ARCHIFACT S Bulletin of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand 1987/1 Archlfacts is the official bulletin of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Incorporated. It continues the bulletin of the same title, previously published by the Archives Committee of the New Zealand Library Association, 9 issues of which appeared between April 1974 and October 1976. The successor "new series" contained 24 issues (nos. 4 S 5, 7 S S were combined) with consecutive pagination from February 1977 to December 1982. From March 1983, issues of the bulletin are numbered sequentially within the year of publication, with the pagination commencing afresh with each issue. Currently, ArchifactS is published quarterly, at the end of March, June, September and December. Subscriptions to ArchifactS are through membership of the Association at the current rates. Copies of individual issues are available at NZ $6-00 per copy, plus postage. Reprints of issues 1974-76 are available at $7-50 per copy. The membership year begins with the June issue and ends with the March issue. Enquiries concerning the content of ArchifactS (including advertising), non-receipt of an issue (or receipt of an imperfect copy), and requests for back or single issues, should be addressed to the Editor. All members (and others) are welcome to submit articles, short notices, letters, etc. to the Editor. Copy deadline is the 15th of the month preceding publication (i.e., 15 May for the June issue, etc.). Book reviews should be sent directly to the Reviews Editor; details of accessions directly to the Accessions Co-ordinator. EDITOR: Cathy Marr, P.O. Box 11-553, Manners Street, Wellington. EDITORIAL BOARD : Nicola Frean, National Archives, P.O. Box 5148, Wei 1ington. Ken Scadden, National Archives, P.O. Box 6148, Wellington. Jane Tucker, National Archives, P.O. Box 6148, Wei 1ington. Michael Hoare, 58 Beauchamp Street, Linden, Wei 1ington. Hugh Price, 53 Glasgow Street, Kelburn, Wellington. REVIEWS EDITOR: Richard Greenaway, 1 Snell Place, Dal 1ington, Christchurch 6. ACCESSIONS CO-ORDINATOR Bruce Ralston, Manuscripts Section, Alexander Turnbull Library, P.O. Box 12-349, Wei 1ington. Copyright for articles &c. in Archifacts rests with authors and the Association. Permission to reproduce should be sought, in writing, from the Editor. ISSN 0303-7940 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 1 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE 2 COUNCIL NOTES 2 RECORDS GROUP 2 LOCAL BODY ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT - THE AUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL EXPERIENCE - THE FIRST SIX MONTHS Bruce Symondson 3 A MAORI PERSPECTIVE ON ARCHIVAL WORK Buddy Mikaere 9 GENEALOGICAL CONFERENCE IN WELLINGTON Bruce Ra-|Ston 10 ARCHIVES OF THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE SOCIETY INCORPORATED R- J- Meyer n THE DAIRY RECORDS COLLECTION IN MASSEY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Sheryl Morgan 14 MASSEY UNIVERSITY GATHERS ITS ARCHIVES Keith Carwel1-Cooke 15 BRANCH REPORTS - Auckland 17 - Canterbury/Westland (and Conference Progress Report) 17 - Central Districts 18 - Otago/Southland 18 9 - Wei 1ington 1 ACCESSIONS 20 ANALECTA 23 CYCLONE RELIEF IN THE COOK ISLANDS Ken Scadden 25 BOOK REVIEWS James Belich. The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian interpretation of racial conflict (Eric PawSOn) 26 Tauiwi; racism and ethnicity in New Zealand, edited by P. Spoonley and others. (Buddy Mikaere) 28 Angela Bailara. Proud to be white? Ά survey of pakeha prejudice in New Zealand (Kay Sanderson) 29 Barry Gustafson. The first 50 years: a history of the New Zealand National Party (Michael Cullen) 30 John McLeod. Myth and reality; the New Zealand soldier in world war il (Jim Sullivan) 31 A OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION 1. TO FOSTER the care, preservation, and proper use of archives and records, both public and private, and their effective administration. 2. TO AROUSE public awareness of the importance of archives and records and in all matters affecting their preservation and use, and to co-operate or affiliate with any other bodies in New Zealand or elsewhere with like objects. 3. TO PROMOTE the training of archivists, records keepers, curators, librarians and others by the dissemination of specialised knowledge and by encouraging the provision of adequate training in the administration and conservation of archives and records. 4. TO ENCOURAGE research into problems connected with the use, administration and conservation of archives and records, and to promote the publication of the results of this research. 5. TO PROMOTE the standing of archives institutions. 6. TO ADVISE and support the establishment of archives services throughout New Zealand. 7. TO PUBLISH a bulletin at least once a year and other publications in furtherance of these objects. MEMBERSHIP Membership of the Association is open to any individual or institution interested in fostering the objects of the Association. Subscription rates for 1987 are: within New Zealand $NZ 19-00* .......c $NZ 28-00 t,nr,c overseas $NZ 24-00 ^^duals $NZ 32_00 mstitutions Overseas members who wish airmail dispatch of notices and bulletins will need to advise their requirements. The additional fee will depend on current postal charges. Applications to join the Association, membership renewals and correspondence on related matters should be addressed to: The Membership Secretary ARANZ P.O. Box 11-553 Manners Street Wellington NEW ZEALAND *For two individuals living at the same address (within New Zealand) a joint membership is available at $NZ 22-00 per year which entitles both people to full voting rights at meetings, but provides only one copy of each issue of ArchifactS. Β 1987/1 March 1987 ARCHIFACT S Bulletin of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW9 In English nursery-rhyme mythology, such a question was once put to 'Mary Mary quite contrary' and, upon reflection, it is a question which ARANZ now in its eleventh year of archival cultivation might well pose to itself Many members will recall the archives retrospect at the tenth anniversary conference last August in Wellington when Ian Wards fruitfully reflected on a decade of work in his opening address Few will deny that, although sometimes 'quite contrary' and thus controversial, ARANZ has made a noteworthy contribution to the users', professionals' and interested lay-person's public debate on archival and related matters m this country Not all in the garden is rosy We still lack a worthy Archives Act The cold winds of economic austerity seem to threaten our heritage of specialist collections and collectors At the same time the user may have to pay even more dearly to view or consult archives, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, rare books, art, films and even microfilms Nevertheless, ARANZ and its causes continue to strengthen and grow Membership is up in over two years by some 200, and an active new branch has been formed in the Central Districts of the North Island New opportunities are rapidly developing in the field of records and information management, and in response to this, a new group has formed within ARANZ to meet this interest Users continue to display an increasing awareness of our archival treasures The New Zealand Film Archive reported for 1986 one of its most active years of accessionings, screenings and preservation vet In general there has never been such an interest in things archival and developments in information management as now The moral is, perhaps, that patience and eternal vigilance are the greatest virtues for all gardeners ARANZ and associated organisations must practise the same for as long as it takes to ensure that we leave an inheritance worthy of Aotearoa's future * * * 2 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE Following the AGM resolution of August 1986, the Council of ARANZ hereby gives notice that it will move to amend the Constitution as below at the next Annual General Meeting in Christchurch, 1987 Clause 8 'The members of the Council shall be the President, 2 Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, Membership secretary and seven Councillors The Council except for the Editor and Membership secretary shall be elected at its Annual General Meeting for a term of one year [continue to end of clause unchanged] ' Clause 9 'The Editor and Membership secretary shall be appointed by the Council and Shall be members Of the Council ex-officio ' (Proposed changes m italics) COUNCIL NOTES The last Council meeting was held on 13 February 1987 The editor's report was tabled and the proposed editorial board approved It was agreed that quotations would be sought for the production of Archifacts The issue of spokespersons and committees was raised and it was agreed that the policy committee would prepare an option paper with recommendations for the next meeting Progress was reported on Archives legislation, and on planning for the 1987 Conference in Christchurch Branch reports were received from Canterbury/West!and, Wellington and Central districts Finance and membership reports and a final report on the 1986 Conference were tabled The next meeting will be held on 1 May 1987 RECORDS GROUP The second meeting of the newly formed iRecords Group was held on Monday evening, 9 March, at the Conference Room, Police National Headquarters Thirty people attended the meeting, chaired by Alison Fraser It was decided to continue to hold meetings on Monday evenings from 5 15pm and to join the membership of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand Suggestions from those attending will be used to plan a programme of meetings for the coming year Chris Burns from the State Services
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