Giants :f,ak·e 3d ,S'trai.ght From I hdians I -6-2. Rhode·sHils The Weather Pinch Single p...u, elOlUb ..... - • • Iooal II ........' . ......n. Noi _II e..... e .. ie.- To Tie Mark peratue. Low. 51; billa, 68. By JACK HAND CLEVELAND (A")- Pinchhlt­ Est. 1868 - AP Lea!.d Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, Oct. 2, 1954 ter Dusty Rhodes came through again and Willie Mays started hitting as the alert New York Welch Meets the PreIS'" Giants shoved the shoddy-field­ I llli Cleveland [ndians to the edge of the cUft Friday with a third straight World Series victory. Hoyt Wllhelm strode from Manager Leo Durocher's well­ stocked bullpen with his puzzling Y knuckler to nail dQwn a 6-2 New York triumph when Puerto Ri­ can Ruben Gomez weakened in Hawks M the eighth after a blazing seven­ inning job. Rhodes, the spectacular clutch Only About Cleveland, hitter who won the first two for Welch Says Montana · . the Inspired National league champs, rose from the bench to The bow tie and ,enUe smile deUver a key two-run pinch sin­ which beCame t~illar to ~l­ gle in tile third, tying a series llons of TV viewers la.st May In Stadium record set by the Yanks' Bobby during the army-McCarthy hear­ Brown In 1947. BT GENE 1N000E Bakl in 3d InDinr Ings distinguished th~ Boston DaU,. ...... borla EdUo, Rhodes won the first game lawyer from the crowd as he There'll be a lot of scorinl this with a 10th inning ;homer and stepped from a plane late Friday afternoon when the [owa Hawk­ ,ot another homer Thursday In afternoon at the Iowa Cll,. air­ eyes tackle the Montana univer­ the tifth. Friday, Durocher wast­ port. sity Grizzlies. ed no time and called for him to Scoring by the Hawkeyes. bIlt tor Monte Irvin in the third. Ruddy-c 0 m pie It Ion e d and bouyant of sLep, the tall figure of Scoring a,ainst the Hawkeyes. When Dusty singled Mike Gar­ The Grizzlies. equfl,ped with cia's first pitch Into right field Joseph Nye Welch, special coun­ veterans and loaded with desire, to chase home Don Mueller and sel to the army during the spring take on their first Bil Ten' rival Ma¥s, the Giants had a 3-0 lead. dispute, followed Mrs. Welch when they appear in the low41 They never were in danger ot down the ramp to the runway. stadium at 1 :30 p.m. being caught unti\ the eighth Dobrlao Ml.y 8 ....' when WIlhelm applied the stop­ He was soon surrounded by a group of pho~apher8 and Don Dobrino, Iowa's No. 2 per. quarterback, may be calling the The New Yorkers need only newsmen, whose questions !;Ie signals this afternoon. replacJnlC one more triumph today to close parried with "no comments" or Jerry ReIchow, who was injured' out the series and make lhem the advice that the poJnts in ques­ Ilrst Nationallesgue team to wln (Doll, I ..... n I'lloto by A,al. O.rl) .-._--- . tion required complex answen. PItOBULI LINEupa • the World Series since the St. IOWA 1II0N'tANA Louis CardInals did it in ] 946. REPORTERS INTERVIEW Joseph H. Welch, apeola] army coun­ He obl1gin,ly returned to ihe OIUI .... 11. ... LE .. Jill selor In the recent army-McCarthy hearlnga, as he arrived at the 8we,"'" 211 . .. LT .....r."'.... IIIU .. I'M Friday's crowd of 71,555. held plane to make a second exit for Hall 217 . ....... LO .. DM/.cu I" down by a n09n threat of rain Iowa City airpori Friday afternoon. photographers. Law"D 2.. ... .. C '" J .....D Jts 'ODe. 2!!3 , . •.. • 0 .. ~ afJL••• w:. .. • ..,.. Cae. 8 ...k .. .. .. aT .. 11""'" 211 or C .....ln. '!.. (Continued on Page 5) He reminded newsmen F ..e ••• :8. .... al . a_ •••••• Uf his record of ~marks concem~ GIANTS- Welch Says U.S. (an Solve D.~rln. '!to'! ... QB .. ....... (e) I.. inc &!n. Joseph McCarthy (8- PIOKETS SNEER AT BaIUmore, Md., pollee .1 they escort Nelro student. home followinl 01818" at •• J. ael~b." I" NEW voaK (N) Wis.) was practically a clean one Southern hlrh lIclIool. Friday's demon.tntioOll aratnlt Intelration reached near-riot proportions. SIIlIIII III ....... LB .. .... 1_' n. * .b* r h * a 0 V/ .... DI 11 ~ .. ... all C&III'II'] (.) u • • Lotkman, Ib . I I 13 0 -he had said almost nothing­ 8 •••••• <0. 111 .. F . ... D ..Uo , .. Park. 0, .. .... • 0 I 2 :I TI.... PI••• : t,"a,. 11M ,... (011:). Mueller. rf .. •e 2 2 0 0 Problems, Retain ·Freedom and that "he had no personal I ..... 111114/ .... Mays. ef & I 3 2 0 vendetta with the senator." T/ .....: 1'1'81, ••• U.II .. ; e",..Ie .. Thompson: si,' :: :I 2 I 0 3 By JOE MORAN .U.n....... 1I0ut ....... Irvin. If ] 0 0 0 0 lightning, hinting of trouble just Although his plar.e arrived at Br.alt"I,,, WBO, ltaN., II.IIb De. a-Rhodes. 3 0 1 3 P Joseph Nye Welch. speaking Williams. 2b : : 2 0 /) ~ S over the horizon." 5:20 p.m., two hours and 20 min- Mo'... ; WMT, 1t0H. · OA4IN "''''"; woe. D........ I; JtIl(J.1 en, W.. strum. c" .... ., 0 ] 0 on "Senate Hearings," told an I J.... 00me2. P .. .. 4 0 • :: Moral Hardship utes late due to mechanical Itox,x. ~V •• • '1'1'...... 0 1 U'.".'W.,BQ. KOEL, XWWL, XC.A, KQOO, Wllh"lm. p . .. 0 0 0 0 0 Iludience of more than 1,800 in Welch dwelled particularly on trouble at the chicago airpo(t, Totals .. ..... 36 6 10 2'1 12 dOE, KFNF. Klw•• "Il'D, KC81); the' Iowa Memorial Union Friday the moral hardsh.Lp to wltness,s Welch eJ)'lpttasized. th1lt the trip WIVI. I.". (:'" u ....., It.... KLIL. CLEVELAND IAJ night be is con1ident thc United in senat~ hearings, who may be "had betln pleadant." KlAN, XW8p. XWI'O). • . " ull ' t ." ... It . ~ ClIn lIOIVi.J lu-ve IU'ob­ Bmlth. H .. .... 3 0 0 o questron~ under oath on the teav file al rt aptpi:t to ~vJla. without loss or impairment in the opener against Michigan 2b ......:: 0 0 4 ~ terns same points at as milny as three join Mrs. Welch ih the waitlng BALTIMORE(JP)-A crowd of i)I>Y, er .. .. .. 4 0 I 2 ~ or its ancient, beauti:!ul :free- State and h,.s been recovering .. ttl. 1b ..... ~ 1 1 6 separate hearings. He commiser- room, the [owa~born Grinnell 400 white adWLs and teenagers evetyone to be calm. !aJ ... kl. 3f .... 4 0 0 2 1 doms." . ated with their "uncomfortable graduate (19l.) said he feared to * * * this week. ReIchOw IJJ ready to Pl\Jlley. r .... 3 0 1 1 o shouted angry threats at Negro The school board stuck by its BoycoH of Schqol go but Coach Forest J;vashevski Strickland ••8 • 3 · 0 0 3 4 Introduced by President Virgil feellng about perjury, when they make any ~omme1'lt on the recent pU'plls leavIng Southern high announced Jhtentlon of :\j:eeplng !. Pope ........ ] 0 0 o o M, Hancher as "one of the lew know that others may be poring anli-Communist law passed by Ends in Delaware probably ligures the pme today It.,gan, c ...... 2 0 0 8 J school Friday as demonstrations schools open, with Negroes and Is a good time to test Dobrino. d · GblOn . .. ... I 1 1 o o men to emerge with an enhanced over three separate transcHpts congress "tor tear 'of seeming against combined while and Ne- whites assigned to study togeth­ Nor.,on. c .... 0 Ii 0 I o reputation" from the army-Mc­ searching tor discrepancies in 'soft' on Communists." MILFORD, Del. (.If') - School For Iowa, the game offers a Garela, p .. .... 0 0 0 o 1 gro classes)n Baltimore public er nt 52 of the 190 bulldiMg. buses crowded with white pup­ b-Lemon .. .... J 0 0 o o Carthy hearings, Welch said he testimony." Mus& ies& Law schools gained momentum. Atl!endance Drops chance to tune up tor the slle Koutleman. p . 0 0 0 o o was pleased to return to hls na­ "The human mind Is pecuUa-r- He said the new law would ils returning to ciasses signalled straight conference !Iffairs, in­ c-Jte.alado .. ] '0 0 o o Police hustled the Negro pupils Attendance was cut sharply at the end Friday of a spreadln" Narleskl. p ...• 0 0 0 o J tive state and be received "with ly frail," and it is difficult to have to be tested in eou.ri With cluding the impending succes­ .. ·Mitchell . ] 0 0 o o manltest evidence of approval." Qut of Southe'r.n high two or three schools as parents cartle to boycott protesting admission of sive road games with Michigan, Mossi. p .... " 0 0 0 o o answer the same question, actual caset! before its effective­ three at a time into prowl cars take their children home. Many Negro pupils to Millord I1lgh 1'olals . .. ... 30 :: 4 2'1 10 Welch received a lengthy ovation. phrased dltlerenUy at dlfterent ness could be judged. He con­ Ohio State lind [ndiana. a-Slneled Irvin and took them home. explained they did not insist on school. 10r In 3d. Referring to the army-McCar­ times, in the same words, M ceded some doubts about the Law P ....ed LI"le, Se Far b·Struck out for Gucla In :let Leon Thompson, 14-year-old segregation but feared their c-Grounded Olll for HoutlO!man in thy hearings 'Iast spring, in which said. as a contribution .Ito our legal Eleven Negro high school pu­ Evashevskl said previously ]0- $t.II.
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