Chapter 9 The End Product and Food Safety Gregg Rentfrow and Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar The End Product looks without the legs: Does the torso chill/age carcasses seven to 14 days to look round or like an inverted triangle? maximize tenderness and quality he average American will consume A round torso is an indication of muscle, more than 200 lb. of red meat and Again, red meat and poultry that enter whereas an inverted triangle is indicative Tpoultry this year. Approximately 60 to 65 lb. into commerce, by law, must be inspected of a light muscled animal. Then, look at of that total will be beef, with ground beef by the USDA-Food Safety and Inspection the stance of the front and hind legs. Does as the most consumed form. In addition, Service (FSIS). All aspects of the process the animal have a wide (heavy muscled) Americans have more disposable income to must be inspected; slaughter, fabrication, or a narrow stance (light muscled)? Fur- spend on a wider variety of foods than ever ground product, and the various pro- thermore, a full brisket and fat deposition before in our history and beef is no excep- cessed meats. There are no exceptions to around the tail-head are good indicators tion. Consumers can choose to purchase USDA-FSIS inspection, regardless of size of fat cover. Again, from behind the ani- and consume beef from a variety of manage- of farm or number of animals. Animals mal imagine the torso without legs; does ment systems (traditional, grass-finished, that are custom processed cannot legally the body look like a square, flat across the or organic) or beef from a specific breed enter commerce and is intended for pri- top of the animal? A square, flat topped or region of the country. Regardless of the vate (owner of the animal) consumption. animal is an indication of a fatter animal. type or form of beef consumers choose, they Note: There are two forms of inspection, Finally, when the animal moves can you can be assured they are consuming a safe, USDA (sold in all 50 states) and state (only see the shoulder blades working and does wholesome food. Beef at grocery stores and/ sold in said state) inspection. State inspec- the body appear to jiggle? These can be in- or eating establishments have gone through tion has to be equal to or better than federal dicators of fat cover on the animal. Deter- USDA Inspection, food safety plans such as inspection. Kentucky does not have a state mining the difference between muscling the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control inspection service. and trimness takes time, patience, and Points (HACCP), and come from an indus- practice, but consistent evaluation and try focused on food safety. Mistakes happen, Aging and Beef Fabrication comparing live animal evaluations with but overall U.S. beef is the safest in the world. Meat is approximately 70 percent to 75 carcass measurements can help accuracy. The journey of beef from gate to plate, percent water; thus the average beef car- has not only focused on food safety, but Converting Cattle to Beef cass will lose between 2 percent to 5 per- cent of weight in the first 24 hours due to beef farmers and meat processors also • Must be humanely handled and evaporative cooling. Large and very large focus on providing a quality product. stunned (captive bolt gun or gunshot; processors will fabricate the carcass into Beef quality can be described as desirable 1958 regulation, revised 2002 Farm primals and subprimals within the first color and tenderness, along with superior Bill) 24 to 48 hours. The primals and subpri- flavor. American beef is considered to be • Exsanguinate (bled by cutting the mals are placed in vacuum bags and then the highest quality, most flavorful, and throat and/or severing the major veins boxed. It takes approximately 20 to 25 days safest in the entire world. Each segment and arteries from the heart) for boxed beef to be delivered to a local of the industry focuses on all of these • Remove the head and present for in- retailer from the packing plant. The cuts parameters. spection (mandibular lymph glands, will age inside the vacuum bag, referred to tongue, etc) Beef Cattle Evaluation as wet aged beef. Aging allows the residual • Removal of hide, feet, and viscera Live animal evaluation is subjective, enzymes to breakdown the connective tis- • Carcass is split, trimmed free of con- and even experienced cattle buyers will sue and proteins to produce a more tender tamination, weighed, washed, and incorrectly evaluate the cutability and/ product. Small meat processors have the enters the cooler or quality of an animal occasionally. ability to allow the carcasses to dry age in • Must be USDA inspected if meat is to Regardless, it is important for farmers to the cooler, as a whole carcass, for seven or enter commerce; custom slaughter is know the basic concepts of beef cattle 14 more days. Dry aging also produces a only a service provided to farmers and evaluation. Comparing carcass traits (ri- more tender beef product but the flavor meat cannot be sold legally beye area, 12th rib fat thickness, marbling has been described as more intense, • Last step prior to chilling in the cooler score) with live animal evaluations are nuttier, or earthier. Due to the size of the is microbial intervention (hot-water key to becoming proficient in beef cattle industry, the vast majority of beef available wash (≥180°F), steam cabinet, acid evaluation. in retail grocery stores is wet aged. spray (lactic or acetic acid) Muscling and trimness are the traits Beef cattle (live) yield only about 35 • Carcasses chilled for 24 to 48 hours to observe when evaluating live cattle. percent to 40 percent lean edible meat. by large processors (IBP, Cargil, etc.) Muscling can be evaluated by standing During the conversion of muscle to meat before fabrication; small processors will behind the animal. Imagine how the body (the hide, head, feet, blood, and viscera 139 Chapter 9—The End Product and Food Safety have been removed), the difference be- Table 9-1. Percentage of total carcass such as frankfurters, deli roast beef, jerky, tween live weight and carcass weight is weight and value of each of the major primal cuts. etc. The following are estimates of the age referred to as a dressing percentage. The of the animal at the time of slaughter for average cattle will have a dressing percent- Percent Percent each USDA Maturity score. Primal Cut by Weight by Value age from 60 percent to 63 percent. From a Round 23 29 conversion standpoint, a 1,000-pound live Maturity Age Loin 17 29 steer with a 62 percent dressing percent- A less than 30 months of age at Rib 9 11 slaughter age will produce a 620-pound carcass. The Chuck 26 21 B 30 to 42 months of age at 620-pound carcass will yield approximate- Adapted from Boggs and Merkel, Live Animal slaughter ly 60 percent to 70 percent, depending on Carcass Evaluation and Selection Manual. Third C 42 to 72 months of age at the amount of fat and bone removed from Edition. slaughter the carcass. In most cases, the 620-pound D 72 to 96 months at slaughter carcass will ultimately yield approximately E older than 96 months at 400 pounds of edible retail cuts with the Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, slaughter majority as ground beef. and Canner (least desirable). Beef from carcasses with superior quality grades Marbling Retail Cuts of Beef (USDA Prime and Choice) are expected Juiciness and flavor are predicted by The four major primal cuts on a beef to be the most tender, juicy, and flavorful. the amount of marbling in the ribeye. carcass are the round, loin, rib, and chuck. The ribeye is exposed between the Marbling degrees are determined by the These cuts comprise approximately 75 12th/13th rib juncture for grading. Matu- amount and distribution of the flecks percent of the weight of a carcass and rity and marbling are the two factors used of fat within the ribeye. The marbling account for roughly 90 percent of the to assign a USDA Quality Grade. The fol- degrees range from practically devoid, carcass value (Table 9-1 illustrates the lowing are descriptions of those factors. traces, slight, small, modest, moderate, breakdown by weight and value of the Maturity slightly abundant, moderately abundant, primal cuts). The remaining 25 percent and abundant (Figure 9-1). Marbling is of the weight and 10 percent of the value Tenderness is predicted by the age/ma- further subdivided into degrees ranging come from the brisket, shanks, plate, skirt, turity of the animal at the time of slaugh- from 0 to 90, in increments of 10. Ribeye and flank. ter. As an animal ages, it develops more and loin cuts from USDA Prime carcasses Steaks and roasts come from the primal connective tissue and the meat becomes will be sold to five-star, white tablecloth cuts of meat. Each primal cut has its own tougher. The maturity scores range is from restaurants and higher end grocery stores, characteristics in terms of tenderness, fat A to E in the USDA Beef Quality Grading whereas cuts from USDA Choice and content, preferred cooking methods, and system, with A being the youngest (≈≤30 Select carcasses can be found in grocery price. Retail cuts from the loin and rib are months old) to E as the oldest (≈≥96 stores and typical steakhouses. Blind taste considered the most valuable due to ten- months old). Maturity is further subdi- test research indicates that as the mar- derness and are suitable for any cooking vided into degrees ranging from 0 to 90 in bling degree increases the overall flavor method (grilling, pan frying, dry roasting, increments of 10.
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