II. tsu ;::=:::==: i8ce Pol. Idon hi, Mr;AT6. FATS. re' ......,.. It IlIro.,1o Z a •• Ibr.. ,h JZ .. 0.. ,.... ,aOCIJSSIJD rOOD8. 1>1 .. a Illelll. 01 ...,., '1:$ Ibr••• 10 Z6 ••• Al! " ...... IS. .... ""II'. • 8VOA&, book I •• , ....., 15 .,&lJ4I f., .i.. p •• aIlL eloudy 8HOE8, .... 111: '1II,t.. aJr,l......... ,., 1. Z ••• S .a1J4I In,.nollelt. OAIJOLINI, 15-A .n.... , ••• t.r tour ••n ••••11' B-S, CoS, a-I, C-I, 8-7 .... C-1 ••• p ... IOWA: bcreulu ('Ioa.~ , ••• for fin 'an.... rVEL OlL, !Ie.I...... Ibr... 10 THE A uWe WanDer. ,i". e •• po.. , •• d . .... lut ,. •• f', ,erJ... f •• r ..41 - fl ... ,eo". lowo City's Morn1ng Uewspaper I. FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY. MAIlCH 29. 1145 VOLUME XXI NUMBEB 151 I, ( Interpreting- Soviets; Smash Defense The War Resista nee Folding'; line Guarding Vienna News * •• B1 Klrke L.. ImPlO NAZI YOUTH POINTS OUT SNIPERS Assocl.ted Fre5 War AnaI,5l 4 Hungar~an Wilh the blitUe of inner Ger­ Allies Drive 27 Miles many turning Into a Naz.! mlll­ tar), debacle of as yet incalcula­ able scop. and effect on the 'owns Seized duration or the war in Europe, t­ Effective Sunday- • tentlon lihlfted to the quiet front Raids Continue First, Third in Italy under the Imp ct of two StQlin Announce. circumstances. Capture of GdyniQ, The first was II cBll from Gen. Mark Clark, American comman­ On Ryukyus Pork Pomts Boos ted Near Junction Baltic Naval Base der of allied armies In Itaiy, to W ASHlNGTON (AP) - The mortace, a short time earlier ltaIJan patriots to stand by (or an OPA Iut nllbt Incre ed pork ra- checked back to OPA the pllcken' attempted Na%i retreat. It must LONDON (AP)-Two rlUli ­ U. S. Flattops Destroy tion POint valu to spread .m.U dem nds for "a small, reasonable Link-Up Would Close paging Russian armies captured come "sooner or later," he 5ald, .upplles more evenly, Ihortly after profl t." Trap on Germans fQur main German strongbolds calling upon the northern Ital­ 38 JQpanese Planes, Ians to "harry their retreat by in­ senale InvesUcatorl tOl&ed back to After he.rinJl "big four" P ck r Fighting in Frankfurt in nOlthw stern Hunllary yes­ terrupliong communications and Damage 19 Ships OPA the packers' phase 01 the Thoma E. Wilson n!lt rate the terday, CI'aking th(' Raba river meat mortage problem. by kllliIlJl German ." Bi, scale al­ The boost ot one or two poln testimony of other ml'at producers PARI, Thun,day (AP )­ defense line guarding Vienna lied action was Indicated. that OPA price cell1n are drlv­ G nrral h nhow r'lI allied and drivin/t within 10 mill' of To match that n WI came a BULLETIN a pound on mo t pork cuta and inc the Industry Into b nkruptcy Ei pork produc will become effec- armi mild whirlwind dvan­ tile Au<;trian border and 47 new Ru~sian break throu,h in the AN FRANCISCO (Al') - tive next Sunda),. Price Adminla- or ,overnment control, the senale miles of the Austrian capitulo Hungarian plains southeDst of Amer1can carrier piane. at­ trator Chester Bowlea said .n aerieulture committee d r 0 p p e d ee. up to 27 mil through eol. The disintegration or the Vienna. The vital Raba river de­ t.eked the hi .. Mval ba.ee 01 Umated five per cent Ie pork th t pha. of their inquiry. lap in G rman r . i. n y. tense llne south ot the Danub ond Xure on. the Inlan.d sea shorH Iprday a Briti 11 tan broil Germans' derens !; in Hungary wlll be avatlabL for rationing In Chairm n Thorn (D., Okl .) north of Ltlk 13alat9n had b en of Jlonshu bland, J..,an, and April than In March and the point told the committee that attorn YIII through north or tilE' Ruhr and guarding tbe ~'oad to Vicnna pUllctured in the c nter. at Csoma otbers hit tile southern bome­ and Austrian war prodUction increas are nec ry to aid In lor the pack rs and the OPA will lh 1 nit d t t Fit lind Bnd Sarvor, les than 20 miles land land 01 Kyushu In raids getlin, a bt!ttcr distrlbuUon. try to work out an alC menL The Tbir(l &rmit'. near d a link-up centers was announced by Pre­ trom the Austrian frontlcr and ea.rly Thul'llda,. (Tokyo time), mier-Marshal Stalin shortly aIter Increalit!S al!<O were ordered for committH wlU f um its Inquiry def'p in. ide the RE'icb. less than 70 miles [rom Vienna. the enell\)' radio re~ with­ lard, hortening, mar,erlne, lad Into the a rted "prlte ,quI' le" he had proclaimed the capture by That Russian break throullh on out allJeod ClOnrl..-Uon. iii ' Bnd towru; f 11 in other Russian unl ts of the Ger­ and cook In. 011. Po nt valu for next month of no acr m nl is the Raba has a direct bearing on II cuts of b f, lamb, veal and r ched m anwhlle, he Ald. WllOl ·tI}'" Jot to infanlrymt'n mans' major Baltic naval base t the long sta~ant situation In folio in 10 Iy hind tbe Gdynia. GUAM, Thursday (AP) butter wlll remain uncban,ed. Compl In of m at whole lel'1 ItalY. IA:lss than 40 miles to the ships, which he,an sheUlng the The en te a,riculture commit- wlU be h ard wh n th commit­ armored . p arh('ad~ whiel! had 120-MlJe Fron~ northwcst lie the main commun­ Ryukyul Islands south of Japan tee, in\'e t1,atilljf the civilian meat tee resumes h artngs next w k, broken completely through the Attacking on a 120-mile ·(ront, Ication routes, road and rail, Hnk­ German defen Ive erult and were Ing the Nazi army in Italy with Friday, blazed away Wednt"lIdny the combined Second and Third and corrler planes kept on deal­ overrunnIng the Reich under a Ukraine armies under Marshals Germany. While Alpine passes Ing blow. which already hov vell or l'cr f:Y that prevent d pin­ Rodlon Y. Mallnovsky and Feodor AN INFANTRYMAN of the Fifth dlvllon, Unlted States Third army, from Brenner eastward still may damagrd more than 19 cnl'my Flying Forts Bomb polntln their latest advances. let supply trickles through to the I. Tolbukhin advanced up to 14 115 aided by a. German boy a they sear h for enemy ulpers In the ships, Indudlng three deltroyers, Th urth armored division ot Italian front, they have been miles. wrecked bulldln«s of Wonns, on the I ft bank of tlle Rhine river n et headquarters r ported today, Lleut. Cen, Gcorge S. Patton', Malinovsky's troops, striking under allil'd air harassment for Berlin Arms Plants Third army raced 27 miles north. south of Malnz, Gennany. Adm. Ch tel' W. NimH~ an­ along the south bank of the Dan­ months. The main now of men ward from H nau to a point only and munitions almost certainly Munc cl lhe new blowlII in a com­ Today's .Ix miles southeast of Gleuen, ube breached the Danube vaUey's munique which credit d the nat­ Women, Children defenses northwest of Budapest goes southward through tbe Vi­ throu,h which LJeul Gen. Court­ enna gap Into the Po valley. That, top raider, with hooting down Ordered by RQdio n y H. HexlJIes' First army hid with the capture of Gyor and Americans Capture 25 enemy planes, bum in, 13 more Komarom, while ToJbukhin's men Japs Warned too, is the most probable main es­ To Evacuate City po. ed arller In th day. There on th around Dnd blastin, sub­ Iowan cape route once the retreat from Will a po Ibllity that th e two crOISsed the Raba river and seized marine pens at Okinawa be w en Csorna and Sarvar. Cebu City, Harbor Italy begins. The Russian advance LONDON (AP)- armIes alre.dy hod made a junc­ across the Raba puts It. in deadly Sunday and Tuescllly-but h aid German reslst&nce• • *coll.psln, as tion In that area, approximately S Simultaneously the Germans de­ nothln, about an Invasion. allies smash forward. United tatea Flyl n, lo'ortr~ clared that Marshal Gregory K. Take 11 Other Towns; 8-29 Blows JeopardY. .truck en my armament pi nll in 225 mil from B rlin, clOllln, a Zhukov's first WhiLe Russian Nazi commentators IIdmll that For the Ilrst time hi com­ BcrUn y terday In tte fifth major trop around Nazi rort till fi bt­ ! munique mentioned Sund y-tll arroy, striking out in Berlin's de­ Force Japs to Flee a mighty RII ian pincher attack d)OJ h~ It tilt y ar n th in, In Frankfurt, half of which o fensive (orefield, had seized the North on Island on Vienna via bot" the Danublnn day rhe Japane~e Bald American luHed Re1ch cit d I All ",up t­ had been cleared. ~ fottress town ot Lebus, on the Will Continue plains end throu,h the Moravian forces succeeded in land Inc In the rIuous" residents were ordered by Nazls tn Wild Retreat Kerama isLands near Okinawa. Nine uden elected to Union North of the Ruhr tbe Germans Z OdeI' river's west bank five miles MANILA, Thursday (AP)-The corridor is in full swing. Uncon­ the Gelmans to !lee the dying Nazi m firmed reports com of panic and But he touch c! on It only JI,htly, Board, Board of Publications. were r POrted In wlld retreat north of besieged Frankfurt and Japanese-wrecked clty 01 Cebu, WASl£INGTON (Ap)-.rafla.n capital.
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