1St Semi Final

1St Semi Final

Division 1 - 2nd Semi Final Seniors Reserves LOAF UCHITHA SIMON GAVIN Jack Riewoldt 1.2 Tom Hawkins 1.1 1 Luke Breust 3.1 Dan Butler 0.1 Toby Greene 2.4 Aaron Naughton 1.2 1 Nick Larkey 2.0 Jamarra Ugle-Hagan 2.1 Lance Franklin 2.2 Josh Bruce 2.1 2 Mitch Lewis 1.1 Matthew Owies 0.0 Clayton Oliver 5.5 Tom Mitchell 5.4 5 Tom Stewart 4.0 Isaac Smith 4.2 Andrew Gaff 5.3 Rory Laird 4.1 4 Rory Sloane 4.2 Jy Simpkin 4.5 Dom Sheed 3.5 Cameron Guthrie 4.5 4 Joel Selwood 3.3 David Swallow 4.2 Scott Lycett 3.2 Max Gawn 5.1 5 Sean Darcy 3.0 Tim English 4.3 Dayne Zorko 3.2 Jack Graham 2.0 2 Willem Drew 6.4 Jack Viney 2.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 24.25.169 24.15.159 24 26.11.167 20.18.138 Division 1 - 1st Semi Final SASH GAVIN DES LOAF Kysaiah Pickett 2.1 Max King 4.0 4 Jason Castagna 0.1 Jake Waterman 0.1 Charlie Cameron 1.1 Jordan De Goey 0.0 0 Esava Ratugolea 0.1 Sam Reid (syd) 1.1 Jake Stringer 2.0 Todd Marshall 1.1 1 Jack Petruccelle 0.2 Shai Bolton 0.3 Jacob Hopper 4.5 Touk Miller 5.4 5 Josh Kennedy (syd) 3.4 Daniel Rich 5.2 Jack Macrae 5.1 Christian Petracca 5.2 5 Paul Seedsman 3.4 Lachie Hunter 3.2 Sam Walsh 4.2 Ben Keays 3.4 3 Luke Parker 4.2 Bailey Dale 5.1 Brodie Grundy 3.0 Reilly O'Brien 7.2 7 Toby Nankervis 2.5 Rowan Marshall 7.4 Josh Dunkley 2.4 Jack Steele 9.2 9 Jed Anderson 4.4 Jaeger O'Meara 6.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 23.14.152 34.15.219 34 16.23.119 27.18.180 Division 2 - 2nd Semi Final Seniors Reserves MAT NICK B NICK B MAT Bayley Fritsch 2.0 Aaron Naughton 1.2 1 A.McD-Tipungwuti 1.0 Harrison Himmelberg 1.0 Taylor Walker 2.0 Charlie Curnow 1.0 1 Mitchell Georgiades 2.0 Isaac Heeney 0.0 Charlie Dixon 4.2 Tom McDonald 1.2 1 Jack Higgins 1.0 Luke Breust 3.1 Darcy Parish 5.4 Jack Macrae 5.1 5 Sam Walsh 4.2 Jack Ziebell 3.2 Andrew Brayshaw 6.3 Rory Laird 4.1 4 Josh Dunkley 2.1 Aaron Hall 6.0 Cameron Guthrie 4.5 Lachie Neale 3.3 3 Adam Cerra 5.3 Caleb Daniel 5.2 Oscar McInerny 7.4 Sean Darcy 3.0 3 Shane Mumford 3.5 Tom Hickey 4.0 Brandan Parfitt 0.0 Jack Steele 9.2 9 Elliot Yeo 2.0 Taylor Adams 2.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 30.18.198 27.11.173 27 20.11.131 24.9.153 Division 2 - 1st Semi Final McROB TUDDY BEN R SYD Jake Stringer 2.0 Max King 4.0 4 Connor Rozee 0.1 Elliott Himmelberg 2.1 Toby Greene 2.4 Esava Ratugolea 0.1 0 Jason Castagna 0.1 Todd Marshall 1.1 Tom Papley 4.1 Gary Rohan 2.2 2 Jamie Elliott 2.2 --------------- Out Dom Sheed 3.5 Tom Mitchell 5.4 5 Patrick Cripps 4.2 --------------- Out Zach Merrett 5.5 Brad Crouch 4.3 4 Josh Kelly 5.1 Daniel Rich 5.2 Clayton Oliver 5.5 Joel Selwood 3.3 3 Jacob Hopper 4.5 Christian Salem 2.5 Brodie Grundy 3.0 Max Gawn 5.1 5 Toby Nankervis 2.5 Sam Draper 3.5 Callum Mills 4.0 Dayne Zorko 3.2 3 David Swallow 2.0 Sam Wicks 2.0 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 28.20.188 26.16.172 26 19.17.131 15.14.104 Division 3 - 2nd Semi Final Seniors Reserves CABBAGE PARMA DAVO PARMA Tom McDonald 1.2 Matt Taberner 3.1 3 Jake Stringer 2.0 Gary Rohan 2.2 Taylor Walker 2.0 Ben King 0.0 0 Mitchell Georgiades 2.0 Kysaiah Pickett 2.1 Brody Mihocek 2.0 Jesse Hogan 2.1 2 Jamarra Ugle-Hagan 2.1 Isaac Heeney 0.0 Darcy Parish 5.4 Jy Simpkin 4.5 4 Shannon Hurn 3.1 Bailey Smith 4.5 Jack Macrae 5.1 Zach Merrett 5.5 5 Daniel Rich 5.2 Lachie Whitfield 4.1 Andrew Gaff 5.3 Marcus Bontempelli 2.3 2 Isaac Smith 4.2 Tom Green 1.5 Nic Naitanui 4.0 Oscar McInerny 7.4 7 Peter Wright 0.5 Scott Lycett 3.2 Taylor Adams 2.4 Willem Drew 6.4 6 Karl Amon 3.2 Jaeger O'Meara 6.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 26.14.170 29.23.197 29 21.13.139 22.20.152 Division 3 - 1st Semi Final SKEETA DAVO DK KINGY Charlie Cameron 1.1 Aaron Naughton 1.2 1 A.McD-Tipungwuti 1.0 Nick Larkey 2.0 Jack Riewoldt 1.2 Toby Greene 2.4 2 Jack Higgins 1.0 Daniel McStay 4.0 Bayley Fritsch 2.0 Josh Bruce 2.1 2 James Rowe 1.0 Dylan Moore 2.0 Sam Walsh 4.2 Tom Mitchell 5.4 5 Jacob Hopper 4.5 Paul Seedsman 3.4 Jack Ziebell 3.2 Touk Miller 5.4 5 Jack Crisp 6.0 Hugh McCluggage 3.2 Callum Mills 5.3 Josh Dunkley 2.1 2 Patrick Dangerfield 3.3 Ed Langdon 2.3 Max Gawn 5.1 Reilly O'Brien 7.2 7 Rhys Stanley 2.0 Lloyd Meek 1.3 Josh Kennedy (syd) 2.0 Jack Viney 2.4 2 Jack Graham 2.0 Will Snelling 2.0 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 23.11.149 26.22.178 26 20.8.128 19.12.126 Division 4 - 2nd Semi Final Seniors Reserves DAMIAN HARDSY CON BALLS Ben King 0.0 Harry McKay 5.2 5 Jake Aarts 0.0 Tim Membrey 3.0 Luke Breust 3.1 Charlie Dixon 4.2 4 Charlie Curnow 1.0 Isaac Heeney 0.0 Esava Ratugolea 0.1 Taylor Walker 2.0 2 Daniel McStay 4.0 Mitch Lewis 1.1 Taylor Adams 5.4 Josh Kennedy (syd) 3.4 3 Tom Stewart 4.0 David Swallow 4.2 Darcy Parish 5.4 Travis Boak 4.0 4 Patrick Dangerfield 3.3 Lachie Hunter 3.2 Tim Kelly 3.2 Andrew Gaff 5.3 5 Bailey Smith 4.5 Jacob Hopper 4.5 Sam Draper 3.5 Sean Darcy 3.0 3 Mark Blicavs 2.2 Zac Smith 3.1 Touk Miller 6.4 Jack Steele 9.2 9 Tom Liberatore 5.2 Andrew Brayshaw 8.0 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 25.21.171 35.13.223 35 23.12.150 26.11.167 Division 4 - 1st Semi Final BALLS CLAYTON BEAMER DAMIAN Tom Hawkins 1.1 Nick Larkey 2.0 2 Alex Sexton 1.0 Ben McEvoy 0.0 Josh Kennedy (wc) 1.4 Harrison Himmelberg 1.0 1 Lincoln McCarthy 0.0 Peter Wright 2.1 Lance Franklin 2.2 Tom McDonald 1.2 1 Josh Corbett 1.2 Jordan De Goey 0.0 Sam Walsh 4.2 Lachie Neale 3.3 3 Zach Tuohy 4.2 Jordan Ridley 1.4 Tim Taranto 2.3 Tom Mitchell 5.4 5 Joel Selwood 3.3 Dyson Heppell 4.1 Clayton Oliver 5.5 Zach Merrett 5.5 5 Ed Curnow 2.5 Jack Ziebell 3.2 Oscar McInerny 7.4 Tom Hickey 4.0 4 Scott Lycett 3.2 Toby Nankervis 2.5 Jack Viney 2.4 Liam Shiels 2.0 2 Shaun Higgins 0.0 Josh Dunkley 2.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 24.25.169 23.14.152 23 14.14.98 14.17.101 Division 5 - 2nd Semi Final Seniors Reserves BIG MORCA DOOLS BIG MORCA BANGERS Harry McKay 5.2 Isaac Heeney 0.0 0 Ben King 0.0 Tom Phillips 1.0 Lance Franklin 2.2 Jamie Cripps 2.1 2 Aaron Naughton 1.2 Orazio Fantasia 1.1 Jack Darling 1.0 Matthew Owies 0.0 0 Joe Daniher 1.1 Brody Mihocek 2.0 Andrew Brayshaw 6.3 Zach Merrett 5.5 5 Tom Liberatore 4.1 James Worpel 4.2 Dom Sheed 3.5 Cameron Guthrie 4.5 4 Adam Cerra 5.3 Tom Stewart 4.0 Ollie Wines 4.4 Luke Parker 4.2 4 Trent Dumont 3.1 Bailey Smith 4.5 Oscar McInerny 7.4 Max Gawn 5.1 5 Tom Hickey 4.0 Jack Billings 0.5 Willem Drew 6.4 Jack Steele 9.2 9 Tom Green 3.2 Sam Wicks 2.0 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 34.24.228 29.16.190 21.10.136 18.13.121 Division 5 - 1st Semi Final SAM DEAN J ANDY SAM Josh Bruce 2.1 Ben Brown 4.1 4 Gary Rohan 2.2 James Rowe 1.0 Tom Hawkins 1.1 Kysaiah Pickett 2.1 2 Jamarra Ugle-Hagan 2.1 A.McD-Tipungwuti 1.0 Taylor Walker 2.0 Bayley Fritsch 2.0 2 Kyle Langford 3.0 Lincoln McCarthy 0.0 Sam Walsh 4.2 Touk Miller 5.4 5 Isaac Cumming 2.5 Dion Prestia 5.1 Tim Kelly 3.2 Andrew Gaff 5.3 5 Steele Sidebottom 5.3 Shannon Hurn 3.1 Patrick Dangerfield 3.3 Josh Kelly 5.1 5 Dyson Heppell 4.1 Jack Ziebell 3.2 Scott Lycett 3.2 Sean Darcy 3.0 3 Chad Wingard 1.1 Ben McEvoy 2.4 Tim Taranto 0.0 Jack Viney 2.4 2 Joel Selwood 3.2 Brayden Maynard 0.0 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 18.11.119 28.14.182 22.15.147 15.8.98 Eliminator - Final 4 UCHITHA NICK B HARDSY BALLS Tom Hawkins 1.1 Aaron Naughton 1.2 1 Harry McKay 5.2 Tom Hawkins 1.1 Aaron Naughton 1.2 Charlie Curnow 1.0 1 Charlie Dixon 4.2 Josh Kennedy (wc) 1.4 Josh Bruce 2.1 Tom McDonald 1.2 1 Taylor Walker 2.0 Lance Franklin 2.2 Tom Mitchell 5.4 Jack Macrae 5.1 5 Josh Kennedy (syd) 3.4 Sam Walsh 4.2 Rory Laird 4.1 Rory Laird 4.1 4 Travis Boak 4.0 Tim Taranto 2.3 Cameron Guthrie 4.5 Lachie Neale 3.3 3 Andrew Gaff 5.3 Clayton Oliver 5.5 Max Gawn 5.1 Sean Darcy 3.0 3 Sean Darcy 3.0 Oscar McInerny 7.4 Jack Graham 2.0 Jack Steele 9.2 9 Jack Steele 9.2 Jack Viney 2.4 --------------- --------------- 0 --------------- --------------- 24.15.159 27.11.173 35.13.223 24.25.169.

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