WILSON QUARTERLY SPRING I979 WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS Smitlisonian Institution Bt~tidi~tgWashington D.C. WOODROW WILSON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR SCHOLARS Director, James H. Billington Deputy Director, George R. Packard THE WILSON QUARTERLY Editor: Peter Braestrup Managing Editor: Anna Marie Torres Associate Editor (Periodicals): Philip S. Cook Associate Editor (Essays): Cullen Murphy Associate Editor (Books): Lois Decker O'Neill Contributing Editors: Nicholas Burke, Michael Glennon, Suzanne deLesseps, Gustav Magrinat, Martin Miszerak, Joseph S. Murchison, Stuart Rohrer, Raphael Sagalyn, Carol Simons Copy Editor: Bradley B. Rymph Production Assistant: Nancy B. Joyner Administrative Assistant: James Gregory Sherr Production Typists: Jacqueline Levine, Frances Tompkins Research Assistants: David L. Aasen, Bruce Carlson, Don L. Ford, Matthew Kiene, Karen M. Kopf, Mary McNeil, Finn Murphy, James J. O'Hara, Dena J. Pearson Librarian: Zdenek David Art Director: Elizabeth Dixon Business Manager: William M. Dunn Circulation Coordinator: William H. Mello Editorial Advisers: Prosser Gifford, Abraham Lowenthal, Richard Seamon, S. Frederick Starr Published in Jamiarv, April, July, and October by the Woodrow Wilson Interna- tional Center for Scholars, Smithsonian Institution Building, Washington, D.C. 20560. Copyright @ 1979 by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. THE WILSON QUARTERLY is a registered trademark. Subscriptions: oneyear, $12; two vears, $21; three years, $30. Foreign subscriptions: oneyear, $14; two ?ears, $25; three years, $36. Foreign subscriptions ainnail: one year, $24; two vears, $45; three years, $66. Lifetime subscription (domestic only): $150. Single copies and back issues mailed u on request: $4; outside U.S. and possessions, $6.50. Second-class postage paidat Washington, D.C., and additional mailing offices. Editorial offices: Smithsonian Institution Buildin , Washin ton, D.C. 20560. All unsolicited 117anuscripts shoidd be acco~npa~?ie~fby a selladdressed stamped envelope. Send chan es of address and all subscription correspondence with mailins label to ~ubscriberSenlice, The Wilson Quarterly, P.O. Box 2956. Boulder, colorado 80322. Advertising Representative: National Mediarep Corp., 76 Madison Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10016. Contact: Hanlev Oshinskv. VOL. Ill NO. 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES William J. Baroody, Chairman Paul W. McCracken, Vice Chairman James A. Baker I11 Daniel J. Boorstin Robert H. Bork Joseph A. Califano Joseph D. Duffey Stuart E. Eizenstat Bryce N. Harlow A. James Reichley John E. Reinhardt James B. Rhoads S. Dillon Ripley Cyrus R. Vance Rawleigh Warner, Jr. ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Headquarters: 2, rue ~ndre-~ascal,75775 Pan's Cedex 16, FrafICf? 8 DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION- 0 STEAM COAL- PROSPECTS 1978 REVIEW TO 2000 Efforts and Policies of the Members of the De- Projections of steam coal demand and trade to velopment Assistance Committee. Report by the the year 2000 in a total energy context. Analysis Chairman of the O.A.C. of constraints to expanding Coal useiand trade and Text and detailed tables. identification of policies to stimulate the substitu- (November 1978) 278 pp. $1 7.00 tion of steam coal for oil. (December 1978) 157 pp. $1 2.00 0 ENERGY POLICIES AND Each country survey provides a detailed analysis PROGRAMMES OF IEA COUNTRIES- of recent developments in demand, production, em- 1977 REVIEW. ployment, prices and wages, conditions in the Overall review,and reports on individual countries money and capital markets, and developments in in the OECD/lnternational Energy Agency. Exten- the balance of payments. They include short-term sive tables and charts. forecasts as well as analyses of medium-term (August 1978) 333 pp. $24.00 problems. $3.00 per country. 0 OECD OIL STATISTICS 1977 Annual series subscription $50.00 Supply and distribution. Tables. By air $66.90 (February 1979) 275 pp. $20.00 0 PUBLIC EXPENDITURE TRENDS Analyzes the factors underlying the rapid increase in public expenditure in OECD countries between the mid-1950's and the mid-19703, and considers choices that may have to be faced in the future. 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