eel!llama ma Ow tassel NIL *We, Ilydaoy, for Iriumainhaa Ved. 34, No. 50 Sydney, Monday, December 15, 1930 by a* a Ilammaaaa. Medical Deceptions of the Last Days—Part 2 Address given at the Union Conference Session, Melbourne, on Tuesday afternoon, September 9, by C. W. Harrison, L.R.C.P. (Lond.), M.R.C.S. (Ping.), F.R.C.S. (Edin.). Examine the Foundations LET us examine the foundation stones of chiropractic Christian Science and other like systems of healing. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, was Chiropractic, like osteopathy and naturopathy, centres born in 1821. From early life she showed all the its attention on the nerves. Chiropractic is an offshoot characteristics of hysteria. At thirty-seven years of age from osteopathy. Osteopathy tells us that chiropractic she fell on the ice and developed an hysterical paralysis. is the first three weeks of osteopathy. At the age of forty years she met Dr. P. Quimby, who As to the origin of chiropractic, B. J. Palmer, son of was practising mesmerism or magnetic healing, and who D. D. Palmer, the founder, told the following story under through ordinary psychotherapy healed her of her oath on a witness stand : hysterical paralysis. From him she developed her art of In the building where his father had offices, there mental healing which has spread over the entire world. was a deaf janitor. One day his father, D. D. Palmer, Coueism asked the janitor how this deafness occurred. The man stated that one day while he was stooping over he heard A few years ago the name of Coue was heard from something pop in his back, and that he became deaf in the lips of almost every American. He came from two minutes. His father reasoned that if he became France, urging the system of " self-mastery by conscious deaf by something going wrong in his back, it could be autosuggestion." He claimed to cure almost every dis- cured by manipulation. So he adjusted the janitor's ease. His system was not erected on a religious basis. spine, and he has had good hearing ever since. He claimed that it was purely a science of the human Thus osteopathy loses the credit for the chiropractic idea. mind, and he himself felt he had made a great contribu-. It was thus that chiropractic was founded by D. D. Pal- tion to medical science. mer, who previously was a magnetic healer. It would seem Scientifically expressed, the laws of Coue were, that D. D. Palmer simply revised the method used by the " Where the will and the imagination are antagonistic, German physician, Mesmer,—mesmerism or hypnotism. the imagination always wins." Osteopathy Coue apparently healed thousands of people. Let us examine the origin of this method of healing which It was on June 22, 1874, that Andrew Still, a free- seemed so logical and was not mixed up with religious lance doctor among the Shawnee Indians, flung to the ideas. Coue came from Nancy, France, the home of a breeze the banner of osteopathy. He was convinced school of scientific hypnotism. that his system was a divine revelation. He said, A Summary " Osteopathy is the greatest scientific gift of God to man." Again, he said, " Have faith in God as the architect and Let us sum up these four systems of healing. the final triumph of truth, and all will end well." Teach that all disease re- Andrew Still believed himself possessed of mystical sults from pinched nerves. powers. E. B. Booth states, " There are scores of well 1. Osteopathy-1874 f This is not true. These attested incidents in which Dr. Still has shown his 2. Chiropractic-1894 systems originated in Spirit- powers of clairvoyance." " practically, Doctor Still is a ism, mesmerism, and hyp- Spiritualist," says E. R. Booth. notism. 2 :P-Sii=t0, AUSTRALASIAN RECORD- '-.,,PrAZ, 15/12/30 3. Christian Science teaches that there monies. The saddest part of all is to see only apparent and-sometimes real, to gain is no sin, sickness, suffering, or death. our own people beings deceived by them. the confidence of patients in a system This is not true. This system also de- When the king of Israel, Ahaziah, sent which is in its entirety a deception of Satan. veloped in the atmosphere of mesmerism to inquire of a pagan oracle, he proclaimed Note carefully the following quotation or magnetic healing. to the heathen that he had more confidence from "Patriarchs and Prophets," page 4. Coueism taught that " where the will in their idols than in the God of his people, 338 : " It was by deception that Satan and the imagination are antagonistic the the Creator of the heavens it'd the earth. seduced angels; thus he has in ail ages imagination always wins." This is not In the same manner those who profess to carried forward his work among men, and true. This system originated in Nancy, have a knowledge of God's Word dis- he will continue this policy to the last. a celebrated school of hypnotism. honour Him when they turn from the Should he openly confess to be warring These teachings are but the echo of source of strength and wisdom to ask against God and His law, men would be- that voice from the garden of Eden which help or counsel from the powers of dark- ware ; but he disguises himself, and mixes said to the woman, "Ye shall not surely ness. truth with error. The most dangerous die : for God doth know that in the day ye falsehoods are those that are mingled eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, A Subtle and Far-Reaching Influence with truth. It is thus that errors are re- and ye shall be as gods, knowing good You may be saying in your heart, " Why ceived that captivate and ruin the soul. and evil." make such a commotion about these By this means, Satan carries the world with him." We Have Been Warned matters which have apparently helped so many people, and this without the use of In " Testimonies," Vol. V, page 193, we of these deceptions. In "Testimonies," drugs and surgery ? " read : " His agents still claim to cure Volume I, page 290, we read: "The These systems of healing have a more disease. They attribute their power to sciences of phrenology, psychology, and subtle and far-reaching influence than electricity, magnetism, or the so-called mesmerism, are the channel through which many of us are aware. Even those who `sympathetic remedies.' In truth, they he [Satan] comes more directly to this are leading out in these cults cannot ex- are but channels for Satan's electric cur- generation, and works with that power plain why and how they get results. The rents. By this means he casts his spell which is to characterise his efforts near danger is in this : False ideas are taught over the bodies and souls of men." the close of probation." which destroy faith in God's Word and Page 299: "The world which is sup- the Testimonies. These ideas are sand- posed to be benefited so much by phren- wiched in between what we recognise as Some Statements Made at a ology and animal magnetism, never was good health principles. These false ideas Chiropractic Conference so corrupt. Satan uses these very things are accepted as truth, and they act as to destroy virtue and lay the foundation leaven, changing the recipient's ideas of THE magazine entitled Time, dated Feb. of Spiritualism. Thousands, I was what is truth and science. A peculiar 17, 1930, publishes a report of a general shown, have been spoiled through the mental state develops which renders the meeting of chiropractors who, as the philosophy of phrenology and animal individual incapable of judging between American Bureau of Chiropractic, met in magnetism, and have been driven into in- truth and error. Manhattan, U.S.A. With it is given a fidelity. If the mind commences to run Let us keep in mind that this article photo of Mr. B. J. Palmer, the founder of in this channel, it is almost sure to lose its was not written for the purpose of criti- the Palmer School of Chiropractic at balance and be controlled by a demon. cising certain procedures or manipulation Davenport. The magazine states: "Mr . When once the fascinating influence used by -these cults in their treatment of Palmer attended last week's meeting. He of the archdeceiver overcomes you, you disease, but because these cults make untrue took for granted that all his audience are poisoned, and its deadly influence statements and pass them on to their patients knew what chiropractic is. He re- adulterates and destroys your faith in as truth. Most procedures and manipula- stricted himself to advising his colleagues, Christ's being the Son of God, and you tion used by cults are simply a revival of colloquially, on how to boost their busi- cease to rely on the merits of His blood." methods which have been used ever since ness, which seems generally in a poor Page 302: "Some will be tempted to the world began. way." receive these wonders as from God. The Just because Christian Science prac- The following is said to be portion of a sick will be healed before us. Miracles titioners use many methods which are shorthand report of his remarks : " How will be performed in our sight. Are we good in themselves, and which have actu- are you to charge what the case ought to prepared for the trial which awaits us ally been the means of healing hundreds pay ? It's a question of salesmanship.
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