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• W©ILoIDfil N~oll O<ei o& ~no . ~ -,~ ·jl<q)ft1} . I'll Send You a Beautiful Photograph· t~~ Columns ET US double the present subscription list of The Missouri Alumnus. A doubled subscrip­ L tion list will enable rne to give you by far the best alumni publication.in An1erica. The proposition simply means that each present subscriber gets one new subscriber-just one, the work of a moment. For One New Cash Subscriber at $2, I'll Send You a Beautiful Photograph of The Columns. To make It Easy for You, I'll Also Send One to. Your New Subscriber. THE photograph of The Col- £ ACH new subscriber will get umns will be 8x10 inches, on The Alumnus for one full double weight, buff photographic year including this number. He paper, sepiaed, from the best neg­ ative I can find in Columbia. It will be enrolled a member of the will be just the same as the kind Alumni Association of the Uni­ you used to see in the stores here. versity of Missouri. He will get I will send one to you and one to a copy of the new Illustrated His­ your new subscriber in neat mail­ tory of the University and Cross­ ing tubes. You'll be proud to Reference Directory of Graduates have this picture in your home. as soon as it is issued. AIi that, You cannot afford to let this offer with a sepia column picture, makes go. You'll help the magazine and an offer on which you can get a get the picture for yourself. "v''-./'v subscriber just by asking. Try. "v Simply send $2, Giving Your Name and Address and Those of the New Subscriber New ■ abacrlber■ HUGH MacKAY N•w aab1utbff1 can tako adnataae can tako adu■ tace of th.la otrer on17 MANAGING BDlTOR or tbla otrer oal1 tbrou1b pro,ent throacla ,,.. ent 1uburlbera. THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS 1ubnrlbe11 COLUMBIA, MISSOURI THE MISSOURI ALUlVINUS COJ.. UMlltA (1851-1914] Ml8SOUIU FULLY AOCREDJTED AS A JUNIOR C<H,u:ot: UY 'l' HP. UNIVEltSITY OP MISS0Ull1 YOUR DAUGHTER OR SISTER will he in terested in this lm;titut.ion bcc••usc: 1. High School courses nnd twt> years oC colk-gc work may be ta ken under ideal eondicions. 2. For students who wish to spcdnlizc in music t he CONSERVATORY offers stro11g courses in Piano, Voice a nd Violin lc:ldi11g to graduation. M<>rc than 200 students in music. 3. It mnintains well•cQuippc<l Schooli; of Education, of Mu~ic, of Art, of Expression, or Household Economics, a nd or Business. 4. Herc arc the cultural oppor tunities of n S:l'Cill: State U niversity town with the o.dvantagC$ of choice association II\ a womnn1s college, llcprc~cntutivc studcntt1 from more t han 20 stntcs or the union. · 5. It otTcrssplct1did Of>portu ni tics in huildi1lgs nnd cr1uipmcnt. 20 acr e~ cnmpus; S mod­ ern buildings valued at SJS0,000. Roor Garden, Lake, 'Tt.mnis, Bnskctball, Hon;cback Riding. 6. A toth11a11 ,President with 19 years' experience us n college ndminislrutor gives individual supcrvi!iion to t he resident :-;tu <l cnts, Next semester begins Jnnm\l'}' 27 1 HHS. S pecial students may enter at nny time. Write for catalog to MRS. I.. W. ST. CLAIR-MOSS, Columbiu1 Mis$Ouri 00000000□000□0□□□0□□00000000000□00□ 110□□ 1J r.:ioo□o□□o□oooo□o□□□oooooooo ooooo□ooooooo□□□DOOO□O□OIJDOO IJCIIJ □OO□ OOCIL1□0CIDO□□□OIJ □□r.:i□OOCl □OOOOD□□oo 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 DO 0 0 00 0 0 00 OD 00 OD 00 00 DO 00 00 00 00 §§00 This issue of Tl1e §§DO §§ Missouri Alumnus §§ o □ oo DO • d 0□ gg gg oo ts prtnte on oo 000 0 E . 00□□ §§ name 1ne §§ DD 1 □□ ii Book Paper ii □□ DO 00 DO □□ OD OD 00 00 00 0 0 OD 00 OD DD DO DD • 00 □□000□0□0□0□□□00□0□□□□□□000□□□□□000000□0□□□□□00□00□□□□□□□0□□0□□00□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□0□□00□□□00□□00□□00□0□□□□□□□□□00000□000□□□□□□□□□0□ THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS ----.Alumni·, Business and Professional Guide -. This guide is published for the convenionae of Missouri Alumni of the vru-ious professions who ma,y wi;:h to obt&in reliable correspondents at a distance to transa.ot business for them. Alumni of all professions who are in a position to be of service to other alumni are invited to plaoe their cards in the guide. : - · The charge is 33 cents a, month. .. - .. STROTHER & CAMPBELL LAWYERS Ham D. Stroth or, LL.B.'03 '\V. T. Crum>bell, '02 1015 SenrrJtt Ohta. KRnsas City, Mo. ILLINOIS B, W.TJMMON DS, LL.8.'97 WEJGHTSTJLL WOODS, A.B,'11 Lamar, Mo. J. D .• Univers.tt,y or CWCBA:O. '13 1108 Fisher Did&. ChJcago. m. CAlU, L. RIST! NB, LL.0.'10 Aasoclu.l.t.'<.l with Charles LyonR Le:dnitton, Mo. KANSAS L. N. KENNED Y, LL.D.'82 E.W. CLAUSEN, LL.D.'10 Gonoml l'>rncttco aud CollOCUons Nevada, Mo. 03•107 N. Fou.rlh St. Alchh1on, Kan.saa. WARWICK HOUGR, A,B .'5', A.M.'57, LL.D,'81 Att-0t1101 n.ud O0WlBClor MINNESOTA 900 RtnlCo Old•. Sl. Louie, l\fo. TJIOMAS J. NEWMAN, B.L.'97 JAMES F. CONHAN, D.L,'97, LL.D,'00 .Attorney at Law A ttontOY M, Law toa .. , Commerce Dldt, St. P aul, Mlnnc11ota. 308 MorchanlS•Ladodo Didi, St. Louie, Mo. WILFLEY, WILPLEY, McINTYRE & NARDIN MISSOURI L. R, Wllfloy, A.B. Ocntml C ollogo ·ss. LL.B, Yale '92; Xenophon J:>. W!Uloy, A.D. Contra! '05, LL.8. w.. h­ WALKER & WALKER lngt.<,n U. '00; Jos. S. Mclnty""· MIS80url A,D.'07, LL.B. Charles J. ,vnlker, Dnl'tmouth '70 '00; W. T. Nard.In, Missouri A .D.'03, A.M.'04, LL.D.'07. Leo W•lker, Missouri A.D.'10, LL.D.'12 Suite S25 Tille Guaranty Didi, St. Louie, Mo. Saden BldC:, Columbia, Mo. EDWIN W. PATTERSON, A.B.'09, LL.D.'11 BERLEY S. DAILY, LL.D.'10 Attornoy a.tLa.w Attorney n.nd Counselor 810-312 Flr8t Nal'I Dank Bid&. Guitar Bldr. Columbia, Mo. H . A. COLLI En, LL.D.'06 COLE & SHEPHERD At.tOl'J\OY atL&w John B. Colo, N.G.'74, LL.D.'81 su-u Gu.Har Bids. Columbia, Mo. Leo Shepherd. LL,B.'08 C Qnntl'l1ham Bld.c. Joplin, Mo. NEW y ORK FRED W. KELSEY, A.B.'o,, LL.D.'06 Joplin, Mo, B 0011\I 2, 3, , C11.nnln1ham Dldr. JOSEPH B. CLEVENGE R. A.D.'00:, LL,B.'07 Woolworth Bldr. Now York City THIJOPH. L. CARNS, LL.8!86 Att.ornoy at Law 9 07 N. Y. LIie Dldf. ltan1H Cltr, Mo. OHi0 DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS Shannon o. Dougla,a, A.D.'70, A.M., LL.D.'73 SNYDER & DJ CKERSON s, O. Doug1U8, Jr., LL.B.'10 Thornton R. Snydor, LL.B.'01 Cincinnati, ~hie> 8 u.u1 H. Y. Ltro Dld1, JC anaH City, Mo. 90.2 Mere. Llbr. Bids, POWELL, POWELL & KURTZ Judge WaltM A. Powell, A.B.'78, Di<:ldnson Coll"'0 OKLAHOMA E !Dier N. PO'Well,. .A.ll.!B0,.Johwl B'.opldna: LL.B.'05,K.U. Jobn A. Kuruo, A.D.'07, LL.B.'08, M, u. At-tomeya &nd Counselors ROB'T N. McMJLLE N, t.L,B.'00, A,B.'04 8 ulte t1'-6H N. Y. Life Didi, Kal'll&t Cllr, Mo. MeAletfer, Okla. THE MISSOURI ALUMNUS 3 WILSON &. TOMERLIN w.·F. Wilson, A.n:os. A.~{ .. r,r~n:oo ENGINEERS 806•10 Shue Nat'I Bank Bid£'. Oklohomn··Cll)', Okla. ----------------MISSOURI G. R. JIORNllR, LL.D.'07 Okmulgee, Okin.. HAlll!Y ·rmo, C.E.'U Associated with 'fUT'l'LE & }Yfl(]i:, Consult-lug Engineers OREGON Estnhllsluxl 1885 l\'luntc11,nl l nmrovomro1LS H. T. DOTTS, LL.0.'03 Shubert 'rhantre flldf. Kt1nt;ns CHy Tllla.mook, Ore. H.J. WOllUS, E.lt'IO 81,EC'flllC l,IGll'f Pl,AN'l'S und WA1'Ell SYSTEMS ALEXANOEll & ALI/XANDEl< for OJLy or Farm 0. :Li'. AIO:\'.:tndor, 1.-l ,.H.'Of, St-Oragu lli1.Lt\~rlcs. llydr1mllc Rnm.s, E:nsJncs, 1 l • 0 . Aloxancto:r, A.JJ.'0fl, l'.,fJ.J).'J 1 mocll'lo hfnchlnory, Pumpii 906 Chamber or Con1mcrco Portland, Oro. JUG Olive St. St, J.oul,, Mo. f'OSl'Ell & HAMIL'fON HllUM l'lULU11 S, C,E. 0. l:I. Fostor. AdmU.tcd to Um• 1884 ).f. Amu,·. Soe. C. E. R. S. llnmllton. 1.,1-', U. '05 C. F, PHILJ,'UJS, At1HOC, U, S. NR('J Dunk Bldg. Eugena, Oro. C'.onxulL!ng Ji;nglnoors. 71G-2G lntornat'J r.tro Didi:, St, Louis, 1',jo. ••RANK J,. WILCOX TEXAS Commltlng Kng-hll~l'l' 8yndlc1ua 'fru1e1t ll111ldlni;i: St. J.oult, l'tfo, P. INGRUM, A.D., Pa.D.'91 n. J. GAJHUlTT, :.'80 M_oore Dld1t. Snn Antonio, •re:us ·r. c.• Pn11ildont M l~,;ourt Brl<lgo &. h'l'lll ()0. iooo Jfullcrton llldg. St. I,oul8, Mo. C. II. MACFAllLANE, M.A., l,J,.0.'9G 305 Alamo Dank Dldg. Snn Antonio, Tens REAL ESTATE WYOMING MISSOURI VICTOll T. JOHNSON, l,J,,D.'OG ODON GUITAR, JII., '00 Oount.y nncl ProsocuUng Attorney, fro& S1wlngg Co, L1md~ Plrst Nat'I Dllnk lltdc. Thermopolis, Wyo. THlo Gunran(y Dldg. St Loul1, Mo. = ==-=-=-=-===-=-..c- , =-=- . :---,-;-. , - -==---~ -,--=~--=-=- =--=-==··,...., -=-- ~ HOW THE GUIDE CAN HELP ((If an alumnus in Maine wishes legal business transacted ·in Oregon, what more natural than that he should look for the name of a fellow alumnus in the Professional Guide? ((That holds good no matter what names of states you may read in place of "Maine" and "Oregon".
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