THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Entered as Second f ISLSS Matter uMilird JlXTY-FIFTH YEAR—No. 3 Post Office, W outfield, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1954 EVIT; Tl.urHtlsy 36 Pages—S Cent* jcal Adult School UN Week Observance in Town Dinner Speaker Tickets on Sale For Youth Center Musical Well Known Journalist Listed As Council Passes cgins Fourteenth Opens Oct. 24; Pageant Scheduled Student and adult tickets for College Woman's Club's Speaker ioning Variance Ibe Youth ('enter musical comedy kason Monday Observance of UN Week in song, dance and tableaux the story "These Terrible Teens" to be pre- Leon Pearson, acknowledged ex- Wcstfield this year will be opened of the UN and its member nations. sented Saturday, Oct. IB, at 8:30 pert on foreign alfairs, will speak 'Critic at Large' By Split Vote by the traditional flag raising cere- "We hope through the medium p.m. in the Westfield High School to the College Woman's Club of I Rated as Eighth mony in the Plaza, opposite the of entertainment to bring the UN auditorium are now on sale. Any- Westfield Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in Introduces Proposal First Methodist Church, according message to everyone, old and one why is interested in purchasing the Masonic Temple. His subject I Largest in State; to Mrs. Robert Alpher, chairman young, and to re-emphasize the vi- a ticket and has not been contacted will be "The World and the Unit- For Sidewalks In 113 Courses Closed of Westfield United Nations com- tal part that this world organiza- by a member of the ticket commit- ed Nations." Outlying Section mittee. The ceremony will take tion plays in the lives of all of us," tee may call Mamie Spairc at We. Mr. Pcason, who joined the NBC place Sunday, Oct. 24, at 2:30 p.m. said Mrs. Alpher. She explained 2-0030 or Anne Aschenbrenner at flic Westfield Adult School be- news staff in 1947, has a wide By a split vote, the second in and will be followed by a pageant that the Wcstfield Board of Edu- We. 2-6223. background of news reporting in in the fall of 1938 as a non- cation had granted free use of the as many meetings of the Town lit, self-supporting community in the auditorium of the Junior this country and in Europe. For High School at 3:15 p.m. Junior High School to the commit- Council, a recommendation by the Vpvise under the sponsorship 10 years he was a member of the .oning Board of Adjustment tee for its UN birthday observance. staff which produced the "Wash- 30 local organizations. It UN Week this year will be Oct. 'There will be no collection or ad- One Night's Drive granting a variance to permit a j /clt that such a project would 24-31. Originally'stt for Oct. 17- ington-Merry-Go-Round" daily col- onresident professional office in a mission charge for the pageant," umn and weekly broadcast, assist- a-v a leal community need by 24, the dates were changed in or- she stated. •evidential "A" zone, was approv- IK a variety of courses in der not to conflict with the town's Hope of Campaign ing his brother, Drew Pearson. d Monday night. , fields of academic, practical Mrs. Alpher's committee earlier For four years, Mr. Pearson United Campaign. Final plans for this year wrote letters to approxi- The variance, which will allow [ leisure time activities. After the week's observance wero com- ,vas on the staff of International Edward V. and Dorothy T. Bals- rioii of six years it was ad- mately 100 Westfield organiza- Lights On For Giving News Service in Washington and pleted at a recent meeting when tions, urging each of them to have augh to use a dwelling at 440 Iblc to discontinue the school members of the Wcsth'eld UN com- HARRISON WILLIAMS Adopted as Slogan Europe. For two years he covered East Broad street as a residence Ithe duration of the war. at least one program during the he State Department for INS, mittee met at Mrs. Alpher's home, year built around the UN. Last nd suites of offices for nonresi- following a lapse of four years, 728 Warren street. The United Campaign this fall and after the war he was trans- dent professional men, was pass- I school was reorganized in the year more than 30 organizations 'errcd to the INS Paris bureau. Oct. 24 marks the ninth birthday had such programs and many this Baptist Men To will be completed in one big night's •d, 7-2. I of l!i'17 and has been in oper- of the UN charter's going into drive if all goes as planned, ac- During that time he was given ever since. With the co- year have arranged UN discus- wo important Moscow assign- Voting against the proposal effect. This is the fifth year that sions, several to occur in October. cording to an announcement made were Councilmcn Robert F. Gum- ••iition of the sponsoring or- yesterday by Robert C. Fuller, ncnts, the first in December, 1045, Westfield has joined other com- Various activities are planned Hear Williams LEON PEARSON wit and Herbert R. Welch Jr. lizations and the general pub- munities throughout the nation in general chairman. With a resi- .vhen he was orte of three Amcri- There wes some confusion on the |the school continued to grow by the committee to mark UN dential division organization of an newsmen admitted to the Rus- the observance. This year's town- Week. The flag raising ceremony •oicc vote, with Councilman Welch expand until it is now the wide birthday program is planned Dinner Meeting At nearly 1,500 volunteers under the sian capital for the Big Three iriginally recorded as voting |th largest adult school in the will occur each day with Boy and direction of William It. Wilcox, meetings; the second in the spring with the entire family in mind. Girl Scouts participating. West- Church Tomorrow Candidates Speak aye." His vote was changed when • of New Jersey. With a to- Under the direction of Miss Jose- chairman, it is expected that the )f 1947, when he covered the Big ie informed Town Clerk Jane jcnrollment for both semesters field has the honor of setting the house to house solicitation will be our Foreign Ministers' confer- phine Di Miceli of Columbus 'pattern" for other communities Congressman Harrison Williams ones that he had opposed the 1953-54 of 1,368 the Westlield School, the pageant will tell in completed between 7:30 and 10 ence. At Junior High icasure. •It School is topped only by in the nation to follow as its stan- will be the speaker at the October p.m. Thursday evening, Oct. 14. In July, 1947, French Foreign Itclair, South Orange - Maple- dard for flying the Stars and meeting of the First Baptist Men's Minister George Bidault presented At the last Council meeting Stripes and the UN Hag is pictured Club to be held in the church din- To do this the number of volun- Sept. 13, William H. and Thelma Jl, Elizabeth, Weequahic (New- teers in the organization has been he Legion of Honor to him for League Sponsored I, Trenton, Passaic and Mor- Methodists Plan 2 in the Veterans UN Day Bulletin ing room tomorrow at fi:30 p.m., "objective reporting" of European j. Mair were granted a variance Iwn. distributed by the U. S. Committee according to an announcement by greatly increased, so that the num- Affair Tuesday o set up a professional office at for UN Day. ber of calls to be made by each .ffairs. Harry Hooper, chairman of the Mr. Pearson is an expert on the 130 Lenox avenue and to rent a the adult school starts its Morning Services Again this year Al Buist, man- program committee. Congressman worker could be reduced. "It is Five candidates for U. S. Ren- iccond floor apartment. Council- \ year whc'h classes begin Mon- ager of the Rialto, has secured a Williams has become well known hoped that the citizens of our tor and three for the House of nan Gumbcrt and Conrad B, Lew- night, it continues to be a United Nations documentary film throughout New Jersey as the re- community will plan to remain at Representatives from the sixth s opposed that variance at that •sustaining, self-directed com- Change Due To which will be shown during the sult of his upset victory in the last home until they are called upon, Trinity Groups Set istriet will speak at a candidates' :ime. A delegation of the Home- lity project, receiving no finan- week. election when he became the first so that complete coverage may be reeling Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. at rs' Association opposed that iport from any source oth- Seating Shortage Last year more than 12,000 congressman from the Democratic accomplished," Mr. Fuller stated. the Junior High School here, ac- ariance, but none of the group han course fees. There is no pieces of UN literature were given party to represent this district in "Lights on for Giving" has been Joint Program ording to Mrs. Joel Mitchell, vot- as present at Monday's sessicn. Itional fee for a non-resident Beginning Sunday, two identical Wcstfield residents. This year, UN recent history. The subject of his adopted as tin; slogan of this one •is service chairman of the local In recommending the variance, p'cstlield.
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