CCPLD Entertainment DVDs/Videos by Title CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 TWE 12 Angry Men ENT DVD 791.45 THI 13 Reasons Why: Seasons 1-2 ENT DVD 791.43 NIN 1984 ENT DVD 791.45 TWO 2 Broke Girls: Seasons 1-6 ENT DVD 791.43 TWO 2001: A Space Odyssey ENT DVD 791.45 TWE 24: Seasons 1-8 ENT DVD 791.45 THI 30 Rock: The Complete Series (Blu Ray) ENT DVD 791.43 FOR 42nd Street ENT DVD 791.43 SIX 61* ENT DVD 791.45 NIN 90210: Seasons 1-5 ENT DVD 791.45 NIN 9-1-1: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.45 DIS A Discovery of Witches: Series 1 ENT DVD 791.45 MIL A Million Little Things: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.43 BUD Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein ENT DVD 791.43 ADA Adam Bede ENT DVD 791.45 ADD Addams Family: Complete Series ENT DVD 791.43 ADM Admiral Was a Lady ENT DVD 791.45 ADV Adventures of Jim Bowie - 13 episodes ENT DVD 791.45 ADV Adventures of Jim Bowie: Volumes 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 AFF Affair: Seasons 1-5 Page 1 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 AFR Africa Screams ENT DVD 791.43 AFR African Queen ENT DVD 791.43 AGA Agatha Christie: Megaset Collection ENT DVD 791.45 AGA Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime ENT DVD 791.43 AGE Age of Innocence ENT DVD 791.45 AGE Agent Carter: Seasons 1 & 2 (Blu Ray) ENT DVD 791.43 AGO Agony and the Ecstasy ENT DVD 791.45 ALF ALF: Seasons 1-4 ENT DVD 791.45 ALF Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Seasons 1-6 ENT DVD 791.43 ALF Alfred Hitchcock: Thirty Nine Steps/ The Man Who Knew Too Much ENT DVD 791.45 ALI Alias: Seasons 1-5 ENT DVD 791.43 ALI Alice in Wonderland (Black and White) ENT DVD 791.43 ALI Alice in Wonderland (Color) ENT DVD 791.45 ALI Alice: Seasons 1-8 ENT DVD 791.43 ALL All About Eve ENT DVD 791.45 ALL All Creatures Great & Small: Series 1 & 3 ENT DVD 791.45 ALL All in the Family: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.43 ALL All Quiet on the Western Front ENT DVD 791.43 ALL All the King's Men ENT DVD 791.43 ALL All's Well That Ends Well ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Gods: Season 1-2 Page 2 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Horror Story: Seasons 1-8 ENT DVD 791.43 AME American in Paris ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Pickers: Mike & Frank's Picks ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Pickers: Seasons 1-4 ENT DVD 791.45 AME American Restoration: Volumes 1-4 ENT DVD 791.43 AME Americano ENT DVD 791.45 AME Americans: Seasons 1 - 6 ENT DVD 791.43 ANA Anatomy of a Murder ENT DVD 791.45 ANC Ancient Aliens: Seasons 1 - 12 volume 2 ENT DVD 791.43 AND And Now for Something Completely Different ENT DVD 791.43 AND Andersonville: The Great Untold Story of the Civil War ENT DVD 791.45 AND Andy Griffith Show TV Favorites ENT DVD 791.45 ANG Angel: Complete Series ENT DVD 791.45 ANG Angels in America ENT DVD 791.43 ANI Animal Farm ENT DVD 791.45 ANI Animal Kingdom: Seasons 1 - 3 ENT DVD 791.43 ANN Anna Karenina (2012) ENT DVD 791.43 ANN Anna Karenina (BBC Miniseries) ENT DVD 791.45 ANN Anne (With an E): Seasons 1 -3 ENT DVD 791.43 ANN Anne of Green Gables (1985) ENT DVD 791.43 ANN Anne of Green Gables (2016) ENT DVD 791.45 ANN Annie Oakley Page 3 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 ANO Another Life ENT DVD 791.45 ANZ Anzac Girls ENT DVD 791.45 ARE Are You Being Served: Complete Collection ENT DVD 791.45 ARR Arrested Development: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.43 ARS Arsenic and Old Lace ENT DVD 791.43 ASI As I Lay Dying ENT DVD 791.43 ASY As You Like It ENT DVD 791.43 ASP Asphalt Jungle ENT DVD 791.43 ATL Atlas Shrugged: Part I ENT DVD 791.43 ATL Atlas Shrugged: Part II ENT DVD 791.43 ATL Atlas Shrugged: Part III ENT DVD 791.43 BAB Babes in Toyland ENT DVD 791.45 BAL Ballers: Seasons 1 - 5 ENT DVD 791.45 BAR Barry: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.45 BAT Bates Motel: Seasons 1-5 ENT DVD 791.43 BAT Battle of Blood Island ENT DVD 791.45 BEA Beauty and the Beast: Seasons 1 -3 ENT DVD 791.45 BEC Becker: Complete Series ENT DVD 791.43 BEC Becket ENT DVD 791.45 BEE Beecham House ENT DVD 791.45 BEL Belgravia ENT DVD 791.43 BEL Bell, Book, and Candle Page 4 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 BEL Bells of St. Mary's ENT DVD 791.43 BEL Beloved ENT DVD 791.43 BEN Ben-Hur ENT DVD 791.43 BEO Beowulf ENT DVD 791.45 BER Berlin Station: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.45 ABB Best of Abbott and Costello: Volumes 1-3 ENT DVD 791.45 FRI Best of Friends: Volumes 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 JAC Best of Jack Benny ENT DVD 791.45 MIS Best of Mister Ed: Volume 1 ENT DVD 791.45 PAW Best of Pawn Stars: The Greatest Stories Ever Sold ENT DVD 791.45 BUT Best of the Burns and Allen Show: Volumes 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 JOH Best of the Johnny Cash Show: 1969-1971 ENT DVD 791.45 BET Better Call Saul: Seasons 1-3, 5 ENT DVD 791.45 BET Better Off Ted: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 BEV Beverly Hillbillies-The Ultimate Collection: Volumes 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 BEW Bewitched: The Complete Series ENT DVD 791.45 BIB Bible: The Epic Miniseries ENT DVD 791.45 BIG Big Bang Theory: Seasons 1 - 12 ENT DVD 791.43 BIG Big Country ENT DVD 791.45 BIG Big Little Lies: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.43 BIG Big Sleep ENT DVD 791.43 BIL Bill and Ted's Excellent Double Feature Page 5 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 BIR Birdsong ENT DVD 791.43 BIS Bishop's Wife ENT DVD 791.45 BLA Black Sails: Seasons 1 - 4 ENT DVD 791.45 BLA Blacklist: Seasons 1 - 7 ENT DVD 791.43 BLA Blazing Saddles ENT DVD 791.45 BLE Bletchley Circle: San Francisco ENT DVD 791.45 BLE Bletchley Circle: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 BLU Blue and the Gray ENT DVD 791.45 BLU Blue Bloods: Seasons 1-10 ENT DVD 791.45 BLU Blue Collar TV: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.43 BLU Blue Skies ENT DVD 791.43 BLU Blues Brothers ENT DVD 791.45 BOA Boardwalk Empire: Seasons 1-5 ENT DVD 791.45 BOB Bob Newhart Show: Seasons 1-6 ENT DVD 791.45 BON Bonanza 20 episodes ENT DVD 791.45 BON Bones: Seasons 1-12 ENT DVD 791.45 BOS Bosom Buddies: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 BOS Boston Legal: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.45 BRA Brady Bunch: Seasons 1-5 ENT DVD 791.45 BRA Brain Games: Seasons 1-7 ENT DVD 791.43 BRE Breakfast at Tiffany's ENT DVD 791.45 BRE Breaking Bad: Seasons 1-5 Page 6 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 BRI Bridge on the River Kwai ENT DVD 791.45 BRO Broadchurch: Seasons 1 - 3 ENT DVD 791.43 BRO Bronte Collection (Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights) ENT DVD 791.45 BRO Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Seasons 1-7 ENT DVD 791.43 BRO Brothers Karamazov ENT DVD 791.45 BUF Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Complete Series ENT DVD 791.45 BUL Bull: Seasons 1- 4 ENT DVD 791.45 BUR Burt Sugarman's Midnight Special Legendary Performances: 1973-78 ENT DVD 791.45 BUR Burt Sugarman's Midnight Special Legendary Performances: Classic Comedy ENT DVD 791.45 BUR Burt Sugarman's The Midnight Special Legendary Performances: Million Sellers ENT DVD 791.43 BUT Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid ENT DVD 791.43 CAI Caine Mutiny ENT DVD 791.43 CAL Calamity Jane ENT DVD 791.45 CAL Call of the Wild: Complete Series ENT DVD 791.45 CAL Call the Midwife: Seasons 1 - 8 ENT DVD 791.43 CAM Camille ENT DVD 791.43 CAR Carnivore ENT DVD 791.45 CAR Carol Burnett Show: Carol's Favorites ENT DVD 791.43 CAS Casablanca ENT DVD 791.45 CAS Castle: Seasons 1-8 ENT DVD 791.45 CAS Casual: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.43 CAT Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Page 7 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 CAT Catch 22 ENT DVD 791.45 CAT Catch-22 ENT DVD 791.45 CAZ Cazalets ENT DVD 791.45 CDH CD Highway: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 CED Cedar Cove: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.43 CHA Charly ENT DVD 791.43 CHA Chasing 3000 ENT DVD 791.45 CHE Cheers: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.45 CHE Chernobyl ENT DVD 791.43 CHE Cherry Orchard ENT DVD 791.45 CHE Chesapeake Shores: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.45 CHI Chicago Fire: Seasons 1-8 ENT DVD 791.45 CHI Chicago Justice: Season 1 ENT DVD 791.45 CHI Chicago Med: Seasons 1 - 5 ENT DVD 791.45 CHI Chicago P.D.: Seasons 1 - 7 ENT DVD 791.43 CHI Children of a Lesser God ENT DVD 791.45 CHI Children's Hospital: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.43 CHI Chinatown ENT DVD 791.43 CHO Chorus Line ENT DVD 791.43 CHR Christmas Carol ENT DVD 791.45 CHR Christmas Choir ENT DVD 791.45 CHR Christmas Collection: Disc 1- Classic TV Shows and Disc 2- Classic TV Specials Page 8 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.43 CHR Christmas Collection: Disc 3- Beyond Tomorrow; Scrooge; A Christmas Without Snow; Miracle on 34th Street ENT DVD 791.43 CHR Christmas in Connecticut ENT DVD 791.43 CIN Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) ENT DVD 791.45 CIT Cities of the Underworld: Seasons 1-3 ENT DVD 791.43 CIT Citizen Kane ENT DVD 791.43 CIT City Slickers ENT DVD 791.45 CLA Classic Holiday Trilogy ENT DVD 791.45 CLA Classic Troublemakers ENT DVD 791.43 CLE Cleopatra ENT DVD 791.43 CLO Clockwork Orange ENT DVD 791.45 CLO Cloudstreet ENT DVD 791.45 COA Coach: The Complete Series ENT DVD 791.45 COB Cobra Kai: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.43 COL Color Purple ENT DVD 791.45 COM Combat: The Complete Series ENT DVD 791.43 COM Comedy of Terrors/The Raven ENT DVD 791.45 Com Community: The Complete Series ENT DVD 791.43 COM Complete Gidget Collection (Gidget/ Gidget Goes Hawaiian/ Gidget Goes to Rome) ENT DVD 791.45 COM Complete Ripping Yarns: Volumes 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.43 COO Cool Hand Luke ENT DVD 791.43 COU Counterfeit Traitor Page 9 of 43 1/21/2021 CALL NUMBER TITLE ENT DVD 791.45 COU Counterpart: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.45 COU Country Matters ENT DVD 791.45 CRI Criminal Minds: Seasons 1 - 15 ENT DVD 791.45 CRO Crown: Seasons 1 & 2 ENT DVD 791.43 CRU Crucible ENT DVD 791.43 CRY Cry, the Beloved Country ENT DVD 791.45 CSI CSI, Crime Scene Investigation: Seasons 10-15 ENT DVD 791.43 CUR Curly Top ENT DVD 791.43 DAD Daddy Long Legs ENT DVD
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