1 Name/tle of presentaon [Title of presentaon] 2 “As a Management Board, we are excited by the enormous possibili&es) that)this)merger)brings.)Together)we)will)be)able)to)think bigger,)act) bolder)and achieAe)more)by bringing)more)resource.)to bear5)in more) $Bcient)6"ys)"nd)69th)")=nifyin2),assion fo-).ervin2)'he ever evolvin2) needs of)our)customer.)C)academic)researcher.5)students, teacher.)and professionals)in)all)of)our)markets)across)the)world.D) Eerk Faank,)Chief)E7ecu&Ae)IBcer) ) [Title of presentaon] 3 A strategic merger between three famous publishers [Title of presentaon] 4 Uni7ng some of the best 8no.n brands in our :eld [Title of presentaon] 5 Home to a breadth and depth of imprints, journals and products [Title of presentaon] 6 Focused on science, educaon and professional publishing 13% *By revenue 21% 66% Science Educaon Professional [Title of presentaon] 7 Based .here our customers need us to be *employees" Euro,(" c1750" c400" <10" c100" X60" c4700" United RingdoF" Netherlands" Denmark" Poland c50" Russia" Asia c1750" <10" <10" Austria" Pacific North America" Germany" Swede/" EHech c950" RepubliM" c5900" c100" <10" <10" SwitHerland" X60" Ukraine R0Hakhstan" c150" c200" c950" <10" France" Spain Turkey" Bulgaria" P0,0/" United States c300" c50" c150" c600" <10" China" South Korea" <10" c50" Israel <10" <10" MeTico" Slovakia Hondur0." <10" Italy c5250" TaiCan" Guatemala" c50" Nicaragua" India c100" Egypt <10" <10" <10" <10" Hong KonI" <10" Thailand" El Salvado-" <10" Panama" UAE" <10" Costa Rica" Jordan Dubai <10" X60" Africa VietnaF" c250" Malaysia Colombia <10" X60" Ecuador" c100" Peru" Singapore" X60" Brazil c50" c100" Lan Namibia" Australia America" <10" X60" X60" c950" Chil(" DimbabCe" c150" X60" Argen1na" BotsCana" c50" c100" <10" SwaHiland" New Zealand South Afric0" Lesotho" Please note _ Numbers have been rounded " [Title of presentaon] 8 Hith a simple ambi7on To help researchersa studentsa teachers and professionals to achieve and discover morebb" [Title of presentao/2" V" Ho. .e help researchers to achieIe and discoIer more • He help researchers bring their research to the .orld by publishing across the research spectrum – breadth, depth and impact. • He make research discoIerable and useful so it has the maximum impact .ithin the research community and society at large. • He help researchers, and the ins7tu7ons and funders that support them, to iden7fy the research data and the trends that are most releIant to them and to put that informaon into conteMt so they can be more eNec7Ie, eOcient and successful. • He break do.n the barriers between the disciplines to make research more accessible and to accelerate discoIery. [Title of presentao/2" 10 Hhat this means for the research community Forc" This meansc" Librarians More choice under one roof offering beer value, superior service and enhanced data and analy1cs to help you op1misese the u of your budgets." Sociees and publishing Support from a neC organisa1on that unites leading academic publishers partner." Cho share a strong commitment to providing fuality and choice to the research community." Researchers as authors" Easier and faster submissiong a consistent high fuality peer revieC process and seamless access to a Cide range of publica1on1ons." op Readers" 9eeer plahormsa enhanced discoverabilitya func1onality and Cork_ioC tools as Cell as access to more 1tles across a Cider range of content and Cith a beeer and more integrated reader eTperience." Sponsors and adverser." More choice of inventory and soluons, enhanced global support and even beeer reacLb" [Title of presentao/2" 11 Ho. .e help students and teachers to achieIe and discoIer more • Macmillan Educaon support students, instructors and ins7tu7ons through a life7me of learning by proIiding them .ith .orld class content in the most releIant, engaging and QeMible formats. • Rur passion for learning and commitment to educaon is second to none, .hich is .hy .e remain the most trusted partner to deliIer innoIaIe solu7ons that .ill driIe student performance and help educators and ins7tu7ons to deliIer eMcellent results. [Title of presentao/2" 12 Ho. .e help professionals • She Springer Tature Professional Uroup is ading one of the le professional informaon proIiders in Europe and a mar8et leader in the respec7Ie specialist :elds in Austria, S.itzerland, Uermany, France and Spain. • It focuses primarily on the areas of Medicine, Sransport and Sr'Oc and Business and Engineering, proIiding high-­‐Yuality professional informaon and serIices for its broad range of target groups. • In addi7on to magazines, journals and ne.spapers, the Professional Uroup oNers eIents as .ell as .ebsites, online serIices and databases. [Title of presentao/2" 13 Springer Tature Management Board " " " " " " " " " " " " " Derk Haank" Anneee Thomas" Marn Mo." Ulrich Vest CEj" CSj" COO" CFj" " " " " Leveraging funconal Driving forCard our Shaping the global Ensuring financial capabili1es across the plans to innovate and systems and CorkioCs stability/transparency group and establishing lead the way as a needed to support a and elMient servicesa clear business science publisherb" growing and diverse as well as appropriate leadership and financial controls and " busine..b" coordina1on in key corporate governance." regions." " " " [Title of presentao/2" 14 Thank you) [Title of presentao/2" 15 Hhat’s changing for our customers • me are in the early stages of forming the neC company" • nour key contacts and contractual rela1onships Cith us remain the same." • Springer and Sacmillan Science and Educa1on products and services Chich are noC part of Springer Nature will connue to be sold separately unl further no1Meb" • me Cill con1nue to sign neC agreementsa updateng eTis1 contractsa and Cork Cith you on 2015/17 reneCals as usual. • me Cill update you on progress and changes toe hoC C Cork in the months to come. " • We Cill con1nue to provide the eTcellent servicea fuality content and products you eTpect from usa and our primary focus is to improveC ho Ce meet your needs. " • me are eTcited about the opportunity to do much more to meeta and hopefully eTceeda your eTpecta1ons. " • As alCaysa Ce Celcome your comments and fues1ons. " • Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through your usual contact, and we look forCard to con1nuing our Cork Cith you." [Title of presentao/2" 16 Rur science business imprints and products Nature Research Group" Springer Research Group Open Research Group" • Natur(" • Springer " • BioMed Central • Nature Research Journals" • Birkhpuser" • SpringerOpen • Scien1fic American" • Ehemistry Eentral " • SpringerPlus (is a journal of • Spektrum • Springer Gabler SpringerOpens" • Scien1fic American SIND" • Springer Spektrum • Nature Eommunica1ons" • Nature IndeT" • Springer VieCeg • Scienfic Reports • Nature Methods" • Springer VS " • Scienfic Dat0" • Nature Protocols" • SpringerReference • NPPs" • Nature RevieCs" • Apress • Palgrave Eommunica1ons" • Nature Jobs" • Open Choice " • Nature Conferences" • Palgrave Sacmillan" • Nature Masterclasses" • NPG Academic Pournals" • Nature Educa1on" • HGSATH" • Springer Sho," " • Springer Protocols " • SpringerMaterials • Adis Insight" • Sacmillan Science Eommunica1on" • Sacmillan Sedical" [Title of presentao/2" 17 Rur leading brands Established in 1842 and a leading global scienfic, Founded in 1879a Nature is the Corldos most cited Sacmillan Educa1on is the third largest global technical and medical publishera providing scien1fic journala Cith over half a million cita1ons a provider of English language publishing in the researchers in academiaa scien1fic ins1tu1ons and year. It is the number one mul1disciplinary science worlda a local R12 publisher and through Palgravea corporate RtD departments Cith fuality content journal globally Cith an Impact Factor of 51.557. a publisher and distributor of renowned higher via innova1ve informa1on products and services. Nature reaches millions of scien1sts and students educa1on 1tles. Together they serve customers in Springer has one of the most significant STS at 5000 ins1tu1ons CorldCidea each month 3.5 50 markets and supply high_fuality content and eBook collecons and archives, as well as a million unifue users vieC more than 8 million innovave digital products and services to comprehensive porholio of open access journals. " pages on Natureos Cebsite. " customers in 120 countries around the Corld." The largest open access publisher in A technical publisher devoted to Founded in 1855a Scien1fic American A global academic and business the Corld, publishing over 286 peer mee1ng the needs of IT is the oldest connuously published publisher for the Humani1es and revieCed open access journals across professionals, souCare developers, magaHine in the U.S. and the leading Social Sciences (HSS). Palgrave the fields of biologya biomedicine and and programmers. mith more than source and authority for science, Sacmillan is the first boundary_free medicine. mith over 1.8 million 1,500 books in print and e-­‐ technology informa1on and policy for HSS publisher -­‐ working at all lengths registrantsa BioMed Central can formatsa Apress is the authorit01ve a general audience. The print edion and across all business models. It provide targeng opportunies source for IT professionals, souCare is read by 3.5 million CorldCide *ders readers and authors a single across a range of speciali1esa job developers, and business leaders consumers and source for the best in professional tles and disciplines. " around the world." Scien1ficAmerican.com has an learning and scholarship." average of 5.5 million vieCs every month." [Title of presentao/2".
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