07-25-02 News 01&08 7/24/02 7:33 PM Page 1 THURSDAY Kiss a toad July 25, 2002 Season begins for Pullman Little Theater Leisure | 3 stormy High: 88 | Low: 57 More weather, Page 2 Volume 108 | No. 177 | [email protected] | www.dailyevergreen.com A student publication of Washington State University | Pullman, Washington Duo arrested for computer theft at WSU Molly Ayre-Svingen age units, police found comput- Summer Evergreen staff ers and parts which had been previously reported missing, The police may be one step according to a press release. closer in finding where a possi- WSU investigating officers ble $100,000 out of WSU disap- reportedly valued these items peared. taken from the Smith Center Two men were arrested and for Undergraduate Education, booked in the Whitman County Information Technology and Jail in connection with comput- other buildings at more than er thefts at WSU. $100,000. A 31-year-old custodian who “Stealing — it is the worst has worked at WSU since 1999, thing you can do to your Garry John Robert employer,” Michael Miller, a Sommerfeld, was arrested on custodian for WSU Facilities July 15. Four days later, Sami- and Operations said. “It hurts Jon Daniel McIntosh, a 23- the credibility of Facilities and year-old Management Operations. It is a letdown. It is Photo Illustration by Rob Keenan/Summer Evergreen Information Systems major just too bad.” also was put into cuffs. Neither When there are problems Sommerfeld nor McIntosh with custodians, WSU may could be reached for comment. work it out with the employees, “There could be others Miller said. “If they can work involved,” Steve Hansen, the with you, they do, but if it’s interim police chief of the WSU theft, you are down the road. date Police Department, said. “The It’s just not tolerated.” case is still under active inves- “The worth of the items is tigation, and there may be fur- fairly significant,” Hansen said. ther arrests down the road.” “Especially in a time of budget When the search warrants cuts, $70,000 to $100,000 could were issued for the two sus- have been spent some other pects’ residences and two stor- place.” rape Bjorn Madsen, a senior geology major, prepares for the third drugs annual Burning Couch Festival. The couch Awareness of rape women know the perpetrator, tial advisers, police and physi- pictured here drugs is crucial according to the National cians have been on the look- escaped death Women’s Survey. out for GHB — Gamma Hydroxybutyrate, Rohypnol, by flame; In a 1995 study of 638 Danielle Ivory female students by the WSU and Ketamine, which are instead, it was Summer Evergreen staff Sexual Task Force, 80 percent characterized by their soporif- hurled over a of rape victims knew their ic and sometimes amnesia- cliff into ou might see it. An assailants — the University of mimicking effects. These oblivion. invisible wisp of air? Idaho reported 85 percent sometimes fatal drugs are YJust a few beads of liq- knew their assailant. Of the often used to incapacitate uid slip into a glass, and the Photo courtesy women who women, leading frequently to surface trem- Mark Sobba had been sex- sexual assault, according to bles to accept www.ksu.edu/counseling/dat- them. ually assault- ed, 60 percent erape.html. One, two. GHB has been referred to Perhaps three, had been at Torch carried for WSU for less as Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X, four. 1 in 4 women will be Scoop, or Easy Lay. You might raped within her lifetime than two years. Also, “People can mix it up in a see them. You toilet,” Nightingale said. “It riotous couch probably will 36 percent of has a slightly salty taste, so not. the victims Rachel Gilbert major, planned a revival. said they had normally people will put it in This color- a dark beer or a lager.” Summer Evergreen staff The second annual Burning 4 in 5 raped women will been drinking less, odorless GHB has been blamed for Couch Festival was July 4, liquid is a know her attacker at the time of 2001. According to Madsen’s at least 58 deaths and 5,700 When I arrived at the date rape Source: WSU Sexual Assault Task Force the assault — Burning Couch Festival Web site, it “was a success, 38 percent of overdoses since 1990, accord- drug, and has Rob Keenan/Summer Evergreen Saturday the residents were replete with musical stars play- the victims said ing to the Washington Post. been plaguing However, in spite of its sweeping up a large pile of ing original tunes as well as a the perpetrator campuses nation-wide, WSU dangerous potential, the FDA wheat. It was their own small flaming smoking couch.” also had been drinking. included. recently approved GHB use in piece of the Palouse, but it was “I remember Steve (Lynch, Approximately one in three “Most people are acquaint- treating a debilitating compli- a fire hazard. former WSU student) pouring ed with the person who raped rape incidents occurred at an the three gallons of gasoline on cation of narcolepsy called cat- The third annual Burning them,” said Erin Nightingale, apartment, and 13 percent aplexy, which causes muscles Couch festival was held it. I ran in to grab the gas can. sexual assault prevention occurred at a fraternity. The flames were licking my to weaken and eventually col- Saturday night. About 30 peo- educator at Alternatives to Of the women whose sexu- lapse. The drug will be mar- ple were in attendance. face. Cars were pulling over to Violence of the Palouse. “It is al assault met the legal defini- watch the spectacle,” Scott keted under the brand name The first burning couch was the most common reason why tion of rape according to Leach, a junior natural Xyrem. It is the first of course the infamous WSU women come to us for help.” Washington laws, 47 percent resource management major, approved treatment for cata- riot May 3, 1998. Nightingale said one in claimed they did not know it said. plexy. Things were quiet for the four women will be sexually was rape. Though Rohypnol is legal- next three years until Bjorn assaulted in their lifetime, In Washington, university Madsen, a senior geology See COUCH, Page 8 and 84 to 85 percent of raped officials, counselors, residen- See DATE RAPE, Page 8 07-25-02 news 2 7/24/02 6:34 PM Page 1 2 | THURSDAY, JULY 25, 2002 NEWS THE SUMMER EVERGREEN pullmanweather newsbrief Tomorrow: Partly Cloudy Sunday: Mostly Sunny Commemoration of NBC News anchorman Tom ing to gauge the level of interest High: 82 Low: 51 High: 84 Low: 52 Brokaw said. among the public and its affili- Saturday: Partly Cloudy Monday: Mostly Sunny Sept. 11 planned NBC hopes, with its news cov- ates. High: 80 Low: 48 High: 89 Low: 55 erage, to remind people of what The network will turn its prime- NEW YORK — NBC plans a the country went through and tell time schedule over to its news- prime-time concert to mark the what’s been learned since then, magazines, ”60 Minutes” and first anniversary of the Sept. 11 he said. ”60 Minutes II,” for Sept. 11-relat- terrorist attacks while its two ABC, CBS and NBC will all air ed programming, CBS News chief rivals are sticking with news expanded editions of their morn- spokeswoman Sandra Genelius coverage that night. ing news shows that morning to said. First lady Laura Bush will be on cover planned commemorations. NBC’s “Concert for America” at Many of those are timed to coin- CBS will also rerun its two-hour the Kennedy Center in cide with what happened exactly ”9-11” documentary featuring Washington. She said she hopes a year ago; the first plane hit the footage from inside the World it “will allow us to use the arts to World Trade Center at 8:48 a.m. Trade Center on Sept. 8. When it soothe our emotions.” Eastern. was first shown in March, about Television network executives From there, the network plans 39 million people tuned in. have been wrestling over the past diverge. ABC News will stay in Fox will air a two-hour prime- few months over what tone to set continuous coverage through time special, “The Day America with their Sept. 11 coverage and prime-time, with breaks for local Changed,” on Sept. 11. how extensive it should be, trying news. NBC will also show news ABC’s prime-time news cover- to anticipate the public’s desire to that afternoon, including a town age will feature a minute-by- reflect. meeting-format interview featur- minute reconstruction of events ing Brokaw and rescue workers, “My own strong impression is within the World Trade Center that survivors and family members. there has been a drifting away morning, the network said. emotionally and intellectually” CBS hasn’t set its afternoon from the events of last Sept. 11, plans, in part because it’s still try- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS peoplebriefs the Recording Industry Musicians criticize Association of America. Lowe leaves ‘The music industry The industry also released an West Wing’ economic analysis that showed SACRAMENTO, Calif. — fewer than 5 percent of signed NEW YORK — The fictional Singers and entertainment attor- artists produce a hit record. White House staff on “The West neys criticized California’s $41 bil- Likewise, for every hit, the Wing” will lose its first major play- lion recording industry Tuesday, industry loses $6.3 million on er. testifying that it routinely underre- albums that fail. Actor Rob Lowe, who plays ports royalties and cheats artists Among those testifying, White House communications of millions of dollars.
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