ETHIOPIA - National Hot Spot Map 04 May 2010 R Legend Eritrea E Tigray R egion !ª D 450 ho uses burned do wn d ue to th e re ce nt International Boundary !ª Ahferom Sudan Tahtay Erob fire incid ent in Keft a hum era woreda. I nhabitan ts Laelay Ahferom !ª Regional Boundary > Mereb Leke !ª !ª S are repo rted to be lef t out o f sh elter; UNI CEF !ª Adiyabo Adiyabo Gulomekeda AWD C ases !Ò W W W 7 Dalul E togethe r w ith the regiona l g ove rnm ent is Laelay Zonal Boundary cases o f AWD continue t o be reported North Western A sup portin g the victim s with provision o f wate r Kafta Humera Maychew Eastern !ª in Oromia an d Soma li regions, a t otal of Woreda Boundary Central Berahle and oth er imm ediate n eeds 37 cases of AWD ha ve been repo rted in > Western Zone 2 Lakes Boren a and Gu ji Zones an d 11 cases in WBN BN Tsel emt !A !ª A! Hadiya zone betwe en 19 and 2 5 Ap ril Addi Arekay> W b Afa r Region N b Afdera Military Operation BeyedaB Ab Ala ! > > bb The re a re d isplaced pe ople from fo ur A Debark > > b o N W b B N Abergele Erebtoi B N W Southern keb eles of Mille and also five kebeles Since t he beg in nin g of th e year, B N Janam ora Moegale Bidu Dabat Wag HiomraW B of Da llol woreda s (400 0 persons) a ff ected Hot Spot Areas a total of 967 cases of AWD w ith N N N > N > B B W Sahl a B W > B N W Raya A zebo due to flo oding from Awash rive r an d ru n 16 dea ths were reported in Ba le, Wegera B N No Data/No Humanitarian Concern > Ziquala Sekota B We st Arsi, Jimma , Borena, Ke lem East bb BN > > off fro m Tigray highlands, respective ly. W N N !ª B Belesa B W > > Kurri Close Monitoring We llega and Guji zones (Orom ia), N > North Gonder Gonder Zuria W B Debhana N > b Zone 4 B > GazW Gibla Elidar BN bb !ª Medium Humanitarian Concern Ebenat N N B o G U L F O F A D E N Bugna N W B B Kobo Lasta (Ayna) Gi dan BN W W Critical BN Djibouti bb bb Lay Gayint Meket Guba Lafto Zone 1 NortBhN WolloW bb Hot Spot Indicators -- This month Tach Gayint Wadla Delanta BN HaWbru Chifra BN N W N B Ambasel B bb West Gojam South Gonder Dawunt W Worebabuo o7 " N " AWD Malaria " Measles BN Tenta B W Mile Simada BN Adaa'r BN Mekdela Kutaber W W W Kalu Bati ¤ N Flood Armyworm Metekel BSayintW N ¤ Sekela Goncha S iso Enese W Dessie Zuria B N OrWomia B N N Awi/Agew > Hulet Ej E nese BMehal NSayint N B Special BN B B Somali R egion Enbi se S ar M idi r N W B LegamWbo W Woreda 7 Refugees/IDPs Fire Incidents Debresina The re a re som e 695, 000 pe rsons w ho !Ò LegeN hiBdNa AnWtsokiya Zone B BN need e mergency wat er d elivery t hrou gh Were Ilu> 5 > Water Shortage/WASH related concerns East Gojam South WolloBN Gi she RabelArtuma Fursi tankering operations until the n ext Gu rain s Jama MBenN z Mimo BWN eremo GeraEferatana Gidem arrive in April–June N Erer Shinile N Midir B W Food Insecurity High Malnutrition Asosa Jille> Timuga " B North Shewa(R3)WKewet BSN imurobib Gele'alo La nd s l id e Tarem a Ber Teferi B er Somali R egion J Land Slide !ª Border Conflict Kemashi > o Zone 3 Horo Guduru A to tal of 68,7 00 Som alia refug ees are Ankober Dire Dawa West Wellega North W " hosted in Som ali R egion. I n addition, Livestock Livestock Disease/ Shewa(R4) BN Goro Gutu Assagi rt W caseloa d of some 36,71 6 Soma li refugee s Migration > Hareri o Mortality due to drought Mieso o East West Shewa Berehet Tulo W Jijiga in Ke bribeyah , Aw bare and Shedde r W N W Wellega B A! > N Fedis ! Appro x. P ast oralist & Kirkos W Minjar B A cam ps in the e ast, there are abo ut 26, 984 House H old Region 14 Goba Koricha b Shenkora W ! new a rrivals fro m Sout hern Somalia b Livestock Migratio n Ro ute Kelem Wellega W !A A Mig ration Midega Tola ! A! A A! South West Shewa West Harerge East Harerge !A W East Shewa o A! Map Doc Name: 11_HS_004_National_050410_A4 A 7 ! ! Creation Date: 04 M ay. 2010 Ilubabor ! A Wantawo A ! ! A Degehabur !Ò A A! Web Resources: http://ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia A Gurage Degehabur Misrak Gasham o A! ! Nuer Arsi ! Contact address: ocha-eth@ un.org Akobo 7 ! A !ª Agnuak Jimma Danot A ! A A Yem Selti > ! Lege Hida BN W Sheka 7 0 25 50 100 150 kms Hadiya Selahad Fik Boh A ! ! Mezhenger "Soro " Shal la A Warder KAT La n d s li de W · Keffa AlabaJ W Map data source(s): KachNa Bi ra ! B La n d s li de A A Humanitarian P artners, UNOCHA Decha J ! Awa"ssa Zuria > Konta Dawro Wondo-Genet W Mal ga W Warder SomaliaDisclaimers: " Wolayita West Arsi A ! Bale A Geladin ! W " Denan Korahe The designations employed and the presentation of Humbo Bursa N East Imi > mater ial on this map do not imply the expression of any B A Gamo Gofa 7 ! W Sidama A opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Harena ! A W Abaya ! SNNPR Re gion Bench Maji Mirab A baya Aroresa Buluk Gode United Nations c oncerning the legal status of any Basketo " Gedio Gura Dam ol e A " " ! country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or N A to tal of 267 ca se s o f Selamgo A Gelil a (S emen A ri ) B Shilabo ! concerning the delimitation of its fr ontiers or boundaries. measles have be en "South Ari" (Bako Gazer) Gela"na " A ! A repo rted by the R egional Wadera A ! Amaro ! A Health Bu rea u betw een !A ! Derashe Eritrea Guji A 19 and 25 April. ! Burji Mel ka A Afder ! Tigray South Omo Konso SP Soda 7 A " Woreda " ! Sudan Afder A Oromia Re gion ¤ 7 ! ¤ Filtu Afar N Yabelo Hudet Amhara Djibouti Bore na Zone B o N A flood in Yabe llo tow n affe ct ed " Liben A Beni shangul Gumuz Dasenech Teltele Borena som e 173 househo ld s. An est im ated (K uraz) E Dire Dawa ¤ Addi s A baba Harari 1,000 p eople ha ve been displaced ¤ Moyale Somali R egion C and hu ndre dsof hou se s a nd ho usehold Dolo Odo Heavy ra in ca used flodding in O Gambella Oromiya asset s h ave also been destro ye d. Dehas 7 Hude t and M oyale woreda s. Somali 7 N SNNPR A to tal of 14 p eople ha ve died OR OMIYA and SN NPR Region A Miyo Moyale and 52 5 househ old s have bee n I An armyworm infestation has affected N displaced; the ma jo rity of the D 38,727 hectares fo cro ps and 1 5794 B displaced a re f rom Moyale N Somalia hectare s of pastue in 104 kebe le s in I Kenya SNNPR and 58 kebeles in Oromiya Uganda Kenya.
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