ALBERTA ARENAS DIRECTORY Web ID: RINK ADDRESS ACA Acadia Recreation Centre (Calgary, AB) 240 - 90Th Ave

ALBERTA ARENAS DIRECTORY Web ID: RINK ADDRESS ACA Acadia Recreation Centre (Calgary, AB) 240 - 90Th Ave

ALBERTA ARENAS DIRECTORY Web ID: RINK ADDRESS ACA Acadia Recreation Centre (Calgary, AB) 240 - 90th Ave. SE ADC Adams Ice Centre (Lethbridge, AB) 1302 9th Ave. N AGP Argyll Plaza Arena (Edmonton, AB) 6225 - 100 St. NW AGR Agrena (Spruce Grove, AB) 9 Agrena Rd. AKI Akinsdale & Kinex Arenas (St. Albert, AB) 66 Hebert Rd ALL Alliance Arena (Alliance, AB) Alliance, AB ALX Alexandra Arena (Leduc, AB) 47th Ave. & 49th St. AMA Archie Miller Arena (Lloydminster, AB) 4715 57 Ave. AND Andrew Arena Andrew, AB APL Plainsmen Arena (Airdrie, AB) 310 Centre Ave. ARA A.G. Ross Arena (Elk Point, AB) 5326 - 51 St. ARC Akasaka Recreation Centre (Grande Cache, AB) 10450 Hoppe Ave. ARD Ardrossan Recreation Complex (Ardrossan, AB) 80 - 1st Ave. ARM Athabasca Regional Multiplex (Athabasca, AB) 2 University Dr. ASM Albert Stella Memorial Arena (Blairmore (Crowsnest Pass), AB) 12602 - 17 Ave. ATH Whitecourt Twin Arenas (Whitecourt, AB) 72 Sunset Blvd. AXA Alix Arena (Alix, AB) 5931 - 52 St. BAR Barrhead Agrena (Barrhead, AB) 5607 - 47th St. BAS Bashaw Arena (Bashaw, AB) 5020 52 St. BCA Bold Community Arena (Lac La Biche, AB) 9103 Beaverhill Road BDA Broadmoor Arena (Sherwood Park, AB) 2100 Oak St. BDC Bassano & District Centennial Arena (Bassano, AB) 249 - 6 Ave. BEI Beiseker Arena (Beiseker, AB) 5 St. & 4 Ave. BEN Bentley Arena (Bentley, AB) 5218 - 50th St. BHA Bill Hunter Arena (formerly Jasper Place) (Edmonton, AB) 9200 163rd St. BHR Beacon Heights Community League Rink (Edmonton, AB) 12037 - 43 St. NW BIA Bow Island Arena (Bow Island, AB) 240 - 4 Ave. E BKD Blackfalds Arena (Blackfalds, AB) 5302 Broadway Ave. BLA Back Lakes Sports Arena (Red Earth Creek, AB) 249 Red Earth Dr. BLC Blackie Arena (Blackie, AB) St. John St. BLG Beaverlodge Arena (Beaverlodge, AB) 306 - 10A St. BNA Barnett Arenas (Lacombe, AB) Lacombe Sports & Leisure Complex BON Bon Accord Arena (Bon Accord, AB) 4812 - 52nd St. BOW Bowness Sportsplex (Calgary, AB) 7809 - 43 Ave. NW BOY Millview Recreation Complex (Boyle, AB) Boyle, AB BPA Edgeworth Centre (Camrose, AB) 5699 44 Ave. BRC Banff Recreation Centre (Banff, AB) Mt. Norquay Rd. BRE Brentwood Community Association Rink (Calgary, AB) 1520 Northmount Dr. BRU Bruderheim Hockey Arena (Bruderheim, AB) 51 Ave. & 50 St. BSC B Bob b SSnodgrass d RRecreation ti Centre C t (Hi(High h RiRiver, AB) 228 - 12 AAve. SE BTA Duncan Murray Recreation Centre (Hinton, AB) 805 Switzer Dr. BVA R.J. Lalonde Arena (Bonnyville, AB) 4313 50 Ave. BVX Big Valley Agriplex (Big Valley, AB) 700 1 Ave. S CAC Canadian Athletic Club Arena (Edmonton, AB) 14640 142 St. NW CAL Calahoo Arena (Calahoo, AB) Range Rd. 275 CAN Coronation Arena (Coronation, AB) Norfolk Ave. & King St. CAP Cap Arena (St. Paul, AB) 53rd St. & 48th Ave. CCA Cochrane Arena (Cochrane, AB) 609 - 4th Ave. CCB Calgary Centennial Arenas (Calgary, AB) 2390 - 47 Ave. SW CCC Crystal Centre (Grande Prairie, AB) 10017 99 Ave. CCG Calgary Centennial Arenas (Calgary, AB) 2390 - 47 Ave. SW CCM Charlie Cheeseman Memorial Ice Centre (Cardston, AB) 343 Main St. CCN Coca-Cola Centre (Grande Prairie, AB) 6 Knowledge Way CCS Coca-Cola Centre (Grande Prairie, AB) 6 Knowledge Way CDA Castledowns Arena (Edmonton, AB) 153 Ave. & 115 St. CDB Castledowns Arena (Edmonton, AB) 153 Ave. & 115 St. CDS Coaldale Sportsplex (Coaldale, AB) 1213 20 Ave. CEA Centennial Arena (Lac La Biche, AB) 101 Ave. & 99 St. CEN Centennial Arena (Okotoks, AB) 204 Community Way CET Centennial Regional Arena (Brooks, AB) 144071 Silver Sage Rd. CFA Confederation Arena (Edmonton, AB) 11204 43 Ave. CFT Crowfoot Arena (Calgary, AB) 8080 John Laurie Blvd. NW CGH Centennial Arena (Stony Plain, AB) 5300 52 St. CHA Claresholm Arena (Claresholm, AB) 50 Ave. & 2 St. E CHM Chestermere Regional Community Association (Chestermere, AB) 210 W. Chestermere Dr. CIC Civic Ice Centre (Lethbridge, AB) 6th Ave. & Stafford Dr. S CKR C.A. Knight Recreation Centre - MacDonald Island Arena (Fort McMurray, AB) 151 MacDonald Dr. CLN Cold Lake North Arena (Cold Lake, AB) 6 St. & Sammut Pl. CLS Cold Lake South Arena (Cold Lake (Grand Centre), AB) 48 Ave. & 53 St. (Grande Centre) CLV Clive Arena (Clive, AB) 5104 51 Ave. ALBERTA ARENAS DIRECTORY Web ID: RINK ADDRESS CMA Cremona Arena (Cremona, AB) Centre St. CMC Carstairs Memorial Complex (Carstairs, AB) 2100 Hwy-581 CMM Mark Messier Arena 400 Campbell Rd. COA Coronation Arena (Edmonton, AB) 13500 112 Ave. COL Collicutt Centre Arena (Red Deer, AB) 3031 30th Ave. CPE Cardel Place (Calgary, AB) 11950 Country Village Link NE CPW Cardel Place (Calgary, AB) 11950 Country Village Link NE CRA Crestwood Arena (Edmonton, AB) 9940 147 St. CRB Crowchild Twin Arena Association (Calgary, AB) 185 Scenic Acres Dr. NW CRC Canmore Recreation Centre (Canmore, AB) 1900 8th Ave. CRR Crowchild Twin Arena Association (Calgary, AB) 185 Scenic Acres Dr. NW CSA Castor Arena (Castor, AB) 5003 49th St. CSC Crowsnest Sports Complex (Coleman (Crowsnest Pass), AB) 8702 22 Ave. CSS Consort Sportex (Consort, AB) 4602 50 Ave. CTA Centennial Arena (Three Hills, AB) 202 3 Ave. N CTM Troy Murray Arena 400 Campbell Rd. CVA Clareview Arena (Edmonton, AB) 3804 139 Ave. CVB Clareview Arena (Edmonton, AB) 3804 139 Ave. CWA Callingwood Recreation Centre (Edmonton, AB) 17740 69th Ave. CWB Callingwood Recreation Centre (Edmonton, AB) 17740 69th Ave. CWC Common Wealth Centre (Lloydminster, AB) #1 5202 12 St. DAW Memorial Arena (Dawson Creek, BC) 1107 - 106th Ave. DBA Dave Barr Arena (Grande Prairie, AB) 9535 Prairie Rd. DCC Dow Centennial Centre (Fort Saskatchewan, AB) 8700 84 St. DDA Didsbury Arena (Didsbury, AB) 1702 21 Ave. DEV Dale Fisher Arena (Devon, AB) 32 Haven Ave. DKA Dickson Arena (Spruceview, AB) Spruceview, AB DLA Delia Arena (Delia, AB) 2nd Ave. N & 1st St. E DMA Drumheller Memorial Arena (Drumheller, AB) 20 1st Ave. W DOA Donnan Arena (Edmonton, AB) 9105 80 Ave. DPA Derald Palmer Memorial Arena (Fox Creek, AB) 1 St. & 2A Ave. DPX Delburne Agriplex (Delburne, AB) 2421 18 St. DQA Leduc Recreation Centre (formerly Black Gold Centre) (Leduc, AB) 4330 Black Gold Dr. DSC Dave Shaw Memorial Complex (Hines Creek, AB) 712 6 Ave. DUA Duchess Arena (Duchess, AB) 305 2nd St. W DVA Drayton Valley Omniplex (Drayton Valley, AB) 5737 45th Ave. DWC Dawe Centre (Red Deer, AB) 56 Holt St. ECB East Calgary Twin Arena (Calgary, AB) 299 Erin Woods Dr. SE ECR East Calgary Twin Arena (Calgary, AB) 299 Erin Woods Dr. SE EDW Southland Leisure Centre - Ed Whalen & Justice Joseph Kryczka Arenas (Calgary, AB) 2000 Southland Dr. SW EGA Edgerton Skating Arena (Edgerton, AB) 5120 52nd Ave. EGC Edgeworth Centre (Camrose, AB) 5699 44 Ave. EIB Edmonton IceBox (formerly Parkland Arena) (Edmonton, AB) 10840 215 St. NW EKA Eckville Arena (Eckville, AB) 5312 51 St. ELC Edson Leisure Centre (Edson, AB) 1021 49 St. ELM Elmwood Park Community Rink (Edmonton, AB) 12505 75 St. NW EMX ENMAX Centre (Lethbridge, AB) 2510 Scenic Dr. S ERC Enoch Recreation Centre (Enoch, AB) Enoch Cree Nation - Hwy 60 ESN Ernie Starr Arena (Calgary, AB) 4808 14 Ave. SE EXC ENMAX Centrium (Westerner Park) (Red Deer, AB) 4847A 19 St. FAI Fairview Community Association (Calgary, AB) 8038 Fairmount Dr. SE FCP Fleming Cats Performance Arena (Lac La Biche, AB) 9103 Beaverhill Road FDB Father David Bauer Arena (Calgary, AB) 2424 University Dr. NW FGA Forestburg Hockey Arena (Forestburg, AB) 50 Ave. & 47 St. FHA Falher Arena (Falher, AB) 30 Central Ave. NW FLA Frank Lacroix Arena (Fort McMurray, AB) 155 Beaconwood Rd. FLC Family Leisure Centre (Medicine Hat, AB) 2000 Division Ave. NW FMC Fort Macleod & District Recreation Centre (Fort Macleod, AB) 235 21st St. FRA Frank McCool Arena (Calgary, AB) 1900 Lake Bonavista Dr. SE FSJ North Peace Arena (Fort St. John, BC) 96 Ave. & 96 St. FVA Fort Vermilion Recreation Arena (Fort Vermilion, AB) 5001 44 Ave. FVF Fairview FairPlex (Fairview, AB) 10317 109 St. GAC Glen Allan Recreation Centre (Sherwood Park, AB) 199 Georgian Way GEO George Blundun Arena (Calgary, AB) 5020 26 Ave. SW GFA Agrena (Spruce Grove, AB) 9 Agrena Rd. GHA Grandview Heights Community Rink (Edmonton, AB) 6223 124 St. NW GIB Gibbons Arena (Gibbons, AB) 51 Ave. & 51 St. GLA Glengarry Arena (Edmonton, AB) 13340 85 St. NW GMA Grimshaw Memorial Arena (Grimshaw, AB) 50 St. & 49 Ave. GNA Gleichen Arena (Gleichen, AB) Gleichen, AB ALBERTA ARENAS DIRECTORY Web ID: RINK ADDRESS GTA Grand Trunk Arena (Edmonton, AB) 13025 112 St. HDM Hythe & District Memorial Arena (Hythe, AB) Hythe, AB HEN Henderson Ice Centre (Lethbridge, AB) 7 Ave. & Mayor Magrath Dr. S HEN Henry Viney Arena (Calgary, AB) 814 13 Ave. NE HHC Hockey Hounds Recreation Centre (Medicine Hat, AB) Division Ave. & 10 St. NE HLC High Level Sports Complex (High Level, AB) 105 Ave. HMA Hardisty Memorial Arena (Hardisty, AB) 48 Ave. & 49 St. HNA Hanna Arena (Hanna, AB) 501 3rd St. W HOL Common Wealth Centre (Lloydminster, AB) #1 5202 12 St. HPP High Prairie Sports Palace (High Prairie, AB) 5409 49 St. HUN Huntington Hills Community Association (Calgary, AB) 520 78 Ave. NW IBH Bill Herron Arena (Indus, AB) Secondary Hwy-791 (North of Hwy-22X) IFA Innisfail Arena (Innisfail, AB) 5804 42 St. IIA Igloo Ice Arena (Bowden, AB) 2213 19 Ave. IMA Irma Arena (Irma, AB) 5108 53rd Ave. JAC Jack Setters Arena (Calgary, AB) 2020 69 Ave. SE JBA Jubilee Arena (Westlock, AB) 99 St. & 96 Ave. JCA Jimmie Condon Arena (Calgary, AB) 502 Heritage Dr. SW JJP J.J. Parr Sports & Recreation Centre (Cold Lake (Medley), AB) 4 Wing Cold Lake Timberline & Kingsway JMA Jaybird Memorial Arena (Calling Lake, AB) Calling Lake, AB JOE Southland Leisure Centre - Ed Whalen & Justice Joseph Kryczka Arenas (Calgary, AB) 2000 Southland Dr.

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