.■■■' \v'- I ♦ '4 ■ i- > . ■ .■> ^ ■ * PAGE tWKNTY THURSDAY, MAY 1966 ‘ ii-- iMmtrljfatfr lEufnmg Averan# Daily N«f Prem Ron Thit Weather ^ For the Week Ended y Foreedflt of C. S. Wentbar Bimaa '.M ay 26. 1886 A reception for new member* John C. Rogera UI. abn of Mr. | aha Anna" and Jim Hardic, view Brawn, aecretariaa and Baa and Not M wnim, few showero to­ joining the Center Congregational and Mra. John E. Hogera, 1163 £ . i Ordainrd St. Mary’s Group plhcsidenta; R uth a n d . Randy BUl .Moorhouae, treasurara. A b o u t T p Church Sunday will be'jield at 8 Middle Tpke., will receive the de­ 12<083 night. Low In middle 68«. FlUr and o'clock tonight in the Federation gree of ^chelbr of Science, with 5eat Officerrs Member of the. Audit cooler Xntuntay. High near 70. *ni«. annu«I'..aprlng meeting " of room of the church. There will a major lit mathematiCa, a t the Bureau of ClreulatloBi X \ the EduceUonal 'au b of Muiche'e- he a buaineaa meeting, a t' ^■(‘h Manchester-^A City of Village Charm 56th annual bommeneement exer- The 50-5<J'..(jlub of St., M ary's te r will Im held Uondey, June 4. time they will be voted Into m ^ - claea' of Blufftoh College, Bluffton, GRADlATlOj at 8:80 p.m. in the auditorium of berabip. a worahip aervice and a^ Ohio, to be held Monday a t l6 a.m. Church will eitd Tta 1055-56 aea- (pinaolHed Adrorttalng on Fggo 18) the Nathan Male School. Mri, aocial' hour with refreahmenta. ,son with a dlnnei^cjkilce Saturday % C A R D S X VOL. LXXV, NO. 206, (TWE^^TV PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 19.S6 PRICE FIVE CENTS , CSutrlea' Gipeon.* the preaident las Althea Dunlap,' 153 Mam e'-ening at the Anib^lcan Legion will conduct the meeting. The Ca Thirty-ofte member* of the Juul Sl.,\won a third year , award for Home. The affair, iindeKthe chalr- • Tell them y09 buetneea wilt include the election family enjoyed a family get tor \ of offlcere and cpmmittM chair­ aerxide In the college ban<f a t the I lanahlp of Irene end BMj Bren­ care enough -frr gether yeaterd^, at .the .cottage' of A n n u al', Aw'acda .6***"i’’*y -h«l<l men and other important iteme. Miaa. Bernice lluuf at Columbia nan, outgoing prealdenta, wtlj be­ ROASTING CHICKENS AH member* are urged to'attend. Tueaday kt the Teachera College of :4t- to' aend the ' Lake, Preaent at the affair were Connecticut. New Britain. gin promptly at 7 o'clock wilh^a tw o of Miaa Juul'a aiatera. aeveial ___ . roast beef dinner. Mualc will lib. “I’love your ads,” a cuatomer told u«, “and I agree very heat . • . niecea and nephewa and their TTie weekly card party of Meh- Miaa Sue Pineo, daughter of Mr. fiirrrlahcd by Tony O'Biighl. I witn every word, Your chickens are just as good as you tee our com cheater Grange 'viill be held tom or­ children. "A buffet dinner waa jidvertise them.” Others tell us that they are even better aerved. and Mra. Clayton W. Pineo, 371 Inalallation of the new officers row night at 8 b’c ^ k at the home' Concord Rd., waa one of alx aenldr.a 1 will take place following the din­ and that once they have tried oUrs they never get them 'pjele aelec- of. Mra. Gladya Sloan. 25 Cheater ner. The new officers are: Marlon •.e‘^'1 1 ' The Motherhood of Mary Moth-' aelected from the aenlof houaes a t. elsewhere. • . .X . ■ t i ^ n o w . Weatbrook .Junior College, Port­ and Herb Kingsbury, pre.Milenls-/ —— . ! Circle w ill meet Monday. June Ann and Jim Marshall, vice pieaP / ' A daily vacation Bible achool la I 4, at the home of Mra. Edward land, Maine, to plant the Ivy at at d e w I y . traditional Ivy Pay obaervance at i ejenta. Edith and Ralph Paaek, sec­ ROGER pcbaduled for July 16 to 20 Inclu-lCo**. 123 Helaine Rd. .Mra. Vin- retaries and Bnruara and Leo OLcon iva at tha Covenant Congraga-. cent Popeleakl will be co-hoateaa. the college today. | 403 W ent Center Street ^ R IC H M A N -'X .'vo.sel. treaaiirera. Besides ' the Mitchell 767 M ala Street X. (tonal Church, 43 Spnice St. Miaa I ——• Srennana, the outgoing cfficeia Bather Granatrom, principal of the : Setond Congregational Met rt- John R, Anderann, aon of Mr. Bowera School, ^11 again be in tweda will hold their annual dance and Mra. W alter A. Anderson of Charge. Adulta or young people o f' Saturday, June 2, at' 8 p.m.-at the 20 Avondale Rd., and Alan M. V—- Gould, aon of Mr. and Mra. George , Herald Photo the ediurch willing to aaaiat may Community V. Both round and Rev. Kenneth I- Giiatafaon ■yn-’ \ pontact her at 50 Oakwood Rd. aquare dancing wilt be enjoyed, H. Gould of 73 Cheatntit St., have with Stuart Hamilton aervtng' aa Important rolea in "Tlie Desert .Song." a musical play by Sigmund Kenneth L Ouatafaon, 74 Hudson 1416 'Miaaionary Circle of Eman­ prompter., Mr.' and Mra. Milea St , pastor of Calvary Chapel. 224 e iv V uel Lutheran Church will hold ita Staples and V - *nd Mra. Robert Romberg, being presented tni.'x Price of Local Firm monthly, meeting tomorrow eve­ Shooahan will be in charge. Ail closing ning. Thb program and refreah- married couples of the church are CTubaiid Masquers. ' ' I aervicea of Ihi* year'a Nev/ Eng­ menta will be in charge of the fol­ cordially^ invited. land Diatrict Council of the Aa- X' n m lowing committee: Marlon Mc- Mrs. Isabel NeverS of 24 Hilltop aembliea of God in Framingham, I- ,$5 Million Last Nelah, chairm an; Ruth I. Benaon, ' The annual- Congregational plc- ,Dr., and Mra. Prances Bellows. Maa.y., conference auditorium . Norma Gunaten, Helen Halvoraen. nic/of Emanuel. Lutheran Church 387 North Main St., have returned The Rev. Grady L. Fannifi ofi^^- Each member la urged to Invite a. w;tll ba held at Camp Lutberwood after a vis'll with friends in fiCialed. and gueat apeaker waa the San Diego, Calif., Jun^-.dm es, a.a they sab-, 'ahoot the J. P. ttfeviuis and Co. today was reported preparing to guest to the meeting. on .Sunday. June 10. Tilton. N, H. Rev. Albert AlUer of Dea Moinea, ate In u /f (/P)-Acilai Stevenson’s latest j ' sell Cheney Rr?)!fi>-iust 14 rnpptbs»*yftwr it boughl^te local A i..................................: Iowa, who delivered the ordina-,-! tion addreaa. exchange with Sen. Lstes ; gt the Republiyi n adminlatre- firm for $5,000.0()o7^^^^r Born of Swedish immigrant par- Kefauver centered today on | tion, nc^ot oihor Drlmocrnts ...” Pro8|)eclive purchaser in the deal which is expected to go THEIR NATIONALLV ADVERTISED PRICESI enla in Jam eatown.’N. Y., Gnak*if- 1 their hid for California’s big Steven,somfollowed Kefauver In- through next week is reported to be LaFrance Industries, a aon attended public a< hoola Uiere, nension vote in the state’s retirement spot 4 0 % graduating In 1»49. PHor^^^o qn-^ \ pension vote in me states the Tenneaaei Senator re- textile company with plaiU.s in South Carolina and Canada., • FAMOUS WATCHES lollment at Eaatern Bible Ipatitule, - presidential primary n e x t Hewed hia a tta rk on' Sevenaon'a Ward Cheney, president of Cheney Bros., this morning Green Lane^Pa., he look a buaineaa ; T ue.sday. pension record while-governor of! confirmed reiwrts that Stevens was conductipg negotiation# M a g nument ifie d savings on these course in Jam eatown Business Col- , Stevenson pictured hlm.sElf a.s'a itlinois. His a u d i^ c c " '^ r , out-, which would re.sult in the local firm switchfng its ['afhlia- Marc Nicolet watches because leg*. Upon graduation frpm the­ long-time friend of llie old folk*, numbered the e.stimimed 375,total i Repl.ving to repeated crltic'am by that Kefauver drew in two forulal tion"'from Steven.s. • ^ ~ " We imported them directly!. ology achool in jl954. he accepted At HALE'S SELF I and MEAT DEPT. Cheney declined to .divulge the' u-g • a g j» a rail from the New Englancl Dis- i Kefauver, he' jnotbated wlint he,I.a.ppee''“>'ces yesterday.,, Come choose from 46 styles trict Council of the Aeaembilea. of tenved v,jontinued distortion of Stevenson said; therje are serious identity of the third party in- |5 r itlS n K c tU S C for, m«n and women!' Don’t facts'' on the old age pension and , Injustfees-in the present sdcial se- volvpit. but other sources stated THe PERF^T God, to open a new church in Man­ HALE'S SliNSWEET that it waa LaFrance; . wait!,Selections.are still good! chester. At thc/present lime, along | MEAT DEPARTMENT other l.ssue.s. ’ I curit'y prag ram i: He Called for "a Thus vie\V>of part of the Ch’eney Bros. buildini|:s, Ibok- the second time in about 14 months most K^f the one time BUY FOR YOUR FRESH GROUND He saiil in a 'statement yester- i decent progran) mrat not only Telephone calls were put through with paatorfl duties, he is em- ' \"l^ ing ea.st.ward frorh the western-mo.st of thd factory Chei^e.f^ mills are to change hands. Some buildings,have to I-aFrance Induatrlea' apd J, P. jTo Budge over ployed at the Hartford Nationa'I .
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