BCN 1. Research Material & McCarthy Censure 1954 Circa ov F1. Controls, [economic] Dec 9, 1952 - Apr 9, 1953. Correspondence, memoranda, legislative bills, reports, and other material pertaining to proposed and considered legislation to im- pose national, emergency or temporary economic controls. 2. Sugar [Act] Aug 8, 1947 - July 31 , 1955. Legislative bills, correspondence, memoranda, tables, articles and other material pertaining to proposed legislation to amend and ex- tend the Sugar Act of 1948 which would increase domestic quotas on sugar. ov 3. Sugar [Act] Aug 1, 1955 - Feb 3, 1956. Legislative bills, correspondence, memoranda, tables, articles and other material pertaining to proposed legislation to amend and ex- tend the Sugar Act of 1948 which would increase domestic quotas on sugar. 2. BCN 1. (Cont. ...) 4. Dixon-Yates [contract] Jun 27, 1954 - May 31, 1955. Reports, correspondence, memorandum and other materials regarding the proposed contract between the Atomic Energy Commission and Mississippi Valley Generating Company (MVGC) under which MVGC would provide electric power needed by the Commission and replace power being supplied by Tennessee Valley Authority. Ov 5. Public Works [Committee] Feb, 1956 - Jan 9, 1957. Legislative bills, reports and other material referred to or re- ported on by the Public Works Committee relating to flood control, river and harbor projects, federal highway and highway revenue acts. 6. Interior and Insular Affairs Jan 30, 1954 - Jun 19, 1956. Legislative bills, reports and other material pertaining to Hawaiian Statehood, Hells Canyon Dam, Natural Gas Act and private and public electric power. ov 7. Stock Market Study Feb 28, 1955 - May 26, 1955. Published material and reports containing information used to sup- port the stock market study and the legislative report on the stock market study. ov 8. Refer to Committee [Senate Democratic Policy Committee] Apr 8,1952 - Nov 11, 1954. Newspaper clipping, articles, and other material referred to the Senate Democratic Policy Committee relating to Senator McCarthy. 9. 1. Lustron [Corporation] 1952. Legislative report of the Subcommittee on Privileges and Elec- tions to the Committee on Rules and Administration (Investiga- tions of Senators Joseph R, McCarthy and William Benton pursuant to S. Res. 187 and S. Res. 304.) 10. 2. A[nnie] L[ee] Moss Feb 23, 1954 - Aug 26, 1954. Correspondence, clipping and legislative hearings reports pertaining to the hearings of Annie Lee Moss on accusations that she is a Communist. 3 BCN 1. (Cont....) 11. 3. Senate Resolution 187 Apr 8, 1952 - Apr 10, 1952. Congressional record – Senate reports relating to the proposed discharge of Committee on Rules and Administration from further consideration of senate resolution 187 which would further in- vestigate the participation of joseph R. McCarthy in the Mary- land 1950 senatorial campaign and other acts, to determine whether expulsion proceedings should be instituted against him. ov 12. 4. Zwicker, Brigadier General Ralph W. Jan 30, 1954 - Aug 26, 1954. Correspondence, Senate hearings report and other material re- lating to testimony of Brigadier General Ralph W. Zwicker during hearings held by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investi- gations on Communist Infiltration in the Army. ov 13. 5. Invitation to Anarchy Jun 25, 1948 - Aug 6, 1954. Memoranda, correspondence, clippings, and other material per- taining to the laws and regulations governing classified in- formation. 14. 6. Marshall, George Catlett Mimeographed sheet on comments by Senator McCarthy about George C. Marshall and Dwight D. Eisenhower. 15. Public Law 402 Amendments Jan 27, 1948 - Apr 13, 1956. Legislative bills, correspondence, memorandum, reports and other material relating to the amendment of U.S. Information and Educa- tional Exchange Act of 1948 which would promote the foreign policy of the United States. ov 16. Public Law 402 Amendments Apr 16, 1956 - Apr 17, 1956. Legislative bills, memorandum, and other material relating to the amendment of U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 which would promote the foreign policy of the United States. ov 17. Public Law- 815-874 Amendments Aug 8, 1953 - Jun 13, 1956. Legislative bills, reports, correspondence, memoranda and other ma- terial concerning amendments to Public Laws 815 and 874 which would provide for extending the program of financial assistance to local educational agencies in areas affected by Federal activities. 4. BCN 1. (Cont....) ov 18. Charles Eustis Bohlen Incident (Ambassador to Russia) Mar 16, 1953 - Apr 1, 1953. Newspaper clippings and excerpt from Congressional Record relating to the opposition of McCarthy and other Republican senators to the appointment of Charles Eustis Bohlen as Ambassador to the Soviet Union. ov 19. Analysis of Watkins Committee Discussion of Alleged Incidents of Contempt of the Senate or a Senatorial Committee. [1954] Report of study by the Watkins Committee regarding Senator McCar- thy's Conduct toward the Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections, the Senate power to censure and summarization of Senate censure cases. ov 20. [Educational] exchange [program] appropriation Jul, 1953 - Apr 27, 1954. Correspondence, reports, clippings, charts, and other material per- taining to information about the International Educational Exchange program, the reduction in funds by the House of Representatives and the requests to restore the budget for the exchange program. ov 21. Fulbright Act-Expansion, etc. Aug 1 , 1946 - Jun 18, 1954. Memoranda, charts, legislative act, correspondence and other material pertaining to P.L. 584 and the problems involved in continuance of P.L. 58b (the Fulbright Act which amended the Surplus Property Act and provided for use of currencies and credits arising from the sale of surplus property for educational exchanges). ov 22. Lustron-McCarthy booklet: "How to Own Your Own Home Now" May 1 , 1950 - Jun 29, 1950. Correspondence and Sheet of information regarding the booklet "How to Own Your Own Home Now" prepared by Senator Joseph McCarthy which was used in connection with an advertising campaign of the Lustron Corporation. ov 23. McCarthy, Joseph Raymond (General) Apr 22, 1929 - Aug 19, 1954. Correspondence, clippings, published material, Senate Resolution, articles and other materials relating to McCarthy censure, McCarthyism, the Army-McCarthy controversy and various other issues pertaining to Senator McCarthy. 5. BCN 1. (Cont. ...) ov 24. McCarthy, Joseph Raymond (General) Jun 14, 1954 - Aug 2, 1954. Senate Resolution, memorandum, clippings and other material pertaining to the Communist hysteria, McCarthy investigation, hearings and censure, and to the McCarthy controversy in general. ov 25. [McCarthy, Joseph Raymond Censure] - General Jul 20, 1954 - Sep 11, 1954. Senate Resolution, correspondence, Congressional Record excerpts and other material relating and leading up to Senate Resolution 301 (the resolution to censure Senator McCarthy). 26. [Stenographic Transcript of Hearings — U.S. Senate Permanent Sub- committee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations v. 22; May 27, 1954 May 27, 1954] Report of special Senate investigation on charges and countercharges involving: Secretary of the Army Robert T. Stevens, John G. Adams, H. Struve Hensel, and Senator Joe McCarthy, Roy M. Cohn, and Francis P. Carr. ov 27. untitled Electoral College Reform Mar 16, 1955 - Mar 13, 1956. Correspondence, legislative hearings report, Senate Joint Resolu- tions, memorandum and other material pertaining to the various Senate Joint Resolution proposals (particularly S.J. Res. 3, 31, 152) providing for the amending of the Constitution with respect to the election of the President and Vice President. 28. untitled [Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act — Amendments] Jun 1 - Jun 11, 1954. Correspondence to Hon. Hugh Butler Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs pertaining to S.2569 and S.2763, bills which would amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to provide for the disposition of revenues received under the provisions of such act. 29. untitled [Chavez, Dennis — Resolution to unseat] Mar 23, 1954. Single sheet excerpt from the Senate Congressional Record relating to Resolution 220 to unseat Senator Dennis Chavez of New Mexico be- cause of irregularities in his election due to the secrecy of ballot being violated in a large proportion of voting districts in the November, 1952 election. 6. BCN 1. (Cont. ...) 30. untitled [Water Resources Development Program — Arkansas] Jan 1, 1955. Pamphlet prepared by the Corps of Engineers to provide up-to-date and concise information (particularly to flood control and naviga- tion) on the scope progress, and coordination with other agencies of the Corps on Engineers' water resources development program in the State of Arkansas. ov 31. untitled [Political campaign clippings — Arkansas 1944 election and miscellaneous clippings 1944] May 1, 1944 - Jul 9, 1944. Clippings from various newspapers concerning the political cam- paigns of Col. T. H. Barton, Senator Hattie Caraway, Governor Homer Adkins, and Congressman J. W. Fulbright; clippings pertaining to .the Office of Price Administration’s ceiling prices on poultry and miscellaneous clippings 1944. 32. untitled [Universal Copyright Convention] Mar 17, 1954. Correspondence with pamphlet enclosed to J. W. Fulbright from Hubert H. Humphrey regarding Fulbright’s appointment to the Committee on Foreign Relations Subcommittee to consider the Universal Copyright Convention of 1952. 33.
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