Filière des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie : 1- Publications : a) Publications internationales Auteurs Titre Journal Ourabah, A., Atmani- Anti-Candida albicans Kilani, D., Debbache- Journal of Herbal Medicine biofilm activity of extracts Benaida, N., Kolesova, Doi. 10.1016/j.hermed.2019.100319 from two selected O., Azib, L., Yous, F., indigenous Algerian plants: Benloukil, M., Botta, B., Clematis flammula and Atmani, Dj., Simonetti, Fraxinus angustifolia G. Mazri, C., Chimbo, S., Etude epidemiologique du Medjkouh, H. cancer colorectal, dans la Algerian Journal of Environmental wilaya de Bouira en Science and Technology Algerie et l‘influence de 6(4): 1551-1557 l‘alimentation Djaoudene ,O., Phenolic profile, South African Journal of Botany Mansinhos, I., Goncalves, antioxidant activity and 137: 133-148 S., Jara-Palacios, M. J., enzyme inhibitory Doi. 10.1016/j.sajb.2020.10.015 Bachir Bey, M., Romano, capacities of fruit and seed A. extracts from different Algerian cultivars of date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) were affected by in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion Fellah, F., Djenidi, R., Sphaerococcus International Journal of Bellik ,Y., Dehbi- coronopifolius alleviates Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Zebboudj, A. oxidative brain injury 11(2): 693-699 associated to depression- Doi: 10.13040/IJPSR.09758232.11(2). related behavior in female 693-99 Wistar rats Ait Chabane, F., Quality of lipid fraction Food Control Rovellini P., Boucheffa, during Spanish-style table Doi. 10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.107059 S., Medina E., olives processing of Tamendjari, A. Sigoise and Azzeradj cultivars Farhi, B., Bouadam, S., Chemical composition of Studia Universitatis ―Vasile Goldis‖, Bekdouche, F., Krouchi, the essential oil extracted Seria Stiintele Vietii F., Derridj, A. from Algerian populations 30(1): 33-40 of Juniperus sabina L. Bouguellid, G., Russo, Antimutagenic, PLOS ONE C., antigenotoxic and Doi. 10.1371/journal.pone.0230690 Lavorgna, M., Piscitelli, antiproliferative activities C., Ayouni, K., of Fraxinus Wilson, E., Kim, K-H., angustifoliaVahl. leaves Verpoorte, R., and stem bark Choi, Y-H., extracts and their Kilani-Atmani, D., phytochemical composition Atmani, DJ., Isidori, M. Charid, I., Kessler, M., Pretreatment with European Journal of Integrative Darb-Esfahani, S., methanolic extract of Medicine Zemojtel, T., Abobaker, Pistacia lentiscus L. Doi. 10.1016/j.eujim.éàéà.101163 S., Tyuarets, S., increases sensitivity to Schrauwen, S., Atmani- DNA damaging drugs in Kilani, D., Benaida- primary high- grade serous Debbache, N., Schafer, ovarian cancer cells R., Castillo-Tong, D-C., Atmani, Dj., Cherbal, F., Amant, F., Sehouli, J., Kulbe, H., Braicu, E-I Kornecki J-F., Influence of phosphate Process Biochemistry Carballares, D., anions on the stability of 95: 288-296 Morellon-Sterling, R., immobilized enzymes. Doi. 10.1016/J.Procbio.2020.02.025 Siar, E-H., Kashefi, S., Effect of enzyme nature, Mazri, C., immobilization protocol Arana-Peña, S., Rios, N- and inactivation conditions S., Gonçalves, L-R-B., Fernandez-Lafuente, R. Zidi, K., Kati, Dj., The use of modified The Annals of the University Dunarea Benchikh, Y., Bachir atmosphere packaging as de Jos of Galati Fascicle VI – Food Bey, M., Ouandjeli, Dj., mean of bioactive Technology Yahiaoui, S. compounds and antioxidant 44(1): 149-164 activities Doi. preservation of fresh figs 0.35219/foodtechnology.2020.1.09 (Ficus carica L.) from rare cultivars Azib, L., Debbache, N., Neuroprotective effects of Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy Da Costa, G., Fraxinus angustifoliaVahl. Atmani-Kilani, D., bark extract against Doi. 10.1016/j.jchemneu.2020.101848 Saidene, N., Bouguellid, Alzheimer‘s disease G., Ourabah, A., Krisa, S., Richard, T., Atmani, Dj. Chaalal, M., Ydjedd, S., Phenolic compounds and North African Journal of Food Mansouri, S. antioxidant activity of Nutrition and Research different parts of three 04(08):318-324 mandarin varieties extracts: Doi.10.5281/zenodo.4299556 A comparative study Chihoub, S., Christaki, Coastal eutrophication as a Ecological Indicators U., Chelgham, S., Amara, potential driver of Doi.10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106388 R., Ramdane, Z., functional homogenization Zebboudj, A., Rachik, S., of copepod species Breton, E. assemblages in the Mediterranean sea Deflaoui, L., Mettouchi, Effect of the harvesting La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze S., Setyaningsih,W., period on the phenolic Grasse Palma-Lovillo, M., content and on antioxidant Vol XCVII - Gennaio/Marzo Garcia-Barroso, C., activity of two Algerian Tamendjari, A. olive cultivars Boucheffa, S., Improvement of refined Current Bioactive Compounds Tamendjari, A., Sobhi, soybean oil by enrichment Doi: W., Hadjal, S., with phenolic 10.2174/157340721699920120820445 Aliane, K. extracts from wild and 0 cultivated olive leaves Dahdouh, A., Bachir- Optimization of peroxidase Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis Series Bey, M., activity of Turnip E : Food Technology Kati , Dj. (Brassica rapa) using Doi. 10.2478/aucft-2020-0017 response surface methodology Henine-Maouche, A., Ants‘ diversity Sociobiology, An International Tahraoui, A., Moulaï, R. (Hymenoptera: Journal on Social Insects Formicidae) in the 67(2) :153-162 Algeria‘s humid forests, Doi.10.13102/sociobiology.v67i2.498 case of the 5 Gerrouche forest massif (Taza Natonal Park) Amalou, Dj., Ider, Dj., New biological data for Zoology and Ecology Ramdan, Z., Moulaï, R. Salaria fluviatilis (asso, Doi.10.35513/21658005.2020.2.2 1801) (Blenniidae) from North of Algeria Amalou, Dj., Moulaï, R. The fish fauna of the inland Studia Universitatis ―Vasile Goldiş‖, waters of the lower Kabylie Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii (Bejaia, Northern Algeria): 30(2): 76-87 diversity and spatial distribution Bouziane, A., Petit, D., Is ant fauna a good bio- Annales de la Société entomologique Moulaï, R. indicator of coastal dune de France (N. S.) ecosystems in North-East Doi.10.1080/00379271.2020.1813050 of Algeria? Derradji, N., Moulaï, R. Ampleur de la nidification Alauda urbaine du 88(4): 281-288 goéland leucophée Larus michahellis dans la capitale Alger (Algérie) Mayache, M-E-A, Diversity and dynamics of Studia Universitatis ―Vasile Goldiş‖, Temagoult, L., Bara, M., potential prey of the Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii Moulaï, R. Algerian nuthatch Sitta 30(3): 136-144 ledanti during the breeding season Saadi, N., Trilles, J-P., Parasitic nematodes Zoology and Ecology Amara, R., Ramdane, Z. infecting commercial fishes of Doi. 10.35513/21658005.2020.1.10 the coast of Algeria Hachemaoui- Acute toxicity of two Studia Universitatis ―Vasile Goldiş‖, Benmouhoub, K., pesticides (Dursban, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii Moumene, M., Mancozeb) and 29(4): 184-191 Mouhoub-Sayah, C., their combined mixture on Nait the terrestrial isopod Mouloud, M., Djoudad Armadillidium vulgare Kadji, H., Yesguer, S., (Oniscidea, Isopoda) Mahdeb, M., Mouzaia Salhi, A., Charfi, F., Montesanto, G., Habold, C. Chihoub, S., Christaki, Costal eutrophication as a Ecological Indicators U., Chelgham, S., Amara, potencial driver of R., Ramdani, Z., functional homogenization Doi.10.1016/j.eecolind.2020106388og Zebboudj, A., Rachik, S., of copepod species ical Indicators Breton, E. assemblages in the Mediterranean sea Kacha, S., Djerbaoui, M., Diversity and abundance of Zootaxa Marniche, F., De Prins Lepidoptera populations in 4743(1): 035-046 W., Ramdani, M., Roger the Theniet El Had F., Moulaï, R. National Park (Algeria) Doi. 10.11646/zootaxa.4743.1.3 Yesguer, S., Mouhoub- Etude histologique des Commission for IP and Biocontrol Sayah, C., Hellassa, N., gonades du hérisson in North-African Countries IOBC- Benmouhoub- (Atelerix algirus) WPRS Bulletin Hachemaoui, K., contaminées par ingestion 151: 143-148 Smail, S., Mouzaia-Salhi, de vers de terre (Eisenia A. foetida) traités au chlorpyriphos- éthyl Moulaï, R. 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Adjeroud-Abdelatif, N., Effect of a natural International Journal of Environmental Hammoui,Y., Boudria, A., coagulant extract from Analytical Chemistry Agab, S., Opuntia ficus-indica Choulak, F., Leclerc, J-P., cladode on Doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2020.1804 Merzouk, B., Madani, K. electrcoagulation- 889 electroflotation water treatment process Brahmi, F., Haddad, S., Comparison of chemical Industrial Crops & Products Bouamara, K., Yalaoui- composition and biological Guellal, D., Prost-Camus, activities of Algerian seed Doi. 0.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112456 E., Pais de Barros, J-P., oils of Pistacia lentiscus Prost, M., Atanasov, A- L., Opuntia ficus indica G., Madani, K., (L.) mill. and Argania Boulekbache-Makhlouf, spinosa L. skeels L., Lizard, G. Abbou, A., Kadri, N., Optimising functional Food Hydrocolloids
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