Abcam Enzymatic Activity Assay Kits

Abcam Enzymatic Activity Assay Kits

Less haste, more speed 用更快的速度,從容的完成實驗 我們擁有品項齊全的抗體、相關免疫實驗試劑,以及數百種偵測酵素活性的試劑 Signal transduction Metabolism 套組,協助研究者進行訊號傳遞 ( )、代謝 ( )、神經 Neuroscience Gene regulation Epigenetics 科學 ( )、基因調控 ( )、表觀遺傳 ( )、 Cancer Cardiovascular Oxidative stress 癌症 ( )、心血管 ( )、氧化壓力 ( ) 等相關研 瀏覽相關產品目錄 Cell culture Tissue lysate 究。 涵蓋樣本來源諸如:細胞培養 ( )、組織裂解物 ( ) 或體 Body fluid 液 ( ) 等 。 我們總是追求卓越,完整呈現給您最佳的抗體與分析試劑盒, 以協助您快速取得所需的實驗結果。 Abcam 各項特惠活動進行中,詳情請洽 台灣代理 ― 伯森生技。 酵素測定成功秘訣 Activity assay kits 活性測定試劑套組 ( ) Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Acetylcholinesterase Colorimetric ab138871 Aldo-Keto Reductase Colorimetric ab211112 Acetylcholinesterase Fluorescent ab138872 Aldolase Colorimetric ab196994 Acetylcholinesterase Colorimetric/ ab138873 Alkaline Phosphatase Colorimetric ab83369 Fluorometric Alkaline Phosphatase Fluorescent ab83371 Acetyltransferase Fluorescent ab204536 Alkaline Phosphatase Fluorescent ab138887 Acid Phosphatase Colorimetric ab83367 Alkaline Phosphatase Luminescent ab233466 Acid Phosphatase Fluorescent ab83370 Alkaline Sphingomyelinase Colorimetric ab241039 Acid Sphingomyelinase Colorimetric ab252889 Alpha Galactosidase Fluorescent ab239716 Acidic Sphingomyelinase Fluorescent ab190554 Alpha-Glucosidase Colorimetric ab174093 Aconitase Colorimetric ab83459 Alpha-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab185440 Aconitase Colorimetric ab109712 Amylase Colorimetric ab102523 Adenosine Deaminase Fluorescent ab204695 Arginase Colorimetric ab180877 Adenosine Deaminase Colorimetric ab211093 Asparaginase Colorimetric/ ab107922 Adenosylhomocysteinase Fluorescent ab197002 Fluorometric Adenylate Kinase Luminescent ab228557 Aspartate Aminotransferase Colorimetric ab105135 AK1 Colorimetric/ ab211095 ATP synthase Colorimetric ab109714 Fluorometric ATP synthase Colorimetric ab109716 AKT ab65786 ATPase Colorimetric ab234055 Akt Kinase Colorimetric ab139436 ATPase Colorimetric ab270551 Alanine Transaminase Colorimetric/ ab105134 Fluorometric Beta Lactamase Colorimetric ab197008 Alcohol Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab102533 Beta Secretase Fluorescent ab65357 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab155893 β-Glucuronidase Fluorescent ab234625 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Fluorescent ab155894 Butyrylcholinesterase Colorimetric ab241010 Better antibodies power better assay kits Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Calcineurin Phosphatase Colorimetric ab139461 Complex II + III Colorimetric ab109905 Calcineurin Phosphatase Colorimetric ab139464 Complex IV Colorimetric ab109906 Calpain Fluorescent ab65308 Complex IV Colorimetric ab109909 Carboxylesterase 1 Colorimetric ab109717 Complex IV Colorimetric ab109910 Caspase Fluorescent-Green ab112130 Complex IV Colorimetric ab109911 Caspase Fluorescent-Red ab112131 Complex V Colorimetric ab109907 Caspase 1 Fluorescent ab39412 Creatine Kinase Colorimetric ab155901 Caspase 2 Fluorescent ab39794 Cyclooxygenase Luminescent ab139432 Caspase 2 Colorimetric ab39830 Cyclooxygenase Fluorescent ab204699 Caspase 3 Fluorescent ab39383 CYP1A2 Fluorescent ab211074 Caspase 3 Colorimetric ab39401 CYP2C19 Fluorescent ab211072 Caspase 3, Caspase 8 and Caspase 9 Fluorescent ab219915 CYP2D6 Fluorescent ab211078 Caspase 4 Fluorescent ab65658 CYP3A4 Fluorescent ab211076 Caspase 4 Colorimetric ab65659 Cystathionine beta Synthase Fluorescent ab241043 Caspase 5 Fluorescent ab65660 Cytidine Deaminase Fluorescent ab239723 Caspase 5 Colorimetric ab65661 Cytochrome C Oxidase Colorimetric ab239711 Caspase 6 Fluorescent ab39707 Cytochrome P450 Reductase Colorimetric ab204704 Caspase 6 Colorimetric ab39709 Cytosolic Phospholipase A2 Colorimetric ab133090 Caspase 8 Fluorescent ab39534 Deubiquitinase Fluorescent ab241002 Caspase 8 Colorimetric ab39700 Diamine Oxidase Fluorescent ab241004 Caspase 9 Fluorescent ab65607 Dihydrofolate Reductase Colorimetric ab239705 Caspase 9 Colorimetric ab65608 Dipeptidyl peptidase IV Fluorescent ab204722 Caspase 10 Fluorescent ab65662 DNA demethylase ab113472 Caspase 10 Colorimetric ab65663 DNA Demethylase Colorimetric ab185909 Caspase 12 Fluorescent ab65664 DNA demethylase ab156908 Catalase ab118184 DNase I Fluorescent ab234056 Catalase Activity Colorimetric/ ab83464 DNMT Fluorescent ab113468 Fluorometric DNMT Colorimetric ab113467 Cathepsin B Fluorescent ab65300 E3 Ligase Auto-Ubiquitylation ab139469 Cathepsin D Fluorescent ab65302 ENO1 Colorimetric ab117994 Cathepsin E Fluorescent ab211081 Enolase Colorimetric/ ab241024 Cathepsin G Colorimetric ab126780 Fluorometric Cathepsin H Fluorescent ab65305 Enterokinase Fluorescent ab170964 Cathepsin K Fluorescent ab65303 FAAH1 Fluorescent ab252895 Cathepsin L Fluorescent ab65306 Factor IXa Fluorescent ab204727 Cathepsin S Fluorescent ab65307 Factor VII Colorimetric ab108830 Cellulase Fluorescent ab189817 Factor VIIa Colorimetric ab137995 Chitotriosidase Fluorescent ab241009 Factor VIIIa Fluorescent ab204696 Cholesteryl ester transfer protein Fluorescent ab196995 Factor X Colorimetric ab108833 Choline Kinase Fluorescent ab239729 Factor Xa Fluorescent ab204711 Cholinesterase Colorimetric ab235937 Fumarase Colorimetric ab110043 Citrate Synthase Colorimetric ab119692 Fumarase Colorimetric ab196992 Collagenase Colorimetric ab196999 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Colorimetric ab241029 Complete OXPHOS Colorimetric ab110419 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Fluorescent ab241030 Complex I Colorimetric ab109721 Gaussia Luciferase ab189814 Complex I Colorimetric ab109903 Gluconokinase Colorimetric ab211092 Complex II Colorimetric ab109904 Glucose 6 Phosphate Colorimetric ab102529 Dehydrogenase Complex II Colorimetric ab109908 Better antibodies power better assay kits Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Glucose 6 Phosphate Fluorescent ab176722 Lysosomal alpha-Glucosidase Fluorescent ab252887 Dehydrogenase Lysozyme Fluorescent ab211113 Glucose Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab102532 Lysyl Oxidase Fluorescent ab112139 Glucose Oxidase Colorimetric/ ab138884 Fluorometric m6A Demethylase Colorimetric ab233489 Glucose Oxidase Colorimetric ab219924 Malate Dehydrogenase Fluorescent ab235593 Glutamate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab102527 Malate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab183305 Glutamate Oxidase Colorimetric/ ab138885 Malate Dehydrogenase 1 Colorimetric ab200009 Fluorometric Malate Dehydrogenase 2 Colorimetric ab119693 Glutathione Peroxidase Colorimetric ab102530 Methyltransferase Fluorescent ab139433 Glutathione Peroxidase Fluorescent ab219926 Methyltransferase Fluorescent ab139434 Glutathione Reductase (GR) Colorimetric ab83461 Mitochondrial Aldehyde Colorimetric ab115348 Glyceraldehyde 3 Phosphate Colorimetric ab204732 Dehydrogenase Dehydrogenase MMP Fluorescent ab112147 Glycerol-3-Phosphate Colorimetric ab174095 Dehydrogenase MMP Fluorescent ab112146 - Glyoxalase I Colorimetric ab241019 MMP 3 Fluorescent ab118972 Granzyme B Fluorescent ab157403 Monoamine Oxidase Fluorescent ab241031 GST Fluorescent ab65325 Monoamine oxidase B Colorimetric ab109912 GTPase Colorimetric ab270553 Myeloperoxidase Colorimetric ab105136 HDAC8 Fluorescent ab156069 Myeloperoxidase Fluorescent ab111749 Hexokinase Colorimetric ab136957 Myeloperoxidase Fluorescent ab219925 Hexokinase Fluorescent ab211103 N-Acetylglucosaminidase Colorimetric ab204705 Histone Acetyltransferase Colorimetric ab65352 NAMPT Colorimetric ab221819 Histone Acetyltransferase Fluorescent ab204709 Neuraminidase Fluorescent ab138888 Histone Acetyltransferase Fluorescent ab239713 Neuraminidase Fluorescent ab185436 Histone Deacetylase Fluorescent ab156064 Neutrophil Elastase Fluorescent ab204730 Histone Demethylase ab113455 Nitric Oxide Synthase Fluorescent ab211084 HIV-1 Protease Fluorescent ab211105 Nitric Oxide Synthase Colorimetric ab211083 HMG-CoA Reductase Colorimetric ab204701 NMNAT1 Colorimetric ab221820 ) Human Rhinovirus 3C protease Colorimetric ab211088 nNOS (neuronal Fluorescent ab211085 Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase 1 Fluorescent ab235936 NQO1 Colorimetric ab184867 Invertase Colorimetric ab197005 5?Nucleotidase Colorimetric ab235945 Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab102528 Nucleoside Phosphorylase Fluorescent ab204706 KDM1/LSD1 Colorimetric ab113459 Nucleoside Phosphorylase Colorimetric ab204707 KDM1/LSD1 Fluorescent ab113460 Oxalate Decarboxylase Colorimetric ab196993 KDM4/JMJD2 Colorimetric ab113461 Oxalate Oxidase Fluorescent ab241007 KDM4/JMJD2 Fluorescent ab113462 PAF Acetylhydrolase Colorimetric ab133088 KDM5/JARID Colorimetric ab113463 Paraoxonase 1 Fluorescent ab241044 KDM5/JARID Fluorescent ab113464 PDE Colorimetric ab139460 KDM6A/ KDM6B Colorimetric ab156910 PEPCK Colorimetric ab239714 KDM6A/KDM6B Fluorescent ab156911 Peroxidase Colorimetric/ ab155895 Fluorometric Lactate Dehydrogenase Fluorescent ab197000 Phosphodiesterase Fluorescent ab241034 Lactate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab102526 Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Colorimetric ab239720 Lactate Dehydrogenase B Colorimetric ab140361 Phosphoglucomutase Colorimetric ab155896 Leucine Aminopeptidase Fluorescent ab234627 Phosphoglucomutase Fluorescent ab211104 Lipase Colorimetric ab102524 6-Phosphofructokinase Colorimetric ab155898 Lipoprotein Lipase Fluorescent ab204721 6-Phosphogluconate Colorimetric ab241016 Lipoxygenase Fluorescent ab241038 Dehydrogenase Better antibodies power better assay kits Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Target/ Protein Detection method Cat. no. Phosphoglucose Isomerase Colorimetric ab155897 Sphingomyelinase Colorimetric ab138876 Phosphoglycerate Kinase Colorimetric ab252890 Succinate Dehydrogenase Colorimetric ab228560

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