RapUs Dtlfr TrfNM Towday, December 19,1944. They've Now Joined Up With the Enemy WISCONSIN RAPIDS TRIBUNE CO, PuHUbtr The War Today Six Nominees as Assistants I Knwed M ttcMid etew Bitter March 1, 1*20 at tlw pcwt BY DEWITT MACKENZIE • atrte* at Wlttontla Eaplda, VlMontln. undw tb* act «t March ltd. M97- _ The great German drive out of the Rbiwland Published every afternoon except Sunday at th» bears the earmark* of being a colossal gamble in To Secretary Stettinius Give TribuM building. an effort to disrupt allied plans for an offensive Member of and so achieve an indefinite delay out of which Berlin hopes might grow a compromise peace. Good Accounts of Themselves Speculation at this juncture regarding the imme- •BY PETER BOSON- THE ASSOCIATED diate future of the attack should be cautious, since WISCONSIN I>A1LV NEWSPAPER t-EACCB The senate foreign relations com tor* were rightly opposed to any- XOKTHWBST DAILf PRESS ASSOCIATION the security news blackout imposed by the allied THE INLAND DAILY PRESS ASSOCIATION mittee combined greater three ring public inquisition of the president's high command leaves us without sufficient facts third degree sideshow and investiga- AMERICAN KEWSI'APEB PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION upon which to base a studied judgment Taking a nominees for top jobs in the state The Associated Prea* 11 eirtuaiTclj ep titled to tb* KM longer range view, however, we can say that allied tion of President Roosevelt's six department and may have refrained of publication of tb« newi dispatches credited to It or not nominations for assistant secretaries from asking embarrassing questions otnerntM rrtdited la Ihii paper and «!so tS» local new* superiority in manpower and materiel insures our of state couldn't have turned out published herein. victory. Therefore, while it would be folly to re- for that reason, did the senate for- better from the department of state eign relations committee member* Subscription ratea:— By carrier on afternoon of publlct- gard the situation lightly, there certainly is no tloo ID WlwonstD ftapids. Biron. Nekoosa. Port Edwardi. occasion for developing "nerves," standpoint if it had been arranged who did speak tip conduct themselves A<lam» and Friendship, 20c per week or $10 per year( In by one of the department's own in such a way as to reflect only usance. By mall In Wood couoty and adja«at couotlM WW pet year. (3.25 for « months ».?3 tor 3 nwntb*. JS We have plenty of precedent to show how far a press agents—pardon—"current in- credit on their group? cents for 1 montb. In advance Outside of Wood count? battle-front can bend without suffering disaster. For formation specialists." or adjacent counties In IODCB one to six. $900 per year. It was good cross-examination H 30 for C months and $2.23 for 3 month*. In moe* seven example, your columnist was right in the path of The six character* in search of and efsht and Canada, $11.00 per year, in foreign coun- the final German tornado of 191$ in the valley of confirmation, the sue men "accused" when Senator Guffey of Pennsyl- trl**. $20.00 per year. Special ratrt *« m*Vi»» .?&? vania asked former Ambassador in the armed cerrictt. OOc per month. Above price* itrlct- the Somme on the British front. This was the time, of having been nominated as assis- ly In advance. __ _ . you will recall, when Field Marshal Haig issued his tants to Secretary of State Ed Stet- Grew if he favored leaving Hirohito in power after defeat of Japan. The ATTENTION CARRIER SUBSCRIBERS famous "backs to the wall" order of the day to his tinius, all gave splendid accounts of armies. That was the kaiser's final fling, and it themselves and came through clean. same goes for Senator Murray's If you &> not receive your paper by 6:00 p. in. all but crashed through—but the allied line held. In addition, the senate's public asking James C. Dunn about his at- phone your carrier boy whose »»"&« *»» » exhibition served to put all six of the titude towards Franco and it was found on your collection card or call No. 10 and Could Be Dying Effort equally enlightening to have Senator a newspaper will be delivered to you immediately. nominees in the limelight, gave I'm not suggesting the present situation is as them a publicity build-up of inesti- Pepper ask General Holmes to clear Office closes each night ai 6:30. _ bad as was that in the spring of 1918, but there mable value, made the names of up the part he played in dealings are similarities. The beautiful thought about the Grew, Clayton, Dunn, Holmes, between Robert Murphy and the And she brought forth her firstborn son, Somme show is that it was there the kaiser broke Rockefeller, and McLeish much bet- French in North Africa. and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and his back. The same thing could easily 'Jiappen to the Germans in the present battle. ter known than they were before, And on the Other Hand- laid him in a manger: because there was no served to spread on the record their' But consider the spectacle of Sen. room for them in the inn, — Luke 2:7. achievements and views, cleared the * » * The way it looks to me now, one of two things Henrik Shipstead of Minnesota ask- is likely to happen: Either Nazi Field Marshal You air of a lot of malicious misinforma- ing Secretary Stettinius to "Explain What babe new born is this that in a man- Eundstedt is going to achieve his object of upset- tion, and in general did the depart- what our foreign policy is?" and ger cries? ting allied plans so that the war will drag along, ment of state no end of good in asking Grew to "Give us your defi- Near on her lowly bed his happy mother or he's going to get the beating of his life. making its reorganization, needs, nition of diplomacy." aims and policies matters of common lies. The German commander (and don't let anybody What do you make of Sen. James knowledge. Tunnell of Delaware asking Grew Oh, see the air is shaken with white and tell you he isn't a capable soldier) is flinging into Get the Incongruous Picture heavenly wings— this battle all the resources available—infantry, the to give a definition of a "Liberal"? There is another aspect of the sen- To what purpose did Sen. Hiram This is the Lord of all the earth, this is the long inactive luftwaffe, masses of tanks, and even ate's little pre-Christmas probing King of Kings. paratroops. Along with that he has massed much Johnson of California ask Jimmy party which does not look so good. Dunn where the Atlantic Charter — R. W. Gilder. heavy artillery—and he's being aided by a mysteri- By comparison with performances of ous new V weapon which apparently is being used was now ? Johnson then got further the six nominees, performances of tangled up by inferring that the four wholesale along the front. The allied command is Qermans Slay Helpless Yanks the senators themselves were noth- silent as to the exact nature or efficacy of this freedoms were part of the Atlantic FIVE STARS, ONE GOLD weapon, which presumably is some type of flying ing to shout about. charter, and had to be set straight Now this'is a matter of some con- by the man he questioned. As The Tribune almost daily records cas- bomb or rocket—either of which can be plenty BY HAL BOYLE cern. Get the picture. The foreign ualties, we have to muster all the restraint nasty. An American Frontline Clearing Station, Belgium— (De- relations committee is perhaps the Does Senator Murray really be- we possess in order to refrain from penning In short, the German high command may have layed)— (£>)—Weeping with rage, a handful of doughboy sur- most important committee in the lieve the V. S. state department is a tribute to each gallant soldier or sailor decided to make this offensive the decisive battle in vivors described today how a German tank force ruthlessly PURMEN senate. In the days ahead its re- under domination of Churchill and who has given his life for his country. Al- the west, instead of waiting for it to be staged on poured machine gun fire into a group of about 150 Americans sponsibilities for shaping the future the British foreign office, as he in- though we have not done so, we want every the open plain of Cologne just west of the Rhine. who had been disarmed and herded into a field in the opening ^ ! IN- of the world will be tremendous. ferred in his questioning of Dunn? reader to know we have it in our hearts to It's a great and dangerous gamble, but it's diffi- hours of the present Nazi counteroffensive. As such, its should have the best Sen. Bennett Champ Clark, of cult to criticize the decision as an act of despera- "We had to lie there and listen to German non-coms kill with pistols minds in the senate, the most search- Missouri, introducing an utterly speak out the sorrow we share with the tion. SERVICE ing intellects, men of clearest vision, frivolous autobiographical sketch of families who have sustained these losses. It every one of our wounded men who groaned or tried to move/'said T-5 William B. Summers, of Glenville, men who can rise above trivialities. Archibald MacLeish, merely defeat- is simply because we do not know what to Nazis Had Little Alternative Granting that some of the sena- ed his own end by cheapening the The Nazi alternative wasn't attractive in any W.
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