One-Number Follow-Me ENHANCED SERVICES FOLLOW-ME Here, more affordable, more ro- bust and more programmable FINDS A HOME board-level resources are quite sim- ply re-writing the rules of what ser- vice providers can get away with in the network ether. A hands-on look at how six vendors are folding the one-number Recently, Steve Lange of Ad- vanced Queuing Systems, an excit- “follow-me” app into more “mass” communication solutions. ing new national “Virtual PBX” ser- vice provider, put it to us plain: from Computer Telephony’s West Coast Test Labs “It used to be a company that [email protected] wanted to get into network-based services had to purchase a $100,000 switch, then write custom software he so-called “one-number fol- too much trouble for the average that ran on one computer and com- low-me” application auto- worker and generic enterprise to municated with the switch over an Tmates people-finding. As warrant its power RS-232 serial port. phone calls come in, the system and, to a lesser ex- checks pre-defined schedules of tent, cost. where people are supposed to be or Especially when possibly are and either tries a se- one also considers ries of numbers in priority order or that most mod- (faster) blasts out calls to a bunch ern day phone of numbers simultaneously. systems, when When it hits the intended called manually instruct- party, it connects in the other line ed, can at least blind- (or tells another switch to do so) ly forward calls to without any extended effort on the single, remote sites; caller’s part. most people’s worlds Not bad, huh? After all, it won’t end if their means more connections between calls are sent to voice- business and customers, less call- mail; and, though it backs and a decline of the dreaded sounds great, most “phone tag” game. people don’t want to But let’s face it. Despite the fact be constantly “con- that follow-me looks so nice on the nected.” drawing board, it’s still not an appli- Most, however, cation you run into much. More than wouldn’t mind dipping nine times out of 10, voicemail re- into the app when ap- mains on the other end of that greet- propriate and cost ef- ing file, doesn’t it? One-number fol- fective, which, it’s beginning to ap- “It took a long time to write and lows few. How come? pear more and more likely, is it was hard to modify and upgrade. Well, a good five or six years af- exactly how follow-me will finally The voice-processing functions were ter the app was first broached by find its home: not standalone, but also normally housed in separate such pioneers as Priority Call Man- rolled into a larger whole, where its computers, adding to the expense agement and MCI, the main reason assets (and price tag) fold into a more and communications overhead. for its sluggish acceptance now complete communication solution. “With the new systems, an indi- seems fairly obvious: As the following comparison in- vidual can spend $10,000 on a PC ● For all but the most rabid road dicates, there is now considerable with a combination digital phone in- warriors, deploying one-number fol- movement to support this theory on terface / switching / voice resource low-me, by itself, has simply been both of CT’s fronts. card, work for a few months writing Computer Telephony June 1998 One-Number Follow-Me software in a familiar programming Of course, how well the system It can be — among other things language, and have a sophisticated pulls off the follow-me app is anoth- — a hotel-operator buster. switch that can handle any telepho- er story, which leads us to... A step further requires the an- ny app you can think of.” swerer to enter a password to get Naturally, with so much afford- connected to follow-me callers, able flexibility at their fingertips, which prevents — among other peo- would-be CT enhanced-service THE COMPARISON ple — your three-year old from bab- providers are no longer just think- bling long-distance to your big boss ing in terms of single app creation. Although we did break it up or customer. Instead, as vendors like AQS and along enhanced services and comm Basic Question: What does the StarTouch International and Web- server lines, the criteria of our com- system provide on this front? ley indicate, they’re shooting for a parison remained the same across ● Sequential or blast. One-number larger, more inclusive ball of applica- both areas of development. In each follow-me outdials can be done two tion wax. case, we looked for how well ven- different ways: sequentially (aka. Of course, the technology Mr. dors did in taking care of key follow- “serially”) or simultaneously. Lange refers to here is also, he ad- me features. The first takes a single out- mits himself, creating another bar- Of course, in keeping with our bound line and tries one follow-me raising market force — competition. theory, we also conclude the indi- number after another in priority “Within five years you’re going vidual write-ups with a brief de- order until it finds the intended to see hundreds of these types of scription of “other things” vendors party and connects the caller. The services offered,” Steve said. “It’s provide their users. second uses a group of lines and just too easy to write a switching Follow-me things we graded on: blasts out the calls to all numbers application these days with all this ● Voicemail option. It’s important at the same time. new PC-based hardware.” to let callers opt to “follow” people Which one is best depends. or just leave voicemail — both at Callers will prefer simultaneous the onset of the follow-me proce- outdial because it’s the fastest (as- dure and during it. suming you have more than two ac- THE ENTERPRISE Basic Question: how easy does tive numbers in your follow-me list). the system make this on the caller? But this has to be weighed against Really, it’s the same evolu- ● Caller screening. This is critical. the extra line requirements it forces tionary process as above — the You may not want every Tom, Dick on the end user or service bureau. same technology and the same re- and Harry Newton finding you. In There’s a cost issue too. If you placement of old, closed monolith- this case, you’ll want to know what make all your follow-me outgoing ic telephony gear — just on a dif- each of the vendors provides here. calls at the same time, it will cost ferent scale. The most basic way of handling more in phone line charges. And it So instead of talking about CO the “who’s calling” dilemma is sim- increases the chances of someone adjuncts, we’re talking about enter- ple voice screening. At the onset of other than the intended party pick- prise-based all-in-one communica- the follow-me app, the caller is ing up a call, thus generating more tion servers that completely obso- asked to speak his / her name, hard line costs. lete the need for, among other which is replayed to the subscriber. Basic Question: Does the sys- things, a mainframe-like Private From there, the subscriber can re- tem at least offer a choice? Branch Exchange (PBX) switch. ject the call and send it to voicemail ● Ease of use. As we played with These comm-server systems, or take it. these systems and the follow-me with their extremely flexible un- Some can also require callers to app, we realized how crucial this is. derlying switching fabric and GUI enter a password before “following” One thing’s for sure. Users, no client / server administration to other numbers — a very reliable matter how seemingly sedentary, screens, absolutely lend themselves “pest” screening feature. will be changing how follow-me to one-number follow-me... along Still others can factor in Caller works all the time. with all the basic call-handling rou- ID, i.e. only calls from such and such Take us. As writers for this mag- tines that encompass a PBX’s com- numbers are allowed to “follow me,” azine, we’re not exactly mobile work- plete functionality. which can be very slick (including ers. We do spend a lot of time sitting In fact, many times as we go custom prompts, etc.). in front of a PC. Still, as we played through the litany of “comm server” Basic Question: What does the with these systems, we realized that features, we often forget to include system provide on this front? even we were constantly tweaking that most offer follow-me out-of-box ● Subscriber screening. Simple call the way our test systems were follow- — with no outside switch / server / announcement not only plays the ing us. software required. It comes built in, caller’s name but also a little “this Hey, nothing worse than coming ready for those who need it and call is for” prompt when someone back from lunch and finding 14 those who don’t. picks up the follow-me call. voicemails, right? No problem — we Computer Telephony One-Number Follow-Me realized we could take calls while We purposely made each system ● Caller screening: Basic caller standing in line at the corner sand- handle this. Some took care of it screening is offered. wich shop. easy. Some difficult. Some had Grade: B.
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