Page 153 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TIMMINS COUNCIL HELD MONDAY DECEMBER 10 2001 AT 711 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS PRESENT Mayor Jamie Lim Councillors R Bisson J Curley B Gvozdanovic J Harwood T Laughren A Marks D Saudino D Welin STAFF GB Chevrette E Peterson L Cudmore H Nikkel M Jensen G Vaillancourt N Bruce K Cormier RJ Watson MEDIA 1 M Riopelle Timmins Times M Starkes Telemedia C Thom Daily Press C W rona MCTV PRAYERS MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR RANDY CICCONE VICTOR BROWN AND JIM SMEREK 1 Declaration of Conflict of Interest There were No Conflicts Declared 2 Approval of Agenda 3 Adoption of Minutes of November 12 and 26 2001 PRESENTATION 4 David Hughes Air Ontario TEDC re Partnership With TEDC Presentation Made to Mayor Lim and Dave McGirr 5 Presentation to Danny Berry Marc Duciaume of Sloma Cleaners for Coats for Kids Program Mayor Lim Made Presentation 5a Sylvia Gravel re House of Kin Mayor Lim Made Presentation DEPUTATIONS 6 Jessica OLink Accessibility Coordinator re Accessibility for City of Timmins Provided Overview of Responsibilities as Accessibility Coordinator 7 Carly Stringer re Mayors Youth Advisory Council Provided Update on Youth Advisory Council Activities They are Currently Working On PROGRESS REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENT HEADS 8 Mayors Report Report Presented a Rural Medical School Resolution STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTSRECOMMENDATIONS 9 Administrative Services Councillor Denis Saudino Chairman and Councillor Joe Harwood Vice Chairman Page 154 a Operating Budget Shania Twain Centre To Be Ready on December 17 2001 or January 14 2002 b Fanfest Report No Change in Deficit c Up To Date Capital Cost Shania TwainTimmins Gold Mine Tour 8282900 Subject to Change as Vertical Lift Additional Costs Not Known Additional Costs to be Brought Back to Council d Seven Proposals Received for Benefit Provider and Under Review Final Decision Late January 2002 e Employment Figures January 1991 576 employees October 1 2001 478 employees 10 Community Services Councillor Andrew Marks Chairman and Councillor Bill Gvozdanovic Vice Chairman a Transit Report on Efficiencies and Effectiveness to be Ready in January b Outdoor Rinks Going Up in Certain Locations in City Of Timmins 11 Planning and Development Councillor Dennis Welin Chairman and Councillor John Curley Vice Chairman No Report 12 Public Works Councillor Rick Bisson Chairman and Councillor Tom Laughren Vice Chairman a Garbage Pick Up at Christmas No Limit Encourage Public to Recycle b Windstorm Damaged Signs ie Signs on Stands Falling Over and a Safety Hazard Should Be Made to be More Stable Administration Requested to Review Christmas Tree Drop Off to be Advertised Waive Tipping Fees for Downed TreesDebris from Windstorm c Water Report 3 Million to Meet New Ontario Regulations Enough Funds in Water Account and These Funds Will be Leveraged with Other Government Funds REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMITTEES FROM MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 13 Verbal Presentations a CIBC Committee CIBC Bank in Schumacher to Close April 2002 Committee to Fight and Encourage a New Institution to Locate in Schumacher Councillor Saudino Not Present for this Discussion CORRESPONDENCE 14 Downtown Timmins BIA re Proposed Library Facility Read and Filed 15 Ontario Fur Managers Federation re Management of Wolves Referred to Timmins Fur Council for Comment 16 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines re Community Leader Award Read and Filed 17 Keith Holliday Mayor of Greensboro NC re Canadian Lumber Industry Read and Filed 18 David P Ransburg Mayor of Peoria Illinois re Canadian Lumber Industry Read and Filed 19 Ray Laneville MCTV re Restructuring of MCTV Read and Filed 20 Mayor JC Caron Town of Kapuskasing re Bearskin Airlines Resolution 21 Honourable Gail L Beggs Assistant Deputy Minister Ministry of Natural Resources re Nuisance Bears Read and Filed 21 a Charlie Lauer Assistant Deputy Minister MNR re Nuisance Bears City of Timmins Paid 63000 in 2001 for Removal of Nuisance Bears A Resolution to be Presented Outlining CouncilsConcerns for December 17th Bears are MNR Responsibility Safety Concern Should Be Consistent Program Across Ontario 22 Joe Torlone CAO Cochrane DSSAB re Municipal Cost Apportionment Formula for 2002 Resolution Page 155 OTHER MATTERS 23 Notice of Motion Councillor Bill Gvozdanovic Weekly Garbage Pick Up Resolution Defeated 25 Statement of Accounts for the Month of November 2001 Resolution 26 Acceptance of Tenders a Bus Refurbishing Tender Resolution b HandiTrans Bus Tenders Resolution 26i Hiring of Deputy Fire Chief Resolution BYLAWS 27 Suspend Rules of Procedure Resolution 28 20015591 Agreement With Riopelle Griener re Legal Services Resolution 29 20015592 Agreement With Ellery Ellery Cogar re POA Services Resolution l 30 20015593 Assume StopUp Close Laneway Between Elm Street South Between Lots 69 70 Plan M32 Cochrane Second Reading Resolution Defeated Council Supported Improvements in Laneway as Outlined in Report by City Clerk Under Date of December 6 2001 31 20015600 Authorize Purchase of Land from ONTC re Second Avenue and Spruce Street Resolution 32 20015601 Agreement With Scotiabank re Banking Services Resolution 33 20015602 Repeal BL19883071 and Adopt Emergency Plan for City of Timmins Resolution 34 20015603 Amend BL 20015531 Collective Agreement With CUPE Local 434 Resolution 35a 20015604 Amend BL19934060 and Appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officer at Timmins Square re Jason Cayer Colin Atherton Resolution 35b 20015605 Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officer re Monique Carriere Resolution 36 Adjournment Resolution Moved by John Curley 01438 Seconded by Rick Bisson THAT Council does hereby approve the Regular Meeting agenda as circulated Friday December 7 2001 as presented subject to the following additions 35a 20015604 Amend BL19934060 and Appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officer at Timmins Square re Jason Cayer Colin Atherton 35b 20015605 Appointment of Municipal Law Enforcement Officer re Monique Carriere CARRIED Moved by Dennis Welin 01439 Seconded by Andrew Marks THAT the following Minutes of Timmins Council be adopted as presented Minutes of a Regular Meeting held November 12 2001 as contained on Pages 143 to 147 inclusive of the Minute Book Minutes of a Regular Meeting held November 26 2001 as contained on Pages 148 to 152 inclusive of the Minute Book Page 156 Moved by John P Curley 01440 Seconded by Rick Bisson WHEREAS Council for the Corporation of the City of Timmins fully supports the Provincial announcement in May of the creation of a Northern Medical School with the main campus to be located at Laurentian University in Sudbury and atwoyear clinical education campus at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay with the new school accepting 55 undergraduates at Laurentian campus in 2004 and 20 of these students transferring to Lakehead in 2006 to complete the final two years of the program AND WHEREAS the City of Timmins will be working closely with representatives from the newly formed Implementation Management Committee Northern Medical Leaders and Northern Municipalities to ensure the development of a Northern Rural Medical School that will graduate clinically superior medical students AND WHEREAS it is important that all Northern Municipalities come together to support this initiative that will benefit atl Northern Communities in their search for medical practitioners AND WHEREAS this is not a time to promote one location for the Medical School over another but a time to promote the benefits and opportunities for all of Northern Ontario NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOVED THAT The Corporation of the City of Timmins does hereby petition all Northern Municipalities to support the Provincial announcement of the creation of a Northern Medical School with a main campus to be located at Laurentian University in Sudbury and a clinical education campus at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay that will be the initial start of medical opportunities for our Northern students potential medical students and Northern municipalities by reducing our shortage of medical practitioners AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Tony Clement Minister of Health the Honourable Dan Newman Minister of Northern Development Mines the Honourable Diane Cunningham Minister of Training Colleges and Universities The Ontario Medical Association Mayor Jim Gordon Chair of the Implementation Management Committee and all Northern Municipalities for their endorsation and support CARRIED Moved by Tom Laughren 01441 Seconded by Rick Bisson THAT Council does hereby extend the agreement with Kapuskasing for an additional year to reduce landing and terminal fees by 50 for air carrier operating between Kapuskasing and Timmins CARRIED Moved by Bill Gvozdanovic 01442 Seconded by Joe Harwood THAT the CDSSAB wishes to amend the Boardsweighted assessment calculation for Municipal Cost apportionment purposes in AND FURTHER THAT power dam properties are exempt with respect to current value assessment 2001 AND FURTHER THAT Municipalities who have power dams located within their boundaries will be reimbursed from the Province of Ontario for the loss of tax revenue NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT due to the exemption for power dams and beginning in 2002 and henceforth that the CDSSAB calculation for weighted assessment be amended to include the current value assessment for power dams as stated in the December 2002 Assessment Roll and that the power dam CVA be applied to the applicable tax ratio when calculating weighted assessment CARRIED Page 157 Moved by Bilt Gvozdanovic 01443 Seconded by John
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