WEST SEATTLE | P. 3 HIGHLINE | P. 4 BALLARD | P. 5 The city maps Feds sentence Sun is setting Fauntleroy. Des Moines man on this barbershop. for child porn. FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017 | Vol. 99, No. 20 Westside Seattle Your neighborhood weekly serving Ballard, Burien/Highline, SeaTac, Des Moines, West Seattle and White Center A TEARFUL GOODBYE A DOZEN WANT THE JOB SEE » P. 2 Patrick Robinson See our listings on page 14 4700 42nd S.W. • 206-932-4500 • BHHSNWRealEstate.com © 2017 HSF Aliates LLC. 2 FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017 WESTSIDE SEATTLE FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017 | Vol. 99, No. 20 A mournful mayor the mayor was sued is Mike McGinn, first The stadium controversy to announce he wanted his old job back. It From the outside looking at the choic- would be a tough row to hoe for Mike after es presented to the Seattle City Council the relentless pounding the Seattle Times by two groups who want to use the old gave him when he was mayor. And his Coliseum for a sports venue, we are dis- reputation for being pugnacious with the mayed. Shouldn’t one of the choices be Ballard News-Tribune, Highline Times, West Seattle Herald, Des Moines News, SeaTac News, White Center News council won’t help either. He was an active None of the Above? Do we have to have community-oriented guy, often stepping another stadium plunked downtown, Jerry Robinson Publisher Emeritus — out of the office to allow the peasants to forcing us to jam up the roads to get 1951 - 2014 touch his hem in places like Ballard and to it, often at rush hour? Do we have to West Seattle. But voters here were not sor- commit public funds to another outside T. C. Robinson Co-Publisher/ KEN ROBINSON ry to see him go. entity that wants to use our land or fa- General Manager A parade of candidates includes some cilities to make a buck? [email protected] atrick Robinson’s powerful page notable civic activists. This is a great thing Full disclosure: I used to work in the Kenneth Robinson Co-Publisher/ P one image of Mayor Ed Murray for the city. Whether any of them should building now called Key Arena. I was a Managing Editor expresses the pain of his decision to be mayor is a wild card. Sometimes a guide on the Bubbleator during the 1962 425.238.4616 not seek re-election. The burden of player is better suited for the team effort World’s Fair. That’s me in the striped [email protected] bearing an accusation of crimes com- by staying in the position they play best. pants on the left side of the photo. Patrick Robinson Director of New Media mitted many years ago, based on asser- Richard Sherman is a terrific cornerback [email protected] tions alone, have had a withering effect for the Seahawks. But he should not be Shane Harms Reporter/Photographer on him for sure. quarterback too. Dad used to say, “Let the [email protected] If any among us were similarly ac- shoemaker stick to his last.” Gwen Davis Reporter/Photographer cused, we might also be crushed by the The brightest applicant for Mayor of Se- [email protected] words. His decision is a courageous attle is attorney Jenny Durkan. Westside one, meant to spare both him and his Seattle staff writer Lindsay Petyon’s back- Lindsay Peyton Reporter/Photographer family from additional humiliation. The ground story on Durkan on page 6 tells of [email protected] shabby part of this is the notion that an a person who has been auditioning for this Amanda Knox Contributing accusation is a conviction. His dynamic role her entire life. She is a member of a Writer/Photographer tenure as mayor of one of the great cities powerhouse political family of whom we [email protected] of America will be discounted. have been aware for many years as they Pat Cashman Columnist Seattlites seem anxious to distance served various roles in public life. She [email protected] themselves from scandal as it reflects on does not need to trot out her bona fides. Scott Anthony Columnist the populace. More than a dozen local We believe Jenny Durkan is an exceptional [email protected] citizens have tossed their hats into the human being who this community would Peggy Sturdivant Columnist ring to be our leader. Best known before be proud to have as our leader. [email protected] Jean Godden Columnist [email protected] Dave Kellogg Circulation Manager 206.370.1475 [email protected] Dalinda Lee Legals Coordinator 206.376.5952 [email protected] Dona Ozier Sales Director 206.387.3873 [email protected] Dick Sherman Advertising Sales 206.356.7288 [email protected] Niche Network Production [email protected] Saturday, June 3, specially priced at $75 Calendar [email protected] Obituaries [email protected] Includes: 206.718.9016 P.O. Box 66769 • Seattle, WA 98166 Round of golf with cart www.westsideseattle.com Email: [email protected] Hearty Northwest lunch and prizes Editorial: 425.238.4616 • Classified Ads: 206.718.9016 Circulation: 206.370.1475 • [email protected] COPYRIGHT© 2017 ROBINSON NEWSPAPERS, INC. PLUS a FREE round of golf (your choice of date) Westside Seattle (USPS 000-890) is published weekly every Friday for local Drawing for FREE 3 Month Membership delivery by Robinson Newspapers at P.O. Box 66769 Seattle, WA 98166 Public Welcome • Sign up today!!! Periodicals Postage Paid at Seattle, WA call 206-244-1720, Ext. 1 or POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: email us at [email protected] Westside Seattle/Robinson Newspapers P. O. Box 66769, Seattle, WA 98166 WESTSIDE SEATTLE FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017 3 WESTSEATTLEHERALD SERVING WEST SEATTLE & WHITE CENTER SINCE 1923 Fauntleroy Boulevard Project design at 90% complete; still taking community feedback By Patrick Robinson fortable for people walking or riding bikes, The $20 million revamp of Fauntleroy proj- and highlight its role as a main entrance to ect from SDOT has reached the 90% design West Seattle. That means two lanes of trav- stage but SDOT, showing due diligence, con- el in each direction (as it is now) but new tinues to share the latest feedback from the sidewalks, a landscaped center median, community and design updates. The most protected bike lanes and some public art. recent was a presentation before the West Se- The project goals are: Patrick Robinson attle Chamber of Commerce on May 11. • Respond to community needs identified Fauntleroy Boulevard Project Manager Norene Pen (left) and Rachel McCafferty from SDOT presented the latest information Project Background in the West Seattle Triangle Plan and the about the project at the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce luncheon May 11. The Fauntleroy Boulevard Project builds Bicycle Master Plan upon previous planning work done by the • Improve mobility by organizing the with low maintenance and sightline pres- and load zone designs for each business. community. Discussions of improvements street to be more predictable and com- ervation in mind. The planting strip and Concerns about the length of construc- to Fauntleroy Way began in 1999, when the fortable for everyone: people driving cars media will have Tupelo and Cedar trees, tion and impacts on business and the sur- West Seattle Junction Hub Neighborhood or trucks, walking, or biking the planting strip will have Laurel and dog- rounding neighborhood were also part of Plan identified streetscape improvements in • Enhance Fauntleroy Way’s role as a key wood with Geranium and Iris accents. the community feedback. SDOT got 61 this area, and continued through the multi- entrance to West Seattle There was interest expressed in having written comments from the Walk and Talk year West Seattle Triangle planning process. • The project area is on Fauntleroy Way an additional cross walk included near on site reviews conducted in March. The community chose a preferred streetscape between 35th Avenue S.W. and S.W. 37th S.W. That matter is still under review Traffic studies plan for the project in 2012, which was for- Alaska Street but Norene Pen said thus far the suggested A traffic study was done in 2014, but SDOT mally adopted by SDOT and the Seattle De- Feedback from the community location is “too close” to 37th S.W. SDOT has been busy doing a number of new studies partment of Planning and Development. In SDOT has heard a lot of support for the heard that there is interest in extending to update the data. The latest plan is to start addition, the 2014 Bike Master Plan designat- mobility enhancement aspects of the proj- the improvements through the intersec- construction in 2018 and be done the follow- ed Fauntleroy Way for a protected bike lane. ect but that has been tempered by concerns tion at 35th Avenue S.W. That too is still ing year. They took new counts, looked at the Through several extensive community about traffic. In response they did a revised under review. projected traffic model for 2019 taking into planning efforts, the residents and busi- traffic study on the removal of the right turn Business access in the area is critical said account current new construction, permitted ness owners in the area have expressed the pockets at Avalon and Oregon Streets S.W. respondents and SDOT will analyze left turn projects, figuring a 1 percent annual growth need for mobility improvements to make They’ve gotten a positive response for the movements, explore parking management rate, the including of signal timing changes this stretch of Fauntleroy Way more com- landscaping plan which is being developed (time restricted zones) and look at driveway FAUNTLEROY » PG.7 Thinking of selling? Would you like to know the value of your home in today’s market? Call us at 206-932-4500.
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