1 KIZZUWATNA / CILICIA: ASPECTS OF THE HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Dorit Annelore Symington A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of London, Institute of Archaeology, University College London. 2 Abstract Cilicia is a well defined geographical region in south-west Turkey, consisting of a large fertile plain surrounded by mountain ranges and bordering on the Mediterranean sea in the south. The archaeological importance of Cilicia has been established by extensive surveys and some excavations. The large number of settlement mounds located, clearly outline the trade/communication routes which traverse the plain from east to west and north to south. An important development in the study of Hittite historical geography has been the identification of Kizzuwatna, frequently mentioned in Hittite records, with the province of Cilicia. At the same time it is thought that Kizzuwatna extended into the mountainous area of the Anti-Taurus to the north, a theory primarily based on the equation of the Hittite city Kummanni with classical Comana and a series of Hittite rock reliefs in the same region. The study explores the cultural relations of the Cilician plain with the mountain areas in the north, considering aspects of seasonal movements, the exploitation of metal sources, the ceramic evidence, as well as the epigraphic contents of the Hittite rock reliefs. The political relationship of Kizzuwatna with Hatti and its N.Syrian neighbours forms the essential part of the thesis and a re-assessment of the historical sources has been attempted. The study traces the historical development from the formation of an independant kingdom in Cilicia towards the end of the Hittite Old Kingdom to the annexation of Kizzuwatna in the Early Empire period. The primary sources for the kingdom of Kizzuwatna are a series of treaties concluded with Hatti which illustrate the role of Kizzuwatna as a buffer state 3 between the Hittites and their chief opponent Hurri/Mittani. The uncertainties regarding the chronological order of the treaties, and hence the sequence of Kizzuwatnean kings, are examined on the basis of text dating criterion, as well as on the stylistic evidence of the so-called Tabarna seals. It is generally accepted that Kizzuwatna was finally absorbed into the Hittite state during the time of Suppiluliuma I, but cumulative textual evidence presented here suggests that the annexation and hence the dating of the Sunassura treaty (KBo I 5) predates the reign of Suppiluliuma I. Table of Contents Page Abbreviations 8 Introduction 10 Aims and Procedure Chapter I 13 Cilicia and the Anti-Taurus: Aspects of the Archaeology in the Second Millennium B.C. 1(a). The Geographical and Cultural Background 13 1(b). Communication Routes 17 1(c). Metal Sources 20 2. The Pottery Sequence of the Middle and Late 24 Bronze Age in Cilicia Introduction 2(a). The Middle Bronze Age Period in Cilicia: 26 An Outline 2(b). The Late Bronze Age I Pottery from 29 Tarsus Stratigraphy The Pottery Storage Room 2(c). The Late Bronze Age II Pottery in 36 Cilicia 3. Second Millennium Survey Pottery from the Anti 38 Taurus: A Summary The Pottery Conclusions 4. Aspects of the Hittite Rock Reliefs in the 44 Anti-Taurus and their Archaeological Context Fraktin - The Topographical and Archaeological Setting The Fraktin Relief The Reliefs of Ta^<pi I and II Imamkulu The Hanyeri Relief The Dating of the Anti-Taurus Reliefs Chapter II 72 Some Problems in Kizzuwatnean Research 1. The Sources 72 2. The Etymology of the name Kizzuwatna 75 3. Some Remarks on Kummanni 79 4. The Question of Kummanni and classical Comana 82 Chapter III Page Cilicia in the Old Kingdom 93 1. Cilicia during the Reign of Hattusili I and 93 Mursili I 2. Cilicia in the Time between Mursili I and 104 Telipinu 3. Cilicia during the Reign of Telipinu 108 4. The Isputahsu Seal 111 5. The Tarsus Land Donation (LS 28) 115 Chapter IV The Kizzuwatna Treaties 131 1. The Treaty Texts 131 2. Introduction 134 3. The Pilliya - Idrimi Treaty AT 3 136 4. Terms for "Treaty" 138 5. The Question of Parity 139 6. Fugitives 141 6(a).Fugitive Conspirators 6(b).The pittiyant- (Hitt.) munnabtum (Akk.) 6(c).The LU-lum (Akk.) 6(d).Fleeing Settlements 7. Geographical Aspects 147 8. The Dating of the Treaties 153 Chapter V Kizzuwatna in the Early Hittite Empire 173 1. The Predecessors of Suppiluliuma I 173 1(a).How many Tudhaliyas became King? 174 1(b ).Hattusili II 177 2. The Re-dated Texts Appertaining to Kizzuwatna 180 2(a).Prayer by Mursili II to the Sun-Goddess 181 of Arinna (CTH 376 C) 2(b).The Arnuwanda Annals (CTH 143) 183 2(c).The Ismerika Treaty (CTH 133) 184 3. The "Concentric Invasion" KBo VI 28+ (CTH 88) 192 4. Religious Activities in Kizzuwatna by Tudhaliya 195 4(a).The Transfer of the Black Goddess - KUB XXXII 133 (CTH 482) 4(b).The Restoration (?) of Shrines by Tudhaliya KUB XXXI 122 + FHL 42 (CTH 832) KBo XX 90 (CTH 525) 6 Page 5. Kantuzzili and the "Priests" of Kizzuwatna 200 KUB XIX 25, 26 (CTH 44) 6(a).The Question of Kizzuwatnafs Annexation and the 205 Dating of the Sunassura Treaty (KBo I 5) 6(b).KUB XL 2 (CTH 641) 210 Conclusions 227 Chronological Table 233 234 Addendum I 238 Addendum II 239 Bibliography 259 Appendix Second Millennium Anti-Taurus Survey; The Pottery Groups List of Illustrated Pottery 264 Plates 1-9 Anti-Taurus Survey Pottery Figures: Fig.l Contents of Pottery Storage Room - 23 Tarsus LBA I Fig.2 Anti-Taurus Rock Reliefs ^8 Fig.3 Hittite King List - Old Kingdom ^4 Fig.4 The Isputahsu and Related Seals 213 Fig.5 Anonymous Tabarna Seals 217 Fig.6 Tabarna Seals of the Middle Kingdom 257 Maps: Map 1. General Map of Anatolia 273 Map 2. Cilicia - Distribution of MBA/LBA 274 Sites Map 3. Anti-Taurus Region - Distribution of 275 MBA/LBA Sites 7 Acknowledgements I should like to express my gratitude to James Mellaart for the many stimulating discussions over the years, and his continued support and encouragement to complete this study. I am also greatly indebted to Mr. J.D. Hawkins, my teacher of many years, for his suggestions and criticisms while preparing the historical chapters of this thesis. My appreciation goes also to the Director and Staff of the British Institute of Archaeology in Ankara and the Adana Museum for granting me every assistance during the period of my research work. 8 ABBREVIATIONS AA Archaologischer Anzeiger - Berlin Admir. Hb A Handbook of Asia Minor, Naval Staff Intelligence Departm., vol.IV prt.II (1919) AfO Archiv fur Orientforschung AHw W. von Soden, Akkadisches Handworterbuch AJA American Journal of Archaeology AM A. Gotze, Die Annalen des Mursilis (MVAeG 38) -Leipzig 1933 AnSt Anatolian Studies (Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara) - London AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament - Neukirchen-Vluyn AoF Altorientalische Forschungen - Berlin ArOr Archiv Orientcilni AT D.J. Wiseman, The Alalakh Tablets - London 1953 BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Belleten Tiirk Tarih Kurumu Belleten - Ankara BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis - Leiden BoSt Boghazkdi-Studien - Leipzig BSL Bulletin de la Soci^te de Linguistique de Paris CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago CAH The Cambridge Ancient History, revised ed. CHD The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago CRRAI Compte rendu de la . Recontre Assyriologique Internationale Cil.Surv M.V. Seton-Williams, Cilician Survey - AnST 4 (1953). DLL E. Laroche, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite -Paris 1959 DS H. G. Giiterbock, The Deeds of Suppiluliuma as told by his Son, Mursili II (JCS 10:41ff., 59ff., 75ff) EA W. L. Moran, Les Lettres d'El Amarna correspondance diplomatique du pharaon - Paris 1987 Geography J. Garstang and 0. R. Gurney, The Geography of the Hittite Empire - London 1959 GLH E. Laroche, Glossaire de la langue hourrite. HE J. Friedrich, Hethitisches Elementarbuch, 1 and 2 HEG J. Tischler, Hethitisches Etymologisches Glossar, Innsbruck 1977/78 Hethitica Bibliotheque des Cahiers de 1 ’institut de Linguistique de Louvain HG J. Friedrich, Die hethitischen Gesetze - Leiden 1959 9 HH E. Laroche, Les Hi^roglyphes hittites I - Paris 1960 HW J. Friedrich, Hethitisches W5rterbuch - Heidelberg (1952(-54) HW: J. Friedrich and A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Worterbuch, 2nd ed. - Heidelberg 1975ff IM Istanbuler Mitteilungen - Berlin JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society - New Haven JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies JKF Jahrbuch fur kleinasiatische Forschungen JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies Kizz. A. Goetze, Kizzuwatna and the Problem of Hittite Geography - New Haven 1940 KZ Zeitschrift fur Vergleichende Sprachforschung ("Kuhns Zeitschrift") LAAA Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology LS K. Riemschneider, Die hethitischen Landschenkungsurkunden (MIO 6.) 1958 MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient- Gesellschaft zu Berlin MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts fur Orientforschung Berlin MSS Miinchen Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft NDH E. Laroche, Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites - Paris 1947 NOMS E. Laroche, Les Noms des Hittites - Paris 1966 OA Oriens Antiquus - Rome OLZ Orientalistische Literaturzeitung - Berlin Or Orientalia - Rome PD E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien (BoSt 8-9) - Leipzig 1923 RGTC 6 G.F.del Monte and J. Tischler, Repertoire G6ographique des Textes Cun^iformes, vol. 6 - Wiesbaden 1978. RHA Revue hittite et asianique R1A Reallexikon der Assyriologie - Berlin SBo H. G. Giiterbock, Siegel aus Bogazkoy I, II - Berlin 1940, 1942 SEb Studi Eblaiti - Rome SMEA Studie micenei ed egeo-anatolici - Rome StBoT Studien zu den Bogazkby Texten - Wiesbaden SV J. Friedrich, Staatsvertr&ge des Hatti- Reiches in hethitischer Sprache - Leipzig 1926, 1930 THeth Texte der Hethiter - Heidelberg UF Ugarit-Forschungen - Neukirchen-Vluyn WO Die Welt des Orient -Gbttingen WZKM Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes ZA Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete ZDMG Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl&ndischen Gesellschaft 10 Introduction An important landmark in the study of Hittite geography has been the identification of Kizzuwatna with a sizeable territory in south-east Anatolia of which Cilicia formed the essential part.
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