MEDICINE—EXERCISE How to Fill Out FEI and USEF Horse Passports C. Mike Tomlinson, DVM, MBA Author’s address: Tomlinson Equine, 3940 Verde Vista Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360; e-mail: [email protected]. © 2007 AAEP. 1. Introduction Completing the Passport Graduate veterinarians are the only ones permit- The influenza vaccination page and the diagram/ ted to complete and stamp the diagram, descrip- description page must be completed before valida- tion, vaccination, and lab-tests pages of the horse tion by the USEF and use at an event. Please passports. The rest of the document will be com- review the entire passport to help the owner through pleted by the owner or the National Federation this process as quickly as possible, but you are only (NF). The NF for the United States is the United responsible for the diagram, description, vaccina- States Equestrian Federation (USEF) based in tion, and lab-tests pages. Lexington, KY. The International equestrian orga- nization is the Fe´de´ration Equestre Internationale Items Required (FEI) based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Member- You will be expected to have a black ball-point pen, ship in these organizations, although highly en- a red ball-point pen, and a personal or clinic stamp couraged, is not a prerequisite for completing a to complete the passport. The stamp must include passport. your name and address and should be as small as is practical. Documents that are always helpful are Role of the FEI Passport for Horses the horse’s registration papers and the vaccination The FEI Passport for Horses is required of all equine and Coggins’ history from your clinic. Also, white competitors in upper-level FEI events. The USEF correction fluid is helpful just in case anything needs National Passport is required of all equine compet- to be corrected. A passport can be completed in itors in most lower-level FEI events. The two pri- 1 hour on a horse by an experienced FEI veterinar- mary functions of the passport are to uniquely ian but allow a few hours in your schedule for the identify the horse and to document the communica- first few passports you complete. ble disease vaccination and testing history. Sec- ondary functions include documentation of current For More Information registration by the FEI and USEF, documentation of The FEI website is the place to find the latest the current owner of record, documentation of information including rules, forms, and bulletins. events attended, and documentation of medication Log on by typing www.HorseSport.org or control samples obtained. www.FEI.ch. NOTES AAEP PROCEEDINGS ր Vol. 53 ր 2007 93 MEDICINE—EXERCISE 2. Sections of the Passport the outline onto the passport. This has yielded the most accurate and simple-to-do drawings to date. Front Page The first page of the passport contains four or five Ownership Page pieces of very important information. The ownership page must be fully completed. Registered Name Validation The name on the passport is the full name of the The passport must be validated by the NF. This horse and is the name that must be used for all generally will be done after you complete the docu- event documents and results. ment. Remind the owner that they need to return the completed passport back to the USEF for vali- Passport Number dation before it can be used at an event. The official, unique, sequential passport number is shown on the first page. The numbering scheme in Registered Owner use for about the last decade is three letters followed The passport is the final authority on the registered by five numbers. The three letters are the Interna- owner of the horse at an FEI event. Often, the tional Olympic Committee (IOC)-designated abbre- registration papers of the horse get changed, but viation for the countries of the world. The letters nobody remembers to officially change the owner- indicate the issuing agency only, not the country of ship on the passport; consequently, ownership does origin or ownership of the horse. The five numbers not get changed with the FEI. NF registration are the sequential number of passports issued by changes are not automatically forwarded to the FEI. that particular country. Only a change of owner entered and validated on the passport is recorded by the FEI. Usually, all prize Date of Expiry money will be distributed to the owner of record as Passports are not valid forever; they must be reval- listed in the passport, regardless of its agreement idated every 4 yr. The first expiration date is 4 yr with the entry form. after the application for the passport was received, not when the passport was validated or when first Identification Page used. The identification pages are for documenting each time a horse is identified by its passport by an FEI Unique Equine Life Number official. The identification pages give a concise his- The Unique Equine Life Number (UELN) for horses tory of the FEI-level events attended since obtaining in the United Kingdom is often listed on the front the passport. These pages will be filled out by the page. Additionally, Section IX pages (this horse FEI-event veterinarians at each event that the pass- not for human consumption) are generally stapled port is required. into the FEI Passports of U.K. horses. Both can be ignored for competition purposes. Pedigree These pages are the newest in the evolution of the NF Registration Number passport. The FEI is very cognizant of the desire to The NFs will often hand print their registration improve the economics of equestrian sports. Hav- number in the upper right corner of the first page of ing a better knowledge of the lineage of the top-level the passport. On U.S. passports, the number found horses will assist in increasing their value. there can usually be relied on to be the horse’s cor- Please encourage the owner to complete the ped- rect USEF registration number. This number be- igree pages; however, the pedigree pages are not ing on the passport is for convenience only. It is not required at this time. required. Description and Diagram Page Chestnuts Page The center of the passport is intentionally reserved The Chestnut drawing page is used to aid in the for the most used page. The description and dia- unique identification of the horse. The FEI Identi- gram pages, together with the chestnuts page, serve fication of the Horse1 booklet states that chestnuts as the sole source of information for determining must be drawn if they have fewer than three whorls. whether or not the horse can be uniquely identified. Elsewhere in the booklet, it states that all horses These pages contain the highest proportion of free- must have three whorls indicated. Use some com- form information, and consequently, they are the mon sense about drawing the chestnuts. If there is pages where most errors occur. any doubt (e.g., a solid colored horse with few or no unique markings), then draw them. Goal of the Diagram/Description A suggestion for completing the page is to take The first and foremost goal is to uniquely identify digital or Polaroid pictures of each of the four chest- the horse. Can you assuredly say that only this one nuts, place the picture behind the page, and trace horse could be represented by this diagram and de- 94 2007 ր Vol. 53 ր AAEP PROCEEDINGS MEDICINE—EXERCISE scription? The FEI-event veterinarian must be description that most closely approximates the able to answer this question with a “yes.” horse that you see in front of you. Why Not Just a Photograph? ● Black: black pigment is general throughout At first thought, a photograph may seem like a much better way to uniquely identify a horse. Photo- the coat, limbs, mane, and tail, and there is no graphs, unfortunately, have some major limitations. pattern factor present other than white markings. First, although many horses have unique facial ● markings, it is often impossible to tell one all grey Brown: there is a mixture of black and brown gelding from another by looking at 3-yr-old photo- pigment in the coat, and the limbs, mane, and tail are black. graphs. Second, the quality of the photograph, the ● positioning of the horse, the number of pictures re- Bay-Brown: the predominant color is brown quired to show all side of all legs and the head, and with a bay muzzle, black limbs, black mane, and black tail. the age and deterioration of the photograph all lead ● to difficulty in uniquely identifying horses from Bay: bay varies considerably in shade from photographs. dull red approaching brown to a yellowish color approaching chestnut. It can be distin- Why Not Just Microchip? guished from the chestnut by the fact that the Microchip technology (Radio Frequency Identifica- bay has a black mane and tail and almost tion; RFID) has improved exponentially over the invariably has black on the limbs and tips of past decade. At this time, there are many propri- the ears. ● etary chips available, but no one standard has be- Chestnut: this color consists of yellow-col- come accepted in the United States, much less in the ored hair in different degrees of intensity, world. Several electronic RFID readers would be which may be noted. A “true” chestnut has a required at every competition to read those cur- chestnut mane and tail that may be lighter or rently in use. Horses from other countries would darker than the body color. A lighter-colored usually not be able to be scanned. At this time, chestnut may have a flaxen mane and tail.
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