LOS ANGELES HERALD' TTTTJRSDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 2(5, 1R93 11 HOCKKB. n _ FINANCE AND TRADE. LOS ANGELES LOCAL MARKETS jyWsrWifia.VBWa raVkWisVWslVaVifVsfVra^ BANKIMCt L [Tho quolatlons given below are current Stock Fxchancn Review. wholesale selling prices.] NkwYork, Oct. \u25a0 in Wall street today Pouiiiy mid Eggs. Poultry-Hens. BANK CALIFORNIA higher, $6 NATIONAL OF the stocks opened soauiwhst- bnt a de- oo 5)5.50 per dos,. yonns oi.-ie, ~;i. .'.0a1..,.,. old THE I.'eportto Comptroller of Currency, Ort. .;. (888. later , rooster.. $1.00<«5.00; BALD cline followed in a few minutes. An hour HEADS!! $i.50.ti3 00; duckr, of your hair >n sdvance began, in all shares partici- broilers. $4.0j(<t5.00; tur- Whßt Js the condition yours? Is dry, J RESOLRCK& LIABILITIES which keys, i. i \u25a0! pt.r lb. U.-.r it split at. the ends? lias it a Cash on hand and in banks ?14:>'."07 in Capital stock, paid la coin 9800,000 Ol pated, and in the afternoon the buoyancy con- Kcnif ?California ranch, per doz , 2702-r. Ss*5«SV\u25a0 bnilic? Does Untied States bonds Jflo.ooo 00 Surplus. 00 sfj Sife!fK:t appearanceV Do-.'s it fail out when combed or < n.ftOO tinued. Sugar recovered a break made in late eastern, 23 «25e. if' 4 Demand loans 111:!.720 00 Undivided profits U.7' 4. U dealings yesterday, and made a new record, Dairy Products. brushed? Is it fuiS of dandruff ? Does your scalp itch ? 5 Regular loans 1114.000 38 Circulation i:i."»,(lO<iDO School and Deposits 201,0*1 if reaching point poi ceut above yesterday's Hutter?Fancy creamery, 28 nunc* squire', s dryor n hsate< condition ?If these are some of bonds stocks 20.401! 05 a i.n n-'.. *S Jffii'WL JJ Furniture and fixtures (1,000 00 close, with a reaction of and made a final f'ney dairy, pur roll, .? V>7>sc; ?c youri;ymptomßbcwa;-nedintimeoryouwillbecomebald.' Expense! 5,450 Unite*, BOWfiU'.jC. EkVmWmm ' " * J, 07 lecovory of 1%. Tao g?neiel market closed per "' Cheese?Eaiiern, [h,120180i California, strong yes- . $1i1>3,84S 20 HtS 2f» very aud for the most part above large, 11c; 3 lb, hand, 13 ; \ wing Amerlci, f?KO3 terday. General BHeotrle olostd 3V, per c-.nt 12c The National Bank of California is one of tbe few banks that successfully stood tbe shock ot Root Hair the late panic and maintained lull coin payments through. higher night. Mill Prortncta. k ri?ht than last ISkookum Grower \u25a0SssgSsHsssnr ,v,m y" production in\sf* The National Bank ot pays deposits any form, offers no spocial Flour?Per bbl., 1,. XXX Capitol f 15 n need. Its Is notan accident, but the result of sdcnii HIM, who medi- California no interest on in Governments closed firm. A. X, $3.00: Vr 1 soalp to WONG has practice] $3.(10, HavrryX Show, sc \ IrM c. ''\u25a0 l.nowlcdga of the diseases of the hair and led the dtscov. cine in Los >or 1M y*ars, aud inducements for business other than reliability when tho customers exercise ihcir rights to de- York, Oot. 25?Money on easy; Mills. Hit! Drifted erv-,,r 'j,,,ivtreatthem. "Skookum"contains neither mlneralsnoroils. Il afB DF. mand their money. New call $1.15; vlUiur, Qj4 10; Crown, 44.11 ; BlOflktQJtia, -W IsnotaDyc.butadellglitfullyeo-liug refreshing Tonic. By stimulating * whose ofliue igai *'??>'* Upp»r Main fci eet, will closed offered at ]M)r Jk 7 f and 1> by o( In the matter of loans It looks more to reliability than high rates of interest, and desires no cent. H,ih. '< lb" it ttopa falling hair, and grows hmirunbald treat mtdlcinrfi alt ihseasfs womsD, men Prime mercantile paper, ??,',-. dot cen'. per ns / Pffimn 'ftp \ fnlllclei, cures dandruff aud loans except from good and reliable parties, and then exacts good security, believing thai no ps Mil '. Feed?Bran, lon, $21: short-, M8; cxiioran. Tbe doctor claim* that be has bank is belter or more tollable than its loans. Ittetling exchaune, oasy: baukM 00-day mixed f ed (go'ti aud bar ey). psf 100 lbs., Il; fTBr~Keep tbe scalp otaan, healthy, and free from Irritatingeruptions, by 3| remedies which are superior to all otheriiaia bi la, t i.-cc ,e«-l.- 'i demand, .;-i.-:i' I. -; , orgekeej % /Ii vKfevtA ll 1 tiuctp. destroys tjurasifio insscts, which nr. - corn, 1*1.05; feed meal, 81,191 lolled / /// /TsJflEI/il* ,ul '"the: ~l Sinnimm tiiitn It feed un for irouhles of women and men a DIRECTORS. and ''\u25a0->'lm Ihe hair. ._. tP Ipadqq Bin Francisco, 25,?Drafts: Sigel, barley, 75e / I / IsßsHf t iP V M trial alone convince tho Rick that Dr. CHURCHILL, O.T.JOHNSON, Oct. S- yi'urdruggist eaknoisupptvyon tons, and we will fonrsrd wi!l O. H. JOHN WOI.F3KILL, M. H. SHERMAN. 15c; telegraphic, fIlm iAtßol> II 1 lr send direct J"j Woug more efflcaclonithan 22!4c. Vegetables. ft lilllißMPll.'l 'ilnrepslil, en receipt of prise. Grower, 11.00 per bottle; 0 for gS-UO. bbap, 00c. Hlm'sremedicsare (Jnineav) W. L. GSIAVKB, B. F. C. KLOKKE, < IEORG KIRVINE. X N. MeDONAI.D. ami 5s II I can be prescribed. Dr. Worig Uiio is a W. 8. T. E. NEWLIN, A. I)I.HY, JOHN M. C. MARBLE. stocks uoNns. 1 Hkans?N»»v or small while, per 100 lb'., physician of prominence gentlemen of DrVAN. HA York, 26.?OlOilng quotatloui 88.7508.8»| pink, per $3.011<yt1.50; and a New Oct. 100 lbs.. 5/ \mm t ill THE SKOOKUH ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., responsibility. His reputation is mon; than were as lollows: black-o-cd. par 100 1b.«,, $2 50(92.70; Lima, 1 .persons needing 7 TR M IIK Fifth A venue, New York, M. T. < well established, and Mil his U, S. A s reg'd....lll Northern rac... 7 ? $3.50ftc:).76. 5 *"v, rt 07 Mouth "f services can rely upon his skill and ability. A do coupon lil do pfd 98 \u25a0 Potatoes?Por 100 ibs, 000051.25. cure is guaranteed ivevery case in which a re- Security Savings Bank and Trust Co. U.S. 2'sreg'd 97 Northwestern .... 10" llkets?Per 100 ibi, $I.UO. covery is pobsible. Herb medicines 'or sale. '148 SOUTH MAIN STREET* LOS ANGELES, CAL. pjclflcOs 102 do pfd 18454 Caiiisaue?Per 100 lbi , 55075c. Atchison . 21 IN. Y. Central... .103U CARKorri? Per 100 lbs.. *l.t!0. CAPITAL STOCK .$200,000 American *x 113 iOregon Imp lH*j Omon»?Per 100 lbs., 1*1.00(91.25. DR. WONG HIM SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 10,000 Gautdtan Pao ..; , i>r.->.<.n l»av SM t»l*d Fruit. OFFICERS: \u25a0 Line., l T. L. DUQIIE, J. F. SARTORI, Cashier. Ssnada S lUtheru. 52 Ore. short \u25a0 « per Company. HERB DOCTOR President. Apples?6(lo dried.sacks, lb; brutes, Pacific McDERMOTT, W, 709 Southern WM. LONUYEIR, Cashier. c Vice-President. D. Assistant Central Pac 21',. Pacific Mall lli'-a llXiille; evaputatcd, fanry, 11ie12.. Burlington 80 Pa ace. " 4 IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME. 639 Upper Main Street, Los Angeles. DIRECTORS: iPullniau Uj Apricots -Fancy, per lb., ll(gi2Uc; choice, Isalas W. Hellman, Herman W. Hellman, Maurice S. Hellman, A. C. Rogcts, Chicago Gas 63 ?? Heading 211 a OCTOBER 1, 1893. T. i 3 0010 c. GALISAYA I. Duque, Wm. McDermoit, M. L. Fleming, J, A. braves, oiton Oil 37j,Uiiibuioud Term.. Peaches-Fancy, unpeeled, per lb, 8@10e; Trains leave and are due to arrive at F.N.Myers, J. H. Bhankland, Lackuwanua. '... 104 Rook Island Bt)W peeled, Los A-.'.hi.i s, Cal., June 17,1853. J. F. cartori. ' 10011 LOB BI.KN (ARCADE DEPOT,) thk suffering it, c. TONIC ANG To Public; 1 been Five Par D. si (i 27 St. Paul 0. 14 Sulphate Hydrastis. have with Cent Internet Paid on Deposits. Money Loaned on Real Estate. ~ Prunrh?Choice, boxes, per lb, S09o: sack.-, Combined with of piles and kidney trouble for over five years, MstHlers . 32J4 St. Paul & Omatia 884 0070; fancy, Fifth street, dally, as follows: Our .oiii Committee of Five Directors exercise great eire in making loans. Great Sugar Otm 0010 c. and have tried several remedies, but all failed I Nortnern... 107 Trust Fresh Frnlts. Nervousness, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetite, Especial attention given to depositors oi small *vms; also to chiidteu's savings deposits. Illinois Central.. 93", Texas & Pao OH< Leave for destination. Arr. from to relieve me A short time since I tried Dr. may be sent by draft, Wells, Fargo ,v Co.'s Express. 10-8 6m APPi.KS-Per box, Debility and a low condition of the system Wong Htm, 039 Upper Main street, and I am Remittances postal order or Kansas Si Texas.. 23 Union Pao IB7a ILOOAI.tO. promptly by Lake Shore v. 8. Exp. 53 Peaches?Per box, 00075 4111 be relieved and cured its use. 2:00 p.m Si Facram'to 7:30 a m now well and strong, and consider him a first l)') c Invaluable for over-worked business men and SanFran. class truly, J tad Trust 28>,-» Wells Fargo 125 Pears?Per box, #1 weak, nervous women. p,esssnt, and 10:40 p.m ?'an Fran. Si Sscram'to 1:48 p m doctor. Yours 1.. <& N Western Union... MOJ-i G rapes?Per tox, Ulx.uOSc. prompt p m Ogden iiEast, 2d class 7:30 a.m W. H. HILLYER, 48s ettieietit. Ino doses #1. tie' the genuine; man- 2:00 Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal.
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