LIGHTING-UP TIME YESTERDAY'S WEATHER 8.49 p.m. Maximum Temperature _ — 75. TIDE TABLE FOR MAY Minimum Temperature — 68.1 ' Date Sign Water Low Water BUB- Bun- Sunshine - 7.2 hours . A.U. P.M. A.M. P.M- rise i set Rainfall ._. ....... 1.2S Inches 28 X2.55 1.2S 7.38 7.22 6.14 8.18 29 1.44 2.19 8.24 8.17 6.11 8.19 »% 30 2.35 3.20 -9.14 9.16 6.13 8.20 We)* MONOAT—FRIDAY 40 PER COP1 VOL. 28—NO. 126 HAMILTON. BERMUDA FRIDAY. MAY 28. 1948 SATURDAY - • - - 6D PER COPS Britain Urges U.N. Embargo Compromise Plan To Settle Strike May Be Considered Today On Palestine Arms Shipments; WATCH AGAINST THE His Illness Is Baffling JAPANESE BEETLE Longshoremen's Pickets Would Terminate Aid to Arabs Import Curbs on Plants, LAKE SUCCESS, May 27 (Reu* i Withdrawn; Volunteers ter). — Britain tonight told the Britain Gives In to U.8. Flowers and Vegetables Security Council that she will withdraw from service in Pales­ tine 21 British officers seconded PUBLIC ASKED TO HELP to the Arab Legion and that Bri­ AGRICULTURAL DEPT. ContinueUnloadingShips tish subsidies to King Abdullah's Cabinet Decides To Recall army—falling due again on July Leaders of the striking longshoremen and tiie stevedoring com­ 12—would be reviewed "in the Mr. W. J. Kinghorn, the Direc­ light of decisions taken by the Officers From Arab Legion tor of Agriculture, announced in panies are expected to meet this morning with tbe Labour Board to Security Council." a press release yesterday that in consider a compromise plan to iron out their differences which the order to protect the Colony from The statement came from Sir (Special to The New York Times the Japanese beetle the following Board worked out yesterday. Alexander Cadogan, who pre­ and The Boyal Gazette) "The Labour Board meeting evolved what I think is a very fair sented a new cease-fire resolution ore cautions are being authorised LONDON, May 27.— A decision by the Agricultural Board: compromise and tbe Governor is aware of It," Mr. S. Seward Tod­ to the Council which called for a SECRECY OVER U.S. to withdraw seconded officers month-long truce and for a United from service witb the Transjordan . From the period June 1 to Sep­ dings, chairman of the Board, told The Royal Gazette last night. Nations embargo on all shipments Arab Legion and reconsider her tember 30, 1948, all plants, fresh "Tomorrow we intend to get busy and bring the two parties to- of arms to either of the belli­ PLANES IN CYPRUS commitments of aid to other Arab and unfrozen vegetables and eein- gether te consider it." m Heary Masters. depttty. gerent groups. armies was the outcome of a long mercial shipments, of cut flowers Sir Alexander spoke a few NICOSIA, Cyprus, May 27 Cabinet meeting today at which imported from the U.S.A. are for­ "chairman of the Board, said that hours after receiving new instruc­ (Reuter).— Royal Air Force ministers were confronted with bidden unless they meet the re­ he would work all last evening on tions from London which, it was ground staff were under evidence of mounting disapproval quirements of the Federal and DR. GORDON NAMED a full report of the Board's meet­ understood, contained a new ap­ orders to finish tonight of their policy in Palestine. State quarantine No. 48 in respect ing to be sent to the Governor, proach to the Palestine problem. refuelling the 20 American The Foreign Secretary (Mr. of Japanese beetles, and are ac­ Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham. This; He said that if the Security air force planes — 16 Dako-. Ernest Bevin) left the mefetin? companied by certificates to this AS CANDIDATE report is expected to be in tbe Council decided to impose a gene­ tas and four Fortresses -- before it adjourned to hold an- effect issued by an authorised offi­ Governor's bands today. ral embargo on military supplies which arrived at Nicosia air­ other of his many conferences cial of the United States Depart­ FOR ST. GEORGE'S Tbe gates to the docks were to Arabs and Jews, Britain was port yesterday. with the U.S. Ambassador, Mr. ment of Agriculture. picketed by several striking longshoremen yesterday, but these prepared to suspend deliveries of American troops, estimat­ Lewis Douglas. Tomorrow or Dr. E. F. Gordon ("Mazumbo") arras to Egypt, Iraq and Trans­ ed at 200, some of whom Monday Mr. Bevin may make his No plants of any kind mav be pickets were withdrawn soon was proposed as a candidate for after five o'clock. jordan. were armed, were housed in promised statement to the House imported without a permit from St. George's in the forthcoming _* Sir Alexander told the Council: R.A.F. quarters, but about of Commons and explain reasons the Department of Agriculture. "STANDING PAT" 60 or 70 who appeared to Parliamentary election at a poli­ "Statements have been made, for the Cabinet's decision. The importation from the U_3.A. tical meeting last night railed by Mr. Ernest Robinson, secretary notably by representatives of the be maintenance staff were Apparently ministers realised of all earth or soil or plants in of the B.I.U., told a reporter of camping in small tents un­ the St. George's Political Group Soviet Union and by the Jewish that as the United States seemed soil is prohibited to prevent the and attended by nearly 400 The Royal Gazette: "We have der the wings of their air­ unlikely to fall in step witb Brit­ introduction of the larvae of the Agency for Palestine, to the effect craft. people. withdrawn all the pickets for the that the foreign policy of King ain's^ policy Britain must begin Japanese beetles. In addition, Addressing the audience seated time being to await tbe message Abdullah of Transjordan is con­ The planes carried jeeps to get in step with the. United ships and aircraft coming to Ber­ from tbe Governor. We are now and trailers, which were un­ in the Somers Opera House, Dr. trolled by my Government. I en- -States to preserve Anglo-Ameri­ muda from areas infected with Gordon said he had been in con­ Just standing pat." , tirely repudiate this misconcep­ loaded at noon. Refuelling can unity and to avoid endanger­ the Japanese beetle will be in­ Volunteer workers unloading went on all day. ference all day on behalf of the tion. ing Britain's participation in the spected by plant protection offi­ progress of the workers in the the two ships, Balantia and Sa- "Transjordan is a_ sovereign No information on when European Recovery Programme. cers. Colony. It had been mean of the manco, stopped work for the day state. 7 is not the case, as has the planes would leave or During the past week the Gov­ newspapers, which were represen­ at seven p.m. and from then est ernment has been heavily buffeted Mr. Kinghorn said that masters been asserted by Mr. Shertok on Where they were going couH of ships, ships' agents and air- tative of the.capitalists, to accuse the only persons at the docks were behalf of the Jewish Agency, that be obtained. by unfavourable opinion from service companies have always bim of starting a race riot. He two constables on duty at the main the commander-in-chief of the abroad, particularly from the co-operated In this work. was only concerned with the gates to No. 6 and 7 Sheds. Transjordan army is appointed by United- States. Whitehall was working man whether "white, During the day a rumour spread particularly perturbed lest this Japanese beetle traps will be the British Government, nor that MR. ATTLEE SPEAKS ON located in dockside areas and at black, green or red." that police had taken names of the army cannot be employed out­ storm of criticism wreck the the airfield, and these traps will "I' can assure you that as far strikers carrying clubs, but Com­ side Transjordan without British Anglo - American alliance and it is hoped attract beetles which as the monkey business in Ham­ missioner J. S. McBeath refused permission." PRESS AND FREEDOM leave the two countries the posi­ may escape detection on board a ilton is concerned that is now to comment. tion of supporting opposite sides ship, or plane. straightened out and settled, POLIC1 ON PATROL Earlier, Russia called for an en­ in a desperate war in Palestine. forceable cease-fire in Palestine which amounts to further good Front Street at 7.30 yesterday Spread Of Knowledge Vital Only within the past 24 hours Mr. Kinghorn said that the pub­ of the working man in Bermuda," when she also introduced a new influential voices in Britain began morning had an air of expectancy resolution. This was similar to lic could play its part in the fight Dr. Gordon said, amid cheers. \ and uncertainty. The appear­ to join in the American refrain of against the Japanese beetle, point­ He added.tiiat he had no plat* the American proposal which was To Real Understanding criticism. Tbe Times proposed ance of a detachment of police, not accepted last week. ing out that in past years dock- form to offer. No people who had numbering over 30, at 7.35 wis this morning that British officers side workers, airport officers end been in control for 338 years were The Oojjncil meeting opened LONDON, May 27 (Reuter),— be ' withdrawn from fhe Arab the first\sign that anything un­ with a ctferf^bj^Egypt ttarjews others have been Quick to detect going to quietly walk out.
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