National Library of Jamaica Walter Adolphe Roberts Archive (MS 353) Glossary ASR Adolphus S Roberts CBL C Bernard Lewis IoJ Institute of Jamaica JHS Jamaica Historical Society JNT Jamaica National Trust JPL Jamaica Poetry League PAN Pan Americanism TJPL The Jamaica Progressive League of New York WAD Wilfred Adolphus Domingo WAR Walter Adolphe Roberts N.B. ‘The Gleaner’ refers to The Daily Gleaner and The Sunday Gleaner. Page 1 Catalogue Structure Reference Series/Sub-series number 353 1 Certificates Government or quasi-government – mainly re the Roberts and Pietersz families. File/Item titles applied by NLJ. It is not clear why Pietersz family certificates came into WAR’s possession; evidence indicates that he was an admirer of J L Pietersz (see 353.2.1.17). 353 2 Correspondence N.B. Most titles have been given by NLJ. Where WAR’s titles exist – file covers, envelopes, etc. – these are used and are in single quotes. A previous arrangement- alphabetically by correspondent – by the IoJ/NLJ was reworked. No record of how arranged by WAR. See also 353.7 Postcards – written for further correspondence. 353 2.1 Family and friends Arranged, roughly, chronologically. 353 2.2 Professional/Literary Arranged, roughly, chronologically. WAR’s Editorial career (largely from biographical details compiled by CBL after WAR’s death): 1911-13 National Sunday Magazine; 1918-21 Ainslee’s; 1922 Hearst International; 1923-24 Metropolitan Magazine; 1924-25 Movie Monthly; 1925-26 The American Parade (also Publisher); 1927-28 The Dance Magazine; 1929-30 Brief Stories; from 1953 Pioneer Press (in Jamaica). N.B. WAR corresponded about literary matters with friends as well as with professional colleagues and contacts, a few of whom became long- term friends. Correspondence with the latter are therefore listed under 353.2.1. 353 2.3 Political Arranged, roughly, chronologically. 353 2.4 Historical Arranged, roughly, alphabetically. Includes correspondence re the Jamaica Historical Society, the Institute of Jamaica, the Jamaica National Heritage Trust. Also includes some original material e.g. the Manning-Gideon correspondence, and the D B Sangster papers, that probably came into his possession via his contact with the IOJ and should probably be recorded as separate NLJ acquisitions. 353 3 Journals/Diaries Pages covering a few months, 1912-13, kept by WAR’s father; a notebook kept by WAR’s maternal grandmother; and one journal kept over decades by WAR. 353 4 Legal Publishing agreements. Page 2 353 5 Manuscripts Arranged by type: autobiographical, fiction, non-fiction (history, politics, etc.), poems and poetry, and political. Include reports and papers. Mainly typed but also some hand-written works including composition books from WAR’s childhood. Works may or may not have been published. Works are by WAR and others, including his father. N.B. WAR occasionally wrote under the pseudonym, Stephen Endicott. Most manuscripts by WAR are copies and are on poor quality, very acidic paper. 353 5.1 Manuscripts – autobiographical 353 5.2 Manuscripts – fiction 353 5.3 Manuscripts – non-fiction 353 5.4 Manuscripts – poems and poetry 353 5.5 Manuscripts – political 353 6 Photographic Photos and negatives. Includes three framed photos, some signed studio portraits of personalities such as Jack Dempsey, and a number of 19th century cartes de visite (of mainly unidentified persons). Almost all photos are black and white. Catalogue references to numbers of ‘items’ refers to number of sub-folders, each of which may contain one or multiple photos or negatives. Number of ‘photos’ may or may not be listed. 353 7 Postcards 353 7.1 Postcards – written Includes some greetings cards. 353 7.2 Postcards – blank 353 8 Programmes/Events Pamphlets, flyers, leaflets etc. re cultural and political events. 353 9 Research/Notes Appear to have been kept by WAR as background information. Cover historical, political, and genealogical subjects. Include typed and handwritten notes; also some manuscripts (usually partial copies), press cuttings and other material. 353 10 Scrapbooks and Press Cuttings Scrapbooks contain mainly newspaper and magazine cuttings but, occasionally, also include other items. Most scrapbook pages are fragile and disintegrating. 353 10.1 Scrapbooks Arranged, as far as possible, according to WAR’s numbering system. Information in brackets, after scrapbook title, is from typed label found affixed to the inside of scrapbook cover Page 3 353 10.2 Press cuttings – magazine Mainly works by WAR. 353 10.3 Press cuttings – newspaper Material of interest to WAR, including reviews of WAR’s work and pieces about WAR, as well as works by WAR. 353 11 Publications Many volumes. 1. It is possible that a few items might have been acquired from the WIRL. [Recommend checking the NLJ’s rare books catalogue for publications that may have gone ‘missing’ and return.] 2. Books include copies of those written by WAR, about Jamaica, about Pan-American issues. Many are works of a general nature that are not relevant to the archive e.g. books about western art, cats, travel, other countries. [Recommend removing works of a general nature from the archive and disposing of them. These are of marginal value to any study of WAR - a list of the contents of his collection should suffice for the most intent of researcher - and are unlikely to conform to NLJ’s acquisitions policy.] Periodicals include journals, magazines, newsletters, and newspapers etc. May have been kept because they contained works by WAR or for other reasons. Official publications includes all types of government publications. 353 11.1 Publications – books and booklets 353 11.2 Publications - periodicals 353 11.3 Publications – pamphlets, leaflets, flyers 353 11.4 Publications - official 353 12 Artefacts Titles applied by NLJ. 353 13 C Bernard Lewis files Mainly created after WAR’s death; kept with WAR archive by the IoJ. Includes original IoJ/WIRL Handlist. Most titles have been given by NLJ. Where CBL’s titles exist – file covers, envelopes – these are used and are in single quotes. 353 14 Envelopes Envelopes separated from material in the archive. May contain evidence of names and dates of correspondence. 353 15 Original art (and prints) Works by relatives and friends, works produced for WAR’s publications as well as works collected by WAR. Includes sketches of WAR. Page 4 Catalogue Listing Reference Title/Item Dates Description Extent and medium number 353.1 Certificates 353.1.1 Adolphus S Roberts – 1885-90 Certificate appointing ASR a deacon of the church (signed by Enos Nuttall, 1 1 certificate, 2 Anglican service May 1885). Also, War Office letter approving ASR’s appointment as letters. officiating minister for Church of England troops at Port Royal from 1 April 1886, and letter from Enos Nuttall to ASR re his resignation as a clergyman of the church, 17 Jan 1890. 353.1.2 Roberts family 1885-86 Marriage certificate of Adolphus S Roberts and Josephine Fanny Napier, 19 2 certificates. certificates May 1885 (Mandeville Parish Church), and Birth certificate of Walter A Roberts, 15 Oct 1886 (86 Church Street, Kingston). 353.1.3 U.S. Registration 1917, 18 and WAR’s registration and census certificates while a resident of the US. 4 certificates. certificates 42 353.1.4 National Geographic 28 Jan 1935 Certificate of WAR’s membership of the National Geographic Society. 1 certificate. Society 353.1.5 U.S. Ration Book Ca. 1941 WAR’s U.S. ration book with certificate. Certificate indicates WAR’s physical 1 ration book. features and age (55 years) at the time of issue. 353.1.6 Vice-Consul of 1887 Certificates appointing S E Pietersz as Vice-Consul of Belgium and of the 2 certificates. Belgium and of the Netherlands in Jamaica, 1887. Netherlands – certificates of appointment 353.1.7 Vice-Consul of Spain – 10 Apr 1865 Certificate appointing Simon Emanuel Pieters [sic] [Pietersz] Vice-Consul of 1 certificate. certificate of Spain in Jamaica, 10 Apr 1865. appointment 353.1.8 Vice-Consul of 15 Apr 1917 British royal warrant approving and confirming appointment of L M 1 warrant. Belgium – certificate Piertersz as Belgian Consul at Kingston, Jamaica, 15 Apr 1917. of appointment 353.2 Correspondence 353.2.1 Family and friends Page 5 353.2.1.1 ‘Relics of my Mother’ 1861-32 Letters to Josephine from her parents, Alexander and Fanny Napier, 1861- 1 bundle: 20 letters, [Josephine Fannie 62 (11 letters; two undated). Letters to Josephine from Aunt Helen, Aunt 2 concert (Napier) Roberts] Mary, Walter L G [Badlaw?], N Stewart, [?], and [?] congratulating her on programmes, 1 her baby, 1869-87 (8 letters). One letter to Adolphus Roberts from [?] pamphlet, 1 copy congratulating him on his marriage, 1887. poem, 1 greetings Also, programmes of two concerts given by young ladies of the Misses card. King’s establishment in England in 1862 and 1870 (at which Josephine Napier performed); pamphlet ‘Reception of Viscount Burnham on his visit to Jamaica’ (an itinerary of the visit and tour of the island); copy of translation by WAR of a piece in French (‘The Oath’ by Henri de Regnier); and Christmas card to WAR from his mother, 1932. 353.2.1.2 A S Roberts and J F 1908-25 Letters from WAR’s parents. Four letters from Adolphus S Roberts, 8 Jun 5 letters. Roberts 1908 (copy), 10 Jul 1919, 25 Jan 1925 (part only) and 22 Nov 1925. One letter from Josephine Fannie Roberts, (undated). 353.2.1.3 Clara M Garrett 1903-20 Letters from CMG to WAR, written first from The Bungalow (near 7 letters. Mandeville) and later from New York, USA and Ottawa, Canada. 353.2.1.4 Clara M Garrett Mar 1936-Nov Correspondence between CMG and WAR. Includes poem (villanelle) by 13 letters and 10 (Miller) 1938 CMG.
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