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P0&1'MASTE!l:Send address changesto THI:LJ\1Nt; OtherDepartments (}1u•.11, P.O.Box 514();36,Milwaukee, \¼15'3203,1436. 12 Reader's Viewpoint Subscribers, when submitting address changes, please allow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect. Many, Many, Quite Contrary 4 Sunday's Readings THE LIVINGCHURCH (ISSN 0024-5240) is pub­ BYSHANESCOTI-HAMBLEN lished byTIIE Ll\1NGCHURCH FOUNDATION, INC., a non-pro.titorganizatio11 serving the Church. 5 Books All gifts to the Foundation are t.ax-dei.iuetiblP. ©2008 The LivingChtutlt Fotmdation,Inc. 13 Letters Allrights rese,ved.No reproductionin wholeor pm1 Use of the Creed 15 People & Places can be made without pemlissionof THJ.~LIVI\"G CHl 'RCH. Volume237 Number 14 OCTOBER 5. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 SUNDAY'SREADINGS Trinity College, Toronto Canada·-~oldct.l A.nglK'.:tfl rhcologi,:.rl 1.•oJ/t•ge RateYour Wine Liberal and Catholic in char.tcter offering excellence in prcparaliun for ministry for all. 'God's kingdom will be ... handed over to a people that the Church·, clergy may be godly. learned and able who will live out a kingdom life' (Matt. 21:43-44) Undenitanding Juurgical won.hip in hislOrical and contemporary fonns, The 21st Sundayafter Pentecost(Proper 22A}, Oct. 5, 2008 engaged in 1hc current i~sues of Church and Soc let}' BCP:Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80 or 80:7-14; Phil. 3:14-21; Matt. 21 :33-43 Founding member of the A~sociation of Theological Schools and the Toronto School of Theology. federated with RCL:Exod. 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 and Psalm 19; or Isaiah 5:1-7 and Psalm 80:7- the University oflomnto 14; Phil. 3:4b-14; Matt. 21 :33-46 Accessmall the resourcesof TST and the riche:-.ttheological Everything gets rated, including the to apply Jesus' story to the people of cuniculum available anywhere products of the many vineyards and the Old Covenant. The gospel of God in Moderate tuition fee~. wineries that have proliferated over the Jesus Christ applies it to us as well. Our financial aid available for full-time and pan•time "tudy country. The powerful metaphor Jesus greatest temptation is not unbelief but Ma~ter of Divinity. Master of Theological Studies. Doctor of Theology, other degree, used for God's people and their way of corrupted faith by becoming our own life is that of the harvest of a vineyard. versions of the Pharisees. We can sub­ On-campus housing available for singles and families. Isaiah 5 and Psalm 80 anticipated that stitute our interpretation for the life­ theme. The psalmist asks why Israel is changing power of God's revealed will being judged by the Lord's neglect of and way of life for us. The tendency to his vineyard. Isaiah reveals the answer sanctify ourselves in our self-righteous­ Trinity CoUege, Faculty of Dl\•inity in God's great love for his people and ness is true for all of us across the the­ 6 Hoskin Avenue Toronto. ON M5S IH8 the consequences for their bearing a ological/political/social spectrum from 416-9?8-2133 www.trinity.utoronto.ca/Divinily harvest of wild and bad fruit by disobe­ left to right. dience and injustice. The metaphor These passages are a warning to us brings into question the rating of our all. They are strong directives to com­ own harvest. plete our gratitude for God's saving The greatness of God's astonishing mercy and love with a profound and love for his people, Israel and the persistent self-reflection. We should Church is reassuring, encouraging and examine ourselves by God's word, foundational for our common mission which is living in Jesus and written in and our personal relationship with him. the holy scriptures. Our diagnostic tool At the same time, the reality of his judg­ is not the delusion of infallibility on our ment is sobering if not frightening. Our part, but the work of the Holy Spirit as society prefers a deity who doesn't he applies the truth of God to our lives. judge, only approves of whatever we God calls all his people to depend desire and do. It's the fruit of such pop­ gratefully upon his grace so that we ular films as "Love Story," whose key may bear the fruit of his kingdom, Feast of Our Lady theme was "Love is never having to say which is love. Love of God and love of you're sorry." neighbor determines the quality of all of Walsingham It's too easy and comfortable for us our harvests. (Transferred) Sunday, LookIt Up October 19th, 2008 Check out Psalm 118 and Daniel 2 to explore the background to the fullness of Jesus' ministry authority. 10:30 AM Procession and High Mass ThinkAbout It How does our self-satisfaction share in rebellion of the wicked tenants against Saint John's Church the vineyard's owner, God himself? How can we share in the rejection of his Son, Anglican & Episcopal Jesus Christ, by our greed to own that which belongs only to the Lord himself? 215 Lafayette Avenue Passaic, New Jersey 07055 NextSunday The 22nd Sundayafter Pentecost{Proper 23A}, Oct. 12, 2008 For details: BCP:Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 23; Phil. 4:4-13; Matt. 22:1-14 [email protected] RCL:Exod. 32:1-14 and Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; or Isaiah 25:1-9 and Psalm 23; (973) 779-0966 Phil. 4:1-9; Matt. 22:1-14 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · OCTOBER 5. 2008 BOOKS Towarda Prophetic and therefore a recipient of the SHORT & SHARP YouthMinistry prophetic message of God's word. THE MINISTRY OF ADMINISTRATIVE Living in New York City (the Bronx) ASSISTANTS. By Sue Thompson. Theoryand Praxisin UrbanContext and working in Manhattan with young Abingdon. Pp. 60. $8.50. ISBN 978-0- By Fernando Arzola, Jr. lnterVarsity Press. adults from all five boroughs, Arzola 687-64709-5. Pp. 186. $18. ISBN 978-0-8308-2802-9. has seen the "holistic" cries of youth This book should convince As the external reader of Fernando in their search for God, and has given readers that administrative Arzola's Ph.D. at Fordham University us a thorough, yet challenging map for assistants should not be called secre­ in 2007, I knew early on the successful journey. He focuses taries. The author, assistant to the pas­ that I was to be involved clearly on the leading of youth, and tor of a large Methodist church, offers intellectually with a though the urban crucible is where sound advice on such topics as main­ sharp and prom1smg this theology and praxis is geared, it is taining confidentiality, communicat­ mind in the field of Chris- thoroughly applicable to the youth of ing effectively, and how the office tian religious education. suburbia and of rural areas as well. works. This release by InterVar- As a parish priest, my last confrrma­ THE SWITCHING HOUR: Kids of sity Press comes from the tion class was a class of 16 suburban Divorce Say Good-Bye Again. By pen of a native of the city: youth. I was the more prepared and Evon 0. Flesberg. Abingdon. Pp. 117. an urban Latino who the more tooled to meet their needs $14. ISBN 978-0-687-64976-1. knows the needs and demands of because of reading Dr.
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