EXHIBIT A-4 Proposal preparedfor THE CITY OF STAMFORD Refocation of the Hoyt-Barnum House RFP No. 681 JULY 30, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. COVER LETTER 2. TECHNICAL RESPONSE - FIRM OVERVIEWS - LISTING OF SIMILAR PROJECTS - TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART - PAST PERFORMANCE RECORD 3. REFERENCES 4. PROPOSAL SUMMARY - PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN •TEAM RESUMES -RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 5. FEE PROPOSAL cw\ CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS LLC July 30,2015 Mr.Jeffrey Pardo.Construction Manager Cityof Stamford 888 Washington Boulevard Stamford. CT06904 RE: RFP No.681, Relocation ofThe Hoyt-Barnum House Dear Mr. Pardo and Members ofthe Selection Committee, The relocation ofthe Hoyt-Barnum house isa challenging project wearevery interested in, excited about, and, along with ourconsultant team,well qualified for. CWA hasbeen the architect fortwo moved buildings inthe pasttwelve years-a 13,000 SF brick building (formerly a mansion) forYale Unh/ersity and a 2,000 SF house forthe City of New Haven. These projects, along withparticularly relevant others, are described in moredetail elsewhere inthis proposal. Mostof our practiceconsistsof variouscombinations and levels of renovation, rehabilitation and adaptive re-useofexisting buildings, which sometimes include additions. Engaged inover 300projects forYale University over the pasttwentyyears, wearecurrently renovating their Marsh Hall, abuilding listed on the National Historic Register ofHistoric Places. We have wonseveral preservation awards from the CT AIA andConnecticut Trust forHistoric Preservation. Other clients include the City ofNew Haven, the StateofConnecticut andvarious otherprivate clients. Christopher Williams Architects LLC is a limited liability company established in New Haven in1986. Afull service architectural firm withtwelvefull time employees, we havebeen located at 85 Willow Street New Haven CT 06511 since ourinception. Licensed in Connecticut since 1986 (NY since 1984), our technical staff includes atotalof6 registered architects, 3intern architects and aninterior designer. Four ofthe registered architects have each been registered forsince the mid 1980's. Our core team ofarchitects have a working knowledge ofthe applicable Connecticut StateStatutes, Fire Safety Code and Building Code. We have experience with historic building relocations andrestoration including structures listed onthe National Register ofHistoric Places/Buildings. Assigned Project Manager Joe Chadwick has overseen several ofthe firm's mostintensive restoration assignments. Our experience with similar projects (as well asthoseofour consultant team) isdetailed in the followingsections of this proposal. Key consultants for our team includes Public Archeology Laboratory who will provide historic preservation consulting. Their past experience includes the preservation and cultural management ofsimilar historic buildings, preserving their National Registry statusintegrity. For move evaluation, included arethe consulting services ofInternational Chimney Company, afirm wehave worked with ona previous historic building move andwhoseexpertise involves the logistics and relocating of historic structures. Rounding outour team will beEdward Stanley Structural Engineers. Freeman Companies forsite/ civil / engineering and landscape design, and Charles Breen PE who will handle M/E/P engineering. Each of these firms hasbeenselected fortheirexpertise withhistoric structures, highly regarded reputations and uniquely relevant experience. TheCWA team set forth hereinwillofferthe optimumcombination of designsensibility, technicalcapacity andhistoric preservation experience commensurate withthe scope andcomplexity ofthis relocation project. Our team isready andavailable to begin work onthisproject should webeselected. We look forward to the opportunity of being considered, awarded andsuccessfully completing thisexciting project Sincerely. Christopher Williams, AIA 85 Wittowstreet. Building54, NewHaven.CT 06SU203 776 0184cwarchitectsll&<»m CITY OF STAMFORD - HOYT-BARNUM HOUSE 2. Team Organizational Chart mi XITY OF STAMFORD CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS LLC Architecture CHRtSTOPHER WILLIAMS, AIA Principal in Charge , JOSEPH CHADWICK Project Manager LINDSEY APRATl, ASSOC. AIA Architectural Designer PUBLIC ARHEOLOCY LABORATORY Architectural Historian ^ ii" INTERNATIONAL CHIMNEY CORP. K House Move Consultant/Cost Estimating ^ Igv FREEMAN COMPANIES MSHc/CMI Engineeringlandscape Architecture , .a,-]?]]! JOWARD STANLEY ENGINEERS^ ; Structural Engineering CB BREEN ASSOCIATES M/E/P Engineering tCpJlEWNSTRUCTlON & ESTIMATING SERVICES Cost Estimating MANAGEMENT PLAN Work for the City ofStamford Relocation of the Hoy t-Sarnum projectwill be performed under the direct supervision of the firm's principal, CluislopherWilliams. AIA. Day-lo-day project responsibilities aredelegated tooneoftheotherlisted registered architects of the firm and ledbythe project manager. TheCWA team isve^'sed in the latest Autodesk software {AutoCAD & Revit)plus other relevant graphic and non-graphic computer programs. AddiSionally, architectural interns perform drafting, digital 3D modeling,model building and othercritical supporttasks.Consultants havebeenselected basedon prior history and knowledge of the challenges posedinthe Hoyt-Barnum building relocation • allconsultants will report to and be directed byChristopherWilliams Architects LLC. TEAM RESUMES Resumes highlighting team member experience are located inSection 4 Proposal Summary. CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS uc CITY OF STAMFORD - HOYT-BARNUM HOUSE 2. Firm Overviews - Christopher Williams Architects, LLC Representative project types Christopher Williams Architects, LLC (CWA) isan award-winning design firmthat ofTers • Historic Preservation full architectural services for new construclion, renovation, restoration and interior architecture. CWA often also provides site design, landscape architecture, furniture • Infrastructure Upgrades design,cosl estimating and building code analysis. Asa firm lhat takes it's cues from • Multi-Unit Residences / Dormitories the master-buildertradition, weviewourselvesas the projectdirector and "responsible • Classrooms/ LearningEnvironments entity" that protects the whole while keepingall the parts moving in the right direction — Modern Moiier-Builders who integrate a hands-onapproach with 21st century means and • Oflicos methods in order to makethe best buildicigs possible. • Restaurants/Dining Services Founded in 1986 and based in New Haven, Connecticut, CWA employs thirteen full-time • Retail Buildings employees including 6 registered architects; 4 with over 30 years of experience. • Research Laboratories EXPERIENCE • Theaters / Music Practice Spaces Design Approach & Expertise • Athletic Facilities CWA practices architecture inthetraditional sense ofthe architect asgeneratist andproject team leader Combining a strongaesthetic and technical foundationresults ina process ofinformed decisions, fully engaging eachproject's particular specialty consultants, and importantly, theconstruction manager andgeneral contractor (depending onthedelivery method). CWA's experience andexpertise encompasses a wide range building types and includesextensive renovation, rehabilitation,restoration and reconstruction of older buildings with historical significance. Oitrexpertisein siicli settings inchidcs extensive knowledge of historic building styles, interiors andlandscapes: construction methods and mater iais; familiarity with preservation technologies andtechniques; as well as research and investigative skills. Relevant Historical Preservation Projects - Completed with-in the past 15 years* • Yale University, Schoolof Forestry Building Relocation • Cityof NewHaven, Livable City Initiative, Historic HouseRelocation • Yale University, Dana House Renovations (Listed on National Historic Registry) • YaleUniversity. Cowles Foundation Renovation & Addition • Yale University, Sterling MemorialLibrary International Room 'Section 4 PrepoloMummeiyunlalni detailedInformationonIhcicand additloftilrelevjnt proje<tl 11 to". •f: •J; 3 - 'S; • m "'-i ' t- i ' 'Ki.. CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS ARCHITECTS UC CITY OF STAMFORD - HOYT-BARIMUM HOUSE 2. Firm Overviews - Public ArhaeoiogyLaboratory Services to be provided PAL (Tiie Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc.) isa leadingauthority in cultural resource managementand specializes inarchaeology, architectural history, research and • Architectural Historian documentation, and preservation planning throughoutNewEngland and the Mid-Atlantic. • Liaison with CTSHPO / National An independent, non-profit corporation withoffices andlaboratories located inPawtucket, Record of Historic Places Riiode Island, PAL i»as successfully completed more than3.000 projects inthe areasof cultural • Cost Consultant resource management, liisloric preservation planning, and regulatory consultation and compliance. Our clients include federal, state,andlocal agencics: tjon-profit institutions; and private developers. Established in1982, PAL lias steadily grown tobecome thelargest private Office Location cultural resource management firm inNew England witha staffofmorethan 50people. 239 Front Street, Fl.ftS Brooklyn, New York 11201 EXPERIENCE Architecutal History & Preservation PAL offers architectural history and preservation plantiing services and hassuccessfully completedprojects fora varietyofclients, including federal, state, and municipal government agencies, and corporations. Architectural project types include historic preservation plans, cultural resource environmental assessments,
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