THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] [email protected] Available early Tuesday at: http://www.echo.net.au VOLUME 22 #07 TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007 22,300 copies every week NO DINNER FOR US AT KIRRIBILLI HOUSE Sartor gives nod to Main Volunteers keep festival afl oat Arm subdivision plans NSW planning minister currently apply to their land The community will con- Frank Sartor last Friday and the local council recom- tinue to fi ght this develop- approved plans for further mended the rezoning be sup- ment at the DA level. subdivision at Main Arm. ported. It would be unrea- ‘MARA will now continue The local residents associa- sonable to refuse an working within the current tion had conducted a long application where they com- Byron Rural Settlement campaign against the expan- ply with the rules. Strategy review process. sion contained in an amend- ‘I do understand the issues Community Title needs to ment to the Byron Local that you have raised and I be completely removed from Environmental Plan (LEP). have written directly to the the strategy – it has only pro- In a letter announcing the Mayor of Byron Shire Coun- vided a loophole for develop- approval to Main Arm Resi- cil requesting that they take ers to create rural subdivi- dents Association (MARA) these issues into considera- sions. More equitable models president Judy Macdonald, tion as part of the review of for rural residential housing Mr Sartor said his meeting the rural housing strategy. I which will not destroy our with residents, property own- have particular concern over hinterland need to be devel- ers and Council on July 10 the long term effectiveness oped. ‘was to make sure all issues of the Community Title ‘As with the Council deci- were heard before a decision scheme.’ sion in December [to was taken. Ms MacDonald told The approve development], The army of Byron Bay Writers Festival volunteers met up on Saturday at the Byron Bay Beach Resort ‘Whilst I understand the Echo, ‘The Main Arm com- developers’ rights rule. Sar- for a briefing. The volunteers keep the show on the road this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday arguments put forward by munity is extremely disap- tor has followed the same at the resort and in town at the community centre and at other venues. See full program at www. the Main Arm Residents pointed with this decision. line. byronbaywritersfestival.com.au and final book review for the year on page 18. Photo Lou Beaumont Association, I have approved This rezoning approval has ‘The BRSS is an out- the making of the LEP in bestowed on the Main Arm moded planning tool. Rezon- this instance. As discussed at hamlet a 48 houses and ing for rural residential Byron United intent on town bypass the meeting, the land owners shopping plaza development development in Main Arm is In response to a recent sur- a town bypass link road and the recent opening of the proposing the rezoning have legacy. irresponsible planning. vey, members of business the long struggle to get some new highway. complied with the rules that ‘A precedent has been set. continued on page 2 lobby group Byron United action on the issue. ‘It is absolutely essential listed a town bypass as the Byron United president that the community and So cool it hurts: Get Rocked launched number one issue facing the Ed Ahern said, ‘As a result of Council are completely town. At a recent meeting this meeting Byron United united on this issue if any- with Deputy Prime Minister has written to each of the thing is going to happen. We Mark Vaile and Ballina MP Councillors asking for their are looking forward to get- Don Page, Byron United stand on the bypass link ting responses from the board member John Gudg- road. Byron Bay will face Councillors and reporting eon highlighted the need for gridlock this summer, with back to our members.’ NCAHS launches strategic plan The next meeting of the start at 1.30 pm at the Suffolk communities and clinicians North Coast Area Health Park Community Hall on the play an integral role in the Advisory Council (AHAC) corner of Clifford and Alcorn planning and development of will begin with an open ses- Streets. Afternoon tea will be health services, according to sion for the community and provided and the meeting NCAHS. include the offi cial launch of will conclude at 3.30 pm. The members of the health two key NCAHS planning The State’s Area Health advisory council are Dr initiatives – The ‘Strategic Advisory Councils were Christopher Ingall, Dr Geoff Plan, a New Direction for appointed by the NSW Ramin, Hazel Bridgett, Benny O’Dwyer from local punk band Brittle, event manager Katie Watts, Byron Bay High deputy the North Coast Area Health Minister for Health as part of Sandra Woods, Leonie principal Ian Davies and also from Brittle, Ben Whiting, at the launch of the Get Rocked youth festi- Service: towards 2010’ and the strategy in the reform of Crayden, Dr Bruce Hodge, val last week. Get Rocked is on Saturday September 29 at Byron Bay High School and includes head- its Health Equity Project area health services across Scott Wagner, Dr Helena line bands Spiderbait, Frenzal Rhomb, Behind Crimson Eyes and local hard core act Parkway Drive. website. the state. They are a crucial Johnston, Warren Grimshaw, For more information go to www.myspace.com/getrockedfestival. Photo Jeff ‘I Wear My Sunglasses At The community meeting part of the NSW government’s Dr Janice Herbert and Night’ Dawson on Wednesday July 25 will plans to ensure local Bertha Kapeen. End of the working day! What’s for dinner? GREEN GARAGE 9dc¼i[ZZaa^`ZXdd`^c\Wji lVciVcjig^i^djhbZVa# BYRON BAY 9^Yndj`cdl° i]VidjgIN HOUSE CHEF egZeVgZh[gZh]^chidgZ bZVahl]^aZndjlV^i @ZZe^c\^iadXVa° jh^c\djg[gZh]^c\gZY^Zcih# BdcYVnid;g^YVn )#(%ebjci^a,eb! @ZZe^c\^i[gZh] &'#*%H^c\aZ dg ''#%%[dg9djWaZ 63 TENNYSON STREET BYRON BAY 6680 8577 [email protected] 6bVo^c\kVajZ[dgbdcZn# 2 July 24, 2007 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News ALL SCRAP METAL WANTED Drummers seek to overturn market ban , Ê* Ê1*Ê- ,6 Ê Story & photo Lou Beaumont 7 Ê 19Ê/ Ê"/ Lunchtime at the Mullum markets last Saturday saw UÊ,Ê +1* / UÊ ,Ê " - market managers Brunswick UÊ/,1 Ê " - Valley Historical Society UÊ,"" (BHVS) meet with repre- UÊ "** , sentatives of the Drum and UÊ ,-- UÊ1 1 Dance Collective (DDC) to UÊ discuss the current ban on UÊ-/ -- drumming at the market. UÊ9Ê - The DDC requested the UÊ /, Ê"/",-ÊUÊ, /",-ÊUÊÊ7 -Ê UÊ // , -UÊÊ7 Ê"7 ,-ÊUÊÊ ,Ê "8 - BVHS revoke the ban on drumming and dancing at " 9Ê"7 Ê Ê"* ,/ the Mullum market. In -/Ê "-/Ê return for a reinstatement of /Ê, 9 ,- drumming privileges, the DDC proposes to limit the sound levels by keeping the 1300 788 412 number of ‘duns’ (bass drums) to a minimum. The collective also pledges to "03UFFOLK0ARK maintain sound levels in Drummers, dancers and supporters made plenty of noise and visual impact in opposition to the ban keeping with the market on drumming at the Mullum markets. 3ERVICE#ENTRE ambience and compliance with any agreement reached ‘Drumming was banned crowd gathered in support of general meeting at the 0HONEÈÈnxÊΣ££ between the parties. Addi- without us being given the drumming at the market. If Ewingsdale Hall on Sunday tionally, the DDC submits chance to explain ourselves. there were any people July 29, all welcome. Those *5,930%#)!, they will be more responsive When the curfew was broken opposed to the idea present wishing to sign an online ./7/&&%2).' to community concerns by it was someone playing on they were neither seen nor petition in support of the 7(%%,!,)'.-%.43 setting up a process by which an mbira (thumb piano) and heard. The drum collective drumming can visit www. &/2/.,9 complaints can be reviewed. a few drummers joined in to and supporters held placards byronguide.com/community/ Harsha Prabhu of the accompany them. aloft and tied their hands drumming. Those in favour /URAIMISTOSERVICETHE Drum and Dance Collective ‘We’ve just come from the together in demonstration. of the ban continuing can COMMUNITY7ITHOURNEW said, ‘We hope to work meeting and the ban is still in The DDC will be having a contact market managers. WHEELALIGNINGMACHINE FREE COURTESYCAR ANDOURQUALITY towards an effective process place until the BVHS have MECHANICSWEAREINKEEPING of community consultation had a chance to think about WITHOURMOTTOn so the DDC can address our proposal. A fi nal decision Free fashion course for youth 1UALITY3ERVICEn community concerns while will be made by management Byron Youth Service is offer- provide a range of introduc- 2ALPH+YNOCH1UALITY0EOPLE *OHN7RAIGHT ensuring the preservation of by next Saturday July 28. ing young people aged tory sewing skills. EXCLUDESFOURWHEELALIGNMENTS drumming and dancing in Today, we fully intend to between 15 and 24 (and cur- For more information !3+!"/54/52&2%%#/524%39#!2 Byron Shire as an important respect their wishes and we rently unemployed) the about the course starting on grassroots cultural tradition. will not be drumming but we opportunity to learn sewing July 24 contact Simon Du Win-win for all!’ still want to make a point.’ skills for the fashion industry. Bois 6685 7777 or email Prabhu told The Echo, An animated and vocal The ten week course will [email protected]. BAMBOO FLOORING Sartor gives nod to Main Arm subdivision plans From front page World Heritage Rainforest local and state government top end of The Pocket Road.
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