Time: c/> oCD o Eternity CD i Hour-Day- CD CD CD Year-Decade- QCD Minute-Hour - D i JD TD i End... C ^ o mmWmm CD o CD CD Time: co i C l I 0|A te- 3 3 _\r • i^i^M i M < • CD "D 115 C 1 o D o CD CD O C/D JD • • Q. CD CD E 1 • Oa^M* o 1- • CD • 3 • C • Hi^l^Hi —-* C "< 1 o Millenium- LLJ pohob Ed£e of Time ami hundred and niiictu nine ever will be Every Time.o) CD o Eternity i Hour-Day- cD CD CD Year-Decade- Q mmmmmmmmmmm 1998-1999 Elko Hicjfi Softool 987 College Ave Ylko, Nevada 738-7281 3 3001 00181 8078 Title Page 1 Seconds, minutes, hours... possibilities and turned them into We were so busy in high school that something spectacufar. We accompfished, sometimes we took for-qranted the time we created a generation of peopfe who that passed. lived (or the moment in which they We started out as freshmen. Before we existed. knew it, we were at graduation saying We became the future. Whether you good-bye to the friends tftat had come and saw high school as Jour years of agony or gone over the years. We made the friends Jour years of joy, the moments you lived and made the memories that would fast here scufpted your fi_fe into what you us a lifetime. Some people say the years hecarne. mx we spent in high schoof were the best years ...years, decades, centuries... of our fives. I disagree. u We will never get these years back. The time we spent in high schoof was short, o High scfioof was simpfy trie time when o we discovered ourselves as inteffectuafs, 6ut vitaf in creating our individuality. H seff-refiant individuals with the We will never think, or feel, or look as determination to accomplish anything. we did yesterday. But from the experience > Here is where we realized who we were. of living torfay, we have a better idea of Q Here we realized we had the ability, the how to live tomorrow. confidence, and the opportunity to succeed ...millenniums. at any dream. Here is where we realized Afong with a new mtffenntum, we pi the future was our responsibility. Where prepared for a future with a new X we realized that whatever happened attitude. This was our time. This was tomorrow depended on what we did our chance to show that we were not a today. generation who didn't care, but a ...days, weeks, months... generation of creative individuafs with With every activity in which we the capacity to change our world for the participated, we accompfished something. fietter. We were a generation fiving on.. We took advantage of the moments and We will never gel the opportunities we had in high school back. Roby Faccinetti ill) participates in Winter Rally The Edge Of Time dress up days as he sports his Hawaiian T slim around school. Copy by: Emily Dimock Layout by: Jennifer Lewis "The future 0 » belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their _m9m^mr^m^m^^j dreams." ... Elenor Roosevelt d4L, Alice Sallee 1/2) and Gina Micheli III) brainstorm on Live every moment to the fullest, there are only so few of them to spare. For theme ideas in yearbook class. Choosing a theme that will the first time in AAAA division history, the EHS Indians were named the capture the emotions and memories of a year requires northern /one champions. After defeating the Reed Raiders at Warrior field time, compromise, and creativity. the Indians headed down to Las Vegas for the State Championship. 2 Opening As lime progresses, you will never look the same tomorrv, Lor many of us, our high school years went by so fast they as you did today. Ceci McQueary 1121 catches a glimpse are a blur in our memories. On the first day of school of Cora Bieroth (12) in a mirror as a reminder of her best students travel around campus finding friends and making friend.I'hoio couates) <'t McQueai) the memories that would last a life time. Plwtoby Raegan RCL-M- "Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." Marcus Aurelius Pfiotos by. Emily Dimocl; On the first day of school many students hang around the eagle talking lo old friends, finding classes, and comparing schedules. Gilbert Rodriguez 112) reflects on his years as a member of the Baudot Indians. Rodriguez was a hand member all four years of his high school career. Photo couries; of Brian Johauon Theme 3 — On New Years Day the Band of Indians lra\ eled to Pasadena and performed in the Rose Bowl Parade. The hand members marched an eight mile parade in two hours and were broadcast on television stations all over the world. At the "smoker", a fundraiser sponcered by the Rodeo club. David Garcia (12) prepares for the final round fight. Halloween, the time of year where everyone shows their wild side. Tiffany Skollingsberg (12) dressed up for school and treats on October 31. Creating scenes and tableaux help students develop stage personalities and confidence. Lesie McLeod (II). Mike Dickenson (II), Ms. Moon, and Bhavesh Bhakta (111 practice tableaux in Drama I. Keeping up with the orders of popcorn and drinks. Angie Pulley (12) takes time to smile for the camera on a Saturday morning matinee. 4 Divisiiton Tdere were various ac­ wanted to become was about to tivities in our fives tftat The Journey Within begin. We travefed tftat road taiujftt us independence. everyday of our lives and real­ Many students tool*: on tke "NOT I- NOT ANYONE can travel ized that somewfiere afontj tfie responsibility of a job along tftat road for you. You must travel way, we became exactly what with the adclttionaf stress it for yourself." Walt Whitman we are, individuals with the of school work. Other afnfity to tio and become wftat­ students helped out around ever we wanted. Wftetfter we tivities tftat were not offered When we entered the new tfie community by devot­ took advantage of the opportuni­ tftrougft tfie school. Wftatever gym on the first day of school ing their time to tfie edu­ ties tftat were given to us or not, we did, every activity inte- we 6erjan a journey. Tfie cation of otfiers. And how we lived as students injTu- grated new aspects into our purney to find out who we some stucfents Jouncf tfie encetf tfie rest of our lives. lives. really were and what we time to participate in ac- , - Who is the strongest of them all? Ceci At the Valentines Day assembly Mike McGhee McQueary 112)and ( hristianCardan(12) (12) and Tyler Watson (II) participate in the battle it out for the fans. class competition by "chugging" liter bottles ofPepsi. In the end, the sophomore class won the competition. "My stomach really hurts." McGhee said as he returned to his seat on the bleachers. To increase school spirit and publicity. athletes wear their jerseys around campus on game days. Scott Chamberlain (12). a varsity soccer player, makes his way to Mr. McGinty'S journalism class after lunch. The Choralier Christmas concert is an annual success. Will Fitter (12) and Lucy Griswold (12) perform solos to the song Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Copy by: Emily Dimock Pictures by: Claudia Cervantes Student Life 5 Got Gear? Copy By: Mindy Parkkonen/Raegan Reese Photos By: Raegan Reese/Alice Sallee School, sports and friends. Students had so So is all the hard labor and discipline worth much to worry about. So, why do they add it in the end'.' "It's worth it. I love the extra more stress to the load by working? money." said Heidi Strobe (11). The reason is obvious. "I work for extra Whatever or where ever students worked, money," said Barry Yanish (11). "I try to earn the skills learned lasted a lifetime. money for college," 661 From haunting to said Jared Schindler [Having a job] decking the halls. (12). But how do they helps me to be more EHS experienced an handle the pressure of uproar of spirit. working and school? responsible." Michelle During the week of "1 have to plan Halloween. Student everything ahead," Gonzales (12) Council organized a said Angie Pulley (12). "But sometimes at dress up day. Scott Chamberlain (I2)cnmc to work we get time for our homework."' Pullej school dressed up as a cop (the particular cop said about working at the movie theatre. who had given him a ticket the day before). And then what do students do who are Chamberlain said he wanted to dress up as a involved in sports? "It was hard working all cop because "the wig I wore had horns and I the time, that's why I only work on Sundays think it is symbolic to the cop who had given now." said Li: Law son (12). me the ticket." Not all students had this dark, evil image of Halloween, some "came to save" this holiday. Trevor Wilson (12) said. "[I dressed up as 'Superman'] because there are so many villains out there, someone needs lo save the day." Halloween wasn't the only holiday that was recognized by the students. As tradition, the Student Council sponsored, their annual Giving Tree. Teachers, clubs, and individual students donated their time and money to children in need. Activities like the Giving Tree, hall decorations, and all those yummy bake sales, made the holidays un for all.
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