USOO67802O2B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,780,202 B2 Shi et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 24, 2004 (54) MODIFICATION OF PRINTED AND DYED 5.997.584 A 12/1999 Andersen et al. MATERALS 6,048,367 A 4/2000 Damhus et al. 6,165.960 A 12/2000 Amory et al. (75) Inventors: Caroline Shi, Allston, MA (US); Sonja 6,184,010 B1 2/2001 Riegels et al. Salmon, Raleigh, NC (US); Hui Xu, 6.254,645 B1 7/2001 Kellis, Jr. et al. Wake Forest, NC (US) 6.258,590 B1, 7/2001 Lange et al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Assignee: Novoymes North America, Inc., (73) EP O882 084 7/1997 Franklinton, NC (US) WO WO 99/57360 11/1999 Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this WO WO OO/32697 6/2000 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO O1/48304 7/2001 U.S.C. 154(b) by 42 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Degani et al., “Potential Use of Cutinase in Enzymatic (21) Appl. No.: 10/287,135 Scouting of Cotton Fiber Cuticle, App. Biochem and Bio (22) Filed: Nov. 4, 2002 tech, vol. 102–103, 277–289 (2002). (65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner Primary Examiner Margaret Einsmann US 2003/0121111A1 Jul. 3, 2003 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Elias J. Lambalris Related U.S. Application Data (57) ABSTRACT (60) Provisional application No. 60/335,691, filed on Nov. 2, 2001. The present invention relates to methods and compositions Int. Cl." ............................... D06P 1/16; D06L 1/12 for removing exceSS dye from dyed and/or printed materials, (51) Such as, textile materials dyed with disperse dyes, by treat (52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 8/137; 8/401; 8/921; 8/922; ing a dyed or printed material with an esterase. The improve 8/924; 8/926; 8/927; 8/529; 435/236 ments resulting form the present invention include, for (58) Field of Search ............................. 8/137,918-927, example, improvements in the wash fastness, the 8/529; 435/236 wetfastness, the crockfastness, Sublimation, and/or the qual ity of the color, Such as, brightness, of dyed and/or printed (56) References Cited materials. The present invention also relates to methods for U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS printing or dyeing a material by dyeing or printing the 5,037,662 A 8/1991 Poulose et al. material with a combination of a dye that is affected by 5,356,437 A 10/1994 Pedersen et al. esterase treatment and a dye that is not affected by esterase 5,405,414 A 4/1995 Pedersen et al. treatment, and after dyeing or printing the material, dis 5,478,489 A * 12/1995 Fredjet al. ................. 510/299 charging residual dye by treating the material with an 5,512.203 A 4/1996 Kolattukudy et al. eSterase. 5,688.288 A 11/1997 Akatani et al. 5,885,306 A 3/1999 Hamaya et al. 11 Claims, No Drawings US 6,780.202 B2 1 2 MODIFICATION OF PRINTED AND DYED or color quality (Such as, for example, brightness) of dyed MATERALS and/or printed materials. Another aspect of the present invention relates to methods CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED for printing or dyeing materials, Such as textile materials, APPLICATIONS paper materials, and films. In accordance with this aspect of the present invention, a material is dyed or printed by dyeing This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional and/or printing the material with a combination of a dye that Application Serial No. 60/335,691 filed Oct. 2, 2001, which is affected by esterase treatment and a dye that is not affected is hereby incorporated by reference. by esterase treatment, and after dyeing or printing the material, treating the material with an esterase. In an FIELD OF THE INVENTION embodiment of this aspect of the present invention, a dye The present invention relates to enzymatic methods and that is affected by esterase treatment, Such as a disperse dye, compositions for removing exceSS dye from dyed or printed can be used as a ground Shade for a textile material, in materials, Such as textiles, and to enzymatic methods and 15 combination with a dye, Such as an illuminating dye, that is compositions for dyeing Such materials. not affected by esterase treatment. Yet another aspect of the present invention relates to BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION methods for printing or dyeing materials, Such as textile A major problem involved with the use of disperse dyes materials, paper materials, and films. In accordance with this for dyeing or printing of textile materials made from poly aspect of the present invention, a combination of materials ester fibers, polyester-containing blends and other fibers and is dyed or printed by dyeing and/or printing the combination fiber blends, is the tendency of these dyes to aggregate and of materials (such as a fiber blend) with a dye that is affected deposit on the Surface of the dyed or printed material. AS a 25 by esterase treatment. In an embodiment of this aspect of the result of this residual dye formation, washfastness and present invention, a dye that is affected by esterase wetfastness of the textile material is negatively affected, that treatment, Such as a disperse dye, dyes one portion of the is, the unintentional Staining of other materials resulting material in the combination, Such as polyester, and Subse from dyes that migrate from a dyed or printed fabric to quent to esterase treatment, which in this embodiment another fabric during Washing or wetting, often seen when changes the affinity characteristics of the dye, the esterase white laundry becomes colored during Washing. In addition modified residual dye dyes another portion of the material in to WashfastneSS and wetfastness, residual dyes can also the combination, such as wool, by virtue of the new affinity undermine the brightness of a shade as well as affect characteristics of the modified residual dye. In an embodi ment of this aspect of the present invention, two materials Sublimation and crockfastneSS results of the dyed or printed 35 material. with different dyeing properties, Such as polyester and wool, In order to improve the quality of textile materials, textile are dyed with at least one dye whose affinity characteristics, manufactures can Select dyes that migrate as little as poS Such as hydrophobic versus ionic, are modified during the Sible during Washing. Alternatively, or in addition, textile dyeing proceSS by treatment with an esterase. manufactures can remove exceSS disperse dyes from newly 40 Yet another aspect of the present invention relates to dyed prepared textiles in post-clearing or after-clearing processes. or printed materials, Such as, for example, textile materials, Traditional after-clearing processes involve repeated water paper materials and films prepared by the methods of the rinses and/or chemical treatments, Such as, reduction clear present invention. ing processes, in which a dyed or printed fiber is treated with 45 Although not limited to any one theory of operation, the a strong alkaline reducing bath, usually containing Sodium enzymatic treatment of dyed and/or printed materials hydroSulfite and caustic Soda. Reduction clearing processes, according to the present invention is believed to improve the however, require high temperatures and alkaline conditions, solubility of poorly soluble dyes and/or to decrease the which may damage the fabric and are expensive and time affinity of dyes for materials, thereby improving the removal consuming to carry out. 50 of exceSS dyes that aggregate and deposit on the Surface of Improvements in removing exceSS dye from dyed or dyed and/or printed materials. In preferred embodiments, the printed materials, Such as textile materials, are therefore methods of the present invention can eliminate the need for desired. expensive and harsh chemical after-clearing processes, Such 55 as the use of heavy metal Salts, and Significantly reduce SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Water usage. One aspect of the present invention relates to methods and compositions for removing exceSS dyes, Such as poorly DETAILED SPECIFICATION OF THE Soluble disperse dyes, that aggregate and deposit on the INVENTION Surfaces of dyed and/or printed materials. In accordance 60 In a preferred embodiment of the invention, exceSS dye with the present invention, improvements to dyed and/or can be removed from dyed or printed materials, Such as printed materials are obtained by treating a dyed and/or textile materials, paper materials or films, by treating the printed material, Such as textile materials, paper materials, printed or dyed material with at least one esterase. Textile and films, with an esterase. Improvements resulting form the 65 materials include, for example, fabrics, yarn, fiber, and esterase treatment include, for example, improvements in garments. The textile materials can be made from Synthetic washfastness, wetfastness, crockfastness, Sublimation, and/ materials, and blends of natural and Synthetic materials. US 6,780.202 B2 3 4 Preferably, blends of natural and synthetic materials com gluconolactonase, uronolactonase, tannase, retinyl prise at least 20%, more preferably at least 40%, even more palmitate esterase, hydroxybutyrate-dimer hydrolase, acylg preferably at least 60%, most preferably at least 80%, and in lycerol lipase, 3-oxoadipate enol-lactonase, 1,4-lactonase, particular at least 95% of a synthetic material. Examples of galactolipase, 4-pyridoxolactonase, acylcarnitine hydrolase, Synthetic materials, include, for example, modified cellulose aminoacyl-tRNA hydrolase, D-arabinonolactonase, (e.g. acetate, diacetate and triacetate), polyamide (e.g. nylon 6-phosphogluconolactonase, phospholipase A1,6- 6 and 6,6), polyester (e.g., poly(ethylene terephthalate)), acetylglucose deacetylase, lipoprotein lipase, dihydrocou acrylic/polyacrylic, and polyurethane (e.g., Spandex). marin lipase, limonin-D-ring-lactonase, Steroid-lactonase, Examples of natural materials, include, for example, regen triacetate-lactonase, actinomycin lactonase, orSellinate erated cellulosics (e.g., rayon), Solvent spun cellulosics (e.g., depside hydrolase, cephalosporin-C deacetylase, chloroge lyocel and tencel), natural cellulosics (e.g., cotton, flax, nate hydrolase, alpha-amino-acid e Ste rase, linen, and ramie) and proteins (e.g., wool and Silk).
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