lUD TtTIGERS ROAR ' I IMOOSE POACHED ;INSIPE niAGIC MUI , CSI art club hoidirJlng sale.--^ ^Jeromne e upends Buhl , /IA g e n c ies s e a r c h T.! ■ h o m e In p o a c h in g c< a s e i j H J ' H J k 1 1^. , bpyso;I on the hardwood.’ SPOUTS, B l ' ■' . MAGIC VALLEY, C l - r - -------:----------— i Good Morning ■ ,1 \\ THURSDAY 3 November 2 9 ,2 0 0 7 Cold with (HOW and a J 75 cents bitek broeze. D«ta9«: & es- ---------- UagkVOeyxm ;ws mNe ' ■ U in g fo ir C o i r t o It h e f h a n g e M u rI f # ' City,ch;hamber and BIED to i s ccuss i future of H i downtotown oversight ByjosbttaPataMilmer Tlme»New»I wrw riter________________________ D ow ntowvn n' IXvIn Faiis may soon be uncnder new maruigengcmcnt. On Mondayday officiols from tlic l\vln FoFalls * AreaChambeiibcr of Commerce orc cxpcctedcdto m eet with cit}city officials and rcprescntativtives thc fiistoric Downtown Rusincness improvementcnt District (BID), On th c og(agenda: Extricate thc chamlnb cr , from year'ear-old contract to manage: illic I troubled Imprnprovement district, rcallyly ggoing to be a sit down loI tjtalk about the fuufuturc of the organization offth t e dovrntown,"," Sisaid Shawn Barigar, presideident CEO ofif tl:thc TNvln Falls Area Chamberer of Commerce,*. “Therc Is a conccm tiiat ccrtJrtain ospccts arc: oioutside the realm of the cha:lam- ber, and thatat Imaybe thc job tumed out tolo b e morcthatweiwe ori^nally thought it wouldib h c .” Pleaso see CHANGE, PagejeA 3 id aro , AviMfroatkaWtakHk n W fier tUs noirth i h m kTMMM IContr M tha ML P Im for fntanbut dmlopoeot Mitb of tbe Huuu ■! oqwctMltolMprettitedted fo tlM Jtreoa Coasty Ceoubsieisieam In 6^2008.- «U !B It farm jeromtte G ^ ty panel chclartsgrowU9 Bridp iro being prepared and[-84 a 1 ^ “' [IS V. commercial:lally. T h e proposol. "Thebig'dealisifji testiiimonyopen ■ ■ whTchisavalivallable.^t,thc county's ' ' Web site, showssii a.revistfd-plan,- / c o m p r a ie n s iy e p i ®^ n e a r l- lV"vY| it’s hard to i ^ s19 tlth e IVavclcis that adds hundredsh i df comiM^ ' •. ^ erheariMgs Oas^s 'truc^-stpp: WlWhen, exiting dol land'ana n d som e agriculture- • . ,, Int£rstdte\^' hetir.ir. tthe H ansen residentialol land several miles JerojjoU are going to havf the land. Agriculturc- Preceedsdlngs to decide felate Bridge. Itis n o t sunjurrounded by. north of thi out thclr . residentialJ Jland'provides more coulduld stand for 20 or more years.n ,it sh6uld;be;followi Could Ouicchaogcage? . leeway to peoplepc trying to build ButBut.there’s more to just rczon-: -Cart N«illfc ‘ch«Inn»S “p„'Sl',? o f tro uIt, t- irrigation farmeisrs Flansior-futurop ddevelopment ‘ onfarrhlandmd. lng. otne County ptwining Com :s could affect any- NellNellis said the proposal will north of the Htmscnsen Bridge and Changcs ; are mode, By.MlttCfltUe m a few dozen acres to reflcciacct w hat residents w ant In theitrufck'Stopp(• potentially a j, where from i rs. are conccm ed- aboure will bc Tlme»^Bw»» w¥n f ta r ______________________ much,'as,900 acres,es, officials say noariy 9000 acres.i It’s up to the eastciste rn Jerome; County. At-n- a lifestyles," said Howe ibllc. forum in August, most jcrs would are being prcprepared arid commissiononers. publli attended most of the - W hat Is cxpcctcd to bc a lolong, lo.attended said they’d prefer h a norm al • BOISE — V oxpcctcd to bc ptpresented In Commissiission ' Chairman who t fill forum learing to decide the fate off ttwo r thc area to rem ain the same, !t serves as grueling heat c^ ly 2 0 0 8 to th e JenJerome County Charlie Ho>iowdl dedined com- forth' In Still, If ony changes ar Icy trout farms and hundredsds of 1 •ills said. More growth would M o ^ c Valley Commissioners. , m entbecau!ause thc plan Is not yet Neills 0 It doesn’t mean there began Wednesday with tlie tetestl- resiJtsuit in Increased traDlc and ily rurol — irrigators beg l^ e county's plaiplanning com- finalized. )St growth. Property owner'c — but monyofonclnc farm’s president, mission will proposelOse the plan — , Any chlangcs ar would amend congcngcstion, am ong other things.Icr. still have to go through 0 Clear Still,, tho open house resulted on impor* Larry Copcape, president and CED of Cl dufibcd a “commonlerdal overlay* the countjn ty’s com prehensive Still 1C,. p ro ce« . This plan just s oods; testified his companyi Ihas 33 com m ents that arc os viir- have long- Springs Food —.which Chaintianla n Cari Neills plan, w hichch serves as a ^ I d e for ' In 33 tid a guideline. ‘ scaled backck production becausc it's> inot ivdopment but is not ledi a:as the possibilities ofwhat said will rcflcct whnthat county res- futurc devcl nd ■ The arco Is prim arilythan one rccclving itsIts full sliarc of water under;r liic Idents w ant in thic e ecorridor. T he necessarilyly concrete.i For exam- coulduld develop there. Theyjs. which could changc property owner seeks exprepressed conccrn over the 11 o f a sud- law. Idea stems froniri Yhow several pit, If a p r cd : Howell said thot ll’s lyon gosh, do “The watciater it’s o u r lifeblood," C(Cope lis farm into com m er- cfTectfecta o f th e growth, should it landowners requesuestcd zonltlg making his ir- • tan t Issue that will ha\anging thc said. “We'rcrc jijust asking for our water to be if the comprehensive occui;cur: m o n :' stoplights, more changcs of their lonland, prim arily ’ clal use, if lat lasting effects, owell. “Tho delivered toto us."v thc arca as com m ercial ttiifflcifflc, a tten tio n ,to woter andey' “If you get more th forojmmcrcialusc.sc. Coimty oQl-- plan lists tht 1 normally: TVout fairm m oflicials have said publ!blicly dais felt that if a fewfew landow ners it can mak<akc the proccss easier themc need for m ore studies.'' he application, people all o lng millions because groundwrwater ,• In essence, they arc asking for looking for thc/rcloslng sought some changtnges, the entire and morcscfDcicnt. cf Ine It d en s ta rt thinking, ‘my { wldi Icss-senlor water riglits:s arc ’ ; introUed and planned growth. pumpers wit : area should b c onal)lalyzcd.- *Tho iigbig deal Is if you arc contr ire wc need JO start chanj oter from the aquifer thot bcioilongs ! “The malority of people who ________ sucking wotC! • • Currently, justt a handful of going to haveha a com prehensive “Th nd w hole thlng?”t said How tended that meeting dldn’i t be rcachcd acrcs north and soutouthwestofthe plan. It shouldsh bo followed," atten ■ planning commission r PIcQse soe HEARINGS. PagegeAS nnt it • changed b ^ u sc the^ IJeiicom. highway’s ihterchanjlangc are zoned NcUls said.Id. He said the plan want [or doesn’t ru n around loo h. things to da", ho n’t; . Jareds.'Hopkins can be ic'y': atJhopkitiS^Tna^cyalJcy reatessuspicicioninNebraskk a Qosedpprimaries thbrownout T ed T urner’s "(TedTurner is a)I 1 Indude neaiiy a d o z e n . Ranchersunsuieif! ’s r a n c t i e s Judge dismisseises lawsuit otrnl Idahoans— lackco ^TurtierownsZ doggone serious ^ to sue Secretary of State ’’ ‘ fouhderistr^gtosland grab cn ■ ftbmVlGOPr?meml)ets , rso, a R e p u b lic ^ ' with- 9, making him tho rancher." aaho Republican Party’s ' st p r t v ^ landowner. outtheldaj them outofbusinei -MIIi.Phmipi,Meculutlve i. oIDdolcohiohsent He ru l^ that the if.GNN .Turner’s gfiM &HoiiUn. V iI.b ; rand) land director of Uie I b4mer r t ■ Pfl^v^notaIt a Judge, .'should d e d d e • I of acre^ . Tlai>»Hwinwittftf' I O Pilt ’.BtlllorialreT^ Fund 1—■ ■ how bestX tlto nUa over its, m a n - ’ V million acres, r Endangered Spcdes Ft ze lU esday.dis-, bers- ‘ A federal Judge ■; [OSS ' ,UvS/8 largest I Nebraska , . Bled.lv TlJdaho ■ ‘Plalntifitifb ladc' stwdlng'tp; ;V f .M U U E N ,-N e t— ecomc the largest privrivate ,* missed d lawsuit Sla :m e n d l ^ t ' f U ^ i Y ^ tJ ' T®d TH m er'* i . 426.2 bcco ■ p^U cahs hoping;ing to lim it p ri- challengee 1ldahb^ 'opm ptlnuuy : : ' lond(udbw ner In th e country. He efttfwns • lawB, atf;6tUythe.i:dabo i '^'dln^jed.jpsitjUnuIllon,- $S . Irj'thowonda ol , reglsteied p a ^ ' e le c tb a la^ .......i . lairgc i^ c chunlo o f land in 11 staitates, .| g thUlMU6.unie- .• Bepijbllapan^aK y;posset that. • \^'S9,5 . m l l l l ^ . khfljr -N^rMexkx)■'•; 1th ihost of his holdings in. ^New ■ n'tw b months rlpit’^VHU BH^^TMontana Mexllexlco, Nebraska. MontanaI iand • iidU:th«200e;LHtegiriattirecdn* 'mayjidt'ai .....154.0 Sout!outh Dakota..ond Is restoringjb t u f. ; f'thei pblWcal. p i ^ to .. •. ' v tff fL : -’'^ ta. of't Jo, cutthroat trout, wohrcs, blfjlack- , I .fo r 2BAOO'abnnjOt.p)iaIhued' bld^ : >oted ferrets and other flora1 iand :i ; ::-U.S. Sftfiisttate;tft .Judge. ■-Vm . p,.PieaO T:M i'^“pi«aA3:':-' lan^ a(rcostornea^SlQ • . ■ feun: »fore ij ’ niled tfutMt the.pUbifflit; ; ^ Ith a m 'i;ta k e n lorig luna that filled tho Plains bcJ i ovitf/.thoy V Gkla.'^ le West was won.
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