January 5, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E7 by the Washington, DC based Leapfrog file, because of the need to secure Milliken’s demands by repeatedly passing legislation lib- Group. The Leapfrog Survey, which launched support. eralizing the rules governing the importation of in 2001, focuses on four critical areas of pa- He invested in the educational life of this pharmaceuticals. However, implementation of community. Wofford and Converse colleges this provision has been blocked by the federal tient safety: the use of computer physician would not be the institutions they are today order entry to prevent medication errors, without his generous support. He helped bureaucracy. It is time Congress stood up for standards for doing high-risk procedures, pro- found Spartanburg Day School. the American consumer and removed all un- tocols and policies to reduce medical errors Milliken recognized that this region would necessary regulations on importing pharma- and other safe practices recommended by the need first-class air transportation to com- ceuticals. National Quality Forum and adequate nurse pete with other areas and attract industry. The Prescription Drug Affordability Act also and physician staffing. In addition, hospitals He helped establish Greenville-Spartanburg protects consumers’ access to affordable med- are measured on their progress in preventing International Airport, and the airport com- icine by forbidding the federal government mission, for the first time in its more than infections and other hospital-acquired condi- from regulating any Internet sales of FDA-ap- 50-year history, now has to look for a new proved pharmaceuticals by State-licensed tions and adopting policies on the handling of chairman. It would be appropriate for the serious medical errors, among other things. airport to be renamed in Milliken’s honor. pharmacists. Inland Hospital has displayed a tremendous He also left his mark on Spartanburg in a As I am sure my colleagues are aware, the commitment to providing the best quality very visible way. He was passionate about Internet makes pharmaceuticals and other health care for their patients. I am proud to trees, creating arboretums at his research products more affordable and accessible for congratulate the employees, providers, board center and on the Wofford campus. His Noble millions of Americans. However, the federal members and volunteers for their dedication to Tree Foundation has helped to improve the government has threatened to destroy this op- environment in many cities. tion by imposing unnecessary and unconstitu- providing the best care to our rural commu- One of Spartanburg’s most popular parks is nities. Their skills, compassion and dedication tional regulations on Web sites that sell phar- not a public park at all. It is the grounds of maceuticals. Any federal regulations would in- make this hospital a well-deserved award re- the Milliken Research Center, a beautiful cipient. landscape planted with a multitude of di- evitably drive up prices of pharmaceuticals, Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing verse trees. It has been open to the public so thus depriving many consumers of access to Inland Hospital for their devotion to ensuring that generations of Spartanburg families affordable prescription medications. that patients and families receive the best pos- have been able to enjoy feeding ducks at the In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I urge my col- sible health care. pond or walking the sunny grounds. leagues to make pharmaceuticals more afford- Many wealthy businessmen focus on build- able and accessible by removing barriers to f ing their companies, their wealth and their the importation of pharmaceuticals and pro- A TRIBUTE TO ROGER MILLIKEN power. Milliken was accomplished in these tecting legitimate Internet pharmacies from areas, but he also focused on building this community and region. needless regulation by cosponsoring the Pre- HON. JOE WILSON His legacy includes the education and scription Drug Affordability Act. OF SOUTH CAROLINA transportation systems we rely on today, an f economic climate that enabled Spartanburg IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to weather the loss of the textile industry MARDEE XIFARAS: SOUTHCOAST Wednesday, January 5, 2011 and even much of the beauty of this commu- WOMAN OF THE YEAR Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- nity. Milliken left instructions that his epitaph er, South Carolina has lost a titan of industry HON. BARNEY FRANK would read simply, ‘‘Builder.’’ It is accurate. OF MASSACHUSETTS and a visionary to establish the modern Re- More than anyone else in the previous cen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES publican Party with the loss of Roger Milliken tury, Roger Milliken built Spartanburg. Wednesday, January 5, 2011 of Spartanburg. f On this historic day of swearing-in the larg- Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, est number of Republican Congressmen from INTRODUCING THE PRESCRIPTION the New Bedford Standard Times, an excellent South Carolina is more than 130 years, it is fit- DRUG AFFORDABILITY ACT newspaper, regularly recognizes leaders of the ting to recognize the benefactor of establishing community that it serves by designating a the two-party system in our state with an edi- HON. RON PAUL SouthCoast Woman of the Year and a torial from The Spartanburg Herald-Journal OF TEXAS SouthCoast Man of the Year. This year’s published December 31, 2010. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SouthCoast Woman of the Year is an extraor- ROGER MILLIKEN LEFT HIS IMPRINT ON MOST Wednesday, January 5, 2011 dinary person, who is a leader in so many ASPECTS OF LIFE IN THE UPSTATE fields of endeavor that I think the Standard ENDURING LEGACY Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce Times must have been tempted to call her No one in the 20th century had the impact the Prescription Drug Affordability Act. This ‘‘Women of the Year.’’ on Spartanburg that Roger Milliken did. legislation ensures that millions of Americans, MarDee Xifaras is an able attorney, who The businessman, philanthropist, political including seniors, have access to affordable has been a leader politically, economically, mover and conservationist, who died Thurs- pharmaceutical products. My act removes educationally, and in civic affairs in general. day, affected most aspects of life in the Up- needless government barriers to importing Most recently she has been a spearhead in state. pharmaceuticals and it protects Internet phar- Spartanburg has the business climate it getting the State of Massachusetts to take enjoys today because of Milliken. He saw the macies, which are making affordable prescrip- over the Southern New England Law School, potential in this area and brought his cor- tion drugs available to millions of Americans, creating for the first time in Massachusetts a porate headquarters and his research center from being strangled by federal regulation. state university law school, to the great benefit here. Milliken’s presence and leadership led The Prescription Drug Affordability Act of the population of that area, and I believe to to the tremendous investment that European brings competition to the market for pharma- the practice of law in Massachusetts, by pro- textile equipment manufacturers made in ceutical products by allowing anyone wishing viding a source of socially-conscious grad- Spartanburg, and that international pres- to import a drug to simply submit an applica- uates for years to come. ence helped bring BMW here. tion to the FDA, which then must approve the MarDee Xifaras is an extraordinary force for Milliken doggedly fought to protect the nation’s textile industry and American jobs drug unless the FDA finds the drug is either a wide range of good causes, and I am de- from foreign competition. At the same time, not approved for use in the U.S. or is adulter- lighted that she has been recognized by the he rebalanced his own business to adjust to ated or misbranded. This process will make New Bedford Standard Times, but not sur- world markets, finding new areas in which to safe and affordable imported medicines afford- prised. I’ve had the benefit of her advice, compete. His foresight included knowing able to millions of Americans. Mr. Speaker, counsel and friendship, as did my late and when to step down from the leadership of his letting the free market work is the best means much-missed predecessor, Gary Studds, company and paving the way for it to con- of lowering the cost of prescription drugs. whose work in this body benefitted enor- tinue without him. I need not remind my colleagues that many mously from her input, as has mine. Milliken was a political leader, supporting candidates in local, state and national poli- Americans impacted by the high costs of pre- Mr. Speaker, as an example of what citizen- tics. Long before South Carolina enjoyed its scription medicine have demanded Congress ship is at its best, at a time when we very early spot in the presidential primary sea- reduce the barriers which prevent American much need that, I ask that the New Bedford son, national candidates came to consumers from purchasing imported pharma- Standard Times article about Woman of the Spartanburg, raising the community’s pro- ceuticals. Congress has responded to these Year MarDee Xifaras be printed here. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:09 Jan 06, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JA8.015 E05JAPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS E8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 5, 2011 [From SouthCoastToday.com, Jan. 2, 2011] And they convinced them that the most Xifaras said the SNESL board had been in- MARDEE XIFARAS: SOUTHCOAST WOMAN OF cost-effective way to do it was by accepting spired by the establishment of the state med- THE YEAR SNESL’s existing Dartmouth campus as a ical school in Worcester 40 years ago, also for donation. students of limited means.
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