'S. The finie is NOW. '.Ttie Governmen4 is a,OL4# 40 01 I CLi v4rLQ isiake a. eciio.j ovj +he reneua( of -fke £c1em epov4 w000(chie licence. The F,rest Fes+iv&l. on +l,e v,eeJteno of 't-5 Ppc'l, +t,e people of Can berrg( o..nd re5 ,on will si.o'sl 4ker concern af concerts, a afar and nuch shore. The weekend will cl,aL on Saaday gf1ernron with a march #o -i-he na(/y ai R.rIioMe'ct Hotse spe.kers ;ncludlk Bob Brown. Walk cr 'hit Fores+s a. +eam of 6 t) On S#rday 9- April you a.,d your -f'rienq'5 ca.- help save "he lhreateai ecl -forests of'#he Soulhead by -Arminr a lea.'n of SIX -to walk +he bep-'..#iitl 4-all wel corcs, c 4-he & , da4e//as. L..earn more abot. -4-he -f,nss, -feel h tsajic, and lie/p faire nwcl needeoL behIc a,rev€rse, Sage 4I,; por4iw -&r y°"'- ncotma+,on Send -I-his 00t+'Ofl -J-o Brindabellct Rt5+ Walk Conseru'a4s6n Gtsncil of #he cbu-theas+ kesion ctaoj (a4errcg GPO 60K 1975- Can berrot 2601 Walkers' Inforpnotlio,n. Your +etni c&n choose any /k5 distance I k. +o #Ae full 10km. Each ,mcmbcr -then seeks sponsorship pled5es tcrset/on 3ke +eam's i8+endeoi walkirio l +i3ie. The cnoeiey raised will both a lores+ry e4ucation kir for Me schools, a,, "( jive it hi5 boosi 4-o +he c ainpaZjn 0+ +Ais crilical +in,e. Walkers neec( com{orf able wa(hins shoes a sui h1 dtinhin waler, a oLa'j pack 1 anti clo+l,in5 +0 suif the w1Aer (i1 i of+en cooler 44ie moun+ans +han in Canherra.). Do 4rj el +o briny your sponsorship form5 a/on5 on 4-he bus ride. l3rin4a6-I1& Buses and Sponsorship Forms. Buses will depr+ f/ic CTolimonl Cenlre cit 5 00 a en Sci*crday 'j- 1pril, refurnnj et+ 4-30 p.n. Seals ate sftic#Iy Iim,led. The $& ro&ui4-lrip #ickets ,tisl be purchased in advance. NO LAST flh'JWrE 5EP73 WILL (I.E 4V41L464E. CUp +ke form below and reserve your seds. Mon5 ;fh or +ic ke4s we will urtten#Jy rush you your Sponsor$Iip 4'orrs s I/IS ott haL'e swfflcieHf #n,e 1-o seek sponkorship. PriLes Ar cponsorship P..ao(s r&seoL ll inclu&Ie k/clderness Shop 5i11 vowchers a,4 ra.,t frize5 Iton, Pao(c4y Pallins an. Wilderness &npeo4'+ionf. -' QOtJ'T MISS THE GU51 Seno your covnJJ/elecl fotni in s4raiçhl away whe+her or nol v" have 4c5e$ b/cit your #cam of sir. If you 'haQe ye-I- fo aS$e ,.4b/e your +eo e,Øer yo&.r nan.e as em.n co-ordina lot ano( purchase 6 bus *;kc1s. We wil( r.th ou 6 +ickels cs.no( 6 spon:orshe,o 1oi-ni Thcn, a-Her you hayk your 4ea..,, r:n. +e Conservation AJi*J4 f/IC members na.nec. Tekphon* the Cotsacil an (062)q-77509. Team Name (be crea4Ive !) - Yearn Co-ortiina+or J. Hame_ Phone Rd dress TStl e,,i 6ers (nnn,e d p/ia 2. 3. ci-. S. 6. Bus fare enclosec1 per adu.I4 4 Please ruti me LIII e one spoinorshqo 43 per concession 4;,rn per person. lbTnI- .4(LO5EO S ©M1NRA •U]NWA1llliN© Clum IL© 17 P.O. Box 180, Canberra, A.C.T. 2801 1 Registered by Australia Post; Publication number NBH 1859 VOLUME 24 MARCH 1987 NUMBER 3 nrrrn v-rn J&& &\L\c&L&&l &t\! February's guest speaker. Bob Cachet from the Bureau of Meteorology kept almost sixty club members asking questions well into coffee time. It was a most informative session - I think we all learnt a great deal. To those who missed out . - . you will be the Club "wets'! Cut or Keep? Conflicts over Australian Woodchipping Monthly Meeting - Wednesday March 18th, 8pm, Dickson Library The woodchipping debate is a heated one. Emotions often run high. Most of us have an opinion. How many of us . though, really understand the issues? Do you feel that those with vested interests often present distorted, one-eyed arguments? At our March meeting not one, but three, guest speakers fron the ANUs Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies will form a panel to give us as dispassionate a presentation as you will be likely to hear on woodohipping in Australia. Each speaker has been involved extensively in the woodchipping industry through research, critical evaluation and the publishing of pertinent papers. The guest speakers are John Dargavel, John Formby and Paul Parker. Their talks will cover:- 1/ UJoodohips as the epitomy of the five-way conflicts between economic. environmental, social, political and scientific concerns. 2/ History of woodohip exports and their planned extension. 3/ Clearfelling. sustained yield and environmental effects. 4/ Economic and trade issues. 5/ Environmental Impact Assessments and the political process. There will then be an open question and answer discussion time when the panel will respond to your questions and comments. Make sure you are there so you can become informed. Being informed can help you better form your own opinion. The acting Conservation Officer, Patrick Tobin, has encouraged club members to attend the Conservation Council's April 4-8th activity weekend in support of the forest areas of the South-East Region near Eden. The evening of March 18th should be an informative prelude to this. April Monthly Meeting Sneak Preview - Slide Competition It will soon be time to cull the acres of celluloid you have exposed in pursuit of the ultimate wilderness calendar shot! The categories to think of are candid camera, action, landscape, portrait, "what could have been" and Flo 'arty-farty" (yes, this year your close-ups of tree-trunks, rocks and flowers have a category of ther own)! See next months IT for details of competition rules, regulations and prizes Kern-Ann President's Prattle On a number of Club walks lately I have been surprised to find people trying to dump rubbish which they claim to be 'biodegradable". It appears that some people are not aware of the accepted rule now within bushwalking clubs that everything carried in must be carried out. So called "biodegradable" items ltke seeds, paper. orange peel and apple cores can take a long time to degrade. In the meantime the bush can be left looking like a refuse tip. Dumping any kind of rubbish in the bush destroys its pristine character and considerably detracts from other people's enjoyment of these areas. You do not dump rubbish in your living room so why dump rubbish in areas where other people are walking and camping? Wherever possible toilet paper should be burnt or at the very least buried about 8" below the surface. Tampons and sanitary napkins should either be burnt or carried out. I will never forget seeing an old tampon caught up in twigs just above where I was collecting water in a tiny side stream near a hut in New Zealand. The level of use of bushwalking areas is increasing rapidly and we all have a responsibility to preserve these areas for future users. This also means carrying out other people's rubbish when you find it. Remember the old adage. Take only photographs and leave only footprints: On a lighter note our roving conservation officer. Julie Andrew made it to WA. After some days recuperating on Rottnest Is from the long bus trip, she is heading off to Geraldton from where she plans to bike to Kalbarri National Park. Rene Davies Search & Rescue Practice Wi-lEN 4-5th of April. 1987 LOCATION Quiera Clearing. Grid Reference 406282 TOUGA 1:25000 Map WATER Bring your own - there is no permanent water at the base camp MAPS REQUIRED TOUGA 1:25000 (essential), NERRIGA 1:85000 (optional) GETTING THERE Drive to Braidwood and take the Nowra road through Nerriga. A few kilometres past the Endnick River turn left down the Touga road (unsigned). Quiera Clearing is about 18km along this road. Watch out for black and yellow S4R. FBW or S&R HQ signs. START 7am prompt on Saturday WHO IS WELCOME Any member of an affiliated club of the Federation who is over 18 years old. Bushwalkers 5&R will not accept responsibility for any uninvited visitors. WHAT TO BRING Your sandshoes! everyone will go bush one or both days, a scramble rope would be handy. HEAVY RAIN The practice will only be cancelled if extremely heavy rain makes roads impassible to conventional two wheel drive vehicles, CONTACT Dave Drohan 413566(h), 663100(w). for further details. Weekend Packs The committee intends to purchase on behalf of the Club two new packs costing approxtrnately $140 each for hire to Club members. 3 MEMBERSHIP MaTTERs New Members David Holden Byers. 10/7 McGee Place. PEARCE. ACT 2607. 853165(h). 818644(w). Michael Frank Costello. 31 Spica St.. GIRALANG, ACT 2817. 411934(h). 411934(w). Gerald Well Dodgson. 6 Feakes Place, CAMPBELL. ACT 2601. 472618(h), 632748(w). Stuart Graham. 22 Woralul St., WARAMANGA, ACT 2611. 880126(h). John Kesteven. I Southwell St.. WEETANGERA. ACT 2614. 949174(h). 836777(w). Rod Simpson, B Lyttleton Cres., COOK, ACT 2514. 515871(h). 494783(w). Michael Wells. 119 Limestone Ave.. BRA000W. ACT 2601, 571313(h). 836777(w). Ruth Zeller. 24A MacAdam St.. PAGE. ACT 2614. 548389(h). 510555(w). Prospective Members Margaret Cole. 123 Ralgoorlie Crescent. FISHER, ACT 2611.
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