An epidemic Safety guidelines Thoughts of a .. ,or Halloween par_ish pri~st ...... The Denver catholic Register VOL. LXI NO. 43 OCTOBER 23, 1985 Colorado'• Largest Weekly Circulation ao,eeo 21 PAGES 25 CENTS $43,775 is sent for Mexican relief A check for '43,775.54 was turned letter of transmittal to CRS head­ over Oct. 15 by Archbishop James V. quarters in New York. Caley to Catholic Relief Services " 1be people of the Archdiocese of ( CllS) for Its Mexican Earthquake Denver have many ties to Mexico," Fund. the archbishop said. " Family and Tbe monies were raised in special friends so profoundly effected have collections in parishes throughout the been a part of our love and prayers arcbdiocese following the tragic event these past weeks." that killed thousands and left tboulands more homeless. '1be archbishop said the check rep­ " 'lbe tragic loss of life and liveli­ resented an " expression of our prayer hood due to the September earthquake and concern for the people of Mexico" in Mexico bu struck a chord in all our and added that be is confident it would hearts.'' Archbishop Cuey said in bis benefit those most in need. Famine in Africa 'now is ordinary' By Marianne Comfort poverty," Father Houle said in an inter­ Register Staff view Oct. 15. " But why are they so poor? Westerners visiting the famine­ And then you get into the nitty gritty, a stricken regions of Africa this year have whole range or causes." reported on the starvation they atttibute to the recent years of drought, but " what Father Houle worked as a missionary people see now is ordinary," according in Africa from his ordination in 1962 until to a Maryknoll priest who spent 23 years January 1985. Since then. as coordinator in Africa. of Maryknoll's response to the African The famine didn't originate with the Famine, he has traveled throughout Tan­ drought and the recent rains won't end zania, Kenya, Mozambique, Angola . the Africans' plight, said Maryknoll Sudan and Ethiopia gathering infor­ .. w:::=---- Father Carroll Houle, who was visiting mation on food conditions and options for Denver last week. short- and long-term solutions. Art and the Rosary-- -- - ( Conllnued on Page Sl " The real reason for the famine is the Denver artist Michael Buccino has labored half a lifetime with pen and ink to create a visual meditation for each bead of the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary. His Rosary Albumn of intricate drawings is now available in video cassettes. providing an easy and devout method of reciting the Rosary. This drawing above introduces the First Sorrowful Mystery, The Agony in the Garden. See story and other drawings on Page 3. October Is the month of the Holy Rosary. A 'closet' disease Fatller Nick Nor­ as ll says that there's not much llelp aroud for vic­ tims of eating dis­ orden because the diseases have been " la die elotet" for so .... Dr. C arol Miouo, a medical volunteer in Adi Haki, "Place of Hope," carfl tor a Story• Pap. child In Ethiopia. Page 2 - The Denver Catholic Register, Wed . October 23. 1985 IN THE SPOTLIGHT Father Francis Syrianey James H. Mauck suffers heart attack • Occupation: Director or ,------------, Father Francis Syrianey, Father Syrianey also was plete his theology studies Catholic Charities, Cath- pastor of Light of the World founding pastor or Pius X Father Svrianey was or­ olic Community Services Parish. Littleton, since its Parish in Aurora and had I and Family Life and Youth dained by Archbishop t;rban founding in May 1979, 1s in been pastor of St. Vincent J . Vehr in the Cathedral or Services. critical condition in Porter de Paul's Parish for 10 Birthplace: Wh eeling, the Immaculate Conception Memorial Hospital following years before being assigned in December 1943 and was W. Va. a heart attack in the early to Light of the World Age: 43 assigned to the editorial morning hours of Oct 13. Born July 30. 1917. in staff of The Register and as Parish: St. James Colorado Springs, he attend­ He underwent triple assistant at St John the What Is it that led you to ed St. Philomena ·s Grade bypass surgery Oct 15 a nd Eva ngelists's Parish. He re­ choose your profession? is not being permitted any School a nd Cathedral High I would like to say I mained at the Register II Father Francis Syrianey visitors or phone calls. School, from which he was year s. ) chose social work as a pro­ graduated in 1935. Light of the World Parish He was assigned to St fession, but it was really held a prayer vigil for an accident. I graduated He ente red St. Thomas· Pius the X in )954 ly series of columns on the Father Syrianey Oc t. 13 and hturgy for NC News Sern('e f from college in 1963 fully Seminary that fall and after 19. Fa ther Syrianey also has for three years. expecting to be drafted two years of college work ·• All our parishioners are been active in lhe Christian and so I thought I had bet­ was a warded a Basseline Family Movement. Pre­ For a number of years praying." said Jan Bot­ scholarship to the Catholic Father Syr1aney served as ter find a temporary job. I telsen, pastoral assistant Cana and Cana Conferences, went to work for Catholic University of America in the Cursillo Movement. the moderator of the Catholic con After Mass Oct 20 par­ Washington. C. He re­ Charities for the Diocese D Colorado Credit Un ion Library and Information So­ WOI ishioners signed a roll of ceived a master of arts ciety and taught advanced or Wheeling. They, in turn, butcher paper to be sent to League and the National abQ sent me to graduate school degree in philosophy in June Liturgical Conference courses in literature in the bca Father Synaney as a gel• 1940 and returned to St evening d1vis1on of Regis for a master's degree in well message social work and I have Thomas Seminary lo com- He a lso authored a week- College. been at it ever since. tat« What do you like best about it? dev Probably two things - one, J feel that I have the Ou1 opportunity to help improve the lives or people, and old second, exper ience tremendous compatibility or per­ "wl sonal and professional values . Liturgists air concerns at meeting What do you like least about it? alw 1:BX\ll B,\PIDS. ~t1r h cNCt Worries about tht> immune dd1c1t•nc·) !>) ndrome - spreads through '><'\UJI Not being able to bring about change quickly enough eve and the constant struggle to balance human needs dang<•• 111 c-on1rac· tm~ AIDS from the Communion cup and mterroursr with an infected partner or through lranslu,1nn of blood from an inlec-ted person Tests have been 111• against limited resources. <·onn•rm. about tht• re introduc tion ol the Tridentine ~las,; Me What is your most memorable experience? i;urfaC'l'd at the natmnal rneetln~ of diocesan llturg1c·al ol­ w lopcd to screen out infected blood I could not single out one event or experience ltnal, 111 <;rand Ra p1d5; Oct 7-10 rather Simons said in an 1nte rv1 ew that the htuq?hts What is your favorite pastime? :'\11 .1c-t111n wa, 1.1kt'n on e1lht>r Item. according to Lm,- dt•c1ded not to •..,,uc a ,tatement because the} did not 11 ,mt beg 1t •m·1• .Johm,011 c-x1•1·u t1vc secrctar\' of the Federa 11 on of to ,idd to the "hysteria about AIDS for My wire, Judy, would probably say fishing and hunt• wo, ing with our children and she is probably correct 1>11w1'~.. rn L1turg1cal ('omm1ss1ons. a· co-sponsor of the meet­ Dr Donald H Hopkms. assistant surgeon general .111tl and What one person has had the most influence on your ing acting dur<"tor of the federal Centers for D1sea c Comrol life? Among th<' 250 participants we-re two from the D<'mer has said tn a letter 10 the ~a11onal Conference of C'atholw con My wife and my children - they more than others a rchd10Ccst' ~tinme Slusarski. chairperson of the local H1shops· C'omm11tee on the Liturgy that 1f any diseases JI<' continue to teach me to respect the needs and rights or l1turg1C'a l comm1ss1on. and Father Sam Aquila. comm1i;:,,1on tra n,m1t1c-d by the Communion cup the~ most likely would others. memb<'r and pastor or Guardian Angels Parish be <·mnrnun viral 11lnesse;. sut'h as c-olds lie addt'd. tho11i;h What is your day-to-day philosophy of life? lhJI '"the transm1ss1on of otht'r 1llm,,;scs t•;mnot Ix• ent1rt'lv Each day is an opportunity to advance the agenda of Received calls excluded· Catholic Charities and Community Services. Falh<'r Thomas G Simons director of worship for th<' Columbus parishes ord What is your favorite word of advice to others? <,rand Hap1d, D1oc·ese said part1c1panls at the lll<'<'lmg the I try to make a habit of not giving advice as it 1s r<'portcd tht'~ have recel\'od calls askmg the poss1b1hty or lie ~lid lht'rr has bt•cn no ,uggest1on of tram,m1s,;1on 11I <;('$ more important for others to figure out for themselves t·onl ra<'lmg ,\IDS from drinking from the C'ommumon cup tht' virus that causes AIDS by sharing of utensil, but th;11 WI~ what they want and can live with Public ht'illth olflc1als have c;a1d that AIDS - acquired health ofltl'lals would only be a \\are of problems 11 Jn ma What is the one thing that displeases you most? unusual disease or clusters or 11lnc ..
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