jim Sams (Doris) Don Lang Bob Dickson (Andria) 679 W. Warwick Oaks Ln P. O. Box 923 2805 Coxindale Drive Collierville, TN 38017 Millers Creek, NC 28651 Raleigh, NC 27615-3872 H - (901) 861-0676 H - (336) 973-8686 H - (919) 676-8354 W - (901 226-5750 W - (336) 973-8686 [email protected] Fax - (901) 226-1110 [email protected] [email protected] Historian Bill Lester VP Events 1045 Seven Springs Circle Secretary Jack Donaldson (Sharlene) Marietta, GA 30068 Noah Funderburg (Mary) 7328 Fairview Road H - (770) 565-2854 1610 Harmony Lane Corryton, TN 37721 [email protected] Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 H - (865) 687-1533 H - (205) 758-5980 [email protected] B - (205) 348-4509 Fax - (205) 348-5680 Society Board Member [email protected] Wayne Brozovich Immediate Past President 4546 Glenbrook Lane Thom Hine (Carla) Palm Harbor, FL 34683 4212 Bretdale Run H - (727) 944-5500 Treasurer Kennesaw, GA 30152 Fax - (727) 939-1178 Curt Douglass (Celeste) H - (770) 419-7405 [email protected] 2695 Long Lake Terrace FaxX - (770) 419-7405 Roswell, GA 30075 [email protected] H - (770) 992-557 [email protected] Editor - Rebel Rouser Ron Hesketh (Joyce) VP Chorus Director 3010 Caldwell Rd. #207 Development Ashland City, TN 37015 H - (615)792-1623 VP Music & Performance Larry E. Deters (Sue) W - (615) 871-4500 X2287 1009 Highland Rd Drayton Justus (Sue Ann) [email protected] 500 Bethany Woods Dr Brentwood, TN 37027-5509 Temple, GA 30179 H - (615) 373-4507 H - (770) 562-9629 W - (615) 327-5332 [email protected] [email protected] Webmaster Patrick Thomas 920 Split Oak Dr. Antioch, TN 37013 VP Marketing & PR H - (615) 361-6131 Frank Cristina (Diane) W - (615) 665-7637 VP Chapter Support & 9565 Inavale Dr [email protected] Leadership Training Brentwood, TN 37027-8222 Jim Nappier (Judy) H - (615) 781-2814 PO Box 1179 Fax - (615) 834-6708 Clayton, NC 27520 [email protected] H - (919) 553-6748 B - (919) 553-7103 [email protected] VP Member Services VISIT THE DIXIE DISTRICT Fred Hinesley (Elizabeth) WEBSITE AT 29 Chatuachee Crossing www.ddspebs.org Savannah, GA 31411 H - (912) 598-2977 [email protected] DEADLINE CLARIFIED Deadlines for the Rebel Rouser are approximately four to five weeks before the publication reaches the membership. Please keep this in mind when planning advertisements for upcoming shows. Deadlines are the 15th of January, April, July and October. PAGE 2 REBEL ROUSER Oct., Nov., Dec. - 2001 DIXIE DISTRICT - VISION THE EDITOR’S PAGE To be the best “cotton-picking” district within By Ron Hesketh the Society in every conceivable way by promoting excellence in barbershop quartet SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 singing throughout the states within the As we raise our tributes in song, geographic borders of the Dixie District. we become one voice DIXIE DISTRICT - MISSION To provide support and assistance to the e all were saddened by the members and chapters of the Dixie District in fully developing and realizing their individual events of this most memo- chapter missions, to conduct conventions, Wrable day. While no words can festivals and other events at which members and totally explain how one human can show chapters can share and enjoy their common love such disdain for human life, there are for barbershop harmony, to conduct schools and other educational events at which members and times when something can be said or Official statement others can learn and improve their musical skills, done to ease the pain in our hearts and from the SPEBSQSA to support a wide-range of charitable activities, help us manage through such a crisis. Board of Directors and to widely promote barbershop quartet harmony in communities throughout the In lieu of my usual District. The horrific events editorial, I have de- WE ARE THE POWER of this week numbed Advertising Rates, B/W ads cided to focus on our both mind and spirit Business card (2X3.5) $10 OF ONE, 1/8 Page $30 combined love for with their enormity. 1/4 page $60 life, liberty and the WE ARE UNITED, We are deeply sad- 1/2 Page $80 pursuit of a song, in dened by the terrible Full Page $120 COLOR ADS spite of the actions of WE ARE AMERICA! loss of life. Members Inside front or back cover some who ignore the of our Society were $450, single issue - $400/issue, annual contract sanctity of these val- among the many Outside rear cover $550, single issue - $500/issue, annual contract ues. taken from us and we offer our condo- Enclose check payable to: lences and prayers for all grieving fami- Dixie District, SPEBSQSA, Inc. Mail to editor: Included in this tribute are two items for lies. Ronald Hesketh all to read, ponder and absorb into our 3010 Caldwell Rd. being. We, as a society of compassion- We pray for and are uplifted by the cour- Unit 207 Ashland City, TN 37015 ate singers, have the unique ability to put age of those brave men and women dedi- a soul at rest. cated to rescue and relief. To our friends throughout the world, thank you for your What follows is the official statement of concerns, your prayers and your many The Rebel Rouser (USPS 2906) is published the SPEBSQSA Board of Directors and expressions of compassion. quarterly by the Dixie District Association of reflections from Daryl Flinn, followed by Chapters of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in the words that were read during our fall Oceans may separate the people of the America, Inc. Subscription rates are $3 per year convention in Chattanooga while the Big world, but our fervent hope is for har- and included in the annual dues of $13. Standard Chicken Chorus and the Stone mony to bridge those distances and Class postage paid in Nashville, TN. Office of publication is that of the editor, listed below. Mountain Chorus provided all in at- bridge our differences in the hope that tendance with, what I believe to be, the peace will prevail throughout all of the POSTMASTER, please send address changes to most stirring tribute to America, it’s hu- Rebel Rouser world. Toward that end, we lift our voices c/o Ron Hesketh, Editor manity and the spirit that lives within in song. 3010 Caldwell Rd., each of us. Unit 207 Ashland City, TN 37015 (615) 792-1623 I urge all to visit the Stone Mountain Healing website at through harmony www.stonemountainchorus.org Reflections from Executive Director Articles with no byline are and listen for yourself. Daryl Flinn contributed by the Editor Continued on page 13 Oct., Nov., Dec. - 2001 REBEL ROUSER PAGE 3 A QUARTER IS NOT A QUARTER ANY MORE! Dick Lord , Dixie District HF Chairman ack in Owen Cash’s day, if you If we have a “roaring twenties” (Hey, told your buddy you were car- wouldn’t that be a good name for a quar- Brying a “two bit” pocket knife, tet!) in this millennium, will there be he would know you didn’t expect very anybody singing about it? much of it. It probably had a wooden handle and “wouldn’t cut hot butter” So what can you do with a quarter those mentors who helped you get your after ten minutes of whitlin’. these days? act together; set aside a little of your good fortune to help pay for someone If you said the same thing to your grand- If every barbershopper in the Dixie Dis- else’s mentor. son today, he might not have any idea trict took two of those quarters laying what you were talking about. Come to on his dresser, put them in his pocket, At your board meetings and show com- think of it, I might not either if it weren’t and dropped them into a bucket at each mittee meetings, don’t forget that your for those lovely cheerleaders who used chapter meeting, the Harmony Foun- chorus members already had the de- to demand an inordinate share of my dation in Dixie could be 16% richer than sire and at least the basic knowledge to attention during those formative years. they were last year. (I’m assuming that sing when they came to their first chap- those chapters whose members are ter meeting; a part of your show pro- Their cries of “two bits, four bits, six currently dropping dollars into the ceeds should help assure that this is true bits, a dollar; all for our team, stand bucket will continue to do so.) And for future generations. up and holler!” will forever ring in my the chances would increase that 16% ears. Two bits wouldn’t buy much in of future children in our district would Your contribution to the Harmony Foun- the thirties. And it will buy even less be exposed to good choral singing. dation is the best way to assure that today. A quarter may still work in a your children, and your children’s chil- bubble gum machine, but don’t expect Why should barbershoppers care? dren, will “keep the whole world sing- it to pay for a telephone call or buy a ing”.
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