NewNorton Zealand et al.—Germination Journal of Botany, of 2002, Sophora Vol. 40seeds: 389–396 389 0028–825X/02/4003–0389 $7.00 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2002 Germination of Sophora seeds after prolonged storage D. A. NORTON that long-term seed storage could be used for the ex Conservation Research Group situ management of Sophora populations. The re- School of Forestry sults also highlight some intriguing ecological cor- University of Canterbury relates of germination that warrant further study. Private Bag 4800 Christchurch, New Zealand Keywords Fabaceae; Sophora; Sophora sect. Email: [email protected] Edwardsia; seed storage; viability; germination; dormancy; dispersal; New Zealand flora E. J. GODLEY P. B. HEENAN Landcare Research INTRODUCTION P.O. Box 69 Lincoln, New Zealand Section Edwardsia of the shrub and small-tree ge- J. J. LADLEY nus Sophora (Fabaceae) is widely regarded as one of the best examples of long-distance oceanic dis- Conservation Research Group persal around the Southern Hemisphere (Skottsberg School of Forestry 1956; Sykes & Godley 1968; Pena et al. 1993; Hurr University of Canterbury et al. 1999). Sophora sect. Edwardsia has an essen- Private Bag 4800 tially Pacific distribution, with closely related spe- Christchurch, New Zealand cies present on a range of southern islands and continents (Markham & Godley 1972; Pena & Cassels 1996; Heenan et al. 2001). However, the Abstract Germination of Sophora seeds 24–40 exact relationship between and origins of the differ- years old from New Zealand (8 species), Chile (2 ent taxa is still poorly resolved (Heenan et al. 2001). species), Lord Howe Island (1 species), and Hawai’i Notwithstanding this, genetic analysis has shown (1 species), and of fresh seed from trees established few differences between these taxa and has estab- using seeds from the same seed lots, was assessed. lished the monophyly of section Edwardsia (Hurr et Germination was rapid for most seed lots, with, on al. 1999; A. D. Mitchell & PBH unpubl. data). average, fresh seed having high germination (77– Support for long-distance ocean dispersal of So- 94%) and stored seed low germination (0–40%). phora sect. Edwardsia comes from studies of their Exceptions to this were old S. chrysophylla seed, seed ecology. Seeds of some Sophora species appear which had unusually high germination (84%), and to have good buoyancy and those floated on saltwa- fresh S. longicarinata seed, which had unusually low ter have been found to germinate (Guppy 1906; germination (24%). The results provide further sup- Sykes & Godley 1968). Seeds of New Zealand So- port for the role of long-distance oceanic dispersal phora species have been collected from beach drift for the distribution of Sophora sect. Edwardsia on the Kermadec Islands, 1000 km to the north-east around the Southern Hemisphere, and also suggest (S. chathamica), and Chatham Islands, 800 km south-east (S. microphylla) of mainland New Zea- land, and found to germinate after scarification (Sykes & Godley 1968). In both cases, the drift seed is from species that do not occur on the island group. Sophora seeds also remain viable for at least eight B02012; published 11 September 2002 years in storage (Sykes & Godley 1968). Other Received 25 February 2002; accepted 10 May 2002 legumes are also known to be tolerant of saline 390 New Zealand Journal of Botany, 2002, Vol. 40 conditions and capable of long-distance oceanic dis- been established using seeds from the same original persal, while seed longevity is a more general fea- seed lots as used in this study, although fresh seed ture of legumes (Raven & Polhill 1981; Priestley was only available for 12 seed lots from 6 Sophora 1986). In New Zealand, seeds from Carmichaelia species (Table 1). The identity of all Sophora seed species have been observed to have good longevity, collections was confirmed by herbarium material with 80% viability after 20–24 years storage for six collected at the same time as the original seed lots, Carmichaelia species (Grüner & Heenan 2001), but or from plants cultivated at the Landcare Research we are unaware of any previous comparable studies experimental gardens that originated from the wild- with Sophora species (but see Fountain et al. 2002). collected seed lots. The present paper reports the results of a germi- The seeds were washed in distilled water, scari- nation trial with seeds 24–40 years old from 12 Pa- fied by light sanding, and then germinated on steri- cific species of Sophora, and contrasts these with lised agar in covered Petri dishes in a germination of fresh seed from some of the same controlled-climate room at a constant temperature of source populations. Specifically, we wanted to know 22°C with 16 h light and 8 h dark. Seeds from each if Sophora seeds retained their viability after pro- seed lot were divided into two dishes, each contain- longed (24–40 years) storage. ing 20 seeds. Seeds were checked for germination every 2–4 days until there was no evidence of any further germination (48 days). Germination was MATERIALS AND METHODS defined by emergence of the radicle through the testa. Germination trials used 62 seed lots, with at least 40 Germination data from the two Petri dishes were seeds each, from 12 Pacific Sophora species col- pooled for analysis, and the resultant proportion data lected by or supplied to one of us (EJG) between arc-sine/square-root transformed before analysis. 1961 and 1977 (Table 1; Appendix). The seeds Analysis of variance (ANOVA), using seed lots as had been collected from wild trees and were stored replicates, was used to quantify the effect of seed age dry in plastic or glass vials at room temperature in (old cf. fresh) and species on germination. Regres- the offices of EJG and then PBH in the intervening sion was used to assess how well germination could period (cf. Grüner & Heenan 2001). Additional be predicted by seed lot age and mean seed weight fresh seed was collected by PBH in August 2001 for species with 10 old seed lots. All analyses were from Sophora trees in the Landcare Research undertaken using SAS version 8.01 (SAS Institute, experimental gardens at Lincoln. These trees had Cary, N.C.). Table 1 Summary of Sophora seed lots used for the study (see Appendix for full seed-lot details). NZ, New Zealand; LHI, Lord Howe Island. Old seeds Fresh seeds Sample Storage Germin. Sample Germin. Species Origin size time (yr) (%) ± SEM Range size (%) ± SEM Range S. cassioides Chile 10 24 –33 14 ± 6.5 0 – 60 2 84 ± 11 73 – 95 S. chathamica NZ 10 24 –37 34 ± 10.2 0 – 75 3 77 ± 9.4 58 – 87 S. chrysophylla Hawai’i 5 32 –40 84 ± 6.5 59 – 95 – S. fulvida NZ 1 38 5 5 – S. godleyi NZ 3 30 –38 00–0294±193–95 S. howinsula LHI 1 30 8 8 – S. longicarinata NZ 1 37 0 0 2 24 ± 9 15 – 33 S. macrocarpa Chile 1 28 0 0 – S. microphylla NZ 16 24 –39 40 ± 8.9 0 – 100 2 81 ± 12.5 68 – 93 S. molloyi NZ 2 25 –29 24 ± 19 5 – 43 1 85 85 S. prostrata NZ 5 34 –38 39 ± 17.5 0 – 95 – S. tetraptera NZ 7 27 –35 15 ± 13.4 0 – 95 – Norton et al.—Germination of Sophora seeds 391 Fig. 1 Germination of fresh (--o--) and old (—ø—) seeds from 12 Sophora species. 1, S. cas- sioides; 2, S. chathamica; 3, S. chrysophylla; 4, S. fulvida; 5, S. godleyi; 6, S. howinsula; 7, S. longicarinata; 8, S. mac- rocarpa; 9, S. microphylla; 10, S. molloyi; 11, S. prostrata; 12, S. tetraptera. Seed codes in bold are fresh seed. Table 2 Ordered species mean ± SEM germination for tetraptera, germination range was 0–95% or 0– old seed lots of eight Sophora species with 2 seed lots. 100% among seed lots within species. The five S. Means followed by the same letter are not significantly chrysophylla seed lots were the exception among the different at P < 0.05 based on an a posteriori Student- old seeds, with all exhibiting high germination (59– Newman-Keuls test. 95%). Sample Germin. Statistical testing was limited by the lack of rep- Species size (%) ± SEM lication for several species. For the four species with 2 seed lots of both fresh and old seed, S. cassioides, S. chrysophylla 584±6.5a S. chathamica, S. godleyi, and S. microphylla, age S. microphylla 16 40 ± 8.9ab ab was found to have a significant effect on germina- S. prostrata 539±17.5 F P S. chathamica 10 34 ± 10.2ab tion in the ANOVA model ( = 26.57, < 0.001), S. molloyi 224±19ab but neither species (F = 0.33, P = 0.804) nor the S. cassioides 10 14 ± 6.5b species*age interaction (F = 1.27, P = 0.29) was S. tetraptera 715±13.4b significant. However, for those species with 2 seed S. godleyi 30b lots of old seed (Table 2), species was found to have a significant effect on germination (F = 3.36, P = 0.005) when the effect of species was tested for RESULTS alone. Three species, S. microphylla, S. cassioides, and The onset of germination was rapid with seeds from S. chathamica, had 10 old seed lots. For these spe- some seed lots germinating within 2 days of the start cies the variance explained in the regression mod- of the trial and most seed lots having commenced els using age to predict germination were low (S. germination by 8 days (Fig. 1). Most seed lots chathamica, R2 = 0.358; S. cassioides, R2 = 0.051; reached maximum germination by 26 days. Total S.
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