FIRETEX® M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date Neste Oil - Porvoo Refi nery JMP Huolto 4,200 M90 - - Yes 2015 11,000 - - Gas Compressor Station MTM Bulgaria Site - Yes 2015 M90/02 DM Contrutora Petrobras P-66 M5 RIP 8,850 M90 Shop Yes Yes 2015 (MGT) Various Chart Ferox LNG Vessels Allgard 1,200 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2015 Yamal LNG Technip Yamal Bomesc 11,4200 Yard No Yes 2015 DM Contrutora Petrobras P-66 M5 RIP 8,850 M90 Shop Yes Yes 2014 (MGT) Apache - St Fergus - - Shop - Yes - Various Chart Ferox LNG Vessels Allgard 1,800 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2014 Formasa Chemical 48,240 In House - Sew Enterprise Taiwan No Yes 2014 Group M90/02 Severfi eld (UK) - - Structural Steel 1,180 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2014 Ltd - - - Prezioso 900 M90/02 France No Yes 2014 - - Golden Eagle Donelli 10,600 M90 Shop - - 2013 Statoil Kvaerner Stord Eldfi sk - 180,000 M90 Shop Yes Yes 2013 Equity Advanced BP-Toledo Engineering Structural Steel Industrial 5,000 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2013 Group Services Equity P & W BP-Toledo Engineering Structural Steel 2,300 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2013 Painting Group Advanced Toledo Refi ning In-house Support Structures Industrial 680 M90/02 Site No Yes 2013 Company engineering Services In-house Tuttle 1,000 M90/02 PotashCorp Vessel Skirt Site No Yes 2013 engineering Construction 400 M89/02 ExxonMobil King In-house Sphere Legs Brock 7,300 M90 Site No Yes 2013 Ranch Engineering 2 M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date Brand Flint Hills In-house Energy & Vessel Skirt double sided 570 M90/02 Shop No Yes 2013 Resources Engineering Infrastructure Services ABJ ABJ Total Petrofac Laggan Tormore Piperack Engineering, 130,000 M90 Engineering, No Yes 2013 Kuwait Kuwait Formosa Chemical Kaoshiung, - VCM tank support Columns Sew Enterprise 2,000 M93 No Yes 2013 Group Taiwan Andeson PES Refi ning - Hydrocracker Unit, Philadelphia Construction 1,000 M93/02 Field No Yes 2013 Services Brand DE Refi ning Co Refurb Vessel legs, Delaware 1,000 M90/02 Field No Yes 2013 Contracting Brock (Corpus ExxomMobil Refurb King Ranch Gas Plant 9,000 M90 Field No Yes 2013 Christi) Brock Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park 30,000 M90 Field No Yes 2012 (Pasadena) Protherm Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park 28,000 M90 Field No Yes 2012 (Brand) CALIK ENERGY/ Nainawa 750 Mw Natural Gas GE PROSYS 108,000 M90 Mosul - IRAQ No Yes 2012 GULSUYU Combined Cycle Power Plant Taq Taq Oil Field Production Northern TTOPCO GE PROSYS 48,500 M90 Yes Yes 2012 Facility IRAQ NOC - Arbat Bitumen Refi nery PROSYS 38,000 M90 Arbat - IRAQ Yes Yes 2012 Formosa Chemical Kaoshiung, - Pipeling Sew Enterprise 1200 M90 No Yes 2012 Group Taiwan Formosa Chemical Kaoshiung, - Pipeling Sew Enterprise 540 M90 No Yes 2012 Group Taiwan Norisol / Safe Norway/ Conoco Phillips Kvaerner Stord Eldfi sk 240,000 M90 Yes Yes 2012 Eng. Poland Chang-Hua, Powertec - Main Piperack Sew Enterprise 175,060 M93 No Yes 2011 Taiwan Formosa Chemical Kaoshiung, - Structural steel Sew Enterprise 660 M93 No Yes 2011 Group Taiwan ADGAS Refurb Das Island Loading Arm ADCC 10,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2011 Channelview Petrochem Protherm Lyondell Refurb 1,000 M90 Field No Yes 2011 Facility, Texas (Brand) 3 M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date Fort McMurray Horizon Coker CNRL Technip Park Dercohie 4,500 M90 PDR Shop No Yes 2011 Firewalls Chirag PDQ Platform BP KBR ATA/TEFKEN 35,000 M90 Baku No Yes 2011 Azerbaijan Lloyds Gail India Technip India Egypt spheres 12,000 M90 Field No Yes 2011 Insulation Kizomba Satellite Project Prezioso Exxon - 18,000 M90 Yard No Yes 2011 Modules Lobito Angola Angola BP Australia Worley Kwinana Refi nery sphere legs CAPE TCC 2,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2011 Protherm Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park 20,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2011 (Brand) Protherm Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park ACU Units 20,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2011 (Brand) Lamprell Jebel ONGC Lamprell Energy ONGC North Tapti ACT 12,000 M90 No Yes 2011 Ali INECO Abu NCOC AGIP / CCC Kashagan pipe racks 50,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2010 Dhabi Industrial IMTT IMTT/CDI IMTT facility vessels Coating 11,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2010 Contractors Shell Refurb Shell Norco Louisiana (Motiva) Mobley 81,000 M90 Field No Yes 2010 2010 Shell Malaysia Technip Gumusut Jurunature 200,000 M90 MMHE 15/30/60 Yes /2011 Shell Cologne Godorf Shell Cologne Refurb Okken GmbH 15,000 M90 Field No Yes 2010 Raffi nerie MMK/MMO Project Exxon Mobil East Aluma Refurb Sable Island Offshore 3,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2010 Coast Canada (Brand Group) Protherm Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park Chemical 56,000 M90 Field No Yes 2010 (Brand) Shell Deer Park Chemical Plant Protherm Shell Refurb 79,000 M90 Field No Yes 2010 Houston (Brand) Adgas Refurb Auxiliary supports Kaefer 15,000 M90 Das Island No Yes 2010 Morganite Petrobras Refurb Sphere legs 15,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2010 Brazil Ltd. Merseyside Shell Thornton AJS Shell Thornton Research Centre 2,000 M90 Field No Yes 2010 Coatings Shell Deer Park Chemical Plant Protherm Shell Refurb 51,000 M90 Field No Yes 2009 Houston (Brand) 4 M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date Nappa Nappa Refi nery Interoil Luis Santos Pilbara 3,000 M90 Field No Yes 2009 sphere legs Adgas Refurb Pipe supports ADCC 20,000 M90 Das Island No Yes 2009 Oil fi eld ADMA-OPCO Refurb Secondary supports 5,000 M90 Field No Yes 2009 supplies Dorris Pushesh Esfahan Refi nery Process pipework 7,000 M90 Field No Yes 2009 Engineering Gostar Thyssen Krupp Xtrran - Process skids 8,000 M90 Xtrran No Yes 2008 Xervon Poplar Creek Conveyor No 5 Suncor/Transalta Suncor CSI Edmonton 8,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 Fort McMurray MEPi GFP Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi ADMA-OPCO Technip 89,000 M90 No Yes 2008/2009 Gas processing facilities NPCC NPCC Dubai Civil Procon Dubai World Air traffi c control tower 5,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 Aviation Emirates Shell Refurb Shell Norco Louisiana (Motiva) Mobley 82,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 Shell Refurb Shell Mobile Alabhama CSI 15,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 Shell Deer Park Protherm Shell Refurb 67,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 Chemical plant Houston (Brand) Protherm Shell Refurb Shell Deer Park Houston 27,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 (Brand) Maersk Oil Qatar Maersk Oil Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi MOQ Al Shaheen GA Wellhead 9,000 M90 Yes Yes 2008 Qatar NPCC NPCC modules ED, GD, GB ConocoPhillps Technip Living quarters module INECO Specialist 3,500 M90 Yes Yes 2008 Indonesia Indonesia North Belut CPP Platform Abu Dhabi Services ADGAS PFP of column ADGAS - separators and pipings ADCC 5,000 M90 Field No Yes 2008 for shut down. KANFA KANFA INECO Lamprell Jebel NLI Engineering 5,000 M90 Yes Yes 2008 Olowi FPSO Olowi FPSO Abu Dhabi Ali ThySime AGRU’s Filtration system ADGAS VICO Engg Sembcorp 5,000 M90 Target No Yes 2008 upgrade supports Das Island Eng.nKrupp Instrument pipe supports ADMA-OPCO Worley Parsons APS 15,000 M90 Costain No Yes 2008 Das Island 5 M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date 55,000 M90 Phase 4 Berth # 6 INECO Qatar Gas Fluor & 20,000 Adyard No Yes 2008 LNG Loading module Abu Dhabi M89 55,000 M90 Phase 4 Berth # 5 INECO Qatar Gas CTJV & 20,000 Adyard No Yes 2008 LNG Loading module Abu Dhabi M89 Reliance INECO McDermott JRMME KG-D6 Development Field 35,000 M90 Yes Yes 2008 Industries Abu Dhabi ME INECO TAKREER Fichtner BeAAT Project 12,000 M90 SNC Lavalin No Yes 2007 Abu Dhabi Petronas Jurunature Ramunia Sdn. - Belumut 23,000 M90 No Yes 2007 Carigali Sdn Bhd Bhd Jurunature Talisman - Talisman Northern Field 12,000 M90 Field Yes Yes 2007 Sdn Bhd Qatar Gas II Fire water OGASCO Qatar Gas - 1,500 M90 OGASCO No Yes 2007 monitoring tower Abu Dhabi Qatar Gas Risers for wellheads INECO 1,500 M90 McDermott Qatar Gas - Yes Yes 2,007 3, 4 & 5 Abu Dhabi & 3,000 M89 ME British Gas Lamprell-ACT- Lamprell Jebel Worley TAPTI Platform 43,000 M90 Yes Yes 2006/2007 India Ineco Ali South Pars Phase 9 & 10 INECO NIOC Foster Wheeler 50,000 M90 Field No Yes 2006 wellheads Abu Dhabi PFP McDermott BP KBR ACG Phase 1,2 & 3 125,000 M90 No Yes 2006 Contracting Baku KNOC - Rong Doi HHI 32,000 M90 HHI Korea Yes Yes 2006 Jurunature McDermott PTT KBR Arthit 150,000 M90 No Yes 2006 Sdn Bhd Indonesia BP - BP Plutonio FPSO LQ Firewall HHI 20,000 M90 HHI Korea No Yes 2006 PFP Navalmare AGIP Saipem Kashagan Barges 200,000 M90 No Yes 2006 Contracting Italy Total Technip Yadana Risers HHI Korea 8,000 M90 HHI Korea No Yes 2006 Murphy Sarawak Jurunature - Kikeh DTU Topsides 40,000 M90 Malaysia No Yes 2006 Oil Co. Ltd. Sdn Bhd Shell - Geelon Refi nery Aerify 30,000 M90 Field No Yes 2006 6 M90 Series Hydrocarbon Fire Protection - Track Record Quantity Fabrication Jet Hydro Project Operator Designer Project Applicator Kg Yard Fire Fire Date D&F Statoil - Statfjord C Platform repairs 5,000 M90 Field No Yes 2006 Applicators STS Norsk Hydro - Oseberg Alpha Platform repairs 4,000 M90 Field No Yes 2006 Applicators Encana AMEC Buzzard Vessel castings Aronite 15,000 M90 Aronite Shop Yes Yes 2005 Exxon Mobil - Sable Tier 2 Siawood 4,000 M90 Siawood No Yes 2005 Jurunature Shell Technip E11PB 10,000 M90 MSE Malaysia No Yes 2005 Sdn Bhd NIOC NIOC/Petco Salman Field Sadra 50,000 M90 Sadra No Yes 2005 Dorriz NIOC/Statoil South Pars Sadra 30,000 M90 Sadra Yes Yes 2005 Engineering Jurunature Total Saipem Amenam Sdn Bhd 200,000 M90 MSE Malaysia Yes Yes 2005 (Firebarr) Jurunature Barmada Petronas Carigali MMC South Baram 20,000 M90 Yes Yes 2005 Sdn Bhd McDermott Sime Jurunature Talisman Worley BR-E CO2 10,000 M90 Sembcorp Yes Yes 2005 Sdn Bhd Eng.
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