FAO-GEF PROJECT DOCUMENT Project Title: Innovative transformation of China’s food production systems and agro- ecological landscapes towards sustainability (FAO-MARA sub-project) GEF ID: 10246 FAO Entity Number: 658820 FAO Project Symbol: GCP/CPR/065/GFF Countries: People’s Republic of China EOD (Implementation start): 30 Sep 2020 NTE (Implementation end): 30 Jun 2026 Environmental and Social Risk low risk moderate risk x high risk Classification: Gender Marker: G0 G1 x G2a G2b Contribution to FAO’s Strategic § Strategic Objective/Organizational Outcome: Strategic Objective 2: Make Framework: agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable (Output (Indicate as appropriate) 2.1.1: Practices piloted, tested or scaled up by producers, to sustainably increase productivity, address climate change and environmental degradation and Output 2.1.2: Capacities of institutions are strengthened to promote the adoption of more integrated and cross-sectoral practices that sustainably increase production, address climate change and environmental degradation); and Strategic Objective 4: Enable more inclusive and efficient agriculture and food production systems (Output 4.3.1: Value chain actors equipped with technical and managerial capacities to develop inclusive, efficient and sustainable agrifood value chains). § Country Outcomes: Outcome 1: China aims to ensure early positive results in sustainable agriculture development by 2020 and notable progress in sustainable agriculture development by 2030; and Outcome 2: Lifting all Chinese rural poor people out of poverty and eliminate malnutrition by 2020. § Country Programming Framework Outputs: Output 1.1: Introduction and adoption of innovative approaches and best practices in global agriculture development, such as agro-ecology, nutrition-sensitive agriculture, ICT, facilitated and strengthened to contribute to sustainable agricultural development in China; Output 1.2: Biodiversity conservation and development interventions supported to revitalize key forest, water and wetland agro- ecosystems in the country; and Output 1.3: Agriculture climate adaptation and mitigation measures implemented to improve agriculture resilience to climate change. Output 2.1: Decision-making, partnership-building and rural livelihoods improved and enhanced through provision of policy advice, engagement of private sector, support to rural organizations, and empowerment of poor and vulnerable smallholders to support inclusive pro-poor development in rural and peri-urban areas of China. § FAO Strategy on Mainstreaming Biodiversity across Agricultural Sectors: Goal 3: Promote sustainable agriculture and food systems that integrate the conservation, recognition and promotion of biodiversity throughout value chains. § Regional Initiative/Priority Area: (i) Regional Initiative on Zero Hunger through promotion of sustainable transformation of food and agriculture systems to end poverty and malnutrition, sub-area 1. Inclusive and sustainable transformation of agricultural and food systems and 4. Inclusive value chains and food loss and waste; and (ii) Regional Initiative on Climate Change and enhancement of sustainable management and use of natural resources, sub-area 8. Land restoration, including sustainable forest management, sustainable land and soil management, and biodiversity conservation. 1 Project Budget (GEF): $7,179,450 Co-finAncing: $56,500,000 TotAl Project Budget: $63,679,450 Executive Summary This project is one of two sub-projects of the GEF-7 Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration IMpact ProgrAM (FOLUR IP) child project in ChinA, entitled “InnovAtive trAnsforMAtion of ChinA’s food production systems and agro-ecological landscApes towArds sustainAbility”. The other sub-project is a World Bank project in Hubei Province, “Hubei SmArt And SustAinable Agriculture Project”. FAO is the LeAd Agency And World BAnk the Co-ImpleMenting Agency of the GEF- 7 child project in ChinA. This project docuMent covers the FAO-MARA sub-project; a separate Project Appraisal DocuMent (PAD) hAs been prepAred for the World Bank-Hubei sub-project. A joint CEO EndorseMent Request hAs Also been prepared. The coordination mechAnisms between the two sub-projects are outlined in section 61 of this project document, and in the joint CEO EndorseMent Request. The project AiMs to support the innovAtive transformAtion of ChinA’s Agro-landscApes and agri-food value chains towArds environmental and ecological sustainability at scale in support of the 2030 SustAinable Development Goals (SDGs), RurAl RevitAlizAtion, And cliMAte resilience. The project is divided into four coMponents As follows: CoMponent 1. Development of integrated landscape Management (ILM) systems in agricultural landscApes. CoMponent 2. Promotion of sustAinable food production prActices And responsible Agri-food vAlue chAins for the stAple crops of rice, wheAt And MAize. CoMponent 3. ConservAtion And restorAtion of agroecosystems and biodiversity. CoMponent 4. Project coordination, knowledge Management and monitoring & evAluAtion (M&E). This FAO-MARA sub-project will aiM to achieve iMproved practices in 450,000 ha and restore 80,000 ha of ecosystems in Agricultural landscApes in ShAndong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi And Guizhou Provinces, with A focus on the MAjor staple crops of rice, wheAt, and MAize. This will leAd to benefits in the AreAs of biodiversity, cliMAte change, and land degradation; and will also generate iMportant socio-economic benefits. As such, the project directly contributes to ChinA’s NationAl PlAn for SustAinable Development of Agriculture And its StrAtegy for RurAl RevitAlizAtion. The project will Also AiM to support provinciAl And nAtionAl upscAling And replicAtion. In line with the FOLUR ImpAct PrograM’s strategy, the project will strengthen cApAcity for cross-sectoral, integrated landscApe-level planning, innovAtive technologies, financing and Market MechanisMs that support a shift towards More sustAinAble agricultural value chains. The project is expected to hAve A lArge-scAle transformAtionAl iMpAct on food systeMs in the tArget lAndscApes And beyond, by tArgeting A transformAtion of the intensified Agriculture sector (notAbly rice, wheAt, And MAize), and by supporting integrated production systems and restoration of degraded land, and value chains. This will result in reduced GHG emissions and nutrient runoff, and improved biodiversity And ecosysteM services. The project will Also hAve positive iMpActs on rural livelihoods, in pArticular for woMen. The project will be executed by MARA in close collAborAtion with the Provincial DepartMents of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and County Agriculture BureAus, And will engage stAkeholders froM governMent, AcAdeMiA, privAte sector, civil society, and locAl coMMunities. 1 Section 6. Institutional Arrangements and Coordination, sub-section on Technical Advisory and Coordination Committee. 2 Table of Contents PART I: PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 7 A. FocAl/Non-FocAl AreA EleMents .................................................................................................................................... 7 B. Project description sumMAry ......................................................................................................................................... 7 C. ConfirMed sources of Co-finAncing for the project by nAMe And by type ................................................................... 10 D. Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), FocAl AreA And the PrograMMing of Funds .......... 11 E. Does the project include A “non-grant” instrument? ................................................................................................... 11 F. Project’s TArget Contributions to GEF 7 Core IndicAtors ........................................................................................... 12 PART II: PROJECT JUSTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 13 1.a Project Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1) GlobAl environmental and/or adaptation problems, root causes and barriers that need to be addressed (systems description) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 2) Baseline scenArio And Any AssociAted bAseline projects .......................................................................................... 27 3) Proposed Alternative scenario with A brief description of expected outcoMes and coMponents of the project and the project’s Theory of ChAnge ........................................................................................................................................ 41 4) AlignMent with GEF focAl area and/or IMpact ProgrAM strategies ........................................................................ 54 5) IncreMental/additionAl cost reAsoning And expected contributions froM the bAseline, the GEFTF, And co- finAncing ........................................................................................................................................................................... 55 6) GlobAl environMentAl benefits (GEFTF) ...............................................................................................................
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