SATURDAY, JUNE 24,1950N Avsrsc* Dolly Nst Run Ths Wosthsr iianrl;r0tfr ^v^nins Pram Foreeast of 0. 8. Wmthst ■■NMI For the Month of 8Uy, ISSO lIMM r IYW>TZTV> a la fwa^Ta 1 fa Monday are Dr. Alvin A. Tulea, Tonight, fair aad warait low to do tha Job of aolactinf for war Bulk or Box Candy and Dr. John Prignano. near 65. Tueeday, fair to pastty service. Local men—men who Engaged to Wed Kiwanis Club The attendance priZe will be 9,924 knew the town and Its reeldenta, ziuanrnpsiFr iwuFiiiiiu itiFraui given by John Sommers. From Fresh master cloudy, hoi and hnmldi high nhesrt About Town who were aware of the problems Heard Along Maift Street Member of tha Audit 90; thiindershowom In the evening. drafting of men for eenrloe Lists Speaker Electric Candy Cases Boiean of Otrenlaffone M M w m of 8«9 Manchester— A City of Village Charm And on Some of M^hestcr*$ Side Sfreels. Too brought up—were chosen to do «• !, • atudMit at the the Job. They were chosen be­ Arthur Drug Stores o f OoooecUcut, WM cause the war administration ax- Mifis Ellery Russell to MANCHF.STER. CONN., MONDAY. JUNE 26. 19IS0 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS to the M tloiu l board of that printed ballots are legal and ecutlvea knew that home-town THE OFFICE OF VOL. LXIX, NO. 226 (UUaoiSM AdvertiBlag'on Bag* It) itotarta tbr Denociatle Action, Two members of the Hartford,. men best knew war-time needs County Builder’s association .hould not be disallowed. A printed Make Address on “ De­ iM U ta of the A. D. A.. ballot la Just as good as one writ­ and home-town problems. ete Mce&t national convention passed a bewildering evening early i ten by hand, they insist. Surveys made by ao-called ex­ pendent Children” DR. WM. L. CONLON m* aieartluiibre OoUege, Swartl^ this week at Murphy’s re.staurant. perts showing how tbs town The men were supposed to be at­ The fact that Bill DeHan, town Old and Dangerous man, Fanna,, June 16 to 18, which should be zoned and developed we ‘ The Manchester Klwanls club tending a meeting of the associa­ chairman of the Democratic town CLOSED TREES REMOVED hTStmaUa. ‘ committee, was present and evi­ think are Just ao much the bunk. has secured as a speaker for their tion being held that evening at t'.e Let the people of the town them­ restaurant. They entered and seat­ dently trying to make a party issue Lawn Grading A ll- -BWI tr--* Foet. No. 5M6, selves decide how and where we’re regular meeting Monday noon at ed themselves with a group. They of the district light was found ob­ the Country club Miss Ellery Rus­ UNTIL JULY 17 BulldoZer Work ▼. F. W „ win hold a going to spread. a must have thought it rather o<ld jectionable to many of the Eighth sell who Is director of case work Wo have a now machine Korean Reds Shatter Counter-Attack n m e Monday at 6:80 p m. at that they were served a smorgas- district resldenU. They insist that Now Is the time for all good man at the Children’s Village of Hart­ tn cut wreds and hay. V t . W. field. All player, are ford. Her subject will be "Man­ M M d to attend, and In case of bor<l type meal Instead of the if the contest had been drawn on to come to the aid of the party. We have a new machine steak dinner for which they had chester’s Dependent Children." at the Poet Kepubllcan-Democratic party lines Politics is in the sir, In the hair, to renew dead lawns. paid, but thev remained in silence. the remilt would have been differ­ Miss Russell will tell of the efforts bone. ____ After the dinner had been com­ and will itcb at least until Novem­ of the State of Connecticut to A. LATIJUPPE ent. ber. After that, depending on what AcIk’moii .-Vrriveis for Korean Policy Meeting pleted, however, their companions place dependent children in pri­ & SON H ie adult choir of St. JarnMS And. so it goes. The horse is out kind of politics you have caught, vate homes, who a few years ago at the table began to emit peculi­ of the stable, and they are still 780 Vernon St. Call 6077 church recently held lU ar growling sounds and to address the burns will be more painful, or would have been placed In orphan­ 21 Die, 33 Missing Communist Troops arguing what kind of lofk should nual dinner at a man seated at the head table as will be eased. ages. TWcottvUle. Rev. Oeorjre HuRhee Tale Twister. This they thought now be put on the barn door. But right now your party needs At the meeting Ward Krause, was the fueet of honor. was a little over tholr heads, so One thing is certain. No meet­ you. director of band music In the M a ^ i f O v e x dinner, the chrrtr p r « ; " ^ they inquired as to the purpose of ing in which a contest of such im­ In Manchester few will heed the Flockville schools, will entertain portance is obvious should be con­ with his clarinet. their director. MIm Jane Nackow- the’ meeting which they were at­ call. Out of over 17,000 voters, a Miss Virginia Hunter luito ■ki with a combination eandwtch ducted without a voting and prop­ Slated for induction to the club Push Within 9 Miles tending nnd tile meaning of the mere third, as s general thing, MOBILHEAT In Floods Lashing S il and waffle Iron. Plan, were peculiar antics of the crowd. erty owner check list by which shows any interest. The rest Just Mr. and Mra. Thomaa J. Hunter, ^ e for a hot dog roant later on About this time they were ap­ those legally entitled to vote are coast. ’They are rabid against such of 12 Jackson street, will announce tn the summer. proached and asked to pay their verified. Now that it’s all over and things as Russia and dictatorship the engagement of their daughter, FU ELO IL dues to the orgnniratton Much to the shouting is gradually subsid­ and bosses, but they only Intend to Virginia Mae Hunter, to Dwight Are You Interested KEMP'S Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa J. m n ter their embarrassment they found ing the North End can be sure to talk about them. They never In­ Rowe Miller, son of Mr. and Mra. Ineorperated of la JacVwm .treet will ^ Of Embattled Seoul that they had been sitting through get ’’death and taxe.’’ througli its Louis Austin Miller, of West Ha­ 6 West Va. Counties Some" to their friend, and rela- tend to do anything, themselves, In Selling Land In Fum ltare A Moale a dinner meeting of the Manches­ new lax collector. Undertaker Wal­ to Insure that such things will not ven, at a party at their home this MvT. thl. evening and ter Lion’s clut). and that their own ter Leclerc. happen here. As an average pro­ evening. in obwrvance of their twenty-fifth gathering was in another room en­ Miss Hunter Is a graduate of jJ-fT Green Stamps .30.000 Dcfriitlerfl position, Manchester has legs poli­ Residential Areas? I’fltorson Icf-noxos Hoil wedding annlveraary. joying the steak dinner. We heard a Bolton farmer dis­ Manchester High school, class of 763 Mala St. TeL 5680 Whole Families Wiped Reunion In Havana Better Cliina PoiuU'rs tical heat or civic activity than a Qiieiiille May Ice ('iil)e.s. Fry Hot Doks Of Rcpuhlir Fight cussing the current strawberry 1944, and the University of Con­ Than Clambake at Wake Group B. of Center Church wom- wide place tn the Oregon trail. necticut School of Education. For Contact Out as Torrents Roll In an issue of The Herald re crop while waiting for a barber to It got to be inusual when more (erimly Against So* M Mrs George Mun.on. lender, cently a story was carried to the give him a trimming. After, he had the past year and a half she has I’nleiHon, N .1., .lime 26 than 50 turned up in the old days On Villages; “ Paul Re­ Norristown, Pa., June 26.— Accept Post Offering Help will hold lU annual P l^ "^ at Mi^. effect that bees seem to be scarce told us of all the woes of the busi­ bee.i teaching home economics at (A*) II was so hot tn I’aterson at a town meeting unless scalps (>P)—Victor Ritter used to vit’i - Burkcfl Armies George Hunt', cottage this season. ness he summed up with a general Deep River High school. Deep Jarvis Realty Co. vere” Saves Many at over llic week-end that three were actually being lifted. think It was too bad that the ward. Monday evening. Car. «u i Maybe we have a solution. _ I f denunciation of the youths of to­ River, Conn. only times most families get F o r Koreans refrlgerntoi'M, Inlmring over­ From North; Truman the church between S;00 and you have ever kept bees for the day and their allergies as far as Now, under the charter govern­ Mr. Miller la a graduate of West Phone 4112 Berea; Brother and O f Premier time. hurst Into flames The ment, which places conservators together Is for funerals. So (diiifcrH With De* 6'SO. Tho.e who de.lre further In­ commercial production of honey work Is c/inccrncd.
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