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The Oxford Book of American Oxford University 1981 Literary Anecdotes Press, New York 97. Mansergh, N. (ed.) Transfer of power 1942-47, V. 11 HMSO, London 1982 98. Shukla, V.N. Commentary on the Constitution of Eastern Book 1956 India Company, Lucknow 99. Khanna, H.R. Making of India's Constitution Eastern Book 1981 Company, Lucknow 100. Jakhar, B.R. People, the Parliament and the Metropolitan, New 1982 Administration Delhi 101. Shukla, V.N. Constitution of India, 7 th ed. Eastern Book 1982 Company, Lucknow 102. Malik, V. Landmarks in Indian Legal and Eastern Book 1981 Constitutional History, 5 th ed. Company, Lucknow 103. Deshpande, V.S. Judicial Review of Legislation Eastern Book 1977 Company, Lucknow 104. Ramachandran, Law of Parliamentary Privileges in Eastern Book 1972 V.G.
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