Okacm^^Th^Um^^ekAitkfM Vol XXIII. No. 5, THURSDAY. MAY 14. 1953 Registered at G,P.O., Brisbane, for transmission by poF'; as a periodical. Printed below is the oflicicl N.U.A.U.S, reply to Semper SPARE THE ROD AND Floreal's article advocating disafiiliation, entitled "Nothing to lose but Our Chains". Semper has taken the liberty of replying to the reply. H there's to be any big stick woviivg, Shoot Them Down we have quite a barrage of twigs. This week Semper mourns the passing, in unhappy circumstances, of one of life's gentler 'illusions. The dear deported is the innocent assumption that the police force existed for our com­ fort and protection. The Wrath of the Gods Most of us have sat stoically his teeth and his dignity, we have night. Thwaited. the keystone kop.s through an American film, watch­ comforted ourselves with the advanced on a small party of un Sir,— i Australian .•itudent. 1,C.S. is a cen- ing the eneaglng antics of the thought that a degrading proced­ fortunates who had missed tho Your article In Semper, 10/4/53,1 ^''l! °«ice which co-ordinates the Yankee constabularly .subjecting ure could never happen here. Wo fun. but who were manfully follow­ "Nothing to Lose but our Chains, ';>f ^''^'^'^ ^^[ National Studcn their victims to that method of in­ were wrong. It can and does. ing the trail, Thej were told to move we believe was a purely destructive ""'""^ %vhich are not members ol terrogation known as the "third de­ on, or else. One ol their number had criticism and destructive criticism llie Conimuuist dominated Intenia- gree". And, as we have seen the The Why the disgusting termerlty to ask what is always easy and usually exag­ tioua! Union of Students, and which wretched offender blink Wearily at On the Wednesday night of Com­ else, and was Immediately knocked still desire to maintain internationi,l into the gutter by one of the more gerated. To have been a. real the spotlight, prosresslvely losing mem. Week we saw just how co-op­ criticism, it should have outlined contact and through exchange of erative the police can be. Their be­ zealous guardians of tho peace. He ideas and knowledge, to Improve the picked himself up, murmured a the role of N.U.A.U.S. and then haviour was everything that could pointed out where it ,is believed lot ol student.s, the world over. have been desired, and to them is few soft, but perfectly justified, words, and was at once bundled in­ .National Union fails to carry out Council was not a mockery of Cabbages and due no small measure of the credit this role. clean studesit government, nor were for the success of the Dramatic So­ to a police car. taken to tho Watch House, and charged with using ob­ Therefore, we should like to be- the delegates the green adolescents ciety's production of "A Phoenix inferred by your article. All were Kings Too Frequent." scene language. At the Watch <>in our answer to your article by House he was .subjected to further briefly explaining what we consider members of S.R.C .s elected by fel­ On the Thursday night, however, physical indignities ns the minions the role ot National Union to be. low .<<tudenis as cabaple persons to Gomes we Were treated to the edifying of justice tried to force him to state attend to common student intercts. that he was beaten, not by a police­ There are seven Universities in Pub crawling expeditions are A'ell- Lovely thing in .skin-tight se- spectacle of uniformed bashers in Au,stral!a, all with their own student qulnert satin siren suit at Parlia­ their element. When, after the man (perish the thought), but by nigh iinpo.ssible when Council ses­ Graduation Ceremony in the City one of his fellow revellers. Councils (self-government), jwhich sions are held each day from 9.30 mentary Debate during Commem, discuss problems related to students, a.m. to 9 p.m. with breaks for Umcii Week faux pas-^d with "It's,too sor­ and then plan and cairy out con­ and lea only. did how Ti-uth gives a ball to ball crete measures, such things as Uni­ description of divorce cases". Prob­ The idea of a great Southern versity Finance, Commonwealth Union is entirely misrepresented. It ably been reading too much Test Scholarship Scheme, Health, Faculty cricket. began as a joke at the 1952 Council problems, cultural activities, student Meeting, when certain delegates Housing, etc. These Unlversilie,'; weie invited to a private entertain­ are all separated by a greet distance ment at tbe home of a Melbourne Comic Copers but ultimately come under one gov­ delegate. Certain delegations .^etm ernmental power, in the Common­ to liave taken ttiis matter seriously Union Elections are over three wealth; all nre working towards liie months off. But high-pressure and «c, wi^o ^re now managing .same go.al in tlie .same country— N.l!,A,U,S, affairs, wi.sh to apologise campaigning 'already going on by therefore, they must meet, confer, bods' ambitious to take over con­ for any ill-feeling which has ariser Act, exchange ideas, criticisms, t!iro!)!ih it. This year's Executive trol of Union funds and functions. articles on a national level, Pressure-group bargaining, behind consists of 1 Adelaide. 2 Melbourne. scenes jostling, throat slltthig and This i.s the role of N.U.A.U.S., that 1 Nev.' England, l Tasmania and 1 baby-snatching' all in the rules. One of a cQ-ordinator, lorum, informa­ W.A,. but compared with last .leivs party line—"Give 'em comics, that's tion and travel bureau and as such, Executive of 3 Sydney, 2 W.A., 1 what they fall for." should be regarded by all students, Tas:nania, surely a fairer represent­ student councils and student jour- ation i.s hold this year. No one n.ilK, as a most important body Ironi Sydney was able to stand !or unlc-^s all the Universities are to^ ^ the Exec, tliis >car, and Brisbane Low life bicome^maH'WarereroTps.'givlngi'^^^ "°' '^^'f" attempt to attend, and receiving no help from other i Travel cxjjenses for delegate.s at.d lout.<) and thieves practically OPEN HOUSE AT MRS. BLACK'S Univei-sities who have exactly the the E.\ectitive are high but kept to ruined Men's - Women's Club party oa the Koopa. Thieves in Hall, those of the audience and i Semper admits that we hiiv<' same ideas and goals, ' a minimum of .second class rail ture. a green Iloidcn stole a full ten Kinvf£^g ' GeorgA"l.lJ'7^,^^..^i'-?''":e Memorial to- °,"„!.*!render! i only "'« vlctlm-s word as to the Your article, as well as being j ?if.^l'l'!.i*=!::^•«;^ U"^!';^*^*^^^^^^ .gallon keg and a dozen expensive fvents al the Watch House. We destructive, is also inaccurate. In obvious reason for this high account. beer iugs. Louts and wiseacres the traditional Varsity ditties, they Office expenditure includes the were speedily dispersed by the bur­ are, however, naive enough to be­ accuracy ui your financial state­ hurled eight more 3«BS and doz­ ments and complete omission of any salary of a full-time General Scc- ens ot glasses overboard and tried lier members of the Constabulary. lieve him. There were, ot course, This, of course, is not a fit cause of the achievements of N.U.A.U.S. rctar.v. Audit and Accounting fees. to follow suit with a keg. Clubs can only be due to your lack of Bank Charges, Stationery and lost £40 on night plus £90 Union fpr complaint, wo should be well- no witnesses. If there wi'xv, this used to sucu kill-joy tactics by now. miirlit not be merely a i5<mippr knowledge of the organization you nrinling-. Postage, telegrams and subsidy. Makes you wonder. attack. TcIeplMuie and Depreciation allow­ scream, but u Court case in the The Wherefore Particular weiglit is given 'c ances, and is in our opinion not * best "Truth" tradition. excessive and needs no justifica­ The greater part of the warblers activities such as Debates and Con­ High Life SIfi gress for one year only, 1952, ^nd tion. immediately set off on a tour of It should be understood that we the high apots of Brisbane's night­ no account of the successes of pre­ National Union Is only a young Atom Bombs Jan (Call me Destry) are by no means denying the right vious years, and the real success of body. It has faults, but students Smith celebrating 18th birthday by life. atTlvlng, in due course, at Mrs, Black's establishment at the smart­ of the poUce to go about their Drama Festival 1952. Con?'.er,.s in should not take a defeatist attitude switching from SoclaUst to Liberal duties in protecting the populace Queensland 1954 will no doubt be i of ••disafiiliate. this organization is Club. Gurgled "There are some er end ol Albert St. Regrettably, from evil doers, or even on occasion, things you just can't socialise." So­ their welcome was not entirely cor­ 'success. Initiation of these activ­ not justified," but "build it up and dial, a heartlessly deaf ear being from university students. We do ob­ ities springs from National Union, make it stronger," This can be d'lnp cialists deny its a plot to keep Lib­ ject, however, to behaviour approp­ erals' minds off politics. turned to Sir George Crldland's de­ but their success or failure depends by nil students taking an Interest mand for concession rates for stu­ riate to the more lurid type of crim­ on the organization of the local in National Union, Informing them­ dents.
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