Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 81, pp. 1809-1812, March 1984 Immunology Shared idiotopes among monoclonal antibodies specific for A/PR/8/34 (HlNi) and X-31(H3N2) influenza viruses (shared idiotypes/influenza virus) THOMAS MORAN*, YUNG-NAN C. LIut, JEROME L. SCHULMAN*, AND CONSTANTIN A. BONA* *Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, One Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY 10029; and tDepartment of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115 Communicated by Edwin D. Kilbourne, December 2, 1983 ABSTRACT A monoclonal antibody specific for the hem- MAbs. MAbs against PR8 virus were obtained from three agglutinin (HA) of influenza A X-31 (H3N2) virus (X-31) was independent fusions. In this study, we also used three MAbs obtained during a fusion of spleen cells from a BALB/c mouse obtained against the HA of influenza X-31 virus and one immunized with influenza A/PR/8/34 (HlNl) virus (PR8). MAb specific for the HA of B/Lee virus (see Table 1). Fu- This monoclonal antibody (Py2O6) shares crossreactive idio- sions were carried out with SP2/0 myeloma cells and spleen topes expressed on several monoclonal antibodies specific for lymphocytes from BALB/c mice immunized with influenza PR8 HA and X-31 HA as well as an individual idiotope shared viruses according to a previously described technique (15). with one monoclonal antibody specific for X-31 HA. The pres- MAbs specific for HA had antiviral hemagglutination-in- ence of shared idiotypy among antibodies of such diverse bind- hibiting and neutralizing activity and immunoprecipitated ing specificities may result from regulation by idiotype-specific HA of radiolabeled viral proteins. One antibody (Py2O3) im- T cells. In addition, the results suggest that, in contrast to the munoprecipitated the neuraminidase of radiolabeled PR8 vi- diversity of paratypes expressed, relatively few germ-line vari- rus and had neuraminidase-inhibiting activity in vitro. able region genes may be used in the antibody response to in- Determinations of Isotypes. Microtiter plates were coated fluenza A virus antigens. with appropriate virus (50 ug/ml). After binding of MAbs, 3H-labeled goat anti-mouse subclass-specific antibodies Originally, idiotypes were considered to be phenotypic were added. After incubation at 40C overnight, the plates markers of variable-region genes and of the antigen recep- were washed extensively, and radioactivity was measured in tors of B- and T-cell clones that cooperate in response to a a liquid scintillation counter. given antigen (1-3). However, shortly after idiotypes were Preparation of Anti-Idiotype Antibodies. Syngeneic anti- discovered, it was shown that antibodies reacting to the vari- idiotype antisera against MAbs Py202, Py206, Py207, XylO7, ous epitopes borne by the same antigen (4) or by different and XylO2 were obtained in BALB/c mice and homologous antigens (5-7) or even of unknown specificity (8, 9) share anti-idiotype antibodies against Py207 were obtained in A/J idiotopes. mice by a previously described technique (16). The homolo- Liu et al. (10) have shown that antibodies to various epi- gous anti-idiotype antisera were extensively adsorbed on topes on the hemagglutinin (HA) influenza A/PR/8/34 virus Sepharose 4B linked to UPC10 Ig2a to eliminate anti-allo- shared crossreactive idiotopes. This was surprising in light type activity. The anti-idiotype antibodies were purified by of several reports demonstrating great variability in the para- adsorption to Sepharose 4B coupled with the corresponding types to influenza virus HA as well as exquisite specificity in MAb and subsequent elution by 3 M MgCl2. the binding of anti-HA antibodies with closely related vari- Antigen Binding Activity. Antigen binding was determined ant viruses (11-13). in an ELISA by coating microtiter plates with purified PR8, During a fusion with spleen cells from a mouse immunized X-31, or B/Lee virus (50 gg/ml) for 1.5 hr. After extensive with influenza A/PR/8/34 (HlNi) virus (PR8), we found an washing with phosphate-buffered saline containing Tween antibody that bound to influenza A X-31 (H3N2) virus (X-31) and incubation with phosphate-buffered saline containing HA. In this communication, we present results that show 1% bovine serum albumin (P1/NaCl/albumin) for 1 hr, 10 ,ug that this particular monoclonal antibody (MAb) shares idio- of purified MAbs were added per ml and incubated over- topes expressed on MAbs obtained from three independent night. Alkaline phosphatase-labeled goat anti-mouse Ig anti- fusions specific for the PR8 virus HA and on MAbs specific bodies (New England Nuclear) were added. After 2 hr, the for X-31 virus HA. plates were washed extensively and p-nitrophenyl phosphate was added. After 1 hr at 370C, the reaction was stopped with 3 M NaOH, and the absorbance was read on a micro-ELISA MATERIALS AND METHODS minireader (Dynatech, Alexandria, VA) at 405 nm. Mice. Six- to 12-week-old BALB/c and A/J mice were ob- Assay for Idiotypes. Expression of idiotypes on MAbs tained from The Jackson Laboratory. were studied by hemagglutination (HA titer), hemagglutina- Viral Antigens. PR8 virus, X-31 virus, and influenza tion inhibition (HI), and ELISA. B/Lee/40 virus (B/Lee) were obtained from laboratory In hemagglutination and HI assays, MAbs were coupled to stocks and grown in the allantoic cavity of 10- to 11-day em- sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) by the CrCl3 method, and HA bryonated hens eggs. The viruses were collected and puri- and HI titers were determined by methods as described (9). fied by standard laboratory procedures (14). For immuniza- Titers were reported as 1/log2 of the highest dilution of anti- tion, mice were injected with 0.2 ml of allantoic seed virus bodies giving agglutination or inhibition of agglutination. diluted to contain 1000 HA units (15). Abbreviations: MAb, monoclonal antibody; HA, hemagglutinin; HI, The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge hemagglutination inhibition; IdX, cross-reactive idiotype; X-31, in- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" fluenza A X-31 (H3N2) virus; PR8, influenza A/PR/8/34 virus; in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. B/Lee, influenza B/Lee/40 virus; SRBC, sheep erythrocytes. 1809 Downloaded by guest on September 29, 2021 1810 Immunology: Moran et aL Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA 81 (1984) Table 1. Antigen binding specificity and isotypes of MAbs used Table 2. Antigen binding specificity of various MAbs measured in this study by ELISA MAb Fusion Isotype Specificity* A45 of virus on microplate P20 1 y2b Hi MAb PR8 X-31 B/Lee P28 1 yl Hi Py202 1.23 0 0 PylO2 2 yi Hi Py202 3 y2b Py203 0.85 0.01 0.01 Hi Py206 0.03 1,25 0 Py203 3 y2a Ni Py206 3 y2b Py207 1.24 0.10 0.03 H3 Py210 1.28 0.02 Py207 3 y2b Hi 0 Py210 3 y2a Py211 0.83 0 0 Hi Py216 1.31 Py21l 3 y2b Hi 0 0 Py216 3 y2a XylO2 0.02 1.25 0.01 Hi BylO4 0.01 0 XylO2 4 y2a H3 1.18 XylO7 4 y1 H3 The binding of monoclonal antibodies to virus-coated plates was XylO8 4 y2a H3 measured by using alkaline phosphatase-labeled rabbit anti-mouse BylO4 5 y2a B Ig antibodies and measuring A at 405 nm. *H1, PR8 HA; N1, PR8 NA; H3, X-31 HA; B, B/Lee HA. fusions. Neither anti-Py202 nor anti-Py207 anti-idiotype anti- sera reacted with MAbs specific for X-31 (other than Py206). In ELISA, a very sensitive sandwich technique was used. In contrast, anti-Py206 antibodies recognized IdX expressed Briefly, microtiter plates were coated with purified MAbs (5 on MAb specific for PR8 as well as on two MAbs specific for pug/ml) overnight in coating buffer. After extensive washing X-31. and 1 hr of incubation with P1/NaCl/albumin, 10 ,ug ofaffini- Anti-idiotype antibodies against XyiO2 caused hemagglu- ty-purified anti-idiotype antibodies per ml were added to tination of SRBC coated with two MAbs specific for X-31 these plates and incubated overnight at 4°C. After extensive and SRBC coated with Py206. These results indicate that washing, alkaline phosphatase-labeled MAbs were added for Py2O6 shares idiotypes expressed on PR8-specific MAbs ob- 2 hr and washed, and substrate was added. The absorbance tained from three separate fusions and MAbs specific for X- was measured in the micro-ELISA reader at 405 nm. 31 virus. Analysis of Idiotopes of Py2O6 MAb. To further investigate RESULTS idiotopes expressed on Py206 MAb, we studied the direct binding of anti-idiotype antibodies to PR8- and X-31-specific Antigen Binding Specificity of Various MAbs Obtained MAb in an ELISA. Anti-Py206 antibodies and anti-XyiO2 from the Same Fusion. MAbs obtained from fusion 3 were antibodies bound very strongly to Py206, while anti-Py207 selected by their ability to bind PR8 virus. In this fusion, five bound weakly (Table 4). In addition, anti-XylO2 bound sig- MAbs were specific for PR8 HA, one (Py203) was specific nificantly to Py207-coated plates (Table 4). This latter result for PR8 neuraminidase, and Py206 bound to X-31 virus but was surprising in view of the absence of agglutination of not to PR8 virus (Table 1). In ELISA (Table 2), the binding SRBC coated with Py207 by anti-XylO2 (Table 3) but was of these MAbs was studied on microtiter plates coated with confirmed in subsequent ELISA. This suggests that at least PR8, X-31, or B/Lee virus. Py206 bound to X-31 virus-coat- some PR8-specific MAbs share an IdX with X-31-specific ed plates but not to PR8 virus-coated plates.
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