Planners surprised by Riverview's plans By CORSON ELLIS Lee did say that the proposal was consistent with the Included in those departments are materials man- 1 RED BANK - Several members of the borough Plan- building specifications of the borough Master Plan. agement, medical records, radiology, respiratory thera- ning Board were caught by surprise by Riverview Hospi- "I can say that it is consistent with what is in the py, physical therapy, pastoral care tal's announcement on Thursday of its $26 million ex- Master Plan," Lee said, referring to the board's designa- Conditions in those departments are now crowded, pansion plan. tion of that area as a hospital zone according to John W. Kawlowski. hospital administrator The hospital unveiled its plan to build a four story link Mayor J. Arnone called for both the planning board Riverview has an adequate supply of beds, following between the main building and the east wing, along with a members and hospital officials to "be patient before an expansion of 150 beds to 500 several years ago But no connecting bridge spanning North Washington St. But everyone has seen the plans." additional space was made for additional equipment board members Marriane Cannavo and Norman Lee ex- I do feel that expansion within their own property storage and several of the hospital's departments pressed surprise at the announcement of the plans that should be encouraged," Arnone said. "The plan won't The hospital is planning to fund the project primarily they will eventually have a hand in approving. hurt our tax base, because it is vertical growth and not the with a bond issue, according toPawlowski "I was surprised," Cannavo said yesterday. "Nobody sprawl that we have seen.'' But the proposal must go before several boards and ever that it was going to be unveiled." The hospital's plan confines all building to the proper- agencies for final approval 8L "I would think it would be prudent to consult with ty they presently own. The bridge connecting the new The Monmouth County Advisory Council, upon her local officials before coming up with a plan like this," she addition with the East Wing would, however, cross over studying the plans, must make a recommendation to the added. North Washington Avenue, through the borough's air Central New jersey Health Coordinating Council concern- Lee, the chairman of the board, also admitted that he rights. ing the proposal had not known of the hospital's plan. And it was the bridge that Cannavo said might be a The Coordinating Council would then have to go to ,. "The proposal took me by surprise," he said. sore point with the planning board. state Health Commissioner Or Joanne Finley for final Both Lee and Cannavo said that they had not seen the "We're concerned about the connecting link," she state approval. plans yet, and could not comment on the Riverview said. The administration would simultaneously rpm° *"»*""• pro The board had rejected a similai uveipass plan in 19T*t. the planning board lor site plan approval of the addition, Hospital officials have said that they have waited to go The planned addition would add approximately 75,000 with Cannavo sitting as acting chairperson Lee lives before the board until they receive approval from their square feet to present facilities, providing needed space within 200 feet of the hospital, and will exempt himself Physical therapy area'« cramped. (Lordi photo) Board of Governors. for some 25 "ancillary service departments " from the case. The Daily Register VOL. 102 NO. 76 SHREWSBURY, N.J, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1979 15 CENTS Anti-nuke rally draws 200,000 NEW YORK IAP)-It was billed as a protest against nuclear power. By the time it ended, sunny skies, free music and a controversial issue drew an estimated 200,000 people to Rally is ridiculed, the tip of Manhattan for a "No Nukes" rally Why did they gather here on the crisp first day of autumn? "It was mainly for the music that I came, and to 9 remember Woodstock and the 60s," said Princeton student Janine Verbinski, 20. labeled a 'love-in "People here will learn about the cause," said Jonie Miller, who came to take a stand against nuclear energy and By MARK MAGYAR the few people at the "establishment" Slalehouse Correspondent sat in the front row. gathering who did not disparage the integrity The peaceful day-long gathering was the largest anti- NEW YORK -- The "Old Politics" looked of the demonstrators. nuclear, pro-solar rally in history and the focus of a day of down on the "New Politics" from 107 stories "It looked to me like there was more similar protests nationwide There were no arrests or other high yesterday and couldn't understand what lovin' goin' on down there than anything incidents here It saw. else," James B. Huff, Metropolitan Trans- Elsewhere, however, protesters blocked the main gate to "It looks like a bunch of ants down portation Authority controller, drawled. "It the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant in Vernon to disrupt its there," N.J. Assembly Speaker Christopher was a regular love-in. Battery Park was a annual refueling, and police arrested 167 persons on charges Jackman, D-Hudson, marvelled, looking good place for it, though, because it kept of unlawful trespass. down on the estimated 200,000 "anti-nuke" them away from the rest of the city." The festive crowd on the edge of New York Harbor heard demonstrators in Battery Park from his "Don't they know if they cut off the speeches on the dangers of nuclear power from political and perch in the ornate Manhattan Prospect Suite nuclear power plants at Indian Point, there'll environmental activists and listened to the music of a loose uf the Windows on the World atop the World be no electricity for their electric guitars?" a new alliance of musicians committed to a solar society — Trade Center. Port Authority official asked. Including Pete Seeger. Bonnie Ram. Jackson Browne, and "I was invited to attend the demonstra- "What do they think they're ac- Crosby, Stills and Nash tion through some people connected with complishing down there anyway?" asked "We are here to propose a conversion program from a Tom Hayden," Jackman said. "But I don't Kathy Ishmael of Memphis, Tenn., whose nuclear to a non-nuclear society, community by community, know what they want. All I want is for husband, Houston Ishmael, is chairman of state by state, region by region, to an age of solar energy and somebody to give me some solutions. If not the American Public Transit Association. renewable resources." said activist Tom Hayden, who heads nuclear power, then what?" "Don't those people have anything else to do the Campaign for Economic Democracy His wife, actress Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J , guest of on a Sunday afternoon?" Jane Fonda, also spoke honor at the two-hour American Public Tran- Down at Battery Park, in the shadow of Consumer advocate Ralph Nader urged the crowd to sit Association reception, said he would sup- the World Trade Center towers, environmen- oppose presidential candidates who favor nuclear power and port a bill being drawn up by Rep. Morris K. talist Barry Commoner announced that his support those who oppose it. making energy a major political Udall, I) Am , to put a moratorium on plan- Citizens Party would run full slates of can- issue in 1980. ning arid construction of new nuclear power didates for all major offices in I960 "To stop nuclear energy is patriotic, It is fighting the plants "until all the problems are worked "We have decided that the Democratic cancer vrar," he said. "Do you have the will?" out." and Republican Parties are dead," Com- The crowd responded with chants of "No nukes! No "Udall and I agree that you can't shut moner said. "They are ghosts. They come to nukes! ' down the existing nuclear plants and it us every four years for votes, then forget us. Barry Commoner of the Center for the Biology of Natural doesn't make sense to halt those already We're going to form a new party, the Citizens Systems in St. Louis announced the formation of a new under construction. Chicago gets fifty Party, that will stand for 'Solar Power Now' political party, the Citizens Party, which he said would lobby percent of its electricity from nuclear power. and 'No More Nukes'!" for anti-nuclear issues. But I'm not too keen on nuclear power, and I Consumer activist Ralph Nader asserted Yesterday's rally, organized by a committee sponsored by don't want to see it spread any further until that 200,000 people attended the demonstra- the non-profit Musicians United for Safe Energy, capped-a we find out what's wrong," Howard said. tion, but pointed to "some significant absen- week of concerts at Madison Square Garden by major rock Retired New Jersey Superior Court Judge tees" in his keynote speech. performers who volunteered to raise money for political Theodore J. Labrecque, Little Silver, chair- "Westinghouse executives aren't here," activity against nuclear power man of the Monmouth County Transportation Nader noted. "Con Ed executives aren't Those concerts were not free, but yesterday the crowd was Coordinating Committee, said he saw some here. Exxon officials aren't here. It is they only asked to place donations for the anti-nuclear effort in red positive effects from the demonstration. who are behind this nuclear power jug- plastic bags. It was not known how much was donated "I took the train in to New York from- gernaut.
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