Tropentag 2010 International Research on Food Security, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development World food system - A contribution from Europe Book of abstracts Editor: Eric Tielkes Programme committee: Sylvia Dorn, Emmanuel Frossard, Ines Igli Michael Kreuzer, Bernard Lehmann, Michael Siegrist Editorial assistance: Andreas Deininger, Katharina Zipp Impressum Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detailierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.ddb.de abrufbar. Die Deutsche Bibliothek — Cataloguing in Publication-Data (CIP) Tropentag 2010, Book of Abstracts Biophysical and Socio-economic Frame Conditions for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: International research on food security, natural resource management and rural development, Hamburg. Hrsg.: Eric Tielkes ISBN: 978-3-9801686-7-0 Online-Version: http://www.tropentag.de Satz: LATEX 2ε Verlag: © DITSL GmbH, Witzenhausen, Germany / http://www.ditsl.org German Institute for Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics Druck: Print & Mail (PRIMA), Allendeplatz 1, 20146 Hamburg Oktober 2010 - 1. Auflage Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung der Hrsg. ist es nicht gestattet, das Buch oder Teile daraus auf fotomechanischem Weg (Fotokopie, Mikrokopie) zu vervielfältigen. The authors of the articles are solely responsible for the content of their contribution. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of the copyright owners. Preface The TROPENTAG has become the most important international conference on deve- lopment-oriented research in the fields of food security, natural resource management and rural development in central Europe. Since 1999, it is convened alternately by a number of German universities engaged in agriculture and forestry in tropical coun- tries in co-operation with the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Re- search for Development (ATSAF e.V.) and the GTZ Advisory Service on Agricultural Research for Development. This year, for the first time in its history, the TROPEN- TAG will be held outside of Germany – at the ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Since quite some years, members of the North-South Centre of the ETH Zurich have been regular participants of the TROPENTAG, leading to this adventurous experience of moving the three-day conference to a new national and cultural environment. The TROPENTAG provides an international platform for scientific and personal ex- change for students, junior and senior scientists, development experts and funding organisations together with their various international partner institutions. The in- creasing international interest in the TROPENTAG of a large and still growing audi- ence – some 1200 participants from 82 countries have registered so far – demonstrates its importance on the agenda of both, the development-oriented scientific community and the implementing development organisations. The TROPENTAG 2010, organised by the North-South Centre of the ETH Zurich, will shed light on the conference theme “World food system – A contribution from Europe”. The world food system encompasses all the natural resources required for, and af- fected by the production, distribution and consumption of food. This also includes resource management and food processing. The world food system provides the foun- dation for the nutrition of humankind and includes all related ecological, economic, health and social aspects. The global population faces many challenging problems, among them population growth, food, water and energy scarcity, climate and land use change, as well as threats to human health. All these problems are interrelated and most are also con- nected to the world food system. Food production under changing climatic conditions 3 will become even more difficult as human population grows, natural resources such as soils and water become increasingly depleted, and global markets set diverging priorities such as agriculture versus bioenergy. By providing relevant information and advice, scientific knowledge supports policy-makers and society in implementing strategies that address and solve these problems. The TROPENTAG 2010 will address these enormous challenges in a development- oriented and interdisciplinary manner. To broaden the accessibility of the results of this venue, the abstracts of all contributions are published both as hardcopy and at www.tropentag.de. In addition, student reporters will contribute to a multi-author blog with text and visual content in order to increase the outreach of the conference. We would like to express our sincere gratefulness to Eric Tielkes, DITSL Witzen- hausen, who handled the registration, the book of abstracts and many more issues. Our very special thanks go to the team of the North-South Centre who organised the conference in Zurich: Mathias Egloff, Emma Lindberg, Dorota Niedzwiecka, Ursula Gugger Suter and Lukas Egetemayer. Our thanks include all the reviewers and addi- tional contributors who have made this conference possible. We wish all participants a most interesting and rewarding conference. For the programme committee and the organising committee of the TROPENTAG 2010 Michael Kreuzer and Barbara Becker Zurich, August 2010 4 Contents I Food security and food quality 7 1) Food production 9 2) Food quality and technology 37 3) Food intake and nutritional impact 65 II Natural resources Management 85 1) Nutrient cycling and crop nutrition 87 2) Forest management 95 3) Water management 123 4) Ecosystem services 149 5) Biodiversity 175 6) Land and soil use 197 7) Nutrient cycling and crop nutrition - Poster session I 217 8) Nutrient cycling and crop nutrition - Poster session II 227 III Plant systems 241 1) Agronomic practices 243 2) Biotic and abiotic stress (DPG session) 251 3) Genetic resources 259 4) Mixed cropping, agroforestry and biofuels 287 5) Rice research 313 6) Agronomic practices - Poster session I 333 7) Agronomic practices - Poster session II 347 8) Biotic and abiotic stress (DPG session) - Poster session I 359 9) Biotic and abiotic stress (DPG session) - Poster session II 375 IV Animal sciences 391 1) Animal breeding, husbandry and health 393 2) Forages and feeding systems 419 3) Animal nutrition and supplementation 441 4) Aquaculture and fisheries 463 5 V Markets and rural development 477 1) Value chains 479 2) Market development 487 3) Rural development 495 4) Communication and extension services 503 5) Transdisciplinary research 525 6) Value chains - Poster session I 539 7) Value chains - Poster session II 555 8) Market development - Poster session I 571 9) Market development - Poster session II 589 3) Rural development - Poster session I 605 3) Rural development - Poster session II 619 VI GTZ/DEZA 633 1) Sustainable management of natural resources under climate change (GTZ/DEZA session) 635 Index of Authors 641 Index of Keywords 657 6 Food security and food quality 1) Food production 9 2) Food quality and technology 37 3) Food intake and nutritional impact 65 7 Food security and food quality 8 Food production Oral Presentations 12 CHRISTIAN FOLBERTH,HONG YANG,KARIM ABBASPOUR, RAINER SCHULIN: Modelling Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Food Production in sub-Saharan Africa and Measures of Mitigation 12 MAGDALENA WERNER,LASSINE DIARRA,CHRISTIAN HÜLSE- BUSCH,BRIGITTE KAUFMANN: Securing Food Supply by Adapting Millet Growing to Cli- mate Variability: Decision Making Rules of Fulani Agro-pas- toralists in Mopti Region, Mali 13 NADIRA SULTANA,MOHAMMAD MOHI UDDIN,OTHMAN ALQAISI, OGHAIKI ASAAH NDAMBI,TORSTEN HEMME: Measuring Water Footprints in Dairy Farms Worldwide: Im- plications for Food Security 14 JUDITH SCHLEICHER: The Sustainability of Bushmeat Hunting in Central Gabon and the Implications for Local Food Security 15 MICHELE BAGGIO: The Influence of Serially Correlated Shocks on the Conserva- tion of Fish Stocks under Open Access Harvesting 16 OLIVER JAKOBY,MARTIN F. QUAAS,STEFAN BAUMGÄRT- NER,KARIN FRANK: Adaptation of Livestock Farming to Spatiotemporal Variabil- ity in Semi-arid Rangelands: An Ecological-economic Mod- elling Approach 17 Posters 19 MARCOS ALBERTO LANA,ANA CAROLINA FEITOSA DE VAS- CONCELOS,EVA REINING,FRANK EULENSTEIN,KAREN TSCH- ERNING,ALFREDO CELSO FANTINI,SANDRO LUIS SCHLINDWEIN, ARMIN B. WERNER,EDGARDO GUEVARA,SANTIAGO MEIRA, ANDREA FERREIRA HOFFMANN: Use of Geographical Information Systems and Crop Simula- tor Models for Agriculture 19 9 Food security and food quality MARIA BACA,PETER LADERACH,JEREMY HAGGER,ORI- ANA OVALLE: Quantify the Impact of Climate Change on Mesoamerican Coffee Farmers Livelihoods and Develop Community-based Adaptation Strategies 20 JANS BOBERT,OTTFRIED DIETRICH,JOHANNES DIETZ,RICHARD FESTO,JAPHET KASHAIGILI,KURT CHRISTIAN KERSEBAUM, STEFAN SIEBER,KAREN TSCHERNING: Using Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Models and Downscaled Global Climate Scenarios to Assess the Impact of Climate Change in Morogoro Region, Tanzania 21 MARCELO CUNHA,JAN BÖRNER,PRISCILLA NASCIMENTO, CLAUDIO SZLAFSZTEIN,NATHALIA NASCIMENTO ,ANKE KUSS: Vulnerability of Rural Small-scale Producers in the Brazilian Amazon: Priorities and Research Needs for Climate Change Adaptation Planning 22 SAIDU OSENI,BOCKLINE BEBE: Climate Change, Genetics of Adaptation and Livestock Pro- duction in Low-input Systems 23 BENEDICTA YAYRA FOSU-MENSAH,PAUL L. G. VLEK,AH-
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