GOODWAY INTEGRATED INDUSTRIES BHD (Incorporated In Malaysia) (Company No. 618972-T) ANNUAL REPORT 2015 CONTENTS CORPORATE INFORMATION …………………………………………………... 1 CORPORATE STRUCTURE .................................................................................... 3 GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS …………………………………………..... 4 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT ……………………………………………………... 7 PROFILE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ……………………………............. 9 AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ……...................... 14 STATEMENT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ………………………………. 20 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (“CSR”) STATEMENT ....................... 38 STATEMENT ON RISK MANAGEMENT ANDINTERNAL CONTROL ..………. 39 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Directors’ Report ………………………………………………………………… 43 Independent Auditors’ Report ………………………........................................... 47 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position ...………………………………… 49 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income ….. 50 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity …..……………………………… 51 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows .………………………………………… 53 Statement of Financial Position ...……………………………………………….. 55 Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income ………………… 56 Statement of Changes in Equity ………………………………………………… 57 Statement of Cash Flows ………………………………………………………… 58 Notes to the Financial Statements ………………………………………………. 59 Statement by Directors ………………………………………………………….. 152 Statutory Declaration ……………………………………………………………. 153 LIST OF GROUP PROPERTIES ……………………………………………………. 154 ANALYSIS OF SHAREHOLDINGS ……………………………………………….. 157 NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ……………………………………. 161 STATEMENT ACCOMPANYING NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 165 PROXY FORM ……………………………………………………….………………. Enclosed 1 CORPORATE INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUDIT AND RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Mok Yuen Lok (Chairman, Mok Yuen Lok Independent Non-Executive Director) (Chairman) (Retired on 18 June 2015) (Retired on 18 June 2015) Ismail Bin Mahayudin Ismail Bin Mahayudin (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Retired on 18 June 2015) (Retired on 18 June 2015) Ramlee Bin Mohd Shariff Y.A.M. Tengku Sulaiman Shah Alhaj Ibni (Chairman) Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz (Appointed on 1 July 2015) Shah Alhaj (Chairman, Y.A.M. Tengku Sulaiman Shah Alhaj Ibni Independent Non-Executive Director) Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz (Appointed on 1 July 2015) Shah Alhaj (Appointed on 1 July 2015) Tai Boon Wee (Chief Executive Officer) Lt Jen (B) Datuk Hj Adenan Bin Hj Mohamad Zain Wong Ping Kiong (Chief Operating Officer) JOINT NOMINATION Ramlee Bin Mohd Shariff AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Appointed on 1 July 2015) Ismail Bin Mahayudin (Chairman) Lt Jen (B) Datuk Hj Adenan Bin Hj (Retired on 18 June 2015) Mohamad Zain (Non-Independent Non-Executive Director) Mok Yuen Lok (Retired on 18 June 2015) Lim Teck Seng (Independent Non-Executive Director) (Appointed on 1 April 2016) Ramlee Bin Mohd Shariff (Chairman) Tai QiSheng (Appointed on 1 July 2015) (Executive Director) (Appointed on 1 April 2016) Y.A.M. Tengku Sulaiman Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Tai Qiyao Shah Alhaj (Alternate Director to Tai Boon Wee) (Appointed on 1 July 2015) (Appointed on 1 April 2016) Lt Jen (B) Datuk Hj Adenan Bin Hj Mohamad Zain 1 CORPORATE INFORMATION (CONTINUED) COMPANY SECRETARY REGISTERED OFFICE Foo Siew Loon Level 33A, Menara 1 MK (MAICSA 7006874) Kompleks 1 Mont’ Kiara No.1, Jalan Kiara Mont’ Kiara AUDITORS 50480 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603-6201 8080 Kreston John & Gan (AF0113) Fax: 603-6203 2788 160-2-1, Kompleks Maluri Business Centre, Jalan Jejaka 55100 Kuala Lumpur SHARE REGISTRAR Tel: 603-9287 1889 Fax: 603-9283 0889 Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd Level 6, Symphony House Pusat Dagangan Dana 1 PRINCIPAL BANKERS Jalan PJU 1A/46 47301 Petaling Jaya AmBank (Malaysia) Berhad Tel: 603-7841 8000 Affin Bank Berhad Fax: 603-7841 8152 CIMB Bank Berhad Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad United Overseas Bank Berhad STOCK EXCHANGE LISTING Main Market PRINCIPAL PLACE OF Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad BUSINESS (“Bursa Securities”) Manufacturing Plant Lot PT 1654 & PT 1657 Nilai Industrial Estate 71800 Nilai Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus Tel: 606-799 4833 Fax: 606-799 4866 Sales & Marketing / Corporate Office Level 6 A-06-03 Empire Tower 1 Empire Subang Jalan SS16/1 SS16, 47500 Subang Jaya Selangor Tel: 603-5632 9981 Fax: 603-5632 9980 Web: http://www.giibworld.com 2 3 CORPORATE STRUCTURE RUBBER COMPOUNDING GOODWAY RUBBER INDUSTRIES SDN BHD GOODWAY RUBBER COMPANY PTY LTD GOODWAY SUPERCOOL PTY LTD GOODWAY EUROPE (SWEDEN) A.B. PT VULKANISIR GOODWAY INDONESIA GOODWAY SIMPLEX (HK) PTE LIMITED GOODWAY INTEGRATED JIANGSU GOODWAY RUBBER INDUSTRIES PRODUCTS CO., LTD BERHAD TYRE RETREADING BIG WHEEL GREEN TYRES SDN BHD BIG WHEEL (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD BIGWHEEL OTR SDN BHD RETAILING &WHOLESALE OF NATURAL RUBBER GOODWAY SMR SDN BHD PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT GIIB DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD Note: The above structure does not include dormant/non-operating subsidiaries 2 3 GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 2015 2014 2013 2012 Description RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 Revenue 181,362 207,475 265,771 285,069 (Loss) / Profit before tax (6,874) (15,239) 6,869 8,937 (Loss) / Profit for the year (9,248) (12,810) 6,045 5,415 (Loss) / Profit attributable to shareholders (9,345) (12,403) 5,767 5,294 Share capital 55,259 55,259 55,259 55,259 Reserves 17,365 23,105 35,268 35,471 Net Equity funds 72,624 78,364 90,527 90,730 Non-controlling interests 386 290 1,057 779 TOTAL EQUITY 73,006 78,654 91,584 91,509 Long term liabilities 51,874 56,385 63,254 55,203 Current liabilities 139,779 130,443 116,255 103,603 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 264,663 265,482 271,093 250,315 Property, plant and equipment 89,524 85,578 79,535 102,421 Land held for development 7,411 7,411 7,411 - Goodwill 586 6,648 6,673 6,706 Other non-current assets - - 75 1,225 Current assets 167,142 165,845 177,398 139,963 TOTAL ASSETS 264,663 265,482 271,092 250,315 Net assets per share (RM) 0.66 0.71 0.82 0.82 Net (loss) / earnings per share (sen) (8.46) (11.22) 5.22 4.79 4 5 GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED) GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED) GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED) RevenueRevenue (RM'000)(RM'000) 300000 Revenue (RM'000) 285,069 285,069 300000 2015 2014 2013265,771 2012 300000 2015 2014 2013265,771 2012 285,069 250000 2015 2014 2013265,771 2012 250000 207,475 250000 207,475 200000 181,362 207,475 200000Revenue181 ,181 362 , 362 207 , 475 265, 771 285, 069 200000 Revenue181,362 181 , 362 207 , 475 265, 771 285, 069 150000Revenue 181 , 362 207 , 475 265, 771 285, 069 150000 150000 100000 100000 100000 50000 50000 50000 0 0 0 2015 2014 2013 2012 2015 2014 2013 2012 2015 2014 2013 2012 ProfitProfit BeforeBefore TaxTax (RM'000)(RM'000) 15000 Profit Before Tax (RM'000) 15000 2015 2014 2013 2012 15000 2015 2014 2013 2012 8,937 10000 2015 2014 20136,869 2012 8,937 10000 8,937 10000 6,869 5000 6,869 5000Profit befo (6,874) (15,239) 6,869 8,937 5000 Profit befo (6,874) (15,239) 6,869 8,937 0 Profit befo (6,874) (15,239) 6,869 8,937 0 0 2015 2014 2013 2012 -5000 2015 2014 2013 2012 -5000 2015 2014 2013 2012 -5000 -10000 (6,874) -10000 (6,874) -10000 (6,874) -15000 -15000 -15000 (15,239) -20000 (15,239) -20000 (15,239) -20000 TotalTotal Assets Assets (RM (RM'' 000) 000) 275,000 Total Assets (RM'271,092 000) 275,000 271,092 275,000270,000 2015 2014 2013271,092 2012 270,000 264,663 2015265,482 2014 2013 2012 270,000265,000TOTAL A264,663 264,6632015 265,482 2014265,482 271,092 2013 250,315 2012 265,000TOTAL 264,663 A 264,663 265,482265,482 271,092 250,315 265,000260,000TOTAL A 264,663 265,482 271,092 250,315 260,000 260,000255,000 255,000 250,315 255,000250, 000 250,315 250, 000 250,315 250245,000, 000 245,000 245,000240,000 240,000 240,000235,000 235,000 235,000 2015 2014 2013 2012 2015 2014 2013 2012 2015 2014 2013 2012 4 5 GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED) GROUP FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (CONTINUED) Shareholders'2015 2014 Funds 2013 (RM'000) 2012 Shareholders'2015 2014 Funds 2013 (RM'000) 2012 100,000Sharehol d 72,624 78,364 90,527 90,730 Sharehold 72,624 78,364 90,527 90,527 90,730 90,730 100,00090,000 90,527 90,730 78,364 90,000 80,000 72,624 78,364 70,00080,000 72,624 6070,000, 000 50,00060, 000 40,00050,000 30,00040,000 20,00030,000 10,00020,000 10,000- - 2015 2014 2013 2012 2015 2014 2013 2012 Net Earnings Per Share (sen) Net Earnings Per Share (sen) 8.00 2015 2014 2013 2012 5. 22 6.008.00 NetEarning 2015 2014 2013 2012 4.79 (8.46) (11.22) 5.22 5. 22 4.79 4.006.00 NetEarning (8.46) (11.22) 5.22 4.79 4.79 2.004.00 0.002.00 -2.000.00 2015 2014 2013 2012 -4.00-2.00 2015 2014 2013 2012 -6.00-4.00 -8.00-6.00 -10.00-8.00 (8.46) -10.00 (8.46) -12.00 (11.22) -14.00-12.00 (11.22) -14.00 6 7 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT Dear Shareholders, On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to present you the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements of Goodway Integrated Industries Berhad group of companies for the financial year ended 31 December 2015. BUSINESS OVERVIEW The global economic growth moderated in 2015, particularly the oceanic region, euro zone and developing nations. The collapsed of the commodities prices had a bad economic impact on the commodities producing countries. As such, the business environment was generally cautious in the year on the consequent impact of sluggish economy in the oceanic region and euro zone and the continued slowdown in certain large developing countries like China. This had resulted in certain negative impact on some local companies exporting their products to those affected countries.
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