TR USTEES REV. ANSON PHELPS STOKES, President. PHELPS-STOKES FUND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS JAME'u 4. DILLARD, Vhe-Pnsident. THO M AS JESSE JONES, Educational Director I. N. PHELPS STOKES, 2d, Secretary. IO I PARK AVENUE L. A. ROY, Office Secretary. EDWIN K. M6?.RILL, Treasurer. I. N. PHELPS STOKES NEW YORK COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN RT. REV. WILLIAM T. MANNING Education: REV. ANSON PHELPS STOKES CHANCELLOR HARRY WOODBURN CHASE September 10, 1941 Housing: MRS. RANSOM SPAFARD HOOKER JOHN SHERMAN HOYT Telephone: Ashland 4-8578 (New York). ROBERT R. MOTON Cables: Stokesfund Newyork. MRS. RANSOM SPAFARD HOOKER THOM AS JESSE JONES WASHINGTON ADDRESS MISS OLIVIA PHELPS STOKES 2408 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. MRS. BYRON STOOKEY MISS HELEN PHELPS STOKES, Honorary Trustee. EUROPEAN ADDRESS 2, Eaton Gate,Sloane Square, London, S.W .I. Senator fifoeinallt J. Jones P. 0. Box 97 Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa Dear Dr. Rheinallt Jones: + • r. want y°u to know that, we have been organizing a representa­ tive _ Committee ^o consider the problems of Africa and Peace Aims. The Commit- tee is made up entirely of American citizens, all of whom have either lived in Africa or visited Africa. I will send you some preliminary material later. am writing now merely to send you, in confidence, a copy of the Agenda which we discussed at tne first meeting, and to ask whether you have any general suggestions to make from your wide African experience* Tae Com®ittete, at its first meeting, asked me to serve as Acting Chairman. Many of the members of the Committee are old friends of yours, such as Dr. Emory Ross, Dr. Jackson Davis, Mr. J. Merle Davis, Mr. John H. Reisner, Dr. Channing H. Tobias and many others. ^ou I think, be glad to know that we unanimously decided that we should not try to go into tne details of problems in definite areas tut merely consider the fundamental principles and their major applications. Dr. Jones thought it probably best that he should not actually serve as a memter of the Committee, for it is barely possible tnat conditions may develop where it will seem advisable for him to go to Africa at the close of the war ior a supplementary Educational Survey, and it might be embarrassing if he were connected with the statement of our Committee. He will, however, as you can well imagine, meet with us and be invaluable. If you have prepared anything on Africa and Peace Aims, or if you have any suggestions to make for our consideration, I should count it a privilege if you would send them to us by the quickest method. Very sincerely yours, APS RLK By Air Mail. Copy by ordinary mail. UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA.—UNIE VAN SUID-AFRIKA. DEPARTMENT OF NATIVE AFFAIRS. S E P 1 2 4 1 DEPARTEMENT VAN NATURELLESAKE. P.O. Box 384, Pretoria. No.No. " / 24-th Septem b e r , 1941. 19 CONFIDENTIAL Post-War Reconstruction My dear Senator Rheinallt Jones, I have been appointed as a member of an Interdepart­ mental Committee to assist the Cabinet Committee established by the Government to study post-war reconstruction, and I venture to send you copies of a confidential circular that is being issued by the Department of External Affairs to Heads of Departments of State,and Mr. Hofmeyr’s speech at the Pretoria Rotarian Luncheon on 18th September. I need not emphasise the Native side in any schemes of reconstruction after the war, and I shall appreciate very much indeed any suggestions you may be able to give me from time to time to enable us to make preparations for the problems that will confront us when peace comes. The re-absorption of discharged Native soldiers into civil life is only one aspect of the question, and if we are to be of any practical assistance to the Government we shall all have to give the matter earnest thought. Yours sincerely Senator the Honourable J.D. Rheinallt Jones 20th October, 1941. D.L. Smit, Esq., P.O. Box 384, m m i L - Dear Mr.Sxait, post-w a r m m m w i m - Visits to rural areas and a good deal of extra work has prevented my writing before this to acknowledge y-iur letter of the 24th September (No. 635/400), and to thank you for Inviting me to give ouch help as X may be able to offer in dealing with the problems which will have to be faced in the Post-War period. As soon^ae I am free of iiamediate press of reports which I have still to geVv$arottgh, I will communicate with you, in the hope of being able to make helpful suggestions. With kind regards, Y tups sincerely, JBRJ/DH. 1*1 th August, 19^2. Dear Senator, isliip S sss?# . asassK »ss*- objects and working of the Tennessee Valley' A5h2rSS SVthlrik this American experiment may have valuable lessons for us. w i n + 1 ©xP9ot that a good deal of the Information we want ell be found to be unpublished contained In memoranda in of fi pp a tape to thu consult, with particular reference at this ir i * the types of raw material which we can synpoi* fua4> fu- ^ T llrX rtlJr°l AJT t2 lf a"a lnduatrlal- our Unlversity s 'i - i S s - S work the Johannesburg Committee hopes to get done. ' Yours sinoerely, ELEANOR HA WARDEN. - w i * j^tv ®v. u, ^ ^uC. ^ U ~ *_ t*~A o>_ J , u t c J >!..,»' *j .1. — LOU ., " d / j - p u ^ _ d vva^ox. ' ' v^ 1'^ J </ ifg’ ifr iA ^111 '^fci. ,l^fc>.o^t^AX. _, ^ ^ ~ r U r Cr— — ^ ~ ~ ^ I&JZJL f a & - /tft Go-^-o c»^_-<^s»--«-^Jr^_ • jj b e fcwf. t/ «JLu© ^rx£~^~ J~^'1 **~ »• vw3^«~Y**7y^t^^> juttt, ^ Jt* —— - ^ v L o l w JL- ■i%^ ^ ^ '**-*• V ^ S / 7 u^ «tt ~i£ U ,/— 1 r u 1n7 W J ^' u~ — — ■4h-'ju < h ^ ■ /v ^Lbt_> — ft*. ( l . ^ w ^ L a ^ X»-«J^Q- - “ 1,0 ' ■ *'"' >- g. -M- jtf-<LS ijt <■ c4 S> ^ A ~ ^1 A *> fl ^ i b n i d L v^^g- - t f e dfer X U . o^-w £-«Jl V Iw v rti jtussC%K*-**\iKK X - ^ A i ^ w x c f " | t ^ » *Jtj^ap<. } ‘fe* ’ ^ r f ty> -Ho^w L~-<jk/tK*J J K p _____________ ^ , J t t t ^ t - t u l A ~ ~ _ w O C w^»**~«4v W V . / ^y? 2feag . / y " ’^vj[,?• * W c - * - ^ y v j t ^ T T - » 4 ^ ^ y 4 \ '± 2 2 2 -V q ‘ TrZ. -Q3T <v£ ^ € T ' ^ - " t d ^V <11* 3/ ? -/ o ) - /, V £l - £ "'£'/ —.-^7 ^7 - 6 Rational Coututl of Qffilonmt of Srratlj Africa JOHANNESBURG BRANCH COUNCIL O f f i c e H o u r s : EatcA-o^ *- Mon . Wed., Fri., 9 .3 0 t o 12.30 ^ / K P H O N E 3 3 -2 7 1 6 cx*_ o jA ouuoUx ^JLojkA, -I*- $*- '*'/' ' ^ o ^ . c^rfs.dUjuuw* k-n-* n ^ LX' * r • l C /L ^X * *- O ^ —*- JlT-n. O cJ." / a j * A. ^ ^ Ck-h*“ ^ ° L ^ .< ) j c> . Uf cl 6*^" Xrwo oo.c^ / ^ 4 -t • A CallLA ijk.cx*n. ^y* -J*. XliL ( 4 -^** / ^ k J L . .C. Ui ^ C-cJu ^ ^*°-3 V" ^ 3 e^ JWvvwvoLs -^>' J— U* JU ^ oui. C j &LUL. A w **— k A-®-^* *— O ^ — o ^ C j u x a __^ d r i A o L x . ■ i o - ^ y s ^ * ^ )L&*. S*a.cru-1* «-fN-*p ^ Cv%A'“ ct4« ^ ^ V ^MMC ife- <^-W* ^ - w t ^ y , Qj. t\^L* ijCA^c ^ J S^K. ^Jt^A r I*-*- <3*-X'fc fa' ^j-^~r<. ^ (/^** V/v-^-TtL*, to~* ( o.v. »-4^=br^U^. «,£• b^a. 4^-. -■»- - r £ a . t >•-j ffc-C o l l ^ v < £ y ^ ( L - v w ^ ^ ' Vx. lAA^W\4ti t ^ ~tF~ ,i^Ln«»' 4 c >■ ,»■*.-r ii^it J& tfc*, ^— V^$Ajkz^Vo . T (-^ 0 v J J , ^ \-4_ < M L ^ J\i^v^W ^*“ ( frwf* O L*y„. _ v>WX^ y '^ fy .^ C «--«• £U (t*k- 4 - ^ 4 4)Ui-<LU^a^w It* o^0 x-^erw^ >Li. r. r- .^S ------------r W -r ^V- w x r j * ( t i __ ^ t k i t . vvteJjLt^ ^ -«t*_ 2.4 P i t & L p M ' P t f ,6th March,1942. The V e v . Canon Anson helps-Stotces, c/o Phelps-Stokes Fund, 101 Park Ava., NE'-r 'iORK . Dear Dr.Phelps-Stokes, Peace Aims in A f r i c a . I am ^lad to oe able to tell y u that your letter to me of Septemoer 10th has resulted in the Council of this Institute aefc- iding t ) initiate studies along lines similar to thof;e which you are sponsoring. Stimulated oy your letter efia the outline which you sent, e askea General Smuts to deliver a public address unaer tne auspices of the Institute. It is possible that y u ha e seen press ref­ erences to it. It was a memor ble occasion in the City Haii oi Cacetown. On the platform were diplomatic represent*tives^ol tne allied countries including your own and memoers oi General omuts Caoinet. The adoress created a gre'-it stir in the Union and adjacent t rritiries ana it is regaraed &s having oeen ver> cour­ ageous ( havin6 regard to the st te of puolic opinion in ^.outh Africa especially . t the present time).
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